Sunday, April 26, 2009

Leaving Footprints

Labyrinth on the portico of the cathedral of San Martino at Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.

The term labyrinth is often used interchangeably with maze, but modern scholars of the subject use a stricter definition. For them, a maze is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage with choices of path and direction; while a single-path (unicursal) labyrinth has only a single Eulerian path to the center. A labyrinth has an unambiguous through-route to the center and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate.

This unicursal design was widespread in artistic depictions of the Minotaur's Labyrinth, even though both logic and literary descriptions of it make it clear that the Minotaur was trapped in a multicursal maze.[2]

A labyrinth can be represented both symbolically and physically. Symbolically, it is represented in art or designs on pottery, as body art, etched on walls of caves, etc. Physical representations are common throughout the world and are generally constructed on the ground so they may be walked along from entry point to center and back again. They have historically been used in both group ritual and for private meditation.

This has been brewing in the back of my mind for some time now. AS you can see with my previous post entitled,"What are Memories made up of ?," I am going after the "scientific validation" that is needed in my view with which to grant substance to the depth of persons life, as if thought held to an reincarnate perspective.

Some things that are held in mind are much as if one were a tracker and what evidence allows one to see such an impression set as a footprint indeed, leaves us some information about what had existed before. I think this is significant when I think about what passes to earth as LIGO operation are measured, in the ligo arms.

This is why I reference KIp Thorne and all those who study gravitational waves are trackers of a sort in my mind, as to what existed before, has indeed left an impression for us to measure now. Thusly to say "the bulk," then is to say that such evidence exists all around us in this way.

Now what makes this different is something that I had found in my own life, so yes, how can I say that this is there for others as well? Subjectively, we understand that the mind requires a science validation process that would account for some kind of verification as to something that passes from one life to another?

If a sceptic then of course where is one's proof. While it is required for them, it is not so important to me, that while venturing to be much like a scientist, that I am happy to say these things hold meaning that exist without out that need.


According to the scriptures, the Buddha taught a concept of rebirth that was distinct from that of any known contemporary Indian teacher. This concept was consistent with the common notion of a sequence of related lives stretching over a very long time, but was constrained by two core Buddhist concepts: anattā, that there is no irreducible ātman or "self" tying these lives together; and anicca, that all compounded things are subject to dissolution, including all the components of the human person and personality. At the death of one personality, a new one comes into being, much as the flame of a dying candle can serve to light the flame of another.[10][11]

Since, according to Buddhism, there is no permanent and unchanging self (identity) there can be no transmigration in the strict sense. Buddhism teaches that what is reborn is not the person but that one moment gives rise to another and that this momentum continues, even after death. It is a more subtle concept than the usual notion of reincarnation, reflecting the Buddhist concept of personality existing (even within one's lifetime) without a "Self". Instead of a fixed entity, what is reborn is an "evolving consciousness" (M.1.256) or "stream of consciousness" (D.3.105), whose quality has been conditioned by karma.[12]

Buddhism suggests that samsara, the process of rebirth, occurs across five or six realms of existence.[13] It is actually said in Tibetan Buddhism that it is very rare for a person to be reborn in the immediate next life as a human.[14] This depends on the karmic potentialities (or "seeds") they have created with their actions and upon their state of mind at the time of death. If we die with a peaceful mind, this will stimulate a virtuous seed and we shall experience a fortunate rebirth; but if we die with a disturbed mind, in a state of anger, say, this will stimulate a non-virtuous seed and we shall experience an unfortunate rebirth. This is similar to the way in which nightmares are triggered by our being in an agitated state of mind just before falling asleep.[15]

How many examples here then shown in link above, only as one, that I can say that my views are and coincide with this perspective, or that belief? This does not invalidate these views at all, just that I am struggling to explain myself within context of the subject, yet personal, in the way I came about my own view.

This runs contrary to many aspects of the beliefs in reincarnation, that anything of the personality could survive let alone "some mandala symbol that is transferable" from one life to another "as an model of perspective." This was troubling in my mind that if I can experience facets of my consciousnesses in the idea of "containment of experience," then how can such symbolisms not be seen "as seeds" if you might, as to what transpires in another future mind from earlier time?

I can say, that intuitively such constructions were familiar to me. That such a process was developed, as I sought to understand my relation with the world. These experiences had a tremendous impact, as time moved on as if the writing just seem to follow from one question in mind, to the next. This is why questions seem to be so prevalent in my writing, that a question mark, could set the stage for what is to come next.

It is as if then, you lay out all the evidence before you, and in this containment of probables, what question will rise in mind that really brings all this evidence together? It's a troubling time in mind, that being inundated and gathering research material, you wonder what it all means, and only by setting the stage for such incubation, will any egg transpire out of the "deliberate mind to facilitate" the emergence of the modelling.

Sure it will all sound familiar in a scientific concept kind of way. How can you then go backward when one must move forward according to some arrow of time. Time set forth as some evolutionary cause for the idea of a soul perfecting itself, after trials and tribulations, to make sense and mature through growth. Moving "around the wheel of life" one might say?

