Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Prime Numbers and the Landscape
It would also prove to be significant in confirming the connection between primes and quantum physics. Using the connection, Keating and Snaith not only explained why the answer to life, the universe and the third moment of the Riemann zeta function should be 42, but also provided a formula to predict all the numbers in the sequence. Prior to this breakthrough, the evidence for a connection between quantum physics and the primes was based solely on interesting statistical comparisons. But mathematicians are very suspicious of statistics. We like things to be exact. Keating and Snaith had used physics to make a very precise prediction that left no room for the power of statistics to see patterns where there are none.
Mathematicians are now convinced. That chance meeting in the common room in Princeton resulted in one of the most exciting recent advances in the theory of prime numbers. Many of the great problems in mathematics, like Fermat's Last Theorem, have only been cracked once connections were made to other parts of the mathematical world. For 150 years many have been too frightened to tackle the Riemann Hypothesis. The prospect that we might finally have the tools to understand the primes has persuaded many more mathematicians and physicists to take up the challenge. The feeling is in the air that we might be one step closer to a solution. Dyson might be right that the opportunity was missed to discover relativity 40 years earlier, but who knows how long we might still have had to wait for the discovery of connections between primes and quantum physics had mathematicians not enjoyed a good chat over tea.
Seed magazine has become a extremely interesting resource material for the latest in who's doing what in terms of science. As most know Riemann's thought process has become part of the revolution in my own thought processes. It has taken me on a journey in terms of the abstract. What was used in Einstein's revolutionary break through in terms of curvatures in spacetime. Rivals Gaussian coordinates. It is nice to know, that Riemann's teacher had the same ability of thinking in the mathematical abstract
String Theory Crib Sheet
![]() |
http://seedmagazine.com/images/uploads/cribsheet9.pdf |
My wife and I are in transient, so I am posting this from my oldest daughters home.
We head back to our home town and set up for living for the next month in new travel trailer we purchased. We will be placing this on the land while we construct the new home we will be building. It is better for security reasons with all the homes under construction that there be some presence.
The topic above in the crib sheet was taken from Seed Magazine, and was done with the help of Clifford Johnson.
Friday, April 13, 2007
It all start off as "a dream" or "an idea." Where do these come from? Dialogos of Eide
This is the house similar to what we will be constructing, with some modifications of course.
Most know of my time helping my son last year constructing his home. The journey of pictures that I have here within this bloggery. It has also some "dimensional aspect" in it's development, so I thought this might help those who are working Euclidean coordinates, may help to seal this process in some way, by being introduced to house construction.
Well the time has come for my wife and I to be entering into the venture ourselves. You will notice that the model we choose above is one floor. We thought this suitable for the coming years as when we move into retirement.

I think I am getting the better of the deal, as he has taken the time to write me a 17 page step procedure with which I must follow. I thought this will become part of the journey for my wife and myself, so that everyone may see the process unfolding and maybe learn something about home construction. The plans of course change from country to country, while this plan is unfolding in Canada.
We had to contend with where we will live. We wanted the freedom and space to be close to where we will be building, so we bought a 19' foot travel trailer and will be putting it on the acreage while we build our new home. We thought of "renting" and our son of course offered for a time to let us live with him. We thought all around with the new baby Maley, we would leave them have their space as well.
Laying the Foundation

See No Royal Road to Geometry?
I would like people to take note of the image supplied on the website of Euclides.Org, as it is one that I have used showing Plato and Aristotle. The larger picture of course is one done by Raphael and is painted on the wall in the "Signatores room in the Vatican."

