Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Death is Not Final

You all have to know the hammer analogy was made aware to me about a week before this debate took place. Also,  a YouTube label given to this demonstration was posted under "gaming" so I find that kind of funny given the seriousness of this debate.

I pushed Number 1.  But, you also know my bias right so I did not think providing this image would hurt in an way given that you already have some insight into my perspective? My opinion at Sean's Blog as well pertaining to this subject.

So as I am going through the debate I thought it necessary to keep a running tab for my self so as to see from what position one is speaking.  So now that I know Sean is speaking from a Naturalist point of view. I will continue.

A metaphysics that goes beyond the commitments of science is simply unsupported by the best available evidence.[27]
—Lynne Rudder Baker, Naturalism and the First-Person Perspective

 A naturalistic methodology (sometimes called an "inductive theory of science") has its value, no doubt.... I reject the naturalistic view: It is uncritical. Its upholders fail to notice that whenever they believe to have discovered a fact, they have only proposed a convention. Hence the convention is liable to turn into a dogma. This criticism of the naturalistic view applies not only to its criterion of meaning, but also to its idea of science, and consequently to its idea of empirical method.
— Karl R. Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, (Routledge, 2002), pp. 52–53, ISBN 0-415-27844-9.

Okay I am at 36:58 of the video so I have had the opportunity to listen to the four speakers. I have to say oh my gosh, there is a lot here to consider, and a lot I have already considered. So I need to respond to that first part of the video.

As life calls us to do our things in the day to day, I also have a schedule today, so this posting will be broken up in terms of my response as to the first part of the video. Please be patient. It also gives me time to think about what has been said.

I want to open with the quote Sean responded too, of Eben Alexanders of Einstein. So give me time to drawn this comment out of Eben's book.

A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks  should be. -Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

I am still ay 36:58 so I needed to finish what  what I have surmised in that first part so I can go on with the video. Below is something that I had written to my Aunt,  so hope she is okay with me repeating it here.  You will see that entry below. It basically sums up the first part of the debate for me.

As I was finishing listening to Steven Novella speak, the quote of Einstein, now gotten from Eben's book, Proof of Heaven under Prologue,  and response given by Sean Carroll was a matter of fact to the whole first part to me as it was for Sean to Eben's Alexanders use of the quote.

Something also interesting to me was Sean's admittance of wanting to believe (that death is not final) but at this point not being able too.That said a lot to me, and in the aspect of being a scientist,  I believe what he is saying.:) So I will continue on with the rest of the video now.

 In a note to my Aunt.

Hi Aunt Celine,

 I am a bit of a science buff when it comes to what is currently happening in science. I too had been reading about the NDE for quite a long time as well. Moody agrees with you, about science not quite ready. Since I have studied other aspects of consciousness research, it is my hope that one day we will understand this debate, as a recognition of who we all are as spiritual beings, in a physical body.

What Moody proposes is the beginning of a true dialogue based on logic and reason, and these stem from philosophy. So it is important to see the discussion in terms of where this dialogue can truly begin. Moody mentions pseudoscience and from that, his journey through philosophy. He is trying to set up a credible debate.

 I read Eben Alexander's book as well so I knew where he was coming from, as well I have been following Sean Carroll's science for sometime now. The only one that was sort of new to me was that Steve Novella, and as a neuroscientist, I am open to what he has to say. I must say then I am also a bit of philosopher that has had me venturing through aspect and developments about the Mind/ body debate that is going on, and that is where the science is saying that it is based on materialism. On my own, I have studied Plato and other philosophers.

 In order to accept materialism one has to believe, that consciousness is derived from the brain, while the other perspective is that the brain in my view, is what consciousness uses while the body is alive, but that consciousness can exist, once our body dies. That understanding is in contradiction to what science saids today, but I am saying to science, that they indeed do not have all the facts to make this conclusion even though they can simulate experience from manipulating the physical aspects of the body to produce the near death experience.

Religion has not helped me and I must say, that my upbringing within the Catholic Church has left much for me say, about its patriarchal construct, and how it falls short of providing support for what spiritual means to me. I hope you are not offended.

I do believe in a higher power, and I do believe that Heaven is capable in all of us now. In my education, I might of called it Symmetry, in the very beginning, and science has something to say about that. While I have a real study in reductionism, the work that has been going on, I believe eventually it will lead to an understanding within science, but it has to be developed, and in my view Moody's philosophical standpoint, is where we will start.


So I finished the rest of the video last night. There were somethings that were quite memorable to me that stood out.I wanted to quickly move to the end of the debate where each had an opportunity as they did in the beginning to give their last assessment as to why Death is Final, or not.

I was more focused on Sean's response and reiteration of respect for people and their beliefs. This was important to me. When Moody spoke of the work that he had been doing for the last forty years with regard to NDEs and the listening to people about these experiences, these were genuine stories of,  "Death was not Final"  for Moody. I was encouraged by the votes last night, not for which side supposedly won, but by the uncertainty(final 12%) as to the question of what remains as a definitive, as to Death is Final. These shows to me that people in the end still do not know, and that,  they could not be decisive. This to me,  leaves room for work to be done.

I also liked Sean Carroll's response too,  the responsibility of acceptance as to how one may look at life given the perspective of responsibility he has having accepted his position on Death is Final. Of course he might used,  when he was a child, as one might use as Moody did, as was his thrust to understand astronomy.

I believe this to be sincere, and such a question about death that would come to all in the child's mind, a determiner of what the future would bring for him as he sat on that panel. Not so much as a Skeptic full blooded, so as to be glib with the response of,  as if Steve Novella was the amazing Randi and waited for the bet that has not been collected. :) But to remain open, as the undecided results spoke toward, as if,  more information would be needed to make a final definitive statement.

