Showing posts with label Gordon Kane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gordon Kane. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Gordon Kane Post on Reference Frame

Fig.3 Revisionist History and String Theory and the Real World
See: "Learning from theory and data about our string vacuum"


Also for viewing:

NAS Produces Animations of Dark Matter for Planetarium Shows

The newly-installed Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 (AMS)


Excerpt from "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer - A Physics Experiment on the International Space Station" by Dr. Sam Ting: The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a state-of-the-art particle physics detector constructed, tested and operated by an international team composed of 60 institutes from 16 countries and organized under United States Department of Energy (DOE) sponsorship. The AMS-02 will use the unique environment of space to advance knowledge of the universe and lead to the understanding of the universe's origin by searching for antimatter, dark matter and measuring cosmic rays.

Experimental evidence indicates that our Galaxy is made of matter; however, there are more than 100 hundred million galaxies in the universe and the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe requires equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Theories that explain this apparent asymmetry violate other measurements. Whether or not there is significant antimatter is one of the fundamental questions of the origin and nature of the universe. Any observations of an antihelium nucleus would provide evidence for the existence of antimatter. In 1999, AMS-01 established a new upper limit of 10-6 for the antihelium/helium flux ratio in the universe. AMS-02 will search with a sensitivity of 10-9, an improvement of three orders of magnitude, sufficient to reach the edge of the expanding universe and resolve the issue definitively.

The visible matter in the universe (stars) adds up to less than 5 percent of the total mass that is known to exist from many other observations. The other 95 percent is dark, either dark matter (which is estimated at 20 percent of the universe by weight or dark energy, which makes up the balance). The exact nature of both still is unknown. One of the leading candidates for dark matter is the neutralino. If neutralinos exist, they should be colliding with each other and giving off an excess of charged particles that can be detected by AMS-02. Any peaks in the background positron, anti-proton, or gamma flux could signal the presence of neutralinos or other dark matter candidates.

Six types of quark (u, d, s, c, b and t) have been found experimentally, however all matter on Earth is made up of only two types of quarks (u and d). It is a fundamental question whether there is matter made up of three quarks (u, d and s). This matter is known as Strangelets. Strangelets can have extremely large mass and very small charge-to-mass ratios. It would be a totally new form of matter. AMS will provide a definitive answer on the existence of this extraordinary matter. The above three examples indicates that AMS will probe the foundations of modern physics.

Cosmic radiation is a significant obstacle to a manned space flight to Mars. Accurate measurements of the cosmic ray environment are needed to plan appropriate countermeasures. Most cosmic ray studies are done by balloon-borne satellites with flight times that are measured in days; these studies have shown significant variations. AMS-02 will be operative on the ISS for a nominal mission of 3 years, gathering an immense amount of accurate data and allowing measurements of the long term variation of the cosmic ray flux over a wide energy range, for nuclei from protons to iron. After the nominal mission, AMS-02 can continue to provide cosmic ray measurements. In addition to the understanding the radiation protection required for manned interplanetary flight, this data will allow the interstellar propagation and origins of cosmic rays to be pinned down. See:
The newly-installed Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 (AMS)

Friday, January 21, 2011

String Theory and the Real World

To be sure, the majority of research into string theory is not focused on how the theory connects to the real world; rather, most physicists are exploring questions at a more theoretical level. Such formal work is necessary, because as noted above, we need a deeper understanding to fully formulate the theory. Even the many theorists who are interested in how string theory connects to the real world don’t typically think much about what it means to test the theory. Fortunately, an increasingly active group of “string phenomenologists” are focusing on formulating a string-based description of the world and testing that understanding. They are already making testable predictions, and will increasingly do so.String Theory and the Real World by Gordon Kane

I am one of those laymen besieged by the possibilities of wrong assumptions, even though I have been following this subject for many years now.

So,  given the understanding that this could be the case of course one should defer to the article in question, so as to get it from the mouth of an expert, then, to settle on not what I believe, as I have witnessed  many believed,  following the crowd of "so and so,"  as to having been undermined by a rhetoric that did String Theory little justice to the views that it would bestowed upon the world from that theoretical position.

I mean in regards to "that point" though,  isn't it that if you can see the issues in a different light,  it harbors the potential to seeing the whole subject of the science in a way that would  forge new pathways in neurological development that few had traveled and nurtured. So yes,  setting the framework does this by illuminating corners of thought, not had been given those freedoms to roam, is based on a foundation and supported thinking from that a theoretical position.

Orientation of Perspective

So yes you have to look at this according to the way in which one might approach using string theory as a "point of view" such as emergence arising in the matter of perspectives, as a final result to it's meaning? So, if you see me deluded, then how much more so of you, if such conclusion as a derivative of your thinking, is based on "consensus alone from a crowd speaking" and not from a perspective of such orientation, that one's spouting such ills toward, could have amount to a superficial excursionist comment without any meaning at all.

So it is the effort on my part, and has always been,  to see if such perspective could be engaged by  a perspective that could take me to a point of origins, that such thoughts are so as to see it's explanation  laid out in the image above. Not just of a point in space, as a part of a flowery representation of that point, but of one that can contain the potentials as a description of the world according to deep immersion of thinking and probing of that point.

So the cosmological expression is wrapped not only in the cosmological view of the universe,  but of the nature of the expression of the energy that manifests as particulate expressions of that energy. The entropic realization of a final state of expression about which such matters are inherent definitions of the way things are in our world.

Commonality of Expression

So comparative understanding of such theoretical development needs not only to be seen in the light of "high energy considerations" as  has been explained by Gordon Kane,  but for the phenomenological approach to determinations,  as expression of such abstract thought as having a place in the real world of matter defined things.

You write your mathematical descriptions of the world and see them in relation too? Why not use this perspective about the "expression of things"  projected toward as a evolution of things from "inside ourselves," as breaking the barrier of subtle expressions as finite things( our actions)?

That is it's potential you see,  "a point about which,"  I have reiterated over and over again about the possibilities as potentials as a standard in measure,  rigorous in it's implications,  and repeatable in it's determination as "recognizable in our actions" as such commonality of expression.  Demonstrative of approach,  toward the science of things.

See Also: Gordon Kane, string theory, and the real world