While one may of talked abut the past, or use a name like Plato of the past does not mean that what is being supplied from that position is not dealing with information for the 21st century. I would like you to think that while speaking about models that what the house is doing in "a psychological sense" is giving you a method by which all that you do in your life will materialize in consciousness and digs deep into the unconscious.
How often had you seen yourself in dream time, doing something or other, in the living room, kitchen, or anything that deals with the current state of mind, that you of course will see in this house? They are the many rooms of the mind.
All those who have written histories bring to this point their account of the development of this science. Not long after these men came Euclid, who brought together the Elements, systematizing many of the theorems of Eudoxus, perfecting many of those of Theatetus, and putting in irrefutable demonstrable form propositions that had been rather loosely established by his predecessors. He lived in the time of Ptolemy the First, for Archimedes, who lived after the time of the first Ptolemy, mentions Euclid. It is also reported that Ptolemy once asked Euclid if there was not a shorter road to geometry that through the Elements, and Euclid replied that there was no royal road to geometry. He was therefore later than Plato's group but earlier than Eratosthenes and Archimedes, for these two men were contemporaries, as Eratosthenes somewhere says. Euclid belonged to the persuasion of Plato and was at home in this philosophy; and this is why he thought the goal of the Elements as a whole to be the construction of the so-called Platonic figures. (Proclus, ed. Friedlein, p. 68, tr. Morrow)
See also Laying the Foundation with Respect While one indeed had to start somewhere I thought I would start here with, "Foundational Perspectives."
I choose this as an introduction, whilst I will be starting from the ground up. This will include the planning of road way and building site. Since I have this interest about physics and where science is going these days, how could I not incorporate these things into what I am doing currently with my life now? So while I speak about the science end, I am encapsulating "this process" with regard to how I will construct my home.
Is this possible?
Well having spoken of the "Euclidean reference" one would have to know how one departs form such a scheme of Euclid, to know that this graduation to Non-Euclidean geometries was somehow related to the "fifth postulate" written by Euclid.
So of course, we had those who were involved in this development historically, which serve to remind us about where someone like Dali may of been as a visionary, in terms of Time. Or "geometrically inclined" to higher dimensional figures.
It definitely had it's connotations to "points of view." I mentioned religion, but for the nature of Salvador Dali, and his lifestyle, one would have to wonder where he was going with the Tesserack and his painting of Jesus on the Cross?
While I do not subscribe to any religion per say, I do subscribe to the finger of Plato pointing up. Have you for one moment you thought to roll your eyes up in your head, and think of what is up their in your mind? Assign our highest values to goodness. Surely you would enlist the "Colour of gravity" in all situations as you choose to live your life? It's there for the choosing.
Surely, that if you wore a hat on your head, or thought, to think of the roof of your house, you may indeed think of the highest ideals with which you choose to live your life. It's not my job to tell you what that is, that is yours alone.
You will be involved with aspects of the "universal language" that knows no boundaries, no matter your race, gender, or nationality. Yet, it will be specific to you. It will have "probabilistic outcomes" according to the life you are living regardless.
The Secret of the Golden Flower
When ever you walk the pathways in your mind of what ever model, you are laying the road work for that which you will travel through. Why, I may have referred to the title of the "Golden Flower in the Bee story," is a result, that the probabilistic outcome of life calls upon this "chance meeting" to come to what is held in mind. So what's new having the honey of the Bee community?
Do the Bee dance, and you learnt from others what this model is doing. So you travel. You get the benefits of the honey sometimes in new thoughts? There had to be a point "like the blank slate, glass room, a pen and paper ready" in order for the mind to be receptive to what already exists out there in the "form of ideas." How will these manifest? So indeed, it came from deep inside/outside you?
I never thought this inductive/deductive method while thinking it topological smooth in it's orientation, was not the exchange going on with our environment. That if you live your life according to your principles, then the principles would become part of your life. That on a level not understood to clearly, the "colour of gravity" was what we could evolve too? What is our own dynamical makeup, to become part of the ideals we had set for ourselves. We set our own ship in life. The boat or vehicle, becomes part of the way we will travel in our dream time. The airplane we ride.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The CrossOver Point within the Perfect Fluid?
I had been following this research because of what I had been trying to understand when we take our understanding down to a certain level. That level is within the context of us probing the collision process for evidence of "some new physics" that we had not seen before.
Evidence for Neutrino Oscillations from the LSND Experiment
What valuation of this process allows us to think that while speaking to "probing this perfect fluid" that we had not discovered some mechanism within it, that allows us to see Coleman Mandula effects being behind, as a geometrical unfoldment from one state into another?
If we had looked at the Genus 1 figure then what avenue would help us discern what could come from the string theory landscape and the "potential hill" discerned from the blackhole horizon? What tunnelling effect could go past the hill climbers and valley crossers to know that you could cut "right through the hill?"
MiniBooNE opens the box
So while I am looking for some indications as I did in the strangelet case, as, evidence of this crossover, this had to have some relation to how we seen the neutrinos in development. This was part of the development as we learnt of the history of John Bahcall.
John Bahcall 1934 to 2005 See also "John Bahcall and the Neutrinos"
This does not minimize the work we see of Gran Sasso in relation to the LHC project.
Honestly, I do not know how someone who could work on the project, could not know what they were working on? It as if the "little parts" of the LHC project only cater to the worker Bees working just aspects of the project and their specializations.
Whilst now, you go way up and overlook this project. To see the whole context measured within that "one tiny big bang moment." Trust me when I say, we shall not minimize the effect of calling the collision process as "one tiny moment," for you may never see the whole context of this project being developed for this "one thing."
I did not realize the shortcomings that scientists place on themselves when they do specialize. I just assumed they would know as much as I did and see the whole project? I do not say this unkindly, just that it is a shock to me that one could work the string theory models and not realize what they are working on. I have heard even Jacques say there is no connection and listening to Peter Woit, I was equally dismayed that he did not realize what the string theory model was actually doing as it found it's correlation in the developing views of how we look at the moments of creation.
Bigger is better if you’re searching for smaller
Neutrinos may be in CERN's Future
I think my comment on previous post of looking for the perfect fluid should have been here.
Also I do not think this changes how we look at string theory as a model probing the perfect fluid, and "the understanding" of developing a mechanism for this "cross over point?"
Topologically, how would this have been revealed in the string theory landscape?? See here and know that Clifford again deleted the short little post above. The point is I think for some reason once I mention string theory or evn M theory in relation to what is transpiring in the views of model development he doe not like this and would be support by Jacques as well.
That would be my job to convince them and anyone else that hold their views that taking our view to the microseconds, there is a definite relation to the timeline whether you agree with this or not. By introducing "the point of the cross over" you in effect have taken the model and presented it as part of the mechanism for this universe and effectively given new meaning to the "string theory landscape."
You may want it to be "background independent" like Lee wants it to be, but if you view the background as a oscillatory one, then any idea as configured to the mass of any particle, then you have define this particle as a energy relation? So Lee does not like the oscillatory universe?
See "Finiteness of String Theory and Mandelstam"
It is contained "within the moment" of the creation of this universe, yet, we do not know what design this particle is to be in context of the microscopic view of geometrical topologically finishes? As the Genus 1 figure and as an expression of this universe? You had to know what was lying in those valleys, and the potentials of expression, and I relay that in the blackhole horizon as a potential hill.
The time has come for some changes in this blog and I have been thinking about moving on. While a layman, I do not like to be treated like a fool. Maybe not educated fully and with some work to do, but never as a fool.
One of the only ways to probe small neutrino masses is to search for neutrino oscillations, where a neutrino of one type (e.g. numubar ) spontaneously transforms into a neutrino of another type (e.g. nuebar ) For this phenomenon to occur, neutrinos must be massive and the apparent conservation law of lepton families must be violated. The probability for 2-flavor neutrino oscillations can then be expressed as P=sin2(2theta) sin2(1.27 m2L/E) , where theta is the mixing angle, m2 is the difference in neutrino masses squared in eV2, L is the neutrino distance in meters, and E is the neutrino energy in MeV. In 1995 the LSND experiment [1] published data showing candidate events that are consistent with numubar->nuebar oscillations. [2] Additional data are reported here that provide stronger evidence for numubar->nuebar oscillations [3] as well as evidence for numu->nue oscillations. [4] The two oscillation searches have completely different backgrounds and systematics from each other.
What valuation of this process allows us to think that while speaking to "probing this perfect fluid" that we had not discovered some mechanism within it, that allows us to see Coleman Mandula effects being behind, as a geometrical unfoldment from one state into another?
If we had looked at the Genus 1 figure then what avenue would help us discern what could come from the string theory landscape and the "potential hill" discerned from the blackhole horizon? What tunnelling effect could go past the hill climbers and valley crossers to know that you could cut "right through the hill?"
MiniBooNE opens the box
BATAVIA, Illinois—Scientists of the MiniBooNE1 experiment at the Department of Energy's Fermilab2 today (April 11) announced their first findings. The MiniBooNE results resolve questions raised by observations of the LSND3 experiment in the 1990s that appeared to contradict findings of other neutrino experiments worldwide. MiniBooNE researchers showed conclusively that the LSND results could not be due to simple neutrino oscillation, a phenomenon in which one type of neutrino transforms into another type and back again.
The announcement significantly clarifies the overall picture of how neutrinos behave.
So while I am looking for some indications as I did in the strangelet case, as, evidence of this crossover, this had to have some relation to how we seen the neutrinos in development. This was part of the development as we learnt of the history of John Bahcall.