So anyway, another moment stood out in regard to Sean Carroll's response to a woman about where the energy goes once we die. His analogy of a flame going out was like the hammer statement used above, as used in the repertoire of such a question about energy and death. What I liked about the response, was as to where it put the woman in mind. If you have ever come to the point of a logical constructive immobilizing one's position, as it was on the face this woman wore,  as to where the woman could go next. That final deductive state is an important one to me.

I have much more to say about reductionism and how that research is important to me as if the table would be permanent as the atom that make it up, would be a table ad infinitive. So as sure as, matter in all it's constitutions have been described, as to say I am pointing right a it?:) We are not objects like the table. The analogy of the narrative is always important as it is spoken, and as subjective and alone as it might seem there is the greater picture of the story of the NDEr.

I must say too, that the idea of reductionism as much as materialism, causes flinches in those who speak about spiritual things, would make one from that side speak about what is not reducible?  Since energy is an important topic and how we use configuration space to surmise  it's existence,  it becomes a classification of matter. I would assume there is much still to be ascertained.  I read the blogs of other scientists who are at the front with questions phenomenologically expressed that want to see where the science goes next. Just as we have been taken t the limits of where the identification of the Higg's operates and what that energy range is.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Process Fractal vs Geometry Fractals

Let proportion be found not only in numbers, but also in sounds, weights, times and positions, and whatever force there is.Leonardo Da Vinci
The Mandelbrot set, seen here in an image generated by NOVA, epitomizes the fractal. Photo credit: © WGBH Educational Foundation

 "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line." So writes acclaimed mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in his path-breaking book The Fractal Geometry of Nature. Instead, such natural forms, and many man-made creations as well, are "rough," he says. To study and learn from such roughness, for which he invented the term fractal, Mandelbrot devised a new kind of visual mathematics based on such irregular shapes. Fractal geometry, as he called this new math, is worlds apart from the Euclidean variety we all learn in school, and it has sparked discoveries in myriad fields, from finance to metallurgy, cosmology to medicine. In this interview, hear from the father of fractals about why he disdains rules, why he considers himself a philosopher, and why he abandons work on any given advance in fractals as soon as it becomes popular. A Radical Mind

As I watch the dialogue between Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell here, there were many things that helped my perspective understand the virtual world in relation to how the biology subject was presented. It is obvious then why Bruce Lipton likes the analogies Tom Campbell has to offer. The epiphanies Bruce is having along the road to his developing biological work is very important. It is how each time a person makes the leap that one must understand how individuals change, how societies change.

Okay so for one,  the subject of fractals presents itself and the idea of process fractals and Geometry Fractals were presented in relation to each other. Now the talk moved onto the very thought of geometry presented in context sort of raised by ire even though I couldn't distinguish the differences. The virtual world analogy is still very unsettling to me.

So ya I have something to learn here.

I think my problem was with how such iteration may be schematically driven so as toidentify the pattern. Is to see this process reveal itself on a much larger scale. So when I looked at the Euclidean basis as a Newtonian expression the evolution toward relativity had to include the idea of Non Euclidean geometries. This was the natural evolution of the math that lies at the basis of graduating from a Euclidean world. It is the natural expression of understanding how this geometry can move into  a dynamical world.

So yes the developing perspective for me is that even though we are talking abut mathematical structures here we see some correspondence in nature . This has been my thing so as to discover the starting point?

A schematic of a transmembrane receptor

It the truest sense I had already these questions in my mind as  I was going through the talk. The starting point for Bruce is his biology and the cell. For Tom, he has not been explicit here other then to say that it is his studies with Monroe that he developed his thoughts around the virtual world as it relates to the idea of what he found working with Monroe.

So it is an exploration I feel of the work he encountered and has not so far as I seen made a public statement to that effect. It needs to be said and he needs to go back and look over how he had his epiphanies. For me this is about the process of discovery and creativity that I have found in my own life. Can one feel so full as to have found ones wealth in being that you can look everywhere and see the beginnings of many things?

This wealth is not monetary for me although I recognized we had to take care of or families and made sure they were ready to be off on their own. To be productive.

The Blind Men and the Elephant
John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)
 So for me the quest for that starting point is to identify the pattern that exists in nature as much as many have tried various perspective in terms of quantum gravity. Yes, we are all sort of like blind men trying to explain the reality of the world in our own way and in the process we may come up with our epiphanies.

These epiphanies help us to the next level of understanding as if we moved outside of our skeletal frame to allow the membrane of the cell to allow receptivity of what exist in the world around as information. We are not limited then to the frame of the skeleton hardened too, that we cannot progress further. The surface area of the membrane then becomes a request to open the channels toward expansion of the limitations we had applied to ourselves maintaining a frame of reference.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Science of the Heart

The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Research from the Institute of HeartMath shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion - such as care, appreciation, compassion or love - it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.
See:Institute of HeartMath

 The site above was referred by someone in place of the question with regard to Intelligence in the Subconscious.

I can speak on this subject because of the research path I took independent of the system described above.  So I have developed many insights with regard to the heart on my own that ring with the same understanding that the site above speaks too.

See Also: The Heart Connection

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Heart Connection

If the heart was free from the impurities of sin, and therefore lighter than the feather, then the dead person could enter the eternal afterlife.

Many times we talk about the heart as a physical thing that exists within our bodies. That to supplant it with  mechanical means that the person is some how still whole. But it is more then that for me. The individual in terms of the way in which we as human beings send messages through out our bodies, is as quick as the thought in experience,  can encapsulate our emotions and remembrance "as a tool" is a messenger?

So it is more then the physical aspect of it that is of some importance in my thinking,  that we use it to measure the emotive quality of our being.  To transfer the baser question of our ancient self,  to a more transient capacity of the heart in mind?

It is understood then that the heart is more the connection between the lower reactive part of our being  and the mind with which intellectually we like to deal with the world. So you say you are quite smart but really without this emotive understanding of our being you really are no smarter, but more a reactive ancient product of the evolution just on an animal scale absent of that heart in mind?

