Spin, which is assigned a value of "up" or "down," is a quantum-mechanical property of electrons. Like charge, spin can be encoded with binary data. See:
The Current Spin on Spintronics
Spintronics (a neologism for "spin-based electronics"), also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology which exploits the quantum spin states of electrons as well as making use of their charge state. The electron spin itself is manifested as a two state magnetic energy system.
The discovery of giant magnetoresistance in 1988 by Albert Fert et al. and Peter Grünberg et al. independently is considered as the birth of spintronics.
Racetrack memory
Racetrack memory is an experimental non-volatile memory device under development at IBM's Almaden Research Center by a team led by Stuart Parkin.[1] In early 2008 a 3-bit version was successfully demonstrated.[2] Developed successfully, racetrack would offer storage density higher than comparable solid-state memory devices like Flash RAM and similar to conventional disk drives, but with much higher read/write performance. It is one of a number of new technologies vying to become a "universal memory" in the future.
Spintronics Devices ResearchRacetrack Memory, Spin Injectors, Magnetic Tunnel Transistors, and a host of more exotic spintronic designs take us beyond the realm of the simple GMR spinvalve.
See Also:
Moore's Law Endangered?
Magnetic Monopoles in Spin Ice See
my comment there for computerize correlation defining elementary particle creation.
Comment in full below until post recognition.
Steven:Or anyone involved in spintronics?
That thought of spintronics crossed my mind as well.
In a "parabox situation" it is important to understand that quantum gravity history as it might be used, might be used to define some "emergent principle as a algorithm written" may also be written as "quantum gravity signal" for computerized situations in numerical standardization relations?
I mean you have to have some format in which to translate the theoretical toward the truest versions of a "vision of the math." What ever that may be.