So you see then this is a problem for me in that a description given by Buddhism might immediately disqualify such a notion as I prepare for the enquiring mind as to "a method by which such models are built" and finally lived as life is breathed into.

How did this come to be?

Is an affinity with somethings in your life an adequate measure of some unseen bond that is struck between you and the object of your perception? Is there such a time as if in the state of mind that chaos could harbour a nightmare that one may also say that such a life work can spark some remembrance of things too, in such a state? It is in such a moment that certain events have strikingly force myself to consider some evidence to exist to support such a vision to see that such examples were plenty as I roamed the hall of our records to see that such perspective were held relevant in my mind. Mandalas a plenty then, and even conceptually, an liminocentric structure of you like. Mathematically appealing, as to a basis of an "geometric equatorial design" that rests at the basis of ones psychology.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What are Memories made up of ?

Illustration by The New York Times

Some do indeed understand the fuzzy logic.

These images are pixel orientated. They describe a process of thinking that is quite impermeable to the everyday biological function of the thinking brain that we have devised a way in which to represent the process of marketing for the populace at large that is by it's own standard, not real?

First came the heterodyne. The principle of "beats" or difference tones between simultaneous audio pitches was well known since antiquity, but Reginald Fessenden in 1901 was the first to apply the principle to radio transmissions [3]. Originally both radio frequencies were to be transmitted, received with two antennas, and combined in a detector. Later a local oscillator was substituted for one of the transmitter-receiver combinations and the heterodyne as we know it was born. Fessenden himself coined the term, from the Greek heteros (other) and dynamis (force).Who Invented the Superheterodyne?

If memories can reside in the bulk, and the bulk is accessible to any thinking....what exists then as a schema of thought, that have been emotively crystallize in constituents of a finer particulate(pixels), and defined as some substrate of the thinking everyday world? Is reductionism then thought too, having run it's course. If we think it, and thusly, so shall it be?

So then, there is "no finer substrate of the thinking mind" that is alloted to a movement of sorts, which gathers around, and becomes, all probabilistic futures, that will be connected, as if, in cause and effect that we were not aware of?

That then is a conclusion one can drawn and most certainly life goes on and we experience the world the way it is. There is no other view with which to tackle the simplicity of the world other then to take it as it is?

But wait!


Dr. Kip Thorne, Caltech 01-Relativity-The First 20th Century Revolution

This device is also used to dial into the history and memory of a soul and their functions of the past, as they are revealed through this screen.

While one may indeed think this is some story line, it is also an idea that rests in the creative facet of my thinking, that it was Jung's world of the collective unconscious which held and does hold a validity of thinking, that all facets of these schemes, are real tangible things. They are the record of our history. How shall we record history then?

Thusly, as using these constituent factors of the reductionist principle of our everyday world, it then made sense to me, that we should be able to record history just as much as we watch preprogrammed medium aspects of television, that we could adjust the frequency, to hone in on such and such a date?

Ah! Time travel? No not really, just using what currently already exists out there in the bulk.


  • The Gravity People of our History
  • Production of Gravitational Waves

  • Timeline
  • Monday, April 20, 2009

    Mapping Weather Changes

    Plato Said:
    More to the truth then.

    A device, that reveals what "color of gravity" means as you display your patronage in thought. More to the "signature of your soul being," that while thinking genome, it's more what you like to do with this physiological makeup and brain, that reveals the true nature of the individual in full regalia.

    A lie detector. No. Something much more substantial in this device as the defendant sits under sworn testimony.
    See also:Yes, but are you a prime-number?

    Uniqueness of the soul arising from it's beginning, is that each life is "an identification unique" of what can be manifested as a circle if you like, and identified to each quadrant as "an image to explain," what and why you came into this life and the purpose.

    It begins and one travels clockwise for consideration. This once existed, yet does not now. Such memories can be contained to mandalas of a sort, while you contend to produce mind maps for containment in this life as models that are not so different to see that such a thing can become an identifier of what you are motivated to do and carry over into this life. Energy packet that can awake into what has been done previously now provided a time when such a capsule explodes into awareness.

    But the truth is, the Earth's topography is highly variable with mountains, valleys, plains, and deep ocean trenches. As a consequence of this variable topography, the density of Earth's surface varies. These fluctuations in density cause slight variations in the gravity field, which, remarkably, GRACE can detect from space.

    I wanted to write this post with the understanding that while we define ourselves in terms of the body, earth, there is a "weather that surrounds us" that is not so different then what surrounds the earth.

    So below is a scientific analysis, while I speculated as to the measures that would require such a device for existence to be thought of, in much the same way. "So chaotic" that such a realization exists in mind that the detection of the truer color palettes, can be turbulent above, while underneath, such weather disturbances detour those same color factors held too, in body mind solidified.

    This device is also used to dial into the history and memory of a soul and their functions of the past, as they are revealed through this screen.