So I should clarify more with what I am saying about the idea.  I throw out such thoughts into society.  Somehow having them know what I am talking about. I listed a new label as Heart at the bottom of this post so maybe that will help if you are interested on what thoughts I may have about this heart connection.

So I am going to add some words that may have no comprehension to you. How we change from day to day is how we learn more which helps us to see reality in different ways. Not so localized in the event of your observation that you loose sight of the larger reality? Larger reality?

Ah, so you have collapse the wave theory? So ya, its all data..... lets not be picky:) The realization is, "the measure." That is why I say certain scientists practise "in measure" and VR. An inevitable consequence of applying science in the virtual way.

If I ask you who the objectifier is in the case of your acceptance of NPMR(Non Physical Matter Reality) then who is it that has decided that this experience will have been the result of accepted data?

As a receiver of the data, whether you are aware of it or not, you pick up this information and translate it for an "anticipated future?" How is it you can reason without "not using" the creative imagination here so as to discern the path in life is a consequential and selective one based on the criteria of the life you live now?
How do you imbue memory with out not making an impression with the use of the emotive element of your being in any moment?

The creative imagination then is a predictive feature of how we select events within the anticipated future? For all concerned this is an objectified reality for you(who?) whether it may be deemed subjective or not, as an acceptance of the data we process at a much higher level of observation.

You(who?) already have calculated this and this already exists within the potential of our acceptance. How else could any course of action have been reasoned? This higher function within the context of the subconscious is much more aware of the conditions that exist in the objectified reality as you(who?) see the subtle much clearer then you(everyday life) would by recognizing any dealing in the objectified condense feature? The containment of experience relegates a "kind of gravity" toward the understanding of that which is to aggregate too, is with an emotive realization.

So I would say the objectified understanding and usage of the creative is much more developed in each of us, to be able to see from the perspective of realizing undercurrents that exist in society. What is the current of the individual on mass as the larger collective gathering of the belief?

If you do not practise the understanding of the emotive elements of experience then you will not recognize how you send things to the lived past. I would say then that your EQ is much more important then your IQ. Why I discount your "only intellectual reasoning" as prevalent.

Mr. JOHN A. R. NEWLANDS read a paper entitled "The Law of Octaves, and the Causes of Numerical Relations among the Atomic Weights."[41] The author claims the discovery of a law according to which the elements analogous in their properties exhibit peculiar relationships, similar to those subsisting in music between a note and its octave. Starting from the atomic weights on Cannizzarro's [sic] system, the author arranges the known elements in order of succession, beginning with the lowest atomic weight (hydrogen) and ending with thorium (=231.5); placing, however, nickel and cobalt, platinum and iridium, cerium and lanthanum, &c., in positions of absolute equality or in the same line. The fifty-six elements[42] so arranged are said to form the compass of eight octaves, and the author finds that chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine are thus brought into the same line, or occupy corresponding places in his scale. Nitrogen and phosphorus, oxygen and sulphur, &c., are also considered as forming true octaves. The author's supposition will be exemplified in Table II., shown to the meeting, and here subjoined:--See Also: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev: The Law of Octaves

For you, since you mentioned Gurdieff and Ouspensky, how does one translate the octaves(Look at the table of elements and Seaborg) is the realization of harmonic empathetic resonance in other things? You have to be able to translate experience? When is it that you are locked in your own frame of reference and how the objectified selection would be to see this experience from another and higher perspective? Is self remembering "a place of equilibrium?" If the flow of information is unimpeded, move from "the birth of a new universe" from the one previous, how is that done?

You come back to this life "unaware" but you had already set the course of action in the acceptance of reliving life all over again? Why unaware? Imagine then, you set your body of the NPMR within the objectified concrete reality of where you are at now. It is of consequence then that you loose sight of the larger perspective. Emotively we live this way all the time, unaware of the larger perspective. Emotional experience(gravity of the situation) limits that understanding of the larger view because it becomes the lived past?

You have to "inside" transform the baser emotion from "the four square" to the triangle? In ancient time, the process of four square was an arrangement of astrological process of the Plato's elements. Quintessence comes later? Since I am not an alchemist I would say the understanding is that any baser emotion has to go through this transformation in order to reach Quintessence?

Hence once this change( our acceptance and our responsibility of being and its never emotively over) takes place, our understanding then is that the experience in reality "is a frame of reference?"

I had placed this in terms of the Socratic development later, but you might also then see some correspondence toward how experience is based on the emotive hierarchical understanding of placement on that triangle. What does the "tip" represent?

This then is the transition too, "the heart" in mind.:) How does one then "raise the octave?" The heart then becomes a very important location between the lower and higher centres? This does not say we overcome "the emotive struggle" because it is forever the emotive struggle toward perfecting. Toward reasoning in a "higher emotive mind."

I will say I was able to identify some correlation to "predictive outcomes by chance" by looking at the I CHING constructive formation. Trigrams and hexagrams as constituents of a the formative experience of an ancient way of thinking. You always had to have "the question in mind" for an outcome to have materialize in chance parameters of how outcome was constructed, as a choice of direction? Yarrow sticks, or, roll the dice.

 Explain logic in the simplest terms possible  as the 'aha moment.'
 It is placed as a philosophical question of how can we simplify that transference....but in context of VR and in measure how can you measure your intuition and recognize the truth in the most simplest of statements?

Your aha is a immediate recognition of the greater potential as it all comes together in your mind in a split second? There is no possible way to measure that in any VR way?

Unless, you believe it is the synapse with which such potentials allow information into your brain. You know I mean more then just the matter aspect of the thinking potential. The complete grokking of the subject at hand.