Plato Apr 11th, 2007 at 8:47 pmSee here
the quark-gluon plasma behaves according to hydrodynamic calculations in which the matter is like a liquid that flows with no viscosity whatsoever.” See here
No cross over point? What role would Navier Stokes play in this?
This does not minimize the work we see of Gran Sasso in relation to the LHC project.
Honestly, I do not know how someone who could work on the project, could not know what they were working on? It as if the "little parts" of the LHC project only cater to the worker Bees working just aspects of the project and their specializations.
Whilst now, you go way up and overlook this project. To see the whole context measured within that "one tiny big bang moment." Trust me when I say, we shall not minimize the effect of calling the collision process as "one tiny moment," for you may never see the whole context of this project being developed for this "one thing."
I did not realize the shortcomings that scientists place on themselves when they do specialize. I just assumed they would know as much as I did and see the whole project? I do not say this unkindly, just that it is a shock to me that one could work the string theory models and not realize what they are working on. I have heard even Jacques say there is no connection and listening to Peter Woit, I was equally dismayed that he did not realize what the string theory model was actually doing as it found it's correlation in the developing views of how we look at the moments of creation.

Neutrinos may be in CERN's Future
The next step will again be taken in Japan, with the new J-PARC accelerator starting in 2009 to send neutrinos almost 300 km, again to the Super-Kamiokande experiment, to probe the third neutrino mixing angle that has not yet been detected in either atmospheric or solar neutrino experiments. This may also be probed in a new experiment being proposed for the Fermilab NuMI beam. One of the ideas proposed at CERN is to probe this angle with an underwater experiment moored in the Gulf of Taranto off the coast of Italy, viewing neutrinos in a modified version of CERN's current Gran Sasso beam.See "CERN and Future Experiments"
Plato Apr 12th, 2007 at 7:31 am
I think my comment on previous post of looking for the perfect fluid should have been here.
Also I do not think this changes how we look at string theory as a model probing the perfect fluid, and "the understanding" of developing a mechanism for this "cross over point?"
Topologically, how would this have been revealed in the string theory landscape?? See here and know that Clifford again deleted the short little post above. The point is I think for some reason once I mention string theory or evn M theory in relation to what is transpiring in the views of model development he doe not like this and would be support by Jacques as well.
That would be my job to convince them and anyone else that hold their views that taking our view to the microseconds, there is a definite relation to the timeline whether you agree with this or not. By introducing "the point of the cross over" you in effect have taken the model and presented it as part of the mechanism for this universe and effectively given new meaning to the "string theory landscape."
You may want it to be "background independent" like Lee wants it to be, but if you view the background as a oscillatory one, then any idea as configured to the mass of any particle, then you have define this particle as a energy relation? So Lee does not like the oscillatory universe?

It is contained "within the moment" of the creation of this universe, yet, we do not know what design this particle is to be in context of the microscopic view of geometrical topologically finishes? As the Genus 1 figure and as an expression of this universe? You had to know what was lying in those valleys, and the potentials of expression, and I relay that in the blackhole horizon as a potential hill.
The time has come for some changes in this blog and I have been thinking about moving on. While a layman, I do not like to be treated like a fool. Maybe not educated fully and with some work to do, but never as a fool.
Posted by
6:15:00 AM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Physical geodesy: A Condensative Result

And although individually there are fewer crystals in the 290m-deep Cueva de los Cristales, its beams are considerably bigger.
Professor Garcia-Ruiz and colleagues believe they can now show how these differences emerged.
Clifford of Asymptotia wrote a post talking about Mexican Super lattices.
Plato Apr 7th, 2007 at 7:30 am
I tried to look for some comparative feature on a small scale that might be associated to the cave construction and immediately thought of the geoids and “the condition” that would have formed, while “the environment was trapped” in the earth, while cooling.
Finding these kinds of stones and cutting them in half reveals some amazing crystalline structures. This used to be part of our “family outing” going through gravel pits looking for agates, and other stones. We would use the “sunlight for discovery” to capture them.
Refractive indexes?
I’ll have to show picture on my blog of the collection in the future, as well as other crystals that I had acquired.
This does provide a further thoughts on Physical geodesy?
Well I wanted to expand on this a bit here.
Gems' color form from light - such as a ruby collects all the colors of the white light-(red, blue, green, etc) and reflects red back to the sun.
Color is the most obvious and attractive feature of gemstones. The color of any material is due to the nature of light itself. Sunlight, often called white light, is actually a mixture of different colors of light. When light passes through a material, some of the light may be absorbed, while the rest passes through. The part that isn't absorbed reaches our eyes as white light minus the absorbed colors. A ruby appears red because it absorbs all the other colors of white light - blue, yellow, green, etc. - and reflects the red light to the viewer. A colorless stone absorbs none of the light, and so it allows the white light to emerge unchanged.

If you wanted to know something about gems, when I mentioned "refractive index" is what was used in terms of how we would walk through the gravel pit at a time of day(preferably evening). This would allow the sun to shine through the agates and capture our attention, as they sat amongst all the other stones in the gravel pit. We would make a game of it, and who ever got three agates first would be a winner that day.

Opticks was Newton's second major book on physical science. Even if he had not made his better-known discoveries concerning gravity and the invention of the calculus, Opticks would have given him the reputation as one of the greatest scientists of his time.
This work represents a major contribution to science, different from—but in some ways rivaling—the Principia. The Opticks is largely a record of experiments and the deductions made from them, covering a wide range of topics in what was later to be known as physical optics. That is, this work is not a geometric discussion of catoptrics or dioptrics, the traditional subjects of reflection of light by mirrors of different shapes and the exploration of how light is "bent" as it passes from one medium, such as air, into another, such as water or glass. Rather, the Opticks is a study of the nature of light and colour and the various phenomena of diffraction, which Newton called the "inflexion" of light.
In this book Newton sets forth in full his experiments, first reported in 1672, on dispersion, or the separation of light into a spectrum of its component colours. He shows how colours arise from selective absorption, reflection, or transmission of the various component parts of the incident light. His experiments on these subjects and on the problems of diffraction (which he never fully mastered) set the subject of optics on a new level.
Bee Movie and Science Today
Bee of Backreaction was highlighting the Dimensional perspective of the way we are going to see Dream Works animation developing new movies. See "DreamWorks goes Extra Dimensional."
I thought it important that I reveal the coincidence of the story I have here in this blog about the Bee people. I wonder how the script arose in the person who wrote this story for the animation market?
Bee Movie is a comedy that will change everything you think you know about bees. Having just graduated from college, a bee by the name of Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) finds himself disillusioned with the prospect of having only one career choice – honey. As he ventures outside of the hive for the first time, he breaks one of the cardinal rules of the bee world and talks to a human, a New York City florist named Vanessa (Renée Zellweger). He is shocked to discover that the humans have been stealing and eating the bees’ honey for centuries, and ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey.
Also I must admit I was thinking about the extra dimensional work that is going on in science today and to find that the animations are being introduced in this way, I thought it somehow appropriate. If we wanted people to think differently about the dimensional perspectives, instead of using "Abbott" why not present the fictional world to our children as Bees introduce to "ant world."
Worker bees perform a host of tasks from cleaning the hive cells to looking after the larvae
PLato the seer is somehow transported to the world of "human beings" where in the space ship, he is filled with all this information about the creation of being. The new laws were somehow planted his memory and thus Plato was to serve to disseminate to all the Bee people, so they could adjust to the new paradigmatic shift his community was to undergo in the future.
It was as if "this information" dropped into his lap from the 21st century.
The Elixir of the Bee Community
Now I would be so happy that the Bee in this movie show up as a scientist who may be called "Plato" who plays the part of the "seer," who is keeper of this vast reserves, and is in charge of "the science" of this community.
All the worker bees are the vast amount of craftsman who construct the reality for the Bee people to house the developers and researchers who are being employed in theoretics of the future.
Now instead of the seven wonders of the world and the Pyramid being created, or "the LHC ringer, The Bee people had their own way of producing this perfect fluid. It required some other model monumental design to allow this production to continue, in face of loosing the "Secret of the Golden Flower."
Bumblebee Economics with a new preface Bernd Heinrich-
Now the dance steps that some of the signature bees go through to tell the others, undergoes some step procedure changes.