    Two experiments harness cosmic rays to help monitor and predict weather. On the surface, COSMOS detectors clock the speeds of neutrons that are generated when cosmic rays penetrate the ground. This yields a measure of soil moisture, an important factor in precipitation and crop yields. And half a mile underground, muons coming into the MINOS detector were used to take the temperature of the lower stratosphere. This could help validate readings from satellites and weather balloons. Illustration: Sandbox StudioSee:Cosmic weather gauges By Glennda Chui and Tona Kunz

    Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Sacks Spiral

    Dyson, one of the most highly-regarded scientists of his time, poignantly informed the young man that his findings into the distribution of prime numbers corresponded with the spacing and distribution of energy levels of a higher-ordered quantum state. Mathematics Problem That Remains Elusive —And Beautiful By Raymond Petersen

    Sacks Spiral of prime numbers

    Robert Sacks devised the Sacks spiral, a variant of the Ulam spiral, in 1994. It differs from Ulam's in three ways: it places points on an Archimedean spiral rather than the square spiral used by Ulam, it places zero in the center of the spiral, and it makes a full rotation for each perfect square while the Ulam spiral places two squares per rotation. Certain curves originating from the origin appear to be unusually dense in prime numbers; one such curve, for instance, contains the numbers of the form n2 + n + 41, a famous prime-rich polynomial discovered by Leonhard Euler in 1774. The extent to which the number spiral's curves are predictive of large primes and composites remains unknown.

    A closely related spiral, described by Hahn (2008), places each integer at a distance from the origin equal to its square root, at a unit distance from the previous integer. It also approximates an Archimedean spiral, but it makes less than one rotation for every three squares.

    It looks as though primes tend to concentrate in certain curves that swoop away to the northwest and southwest, like the curve marked by the blue arrow. (The numbers on that curve are of the form x(x+1) + 41, the famous prime-generating formula discovered by Euler in 1774.). See more info on Mersenne Prime.


  • Quantum Mechanics: Determinism at Planck Scale
  • The Whole World is a Stage
  • Nature's Experiment on the Meaning of Weight
  • Friday, April 10, 2009

    To Stop the Hardening

    Kaluza-Klein (Invisible Architecture III) by Dawn Meson

    Gallery: Dawn Meson
    by Raven Hanna

    From cave paintings of bison to Monet landscapes, artists have studied and interpreted the natural world. Dawn Neal Meson, a San Francisco artist, has taken this theme one level further, or, rather, many orders of magnitude smaller.

    The subjects of Sum Over Histories, Meson's latest series of acrylic paintings, feature aspects of nature at the particle physics level: colliding electrons, multidimensional surfaces, entangled particles, and string theory. Her goal is to illuminate invisible worlds, unseen and unseeable. Through these works she answers her own question, what can art contribute beyond photography?

    Thursday, April 02, 2009

    The Relief of Burdens

    Realistic or imaginative? This detailed bust, titled 'Solon' (National Museum, Naples) is technically more sophisticated than anything produced in Solon's own time. Most of the ancient literary records, from which history derives its knowledge of Solon, were also constructed long after his death.

    Solon (ancient Greek: Σόλων, c. 638 BC–558 BC) was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and Lyric poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic Athens. His reforms failed in the short term yet he is often credited with having laid the foundations for Athenian democracy.[1][2][3][4]

    Our knowledge of Solon is limited by the lack of documentary and archeological evidence covering Athens in the early 6th Century BC.[5][6] He wrote poetry for pleasure, as patriotic propaganda and in defence of his constitutional reforms. His works only survive in fragments. They appear to feature interpolations by later authors, and it is possible that fragments have been wrongly attributed to him (see Solon the reformer and poet). Ancient authors such as Herodotus and Plutarch are our main source of information, yet they wrote about Solon hundreds of years after his death, when history was by no means an academic discipline (see for example Anecdotes). Fourth Century orators, such as Aeschines, tended to attribute to Solon all the laws of their own, much later times.[7] Archeology reveals glimpses of Solon's period in the form of fragmentary inscriptions but little else. For some scholars, our 'knowledge' of Solon and his times is largely a fictive construct based on insufficient evidence[8][9] while others believe a substantial body of real knowledge is still attainable.[10] Solon and his times can appear particularly interesting to students of history as a test of the limits and nature of historical argument.[11]

    Seisachtheia (Greek: seiein, to shake, and achthos, burden, i.e. the relief of burdens) was a set of laws instituted by the Athenian lawmaker Solon in order to rectify the wide-spread serfdom and slavery that had run rampant in Athens by the 6th Century BC, by debt relief. Under the pre-existing legal status, according to the Aristotelian Constitution of the Athenians, debtors unable to repay their creditors would surrender their land to them, then becoming hektemoroi, i.e. serfs who cultivated what used to be their own land and gave one sixth of produce to their creditors. Should the debt exceed the perceived value of debtor's total assets, then the debtor and his family would become the creditor's slaves as well. The same would result if a man defaulted on a debt whose collateral was the debtor's personal freedom.

    The seisachtheia laws immediately cancelled all outstanding debts, retroactively emancipated all previously enslaved debtors, reinstated all confiscated serf property to the hektemorioi, and forbade the use of personal freedom as collateral in all future debts. A ceiling to maximum property size was also instituted regardless of the legality of its acquisition (i.e. by marriage), meant to prevent excessive accumulation of land by powerful families.