So the synapse is a portal of a kind in terms of your connection to a vast reservoir of information? If you stand at the portal, and have access to all information, how big is your memory that you can draw from experience? If you are standing "at the portal" then it is about your last question asked. Who is the questioner/observer but to have realized you are an accumulation of the information you have assimilated in life? It is more then the question itself if you understand what I am saying. It is more then a question mark appearing at the end of the sentence.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

A Path With a Heart

"All paths lead nowhere,so it is important to choose a path that has heart."
-- Carlos Castenada
Update: I am re-posting this article from 2006. I wanted to highlight this post in relation to the idea of intent. What it means to me.  I wanted as well to show the need for, to be enable conventionality into our own lives. If one cannot find such meaning,  does one find them self as if tossed on the waves of some chaotic life living by rote?

Yes, I find it important that this idea of "a tonal"  leaves the impression in my mind and others of the closeness with which sincerity is expressed through our own feelings and the need for such convictions.

If we understand the the anticipated future is part of our living our lives then it should come as no shock that we are the architects of the time we have in living our lives as we do. That the probable futures and probable pasts come from taking a position in life regardless of the idea that not only is it causal toward our projections, but it also within the scope of our reason that we can live or lives as true as possible.

What happens to a culture raised in the early years that we might have felt that we were getting the messages from someone who understood something greater then ourselves. The baby boomers were all part of the process. I was part of the process in that I wanted to explore unconventional thinking.

While I have move forward to the principles of scientific standards today in my explorations I have to say this was indeed part of my past too. So what has come of the points about sophistical questions about our existence?

Shall we stay so blinded then to what could have transpire in our lives to have the myths transported from our own generations past to  be carried forward to another today to have missed the understandings of the times then?

Some of the older folk probably have read the many books of Carlos Castaneda, like I have? Drawn into a strange world of thinking, it challenged my thought processes.  Most of it I was not accustom too. Did Carlos Castaneda actually exist? Was he some fictional character created, to tell the stories?

Anything is one of a million paths. Therefore you must always keep in mind that a path is only a path; if you feel you should not follow it, you must not stay with it under any conditions. To have such clarity you must lead a disciplined life. Only then will you know that any path is only a path and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you to do. But your decision to keep on the path or to leave it must be free of fear or ambition. I warn you. Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary.

This question is one that only a very old man asks. Does this path have a heart? All paths are the same: they lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say I have traversed long long paths, but I am not anywhere. Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn't, it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere; but one has a heart, the other doesn't. One makes for a joyful journey; as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you.

Before you embark on any path ask the question: Does this path have a heart? If the answer is no, you will know it, and then you must choose another path. The trouble is nobody asks the question; and when a man finally realizes that he has taken a path without a heart, the path is ready to kill him. At that point very few men can stop to deliberate, and leave the path. A path without a heart is never enjoyable. You have to work hard even to take it. On the other hand, a path with heart is easy; it does not make you work at liking it.

I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.

The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing.

Well I am not going to tell you what to think. I am just going to show some of the things that attracted my attention and brought me to some of the views I have garnered around what the heart actually meant. The lesson was given by a person who told me the story of the picture of the scale weighting the feather, was to be a important one in my recognition of something profound and true. Possibly, to those who understood the message as well?

That was part of my lesson of learning. That a path with a heart was something better then no path at all.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Colour of our Emotions

"The worst disease afflicting human kind is hardening of the categories." - Artist Bob Miller. Intuition
RBM: On Castaneda There are some people here who think that Castaneda's work maps quite well to [it]. Specifically, the nagual and NPMR are conceptual perfect matches, along with the tonal and PMR. Tom has used the metaphor of the warrior several times in these groups in a way that matched Castaneda's
I think a lot of us within a given generation would have been moved by this anthropological discourse on the shamanic knowledge that we can gain from such cultures.

 A Path with a Heart

I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.

The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing.

 The artistic endeavour chosen to transmit knowledge and wisdom was a success in that we could take from it and find comparative points of view that could be shared in our own daily lives.

 It was this way for me in that the Tonal was significant formulation of a methodology toward transforming our emotive internal states to something that not only existed within but as a result existed outwardly as well. Helped to induce that connection.
True creativity often starts where language ends-Arthur Koestler
I mean you've exhausted all avenues to a certain problem? You have all this data and you can't just seem to get past the problem or how to move on.
Consciousness emerges when this primordial story-the story of a object causally changing the state of the body-can be told using the universal nonverbal vocabulary of body signals. The aparent self emerges as the feeling of a feeling. When the story is first told, sponataneously, without it ever being requested, and furthermore after that hwhen the story is repeated, knowledge about hwat the organism is living through automatically emerges as the answer to a question never asked. From that moment on, we begin to know.Pg 31, The Feeling of What Happens, by Antonio Damasio
Receptivity, as to gaining access to information, was as I had seen made a success by entrancing calmness(sitting by a river possibly....what brain state is most conducive in waves?) as an ideal to knowing that a solution can come. Secondly, knowing that you were connected to something much vaster then your own brain/consciousness?

How would this be possible? It is as if you ask the question to make way for a possible answer you see? For myself then it was about understanding how a connection could be made to the the heart, as to being open, and moving this idea from matters states( all our work and conclusions) to energy that was capable and transforming in the mind/consciousness.

Involution and Evolution

A "color of gravity" emotively held within the context of mind as a emotive force expressed through our endocrinology system. Retention of memories. Our pasts.

 While heavily connected to these emotions in memory states how could we transform our thinking mind but to recognized what we had retained and what we retain with it?

This was a informativeness process then of what was framed within the physical structure of our being/brain and the recognition of these matters states as conclusive and solidified ideals as to what would be contained in our attitudes and consequences in life??

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Vibration underpins all matter in the universe. No matter can exist without sound and vibration. To see the periodic motions that lie at the heart of matter is to lift the veils that conceal many mysteries of the universe. The CymaScope represents the first scientific instrument that can give us a visual image of sound and vibration - a cymatic image - helping us to understand our world and universe in ways previously hidden from view.