Here is a copy of the biblical transmission below that is relayed to all child bee kids as they graduate from the school of, To Bee Thomas Banchoff. This Founder help give perspective to the "2d" community that evolved and helped the community move into the larger dynamics of space travel. Although only with the contents of the computer screen these little bee children sit at, they had to be prepared.
The Bee theoretical Fellows
Another perspective of the Being Witten took the issues of string and gave them more depth.
The Macarena step by Geoff Larvey is introduced to the community, and all the worker Bees react to this sudden change.
The ways of travel is supposed to proceed "to the source" have undergone a paradigmatic shift. Who helped construct the community of Bee theorists and honey comb developers, are now in disarray. They look toward the "Queen Bee." What are the directions this community is supposed to go?
Such a drastic change to the developing science community and the education of the Bee Kids, are now considering the dramatic changes in the way they see the computer screen work. While the dance was to include E8 considerations, G3 modular forms held complicated travel pathways this would astound even the brightest Bee students.
Imagine going beyond that. Plato being the seer, thought long and hard about what was to come next.
I thought it important that I reveal the coincidence of the story I have here in this blog about the Bee people. I wonder how the script arose in the person who wrote this story for the animation market?

Bee Movie is a comedy that will change everything you think you know about bees. Having just graduated from college, a bee by the name of Barry B. Benson (Jerry Seinfeld) finds himself disillusioned with the prospect of having only one career choice – honey. As he ventures outside of the hive for the first time, he breaks one of the cardinal rules of the bee world and talks to a human, a New York City florist named Vanessa (Renée Zellweger). He is shocked to discover that the humans have been stealing and eating the bees’ honey for centuries, and ultimately realizes that his true calling in life is to set the world right by suing the human race for stealing their precious honey.
Also I must admit I was thinking about the extra dimensional work that is going on in science today and to find that the animations are being introduced in this way, I thought it somehow appropriate. If we wanted people to think differently about the dimensional perspectives, instead of using "Abbott" why not present the fictional world to our children as Bees introduce to "ant world."

PLato the seer is somehow transported to the world of "human beings" where in the space ship, he is filled with all this information about the creation of being. The new laws were somehow planted his memory and thus Plato was to serve to disseminate to all the Bee people, so they could adjust to the new paradigmatic shift his community was to undergo in the future.
It was as if "this information" dropped into his lap from the 21st century.
The Elixir of the Bee Community
You should know that that the names of the Bee people have their names protected, to protect the community at large. Some larger human species, like to use the benefits of this society, without recognizing the constructive efforts that goes into this elixir Production.
Now I would be so happy that the Bee in this movie show up as a scientist who may be called "Plato" who plays the part of the "seer," who is keeper of this vast reserves, and is in charge of "the science" of this community.
All the worker bees are the vast amount of craftsman who construct the reality for the Bee people to house the developers and researchers who are being employed in theoretics of the future.
Now instead of the seven wonders of the world and the Pyramid being created, or "the LHC ringer, The Bee people had their own way of producing this perfect fluid. It required some other model monumental design to allow this production to continue, in face of loosing the "Secret of the Golden Flower."

In his new preface Bernd Heinrich ranges from Maine to Alaska and north to the Arctic as he summarizes findings from continuing investigations over the past twenty-five years--by him and others--into the wondrous "energy economy" of bumblebees.See Bumblebee Wing Rotations and Dancing
Now the dance steps that some of the signature bees go through to tell the others, undergoes some step procedure changes.
Fechner, Plato, and shadow figuresThe first person to develop the dimensional analogy in the 19th century was the psychologist and physiologist Gustave Fechner in Leipzig. He wrote a small story, Space has Four Dimensions, as part of his collection Vier Paradoxe published in 1846 under the pseudonym of Dr. Mises. Fechner's two-dimensional creature was a shadow man projected to a vertical screen by an opaque projector. He could interact with other shadows, but, based on his limited experience, he could not conceive of a direction perpendicular to his screen. Fechner suggests that for such a being, time would be a third dimension, expressing the movement of his whole screen in a direction which he cannot comprehend spatially. The idea of treating shadow figures goes back much further, to Plato's Allegory of the Cave in the seventh book of The Republic. There the shadows are merely representations of objects to be viewed by three-dimensional observers who are artificially limited to seeing only these lower-dimensional views. Plato does not suggest that the shadows have the capability of interacting with one another, and this is the heart of Fechner's insight. For further information see, "Shadows in Plato's Cave," and also see, "Is Everyone Declaring their Position Clearly"?
Here is a copy of the biblical transmission below that is relayed to all child bee kids as they graduate from the school of, To Bee Thomas Banchoff. This Founder help give perspective to the "2d" community that evolved and helped the community move into the larger dynamics of space travel. Although only with the contents of the computer screen these little bee children sit at, they had to be prepared.
The Bee theoretical Fellows
Predictably, Witten is modest about his achievement. "It's an exaggeration to say that I came up with M-theory," he says. "We came up with bits and pieces but there's a long history behind it."
Another perspective of the Being Witten took the issues of string and gave them more depth.
The Macarena step by Geoff Larvey is introduced to the community, and all the worker Bees react to this sudden change.
You start with the brane
and the brane is BPS
Then you go near the brane
and the space is AdS
Who knows what it means
I don't I confess
Ehhhh! Maldacena!
Super Yang Mills
With very large N
Gravity on a sphere
flux without end
Who says they're the same
holographic he contends
Ehhhh! Maldacena!
Black holes used to be
a great mystery
Now we use D-brane
to compute D-entropy
And when D-brane is hot
D-free energy
Ehhhh! Maldacena!
M-theory is finished
Juan has great repute
The black hole we have mastered
QCD we can compute
Too bad the glueball spectrum
is still in some dispute
Ehhhh! Maldacena!
The ways of travel is supposed to proceed "to the source" have undergone a paradigmatic shift. Who helped construct the community of Bee theorists and honey comb developers, are now in disarray. They look toward the "Queen Bee." What are the directions this community is supposed to go?
Such a drastic change to the developing science community and the education of the Bee Kids, are now considering the dramatic changes in the way they see the computer screen work. While the dance was to include E8 considerations, G3 modular forms held complicated travel pathways this would astound even the brightest Bee students.
Imagine going beyond that. Plato being the seer, thought long and hard about what was to come next.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Blackhole evaporation: What's New From the Subatomic-Sized Holes ?
...the creative principle resides in mathematics. In a certain sense therefore, I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed.Albert EinsteinSee What is Cerenkov Radiation?
We are being "politically correct" (a sociological observation) when we change the wording of the "microstate blackhole production" to "Sub Atomic Sized Holes?" To maybe "inferr" the desired differences of cosmological blackholes, versus, what we see quickly evaporating in subatomic-sized to be revealed in a footprint?

