Aaron Bergman on Dec 10th, 2005 at 1:46 am
The S-matrix is contact with (hypothetical) experiments. Most of the things we compute in QFT are S-matrix elements. The fact that we’re not really living in a region with free |in> and |out> states doesn’t stop us from figuring out what happens in a collider.
Some now looking at the relation to what can be constitued to interactions between the nature of the Sun such relation woud have spelt opportunities of what John Ellis might have expressed in the Pierre Auger experiments? NON?
As I read about this particular subject of the S-matrix I choose this particluar subject to get my head around it, and still, might have been lacking in moving through this subject. But something triggered in my mind to a previous question raised, that I thought I would bring forward here.
Of course I am thinking about the calorimeters used in Glast and the cosmological depth, as well, in the LHC where the quantum nature is expressed as well. These cannot be taken together?
Gavin Polhemus on Nov 23rd, 2005 at 6:24 pm
When you look at a rainbow you see the arcs of color, often against a dark backdrop of clouds. You also see the grayish mist of the falling rain. Where does the mist appear brighter?
a) inside the rainbow
b) outside the rainbow
c) the brightness is the same inside and outside
d) it varies

While I am talking about "Heaven's ephemeral qualites" in the pictured link, there was also a link attached to it as well in that post. It would help explain this process in context of Gavin's question. I'm definitely listening, and the information is coming from various sources. You see this, as I bring those sources together here.
Lubos Motl:
String theory allows us to calculate the S-matrix (another example that we do call an "observable") for all particles in the spectrum which includes the scattering of gravitons. We don't have to insert our knowledge about the problematic "bulk" observables: string theory automatically tells us not only the right answers but also the right questions. "It is the S-matrix you should calculate, silly," she says. It also tells us what are the corresponding evolution observables for anti de Sitter space.
Someone may therefore convince you that the S-matrix is the only meaningful observable that has any physical meaning in a quantum theory of gravity. This sentence is both deep, if an appropriate interpretation is adopted, as well as discouraging.
What is most troubling then is that a simpe picture of the lensing that can occur in the the gravitational perspective, might have been enlisted in how we see this light travel through to the CSL lensing that is being spoken too?
Simulating the joint evolution of quasars, galaxies and their large-scale distribution
The cold dark matter model has become the leading theoretical paradigm for the formation of structure in the Universe. Together with the theory of cosmic inflation, this model makes a clear prediction for the initial conditions for structure formation and predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. Testing this model requires that the precise measurements delivered by galaxy surveys can be compared to robust and equally precise theoretical calculations. Here we present a novel framework for the quantitative physical interpretation of such surveys. This combines the largest simulation of the growth of dark matter structure ever carried out with new techniques for following the formation and evolution of the visible components. We show that baryon-induced features in the initial conditions of the Universe are reflected in distorted form in the low-redshift galaxy distribution, an effect that can be used to constrain the nature of dark energy with next generation surveys.
The poster shows a projected density field for a 15 Mpc/h thick slice of the redshift z=0 output. The overlaid panels zoom in by factors of 4 in each case, enlarging the regions indicated by the white squares. Yardsticks are included as well. The postscript file has been produced for A0 format. Beware of it's huge size!
Now Lubos mentions the bulk relation here, and I wonder why such a take on a gathering of graviton perceptions would not help to see Heaven's ephemeral qualites as consequences of the pathways this light can take?
Mine is a simple way in which to understand such graviton scattering which might have "some reasoning?" behind it that would have said the blackhole concentration of such a photon persepctive woud have held greater consequence to the blackhole position in the universe? non?
Rayleigh scattering using the S-matrix
For the example of sunlight shining on the atmosphere, the S-matrix predicts that shorter-wavelength light (blue end of the spectrum) will scatter at larger angles than longer-wavelength light (red end of the spectrum). And this is exactly what we see! Let me go through it. It helps to have a globe handy, perhaps using a pencil or straight piece of wire to simulate an incoming ray of sunlight; imagine a very thin layer over the surface which is the atmosphere. A small scattering angle means the light continues on nearly in the direction it started out in, while a large angle means close to perpendicular to the incoming direction.
Dear Plato,
ReplyDeleteBefore inventing gravitons, you need to check whether existing energy exchange processes predict gravity. They do!
First you ca begin with the mechanism of attraction and repulsion in electromagnetism, and the capacitor summation of displacement current energy flowing between accelerating (spinning) charges as gauge bosons (by analogy to Prevost’s 1792 model of constant temperature as a radiation equilibrium). The net exchange is like two machine gunners firing bullets at each other; they recoil apart. The gauge bosons pushing them together are redshifted, like nearly spent bullets coming from a great distance, and are not enough to prevent repulsion. In the case of attraction, the same principle applies. The two opposite charges shield one another and get pushed together. Although each charge is radiating and receiving energy on the outer sides, the inward push is from redshifted gauge bosons, and the emission is not redshifted. The result is just like two people, standing back to back, firing machine guns. The recoil pushes them together, hence the attraction force.
Heuristically, gauge boson (virtual photon) transfer between charges to cause electromagnetic forces, and those gauge bosons don't discriminate against charges in neutral groups like atoms and neutrons. The Feynman diagrams show no way for the gauge bosons/virtual photons to stop interactions. Light then arises when the normal exchange of gauge bosons is upset from its equilibrium. You can test this heuristic model in some ways. First, most gauge bosons are going to be exchanged in a random way between charges, which means the simple electric analogue is a series of randomly connected charged capacitors (positive and negative charges, with vacuum 377-ohm dielectric between the 'plates'). Statistically, if you connect an even number of charged capacitors in random along a line across the universe, the sum will be on average be zero. But if you have an odd number, you get an average of 1 capacitor unit. On average any line across the universe will be as likely to have an even as an odd number of charges, so the average charge sum will be the mean, (0 +1)/2 = 1/2 capacitor. This is weak and always attractive, because there is NO force at all in the sum = 0 sum case and attractive force (between oppositely charged capacitor plates) in the sum = 1 case. Because it is weak and always attractive, it's gravitation? The other way they charges can add is in a perfect summation where every charge in the universe appears in the series + - + -, etc. This looks improbable, but is statistically a drunkard's walk, and by the nature of path-integrals gauge bosons do take every possible route, so it WILL happen. This vector sum of a drunkard's walk is the average step times the square root of the number of steps, so for ~10^80 charges, you get a resultant of ~10^40. The ratio of electromagnetism to gravity is then (~10^40) /(1/2). Notice that this model shows gravity is electromagnetism, caused by gauge bosons. It does away with gravitons. The distances between the charges are ignored. This is explained because on average half the gauge bosons will be going away from the observer, and half will be approaching the observer. The fall due to the spread over larger areas with divergence is offset by the concentration due to convergence.