When the microscope and telescope were invented they opened vistas on realms that were not even suspected to exist.

The sand collected in nodal lines producing symmetrical patterns similar to Hookes flour on the glass plate. It is also important to note that this influenced Faraday in thinking about lines of force in magnetic in his electrical experiments.


Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni

Born in Wittenburg in Germany, Chladni's Father demanded that he study Law not science. He obtained his law degree in 1782 from Leipzig. After the death of his Farther he vigorously pursued his career in science. Chladni achieved recognition for his pioneering work in the mathematical analysis of acoustics. This research was built on the early experiments of Robert Hooke at Oxford University. On July 8th 1680 Hooke formed the experiment of glass vibrating 6.4.8. places. This was done by putting flour on a glass plate, and bowing on the edge of glass. Hooke had observed that the motion of the glass was vibrate perpendicular to the surface of the glass, and that the circular figure of the flour changed into an oval one way, and the reciprocation of it changed it into an oval the other way. This phenomenon was rediscovered by Chladni in the eighteenth century, and given his name "Chladni figures". What Chladni did was to take thin metal plates and cover them with sand and caused them to vibrate. The sand collected in nodal lines producing symmetrical patterns similar to Hookes flour on the glass plate. It is also important to note that this influenced Faraday in thinking about lines of force in magnetic in his electrical experiments.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A General Guide to Harmonic Analysis and Beyond

Thanks to Clifford of Asymptotia for the Link too, and from Good Vibration

Some of us do look toward these analogies as signs of Complexity science, so as to apply this thinking to the life they lead. How such implementations allow them to look at this life very differently.


Each time the operator tuned to a new frequency, the wave was very simple and repetitive, just as above. This wave can be expressed by only two qualities: frequency and amplitude, and yet each new frequency created a new and many times surprisingly different result than it’s neighbor.

This phenomenon is analogous to all aspects of Complexity Science. And just like the simple rules set by the speaker in the video, an economy can achieve surprisingly complex results with simple rule sets.
Harmonic Science

In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force, F, proportional to the displacement, x:
 F = -k x \,
where k is a positive constant.
If F is the only force acting on the system, the system is called a simple harmonic oscillator, and it undergoes simple harmonic motion: sinusoidal oscillations about the equilibrium point, with a constant amplitude and a constant frequency (which does not depend on the amplitude).
If a frictional force (damping) proportional to the velocity is also present, the harmonic oscillator is described as a damped oscillator. Depending on the friction coefficient, the system can:
  • Oscillate with a frequency smaller than in the non-damped case, and an amplitude decreasing with time (underdamped oscillator).
  • Decay exponentially to the equilibrium position, without oscillations (overdamped oscillator).
If an external time dependent force is present, the harmonic oscillator is described as a driven oscillator.

Mechanical examples include pendula (with small angles of displacement), masses connected to springs, and acoustical systems. Other analogous systems include electrical harmonic oscillators such as RLC circuits. The harmonic oscillator model is very important in physics, because any mass subject to a force in stable equilibrium acts as a harmonic oscillator for small vibrations. Harmonic oscillators occur widely in nature and are exploited in many manmade devices, such as clocks and radio circuits. They are the source of virtually all sinusoidal vibrations and waves.
Simple Harmonic Motion Frequency
The frequency of simple harmonic motion like a mass on a spring is determined by the mass m and the stiffness of the spring expressed in terms of a spring constant k

The Landscape “avant la lettre” by A.N. Schellekens

The lowest harmonics correspond to the particles of the Standard Model, plus perhaps a few new particles. The higher harmonics correspond to an infinite series of particles that we can never observe, unless we can build a Planck Energy accelerator

See Also:

The Sound The Universe Makes

Cymatics and the Heart Song

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Extra-Dimensions....What is Heaven Like?

Fidel wrote:
And yet modern science says it's not so silly, and that many things are possible now that were deemed not to be in relatively recent history.

this increases his resistance to movement, in other words, he acquires mass, just like a particle moving through the Higgs field...

That statement Fidel might be one that is not true. Extra-dimensions is a contentious one and is in the process of being proofed at LHC(search for Higgs). The romance one might associate with it, can be dreamily stated as to imply "other worlds or parallel universes," but that is not what is being examined in the science of it.

In geometry, the tesseract, or hypercube, is a regular convex polychoron with eight cubical cells. It can be thought of as a 4-dimensional analogue of the cube. Roughly speaking, the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square.
  Generalizations of the cube to dimensions greater than three are called hypercubes or measure polytopes. This article focuses on the 4D hypercube, the tesseract.

While not a scientist myself and a layman to boot, I have followed these scientists trying to gather their thoughts.

Penrose's Influence on EscherDuring the later half of the 1950’s, Maurits Cornelius Escher received a letter from Lionel and Roger Penrose. This letter consisted of a report by the father and son team that focused on impossible figures. By this time, Escher had begun exploring impossible worlds. He had recently produced the lithograph Belvedere based on the “rib-cube,” an impossible cuboid named by Escher (Teuber 161). However, the letter by the Penroses, which would later appear in the British Journal of Psychology, enlightened Escher to two new impossible objects; the Penrose triangle and the Penrose stairs. With these figures, Escher went on to create further impossible worlds that break the laws of three-dimensional space, mystify one’s mind, and give a window to the artist heart.
Flatland thinking( a race of rebels)or, artist geometrical impressionism of Dali or Escher(Penrose's Influence on Escher,) the Cubists("Monte Carlo methods" in relation to the scientists search for quantum gravity,) may help to extend the thinking around such parameters, while we here dreamily ask the question of, What is heaven like?

Such mathematical equations may constrict the thinker, while others creatively are not so tightly held. Visual thinkers are not? They rely on the conceptual creations of mathematics....and their repeatability in modern verse.