Let's pretend that the reporting was not so good back in 1999, and the information we had then was to cause some needless concerns? Good reporting already existed in term of what the Dark Matter was doing. Now it's okay if someone else saids it, and reveals all the dark matter info with Wikipedia. How nice:)Your credible?
Was there any evidence to think a method was already determined "back then" and has become part of the process of discovery?
Bad reporting?
At first bad reporting? Producing fear into the public mind?
In recent years the main focus of fear has been the giant machines used by particle physicists. Could the violent collisions inside such a machine create something nasty? "Every time a new machine has been built at CERN," says physicist Alvaro de Rujula, "the question has been posed and faced." August 1999
Peter Steinberg, when at Quantum diaries, lead us through this.
The creepy part of these kind of discussions is that one doesn't say that RHIC collisions "create" black holes, but that nucleus-nucleus collisions, and even proton-proton collisions, are in some sense black holes, albeit black holes in some sort of "dual" space which makes the theory easier.
Alvaro was the one who put "James Blodgett of Risk assessment" at ease in regards to strangelets. Now, could strangelets have been considered a consequence of the evaporation? Does this not look similar?

Usually all physicists see are the remnants of a new particle decaying into other types of particles. From that, they infer the existence of the new species and can determine some of its characteristics.SeeNeutrino Mixing Explained in 60 seconds
Now everything is safe and cozy with these subatomic-sized holes which would simply evaporate. :) How would you know "what is new" after the subatomic holes had evaporated? Are sterile neutrinos new?
While these paragraphs have been selective, they show that experimental processes are being used and detective work applied.
Current evidence shows that neutrinos do oscillate, which indicates that neutrinos do have mass. The Los Alamos data revealed a muon anti-neutrino cross over to an electron neutrino. This type of oscillation is difficult to explain using only the three known types of neutrinos. Therefore, there might be a fourth neutrino, which is currently being called a "sterile" neutrino, which interacts more weakly than the other three neutrinos.
Any add on experimental processes at Cern with regards to the LHC are reflect in this second paragraph?
"We find," Chiao said, "that a barrier placed in the path of a tunneling particle does not slow it down. In fact, we detect particles on the other side of the barrier that have made the trip in less time than it would take the particle to traverse an equal distance without a barrier -- in other words, the tunnelling speed apparently greatly exceeds the speed of light. Moreover, if you increase the thickness of the barrier the tunneling speed increases, as high as you please.
See Gran Sasso
So while one may think I have some "new process" to make the world happy, it is nothing of the sort. It is interpreting the current theoretical models in regards to current experimental research.
For some reason some scientist think that one can be devoid of this reasoning and apply it to any model/person, while the scientist/lay people already know what is required.
This has been reflected time and again through the interactions of scientist with the public. What is one to think when one scientist calls another scientists devoid of such reason, while he works to develop the string theory model. They don't like that do they?:)
So do you think that Clifford of Asymptotia is practising what he did not like in Peter Woit's summation of the state of affairs in string theory? That while criticizing him he was doing the same thing to others? I laughed when I came across the censoring post on Not even Wrong, and why I had to write my new article on Censoring.
I have never seen such "happy trigger fingers" as to deletion of posts that would contradict the statements Clifford could make about another person, or what Peter Woit could say about "Clifford censoring" statements. Peter provides a forum for those who feel shafted who could voice there displeasure?:)
Don't worry Peter I certainly won't be crying on your blog. Deletion knows it boundaries in terms of censoring there too.:) But anyway, onto the important stuff.

Tunnelling in the string theory landscape
Now it may not seem so odd that I would place a string theory landscape picture up for revue, and have one think about hill climbers and valley crossers. Would it be wrong not to include the "potential hills" and the thought of the "blackhole horizon?" It was "theoretical appealing" as a thought experiment to me, to think about what could traverse those potential hills. We had to use "a mechanism" to help us understand how the cross over point was being established and "new universes" begin to unfold? New particle creation from such collision processes had to be established first. Both at Cern and with "high energy particles from space." IceCube was to be the backdrop for the footprint, and resulting Cerenkov radiation from that collision process?
One needed to see such experiment as taking place currently to help us see the jest of where science is currently taking us on our journey's. So you had to be able to see this process in action back to the insecurities of our ignorance, in relation too, sub-atomic sized holes...ahem...dualites?
So you had to know that the collision process would detail some "crossover point" for consideration? What this means that "after the collision process" you are given a new particle with which to work.
You need to be able to capture this "new particle" and the mediums with which this is done, are the barriers that supply the back drop for foot prin,t to what can be traversed in faster then light potentials. Again Gran Sasso, and let's not forget ICECUBE.
Cross over point
Is it not important to see the experimental process as a natural one?
Bringing the Heavens down to Earth
If mini black holes can be produced in high-energy particle interactions, they may first be observed in high-energy cosmic-ray neutrino interactions in the atmosphere. Jonathan Feng of the University of California at Irvine and MIT, and Alfred Shapere of the University of Kentucky have calculated that the Auger cosmic-ray observatory, which will combine a 6000 km2 extended air-shower array backed up by fluorescence detectors trained on the sky, could record tens to hundreds of showers from black holes before the LHC turns on in 2007. See here
So here we are talking about the "before" and "after" and we had not spoken about the point of exchange here? If I were to tell you that such a reductionistic process had taken us to the limits what the heck could this mean? That we had indeed found the transference point of energy to matter, matter to energy and we say it may be the perfect fluids that supplies us this "anomalistic behaviour" with which we will introduce the GR? Talk about Navier-stokes in relation to the perfect fluid and what and how something can traverse through and come out on the other side?
I am to well aware of, to know the consequences of this myself. With any blog development there is an aspect and power given to any developer, that they may see the background of all those who contribute, beyond, what is written in any post.
I will admit, that the only time that I have used this ability is to change the name of a person that I thought should have been representing them self as a person then using the "Babe in the Universe" name.
As a older gentlemen with a wife of many years I did not want to advocate the thought that this site would be anything more then sharing the ideas people may of had. I would rather hold to a modicum of decency in this regard and responsibility to the generation I see pervading the science front in relationships. Encourage, respectfulness toward marriage or partners and the "sanctity of those relationships."
I will be adding further thoughts on this subject. About those who practise it, and those who have found grief with the alteration of words to purport the views of any moderator in face of what was presented.
Sure, let it be known that the blog developer has a say in what is and shall be, but if I were to take this position and alter any word other then what you posted in discussion post, what would I be guilty of? If I were to supplant my words and assign any name I choose, what would I be guilt of? If my name was not the "real one" could you have your way with me?
Since moderators can know more then what the average person can know, and our names assigned a IP address, then is this signature valid as to the posted wording and ownership?
If for one moment you thought any person "less then the desired" and your respect for them as a moderator worth changing their wording to support your views, what would you be guilty of? If you had thought "an age older then" should warrant the disrepect one would assign to their own mother, what would you be guilty of? How would you want to be treated? No less then how you would treat someone else?
I will admit, that the only time that I have used this ability is to change the name of a person that I thought should have been representing them self as a person then using the "Babe in the Universe" name.
As a older gentlemen with a wife of many years I did not want to advocate the thought that this site would be anything more then sharing the ideas people may of had. I would rather hold to a modicum of decency in this regard and responsibility to the generation I see pervading the science front in relationships. Encourage, respectfulness toward marriage or partners and the "sanctity of those relationships."
I will be adding further thoughts on this subject. About those who practise it, and those who have found grief with the alteration of words to purport the views of any moderator in face of what was presented.
Sure, let it be known that the blog developer has a say in what is and shall be, but if I were to take this position and alter any word other then what you posted in discussion post, what would I be guilty of? If I were to supplant my words and assign any name I choose, what would I be guilt of? If my name was not the "real one" could you have your way with me?
Since moderators can know more then what the average person can know, and our names assigned a IP address, then is this signature valid as to the posted wording and ownership?
If for one moment you thought any person "less then the desired" and your respect for them as a moderator worth changing their wording to support your views, what would you be guilty of? If you had thought "an age older then" should warrant the disrepect one would assign to their own mother, what would you be guilty of? How would you want to be treated? No less then how you would treat someone else?
Friday, April 06, 2007
Craftsman of Plato
Time is of your own making;See Status of Warp Drive Smolin had some deep questions and relevance "about" time? :)
its clock ticks in your head.
The moment you stop thought
time too stops dead. Angelus Silesius
Some "updates" within this article. Mainly for all those "couch potatoes" who watch Law and Order. I remembered Sean Carroll's portrayal as well on Preposterous Universe when Clifford showed the picture from "the lecture" Clifford is showing today.

See comment here
Good show
Are Cosmologists Couch Potatoes?
Your asking for simplicity and without a geometrical/topological approach(quantum gravity), the cosmos from surveillance and interrogation, and without further introspection, it leaves one with a nice comfortable view, as is.
That's nice, for those who want to sit back and watch the show:)
That fellow, does he have his binoculars backwards!Hmmmmm:)How would this lensing affect his view of the stake out? So close, yet so far away?
plato | Homepage | Mon, February 21, 2005 @ 3:22 pm | #
Maybe Clifford is a Seer? Or, is he a Craftsman who became a seer, like Lee Smolin? Well, we'd have to delve into the reason a seer "became" or could possibly "become?"
The Craftsman

BEHOLDING beauty with the eye of the mind, he will be enabled to bring forth, not images of beauty, but realities, for he has hold not of an image but of a reality, and bringing forth and nourishing true virtue to become the friend of God and be immortal, if mortal man may. Would that be an ignoble life? PLATO
If one had given their whole life to rote and memorization, how much smarter would they be, if they did not allow themselves to be "filled?" It is as if the universe said "look at the emptiness. This cannot be so?" It was at that moment the mind fills with all these "wonderful things" as if all that had taken place was ignited into a new view of the world. It is literally not the same world for them?

Predictions? Every tone spoken as if this new change took place, realized, that having enter a part of reality that was somehow away from, yet, existed in the reality until discovered. Coxeter shared these same views? So, every kind of geometry you know of, already exists, and is just waiting to be discovered. You had to be able to tap into the probabilities. You were always preparing the stage.

First then, in my judgment, we must make a distinction and ask, What is that which always is and has no becoming; and what is that which is always becoming and never is? That which is apprehended by intelligence and reason is always in the same state; but that which is conceived by opinion with the help of sensation and without reason, is always in a process of becoming and perishing and never really is. Now everything that becomes or is created must of necessity be created by some cause, for without a cause nothing can be created.See Timaeus:Laying the Ground rules on Genesis
The Mechanism

So one has to take into account the perspective being developed by others before we get to where we have some kind of mechanism of tunnelling the landscape? Is it right or not, to have a "potential hill" have evidence of some kind, having been traverse? You would then think, hmmm... the blackhole as a horizon?
Three Ring Circus: Dark Energy
"Of course this information is based on 2003 data but the jest of the idea here is that in order to go to a "fast forward" the conditions had to exist previously that did not included "sterile neutrinos" and were a result of this "cross over."
What reason did Lee Smolin called the string theorists craftsman? I think part of the fun for me is when somebody who sits out front in terms of being a science director of a kind, then one is immediately thinking "okay, why did he say this."