While we examine the features in our heads as visualization of heaven, this is part and parcel of what a good man like Dirac was able to do in terms of not only writing algebraic equations but was also very good at "visual imagery" as well. This balance is important....while I can only dream of being the mathematical expert as well to proof my own statements. But we have others who will help?.....ah no?....that's okay.

Imagine a world with no Anti-Matter? No equatorial axiomatic expressions of the universe?:) Just plain, Dark and Dead.:) Walking over a bridge in visualization is escapism....while there exists another side to the question?

Monday, June 06, 2011

Color of Gravity 4

This is the most important song I’ve ever written, it's a time capsule song. I will listen to it every day of my life if I need to. It's honest to God the most important song I’ve ever written in my life, and it has the fewest words. I was in LA, and I was there for the summer, just writing tunes, and I was in the shower. And I don't know where it came from, but it's the damn truth you know, and I just sang, " working against me.Gravity (John Mayer song)
When at a loss of words as to the way in which we can express our feelings, and the way in which we are experiencing the world Mayer found a way in which to express the inevitable undercurrents that he was experiencing in LA?

A chalk board example about love not being gravity comes to mind right around the time the PI Institute was giving it's first tours?

Well I have indeed stuck to Einsteins conclusion about the observer and time(not outside of it). I had extended it "to mean" as a reference to a colorimetric, and not a calorimeter position within the configuration space, with regard to our place in time of this universe. Our mental state.

So it all extends to the weight of something we can apply, and the "truth in comparison weighted" as to "now," that there is an extension of this thinking to me in our mental states which we can occupy according to our choices. Our labels. The quest for universal language of understanding?

Close Encounters

Close Encounters was a long-cherished project for Spielberg.

In the sky above them, streaking objects resembling comets whoosh through the blackness. Roy whispers expectantly to Jillian: "We're the only ones who know. The only ones." Three tiny, neon-lit scout ships appear with the tiny red orb following in their wake - they hover over the end of the runway. Audio analysis personnel ready themselves to communicate with the sparkling, illuminated objects at the rendezvous point. A giant electronic board covered with colored strips and a powerful synthesized musical keyboard have been constructed at the site. The Air Force scientists duplicate the electronic sounds that they have heard in transmissions, mixing them with light sequences (on colored strips) to communicate. The computer and audio specialists play the loud clear sounds of the five-note sequence after the signal: "Sunset"
Start with the tone. (Pinkish-red) - G
Up a full tone. (Orange) - A
Down a major third. (Purple) - F
Now drop an octave. (Yellow) - F (an octave lower)
Up a perfect fifth. (White) - C

So it is an alien expression by design,  that the language is long sought after, that we might speak on this on a universal level? Yes, although science fiction demonstrate in our movies, there is  a deeper connection as to the wondering of how we may apply a language that is applicable to all human beings? Yes, we require the science of, while looking to the nature of Quantum Gravity. I am immersed in the nature of the gravity in our mental states.

For one minute look through glasses in front of you, your eyes, and switch on as if the whole world is in such a gravity color spectrum, and what is it that your bias have left for you as to the footprints/labels in that configuration space?

You see, songs have this current and undertone that is like a metrical language itself, that is appeasing not only in the choice of linguistics, but in the way such sounds can be fluid toward meaningful expression? The emotive heart songs the soul like to sing?

See Also: Emotion and Reason Balanced: The Mind's Consequence?

Friday, April 01, 2011

Shifting the Way in Which We See

"Where in this day and age, does one go to ask the questions? Where does one go to find like "minded" people who are also seeking the answers?"What If We Could Ask The Big Questions?
Ask yourself could you have been shifted from the way you have always looked at the the world different then, or, did you not ever consider looking at the world in new way? Obviously you did. I see the trademarks of one pushing the boundary of one's own perceptions. Your asking others to do the same.

A Path with a Heart
I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.

The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing.

We have solidify our places in the reality by our acquiescence to the way we have always looked at it. Some of the older folk might have read Carlos Castaneda as a  past time as much as your Pirsig,  questioned the truth of the experiences.... so let's say such a "tonal shift" could have shocked one out of, as all of your life in localization then what can be gained by using that new perspective?
Often, an increase or decrease in some level in this information is indicated by an increase or decrease in pitch, amplitude or tempo, but could also be indicated by varying other less commonly used components.. Sonification

There has to be a method by which others could see in the same way that another can, that it would allow inspection of the world around us together. It should be as if experimentally procedures,  so as to help us to look at a spectrum of definitions pointing toward another with such  a view of the reality in sameness too? How real is the world around as you look?

BBC article-Click on Image

See Also: LHC sound

This is important, in that what we have always been accustomed too, can be changed in the way the world may be measured in terms of it  being vibrant and harmonic, as if sounding in colourful ways. I mean we would want such a procession to be lawful and intelligently explained that there is no misconceptions as to the basis of such a journey as to seeing the world in that different light.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Feather and Iron?

Weight and amount

Anubis weighing the heart of Hunefer, 1285 BC
Weight, by definition, is a measure of the force which must be applied to support an object (i.e. hold it at rest) in a gravitational field. The Earth’s gravitational field causes items near the Earth to have weight. Typically, gravitational fields change only slightly over short distances, and the Earth’s field is nearly uniform at all locations on the Earth’s surface; therefore, an object’s weight changes only slightly when it is moved from one location to another, and these small changes went unnoticed through much of history. This may have given early humans the impression that weight is an unchanging, fundamental property of objects in the material world.

In the Egyptian religious illustration to the above, Anubis is using a balance scale to weigh the heart of Hunefer. A balance scale balances the force of one object’s weight against the force of another object’s weight. The two sides of a balance scale are close enough that the objects experience similar gravitational fields. Hence, if they have similar masses then their weights will also be similar. The scale, by comparing weights, also compares masses. The balance scale is one of the oldest known devices for measuring mass.