Now, why did he say that? Yes, it would be easier to go to him and get the reason right from the person's mouth. But hey their busy, and I do not want to be on the list of those knocking on doors being pesky. Besides, that's part of the fun of doing the detective work and trying to understand the basis of any argument they may have.
The Demiurge (Creator)
Literally, “craftsman.” The creator of Plato’s physical world is not a divine intelligence or a personal ruler, but (as it were) a manual laborer. Cf. Vlastos, Plato’s Universe (pp. 26-27):
That the supreme god of Plato’s cosmos should wear the mask of a manual worker is a triumph of the philosophical imagination over ingrained social prejudice. ... But this divine mechanic is not a drudge. He is an artist or, more precisely, what an artist would have to be in Plato’s conception of art: not the inventor of new form, but the imposer of pre-existing form on as yet formless material.
The Seer
So we now know to a degree how Lee Smolin assigned the Craftsman, but little is said about the Seer? The Seer, is one who knows how to use that blank slate. Knows how to find the departure point and is asking to be filled?
If there are any runners out there, you might know the "depletion point" one can reach after having expended the energy, one gains a sense of this new influx of energy and well being? Having once know these times in my youth, I am sad to say, I am to old to be ever running like I did.
So one sees the community is suffering and leaders in despair as to how new ideas can be generated and new ways to invigorate science come to the forefront. Is the privileged few who see themself pertaining to some model, that one would now say, hey they are getting all the incentives and the idea here about nurture is suffering?
No, there must be special way to invigorate the scientists of the future? Allow them to empty themselves after the intense involvement, to allow the mind, when empty to be filled?
(Thanks Bee for asking the question By the way, "Happy Easter" to you and Stefan)
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Nurturing Creativity

It looks as if moderation, or maybe technical problems, has set in for me at Cosmic Variance. So I have to go from the last statement made there by Lee that I was allowed to contribute. To continue with the points I am making.
I was glad to see Jacques was continuing where David B seems to have decided the futility of dealing with these issues of the String theory backlash.
Lee Smolin:When there was little selection we naturally got a wide diversity of types of scientists, which was good for science. My view is that we need that diversity, we need both the hill climbers and the valley crossers, the technical masters and the seers full of questions and ideas.
Raphael Bousso and Joseph Polchinski in "The String Theory Landscape" September 2004 Scientific issue speak exactly to what Lee is saying and descriptively allow us to see the pattern underlying Lee's comment. Maybe George Musser will release it for the group to inspect here
Take full note of the diagrams.

Clifford:Hooking Up Manifolds
The artlcle goes a great deal into the story of how mathematician Hinke Osinga and her partner mathematician Bernd Krauskopf got into this, and why they find it useful. You’ll also hear from mathematicians Carolyn Yackel, Daina Taimina, and Sarah-Marie Belcastro. This has been going on for a while, and there are even published scientific papers with crocheting instructions for various manifolds! How did I miss out on this?! This is great!
If you did not continue with understanding the "topography of the energy involved" in terms of what the string theory landscape was doing, then you would have never understood the "hills and valleys" in the context of string theory landscape being described?

IN retrospect decisions we make will always resound with what we should have done, but that misses the boat when coming to the "creative abilities?" What we see may "institute a productive research group?" You exchange one for another?
Lee Smolin:Is string theory in fact perturbatively finite? Many experts think so. I worry that if there were a clear way to a proof it would have been found and published, so I find it difficult to have a strong expectation, either way, on this issue.
The fact that a way had been describe in terms of developing the "Triple Torus" speaks to the continued development of the string theory landscape? How could you conclusively finish off this statement and then from it describe the state of the union, when this had already been explained technically?
We say that E8 has rank 8 (the maximum number of mutually commutative degrees of freedom), and dimension 248 (as a manifold). This means that a maximal torus of the compact Lie group E8 has dimension 8. The vectors of the root system are in eight dimensions, and are specified later in this article. The Weyl group of E8, which acts as a symmetry group of the maximal torus by means of the conjugation operation from the whole group, is of order 696729600.
You had to see the context of the triple torus in relation too where the string landscape places were placing these modular forms. If I had said E8 and the continued development of modular form, what would this represent?
The complexity of the forms themself are limited and finite so how could one claim that such work on the landscape is futile in regards to infinities?
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Finiteness in String Theory Landscape
Quantum Effect, however allow a manifold to change state abruptly at some point-to tunnel through the intervening ridge to a nearby lower valley.Please take note of the underlined.
Well after some thought here in terms of the landscape, it was important from what I understood, that finiteness be explained in the String Theory landscape. That there were markers with which to measure this progress?

There is a conversation going on at Cosmic Variance that is continuing with the ongoing debate String Theory is Losing the Public Debate. Well from the technical aspects that is foolish.
As a lay person following the debate on the issue of Finiteness in String Theory landscape was the point technically reached that I was referring too.
David has been careful to lead us through this and as a layman I am watching the way he is describing, so I am learning, as I learnt in other debates.
I hope Jacques that you would encourage David instead of express the futility of such an debate, I have learnt as so many others that you have to "talk past a certain point" if you can no longer get the subject moving beyond the ole rhetoric.
So while learning the difference between the "Fitness landscape" and the "String theory landscape, I learnt the difference is the "finiteness issue in the String theory Landscape?" This then been carried to the issue of Mandelstam and the triple torus?
So this in itself was what allowed us to say that the string theory landscape was indeed working toward the issue of Finiteness with which many have found to be a problem.

Sometimes I wonder why I care so much about working this process and I can only conclude that having my own motivations, and seeing where we had been lead to a point, I had see for myself where the limits of the discussion or debate was being left off.
I learnt to move this forward in face of the points reached. In terms of the same ole rhetoric supplied by Peter Woit. I found that if I wanted to learn anything further in regards to string theory I had to move beyond his arguments confronted, and I have even stopped listening to him. Why would you continue to do research, when a forgone conclusion had been adopted? It's easy, just adopt his point of view and why comment any further unless you had some ulterior motive? Some important information that you could discredit the string theory model itself?
Then it would all be done an dover with and we would have no need further for their services.
Mandelstam held within context of the String landscape

So for me having markers in place seems critical so I can progress from where future points being talked. I continue to learn from Lee Smolin and why it was important to differentiate between the String theory Landscape and the Fitness Landscape that he is extolling.
Now what does this mean and I needed the article from George Musser's editorial position with the Scientific America magazine to further what I had found. Who said a good magazine, holding a independent position, one way or the other, could not report "bias free" without interjecting it's thought to further embed in consciousness, that a perceived condition exists? That string theory is dead? No, that string theory is loosing ground in a debate? Hardly :)
Considering it's source, I would think about shifting the need for consultation to incentives to post docs, and then maybe Lee Smolin could come in and support that position and then it seems, the debate is going in their direction? Talking about getting away form the essence of the debate on string theory loosing ground. This is a smoke screen being put up when the issue technically were getting close, now required some kind of diversion tactic, of course bas don the same issue with which they perceive string theory is being supported by special interest, and then moving the perception to who should be hired and preferential treatment?
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Elixir of the Bee Community
You should know that that the names of the Bee people have their names protected, to protect the community at large. Some larger human species, like to use the benefits of this society, without recognizing the constructive efforts that goes into this elixir Production.
Marc D. Hauser:
See Bumblebee Wing Rotations and Dancing
Many times people have used Ant world to illustrate their ideas, but the time has come, that the relationship to perspective dynamics at that level should think about the vast literature of Bee people.
The second of five Lagrangian equilbrium points, approximately 1.5 million kilometers beyond Earth, where the gravitational forces of Earth and Sun balance to keep a satellite at a nearly fixed position relative to Earth.
See Second of Five Lagrangian Equilibrium Points
One should not think these people have been disassociated from reality, and that it has only been our ignorance of the economics and flight patterns, that we failed to see the dynamical community that bee propagation goes through, in order to continue it's rich development. The elixir production is coming out of that community.
There are two reasons that having mapped E8 is so important. The practical one is that E8 has major applications: mathematical analysis of the most recent versions of string theory and supergravity theories all keep revealing structure based on E8. E8 seems to be part of the structure of our universe.
The other reason is just that the complete mapping of E8 is the largest mathematical structure ever mapped out in full detail by human beings. It takes 60 gigabytes to store the map of E8. If you were to write it out on paper in 6-point print (that's really small print), you'd need a piece of paper bigger than the island of Manhattan. This thing is huge.
See Solidification of Geometrical Presence
Flower pollination is a interesting thing having considered the world that the Bee people live in. After all, the dynamics and travel used, one could not help being enamoured with the naturalness with which one may try to reproduce in human mechanistic movement, that the Bee people live and breathe.
Humanistic intelligences is a larger format, to what they do in that Bee community?
Cell construction provides for the further propagation of the community, but no where do the Bee people give the particulates of the cell construction? Humanistic intelligences only see the community with regards to the Bee movements :)The Bee people have a greater depth to what is seen.
Observing the community at large, the Bee people have much more to present then thinking just in the way they work. Who is Navier Stokes of the humanistic intelligences to think only he could reveal anomalistic perception in the nature of viscosity, not to think there is relativistic conditions that the Bee people bring to reductionism views in physics?
Worker bees perform a host of tasks from cleaning the hive cells to looking after the larvae
So I've taken a different tack here. If it is so hard for the community at large to comprehend that extra dimensional thinking then there has to be some way in which we as lay people can envision the acrobatics of a busy bee and their flight plans? What the community is all about. Who is doing what?
How many dimensions are there?
The Bee people had graduated from the world of the ant people, jsut by their evolutionary timeline. They were "much more visionary" then the ant people. Because they could leave their three dimensional world of the table top, and pop into ant world's frame of reference. Ant people were never the wiser. Just that, Bee people existed.
Providing a rigorous theoretical framework that incorporates both recent developments such as Aubrey-Mather theory and established fundamentals like Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory, this book represents an indispensable resource for graduate students and researchers in the disciplines concerned as well as practitioners in fields such as aerospace engineering.
See Wolf-Rayet star
Brane theory development needed a boost from the Bee people. Not only now do we understand the "dynamical thinking that goes with the Bee's flight patterns," we are now thinking, hey, "can these things apply" to the current solutions the humanistic intelligences persevere to unfold in their space travels?
Not just "our waist lines" as some might think in regards to "lensing" and the circles we apply in "computerize efforts." The range of territory of the Bee's community is well considered?

We know that that kind of information is encoded in the signal because people in Denmark have created a robotic honey bee that you can plop in the middle of a colony, programmed to dance in a certain way, and the hive members will actually follow the information precisely to that location. Researchers have been able to understand the information processing system to this level, and consequently, can actually transmit it through the robot to other members of the hive.
See Bumblebee Wing Rotations and Dancing
Many times people have used Ant world to illustrate their ideas, but the time has come, that the relationship to perspective dynamics at that level should think about the vast literature of Bee people.

See Second of Five Lagrangian Equilibrium Points
One should not think these people have been disassociated from reality, and that it has only been our ignorance of the economics and flight patterns, that we failed to see the dynamical community that bee propagation goes through, in order to continue it's rich development. The elixir production is coming out of that community.

The other reason is just that the complete mapping of E8 is the largest mathematical structure ever mapped out in full detail by human beings. It takes 60 gigabytes to store the map of E8. If you were to write it out on paper in 6-point print (that's really small print), you'd need a piece of paper bigger than the island of Manhattan. This thing is huge.
See Solidification of Geometrical Presence
Flower pollination is a interesting thing having considered the world that the Bee people live in. After all, the dynamics and travel used, one could not help being enamoured with the naturalness with which one may try to reproduce in human mechanistic movement, that the Bee people live and breathe.
Humanistic intelligences is a larger format, to what they do in that Bee community?
Cell construction provides for the further propagation of the community, but no where do the Bee people give the particulates of the cell construction? Humanistic intelligences only see the community with regards to the Bee movements :)The Bee people have a greater depth to what is seen.
Observing the community at large, the Bee people have much more to present then thinking just in the way they work. Who is Navier Stokes of the humanistic intelligences to think only he could reveal anomalistic perception in the nature of viscosity, not to think there is relativistic conditions that the Bee people bring to reductionism views in physics?

The workers have a variety of tasks to perform – some collect nectar from flowers, others pollen, some are engaged in constructing new combs, or looking after the developing larvae, some perform the duty of cleaning the cells or feeding the larvae on special secretion that they regurgitate from their mouth parts. In these insects the exact task of any individual depends largely on its age, although there is a certain flexibility, depending on the requirements of the hive.
So I've taken a different tack here. If it is so hard for the community at large to comprehend that extra dimensional thinking then there has to be some way in which we as lay people can envision the acrobatics of a busy bee and their flight plans? What the community is all about. Who is doing what?
How many dimensions are there?
Consider ants crawling on a tabletop. In their daily experience, they can explore only 2 dimensions, those of the table surface. They may see a bee up flying, or occasionally landing on the table top, but that 3rd dimension is something they can only see or imagine, not experience. Perhaps we are in an analogous situation. Instead of a tabletop, we live in a 3-dimensional space called 3-brane (a name generalizing 2-brane, i.e., membrane). For some reason, we (i.e., atoms, molecules, photons etc.) are stuck in this 3-brane, even though there are 6 additional dimensions out there. Gravity, like the bee, can go everywhere. We call this the brane world, a rather natural phenomenon in superstring theory. At the moment, physicists are working hard to understand this scenario better and to find ways to experimentally test this idea.
The Bee people had graduated from the world of the ant people, jsut by their evolutionary timeline. They were "much more visionary" then the ant people. Because they could leave their three dimensional world of the table top, and pop into ant world's frame of reference. Ant people were never the wiser. Just that, Bee people existed.

See Wolf-Rayet star
Brane theory development needed a boost from the Bee people. Not only now do we understand the "dynamical thinking that goes with the Bee's flight patterns," we are now thinking, hey, "can these things apply" to the current solutions the humanistic intelligences persevere to unfold in their space travels?
Not just "our waist lines" as some might think in regards to "lensing" and the circles we apply in "computerize efforts." The range of territory of the Bee's community is well considered?
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