The concept of amount is very old and predates recorded history, so any description of the early development of this concept is speculative in nature. However, one might reasonably assume[citation needed] that humans, at some early era, realized that the weight of a collection of similar objects was directly proportional to the number of objects in the collection:
w_n \propto n,
where w is the weight of the collection of similar objects and n is the number of objects in the collection. Proportionality, by definition, implies that two values have a constant ratio:
\frac{w_n}{n} = \frac{w_m}{m}, or equivalently \frac{w_n}{w_m} = \frac{n}{m}.
Consequently, historical weight standards were often defined in terms of amounts. The Romans, for example, used the carob seed (carat or siliqua) as a measurement standard. If an object’s weight was equivalent to 1728 carob seeds, then the object was said to weigh one Roman pound. If, on the other hand, the object’s weight was equivalent to 144 carob seeds then the object was said to weigh one Roman ounce (uncia). The Roman pound and ounce were both defined in terms of different sized collections of the same common mass standard, the carob seed. The ratio of a Roman ounce (144 carob seeds) to a Roman pound (1728 carob seeds) was:
\frac{ounce}{pound} = \frac{w_{144}}{w_{1728}} = \frac{144}{1728} = \frac{1}{12}.
This example illustrates a fundamental principle of physical science: when values are related through simple fractions, there is a good possibility that the values stem from a common source.

Various atoms and molecules as depicted 
in John Dalton's A New System of Chemical Philosophy (1808).
The name atom comes from the Greek ἄτομος/átomos, α-τεμνω, which means uncuttable, something that cannot be divided further. The philosophical concept that matter might be composed of discrete units that cannot be further divided has been around for millennia. However, empirical proof and the universal acceptance of the existence of atoms didn’t occur until the early 20th century.

As the science of chemistry matured, experimental evidence for the existence of atoms came from the law of multiple proportions. When two or more elements combined to form a compound, their masses are always in a fixed and definite ratio. For example, the mass ratio of nitrogen to oxygen in nitric oxide is seven eights. Ammonia has a hydrogen to nitrogen mass ratio of three fourteenths. The fact that elemental masses combined in simple fractions implies that all elemental mass stems from a common source. In principle, the atomic mass situation is analogous to the above example of Roman mass units. The Roman pound and ounce were both defined in terms of different sized collections of carob seeds, and consequently, the two mass units were related to each other through a simple fraction. Comparatively, since all of the atomic masses are related to each other through simple fractions, then perhaps the atomic masses are just different sized collections of some common fundamental mass unit.

In 1805, the chemist John Dalton published his first table of relative atomic weights, listing six elements, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus, and assigning hydrogen an atomic weight of 1. And in 1815, the chemist William Prout concluded that the hydrogen atom was in fact the fundamental mass unit from which all other atomic masses were derived.

Carbon atoms in graphite (image obtained with a Scanning tunneling microscope)
If Prout's hypothesis had proven accurate, then the abstract concept of mass, as we now know it, might never have evolved, since mass could always be defined in terms of amounts of the hydrogen atomic mass. Prout’s hypothesis; however, was found to be inaccurate in two major respects. First, further scientific advancements revealed the existence of smaller particles, such as electrons and quarks, whose masses are not related through simple fractions. And second, the elemental masses themselves were found to not be exact multiples of the hydrogen atom mass, but rather, they were near multiples. Einstein’s theory of relativity explained that when protons and neutrons come together to form an atomic nucleus, some of the mass of the nucleus is released in the form of binding energy. The more tightly bound the nucleus, the more energy is lost during formation and this binding energy loss causes the elemental masses to not be related through simple fractions.
Hydrogen, for example, with a single proton, has an atomic weight of 1.007825 u. The most abundant isotope of iron has 26 protons and 30 neutrons, so one might expect its atomic weight to be 56 times that of the hydrogen atom, but in fact, its atomic weight is only 55.9383 u, which is clearly not an integer multiple of 1.007825. Prout’s hypothesis was proven inaccurate in many respects, but the abstract concepts of atomic mass and amount continue to play an influential role in chemistry, and the atomic mass unit continues to be the unit of choice for very small mass measurements.

When the French invented the metric system in the late 18th century, they used an amount to define their mass unit. The kilogram was originally defined to be equal in mass to the amount of pure water contained in a one-liter container. This definition, however, was inadequate for the precision requirements of modern technology, and the metric kilogram was redefined in terms of a manmade platinum-iridium bar known as the international prototype kilogram.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Colour of Gravity 3

Colour measurement

We know that colour is a psychophysical experience of an observer which changes from observer to observer and is therefore impossible to replicate absolutely. In order to quantify colour in meaningful terms we must be able to measure or represent the three attributes that together give a model of colour perception. i.e. light, object and the eye. All these attributes have been standardised by the CIE or Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage.

The colours of the clothes we wear and the textiles we use in our homes must be monitored to ensure that they are correct and consistent.

Colour measurement is therefore essential to put numbers to colour in order to remove physical samples and the interpretation of results.
See:Colour measuring equipment


A New Culture?


Colour Space and Colour Theory

So by having defined the "frame of reference," and by introducing "Colour of gravity" I thought it important and consistent with the science to reveal how dynamical any point within that reference can become expressive. The history in association also important.


See Also:

Cymatics and the Heart Song

We might object that the heart makes heart sounds and jiggles water in the pericardial sac. Stuart Kauffman

The Colour of Gravity2
The Colour of Gravity1

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cymatics and the Heart Song

I think one has to wonder with such diversities of souls who have entered this world, such distinctions of being identified as a "emergent product of all souls" might have a distinctive element with which lives could have been choreographed. Each soul, manifests according to their Heart Song? :)Each Heart Song is carried through a series of many lives? Each Heart Song,manifests according the conceptual acceptances and digestibility of our grokking, according to each circumstance that surrounds that life?

I just finish spending the last 8 days with two of my seven grandchildren. One had passed just a couple of days after being born.

Yes "Happy feet" has become a intricate part of my days visiting as these children are mesmerized by the hearts songs and uniqueness of being borne learning to tap instead of singing. It's trials and tribulations of being different.
See:It's a Penquin?
Biology sees no possible reduction to the physics of thinking,  that I have to wonder if they might of thought of the correlation here, as distinctive elements have distinctive sounds?

It's an anologistical way of looking at the space of thinking(mind /body) to have it coincide with somethng inherent in our make up.  Some thing that is correlative to what strides the thinking mind makes and what resonances in the world are set up for each soul distinctive?  Each soul's cause and effect,  bringing home to roost the conceptually formed resonances that have been formed " by grokking and digestibility.

For example, in 1704 Sir Isaac Newton struggled to devise mathematical formulas to equate the vibrational frequency of sound waves with a corresponding wavelength of light. He failed to find his hoped-for translation algorithm, but the idea of correspondence took root, and the first practical application of it appears to be the clavecin oculaire, an instrument that played sound and light simultaneously. It was invented in 1725. Charles Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus, achieved the same effect with a harpsichord and lanterns in 1790, although many others were built in the intervening years, on the same principle, where by a keyboard controlled mechanical shutters from behind which colored lights shne. By 1810 even Goethe was expounding correspondences between color and other senses in his book, Theory of Color. Pg 53, The Man Who Tasted Shapes, by Richard E. Cytowic, M.D.

So to then in my thinking that before each soul crystallizes it's hold on the reality of being in this world,  that each soul was in a much different state. A state that the senses held no distinctions other then too, sense "all things" as connected to each other.  The differentiations were our attempts to acceptance of living within this world that it should have it;s compartments for sensory outputs distinctive themselves. See:Soul Food




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resonance made visible with black seeds on a harpsichord sounboard
Cornstarch and water solution under the influence of sine wave vibration
Amplified sine wave's effects on cornstarch & water solution
Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα "wave") is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the exitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.
The apparatus employed can be simple, such as a Chladni Plate[2] or advanced such as the CymaScope, a laboratory instrument that makes visible the inherent geometries within sound and music.[clarification needed]



The generic term for this field of science is the study of modal phenomena, retitled Cymatics by Hans Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor and a pioneer in this field. The word Cymatics derives from the Greek 'kuma' meaning 'billow' or 'wave,' to describe the periodic effects that sound and vibration has on matter.


The study of the patterns produced by vibrating bodies has a venerable history. One of the earliest to notice that an oscillating body displayed regular patterns was Galileo Galilei. In Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632), he wrote:
As I was scraping a brass plate with a sharp iron chisel in order to remove some spots from it and was running the chisel rather rapidly over it, I once or twice, during many strokes, heard the plate emit a rather strong and clear whistling sound: on looking at the plate more carefully, I noticed a long row of fine streaks parallel and equidistant from one another. Scraping with the chisel over and over again, I noticed that it was only when the plate emitted this hissing noise that any marks were left upon it; when the scraping was not accompanied by this sibilant note there was not the least trace of such marks.[3]
On July 8, 1680, Robert Hooke was able to see the nodal patterns associated with the modes of vibration of glass plates. Hooke ran a bow along the edge of a glass plate covered with flour, and saw the nodal patterns emerge.[4][5]

In 1787, Ernst Chladni repeated the work of Robert Hooke and published "Entdeckungen über die Theorie des Klanges" ("Discoveries in the Theory of Sound"). In this book, Chladni describes the patterns seen by placing sand on metal plates which are made to vibrate by stroking the edge of the plate with a bow.
Cymatics was explored by Hans Jenny in his 1967 book, Kymatik (translated Cymatics).[6] Inspired by systems theory and the work of Ernst Chladni, Jenny began an investigation of periodic phenomena but especially the visual display of sound. He used standing waves, piezoelectric amplifiers, and other methods and materials.

Influences in art

Hans Jenny's book influenced Alvin Lucier and, along with Chladni, helped lead to Lucier's composition Queen of the South. Jenny's work was also followed up by Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) founder Gyorgy Kepes at MIT. [7] His work in this area included an acoustically vibrated piece of sheet metal in which small holes had been drilled in a grid. Small flames of gas burned through these holes and thermodynamic patterns were made visible by this setup.

Based on work done in this field, photographer Alexander Lauterwasser captures imagery of water surfaces set into motion by sound sources ranging from pure sine waves, to music by Ludwig van Beethoven, Karlheinz Stockhausen, electroacoustic group Kymatik(who often record in surround sound ambisonics), and overtone singing.

Rosslyn Chapel's carvings are thought to contain references to Cymatics patterns and in 2005 composer Stuart Mitchell and his father T.J.Mitchell created a work realised by the use of matching Cymatics/Chladni patterns to the 13 geometric symbols carved onto the faces of 213 cubes emanating from 14 arches. They have named the completed work The Rosslyn Motet and has received a great deal of media publicity and acclaim from scientific and musicological sources.

See also


  1. ^ Jenny, Hans (July 2001). Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena & Vibration (3rd ed.). Macromedia Press. ISBN 1-8881-3807-6. 
  2. ^ "Instructional Research Lab: Chladni Plate". University of California, Los Angeles. Retrieved 3 September 2009. 
  3. ^ Good Vibrations, Joyce McLaughlin, American Scientist, July-August 1998, Volume: 86 Number: 4 Page: 342, DOI: 10.1511/1998.4.342
  4. ^ Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni, Institute for Learning Technologies, Columbia University
  5. ^ Pg 101 Oxford Dictionary of Scientists- Oxford University Press- 1999
  6. ^ Jenny, Hans (1967). Kymatik. ISBN 1-888138-07-6
  7. ^ Gyorgy Kepes profile at MIT

 External links