As Plato tells it, the beautiful orderliness of the universe is not only the manifestation of Intellect; it is also the model for rational souls to understand and to emulate. Such understanding and emulation restores those souls to their original state of excellence, a state that was lost in their embodiment. There is, then, an explicit ethical and religious dimension to the discourse. Plato's Timaeus -Zeyl, Donald, "Plato's Timaeus", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),
Belief and Intent are very important here as the person comes to a position of judgment. I do not need to talk about the person, their qualities as a human being other then to know that people in general what ever their profession make judgements, and these become the intent, even if they wish to connect in that moment. Why Judgement is so important as a finality to making a decision about things. This in that moment as to recognizing the intent, betrays the pursuit of what is wanted to be known, so there is this to consider.
The link to Ian I remember. Sort of brings up another point I wish to reveal in consideration of that moment. This I connected to synchronicity a long time ago, as I read Jung. As TC mentions intent is very important, and freewill in this life as the person "is" an able function while we are here. This moment is directly connected to logic and deja vu. The moment, is a parallel recognition of something forward in time, as to a recognition of the course you are following in that moment, and why you recognize it. It confirms, that you are following the correct path.
I mentioned the Park , to show that this has been with me for almost 50 years now so as to decipher the way in which I as individual could connect to the data as information from in the Larger Consciousness System( LCS.) That experience was located in the dream environment, so such a construct of images of people what ever their religion could call this philosopher a God, or, what ever their religion may be, was a time of respect in the encounter.
The point was this connection to the LCS was a method that I was able to recognize, and consequent information reveal an understanding of the point I had been referring too, after all these years. I had time then to perfect that method. While living I had no access to teachers, so I had to find the teacher in me to connect for the answers. Why I would profess that people have this ability in them to be the teacher and student at once. Why, I want to drive people to this point. It s a small moment of enlightenment if you will that had intrigue my life ever since.
Now people talk about magic, and I understand that there is this possibility that they will see something that will not follow all the rules we have come to know of in science, so this is why I engage science. Why I followed the development of quantum gravity. Go ahead quote and use any knowledgeable person you would like and you cannot change the experience( I am referring to an objective experience). A person of that ilk will know something about science that not everyone else knows. My perspective with regard to materialism was well formed before TC came along. The mystery of what is not know of consciousness, as we learn to recognize, will eventually become an ability of its use.
Sir Isaac Newton studied Optics.
Newtonian science became a central issue in the assault waged by the philosophes in the Age of Enlightenment against a natural philosophy based on the authority of ancient Greek or Roman naturalists or on deductive reasoning from first principles (the method advocated by French philosopher René Descartes), rather than on the application of mathematical reasoning to experience or experiment. Voltaire popularised Newtonian science, including the content of the both the Principia and the Opticks, in his Elements de la philosophie de Newton (1738), and after about 1750 the combination of the experimental methods exemplified by the Opticks and the mathematical methods exemplified by the Principia were established as a unified and comprehensive model of Newtonian science. Some of the primary adepts in this new philosophy were such prominent figures as Benjamin Franklin, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, and James Black. Reception
I find "incubation" a good term with regard to intent. Distillation, an apt term to decipher the context of one's life experience, and of the understanding emotion. Emotion, as if used in a olfactory sense, provide for the impetus for memory to be placed in existence as data. I associated the collective unconscious as a permeation of a fabric of reality as all that exists as data, as information. Water would not be understood without understand the emotive quality that one might assign to it. How fluid as a substance that flows through the body as a distillation as memory would leave nothing but the hard fact of ones experience..Ouspensky, was good and finding that point in between the moments.
Sir Isaac Newton studied Chymstry.
After purchasing and studying Newton's alchemical works in 1942, economist John Maynard Keynes, for example, opined that "Newton was not the first of the age of reason, he was the last of the magicians". Isaac Newton's occult studies
So in a sense, I may have given a glimpse of the man known as Sir Isaac Newton, as being in such a question as to understand his biology, to see that the use of distillation, was a form of deductive logic. I had come to recognize it did not lessen the ability of Sir Issac Newton to be shown as a suspected illogical side to him while he wrote his Optics, but a better understanding by him of the matters that course through him, and as matters in the earth.
Biology of Quantum Mechanics
Austrian-born physicist and theoretical biologist Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum theory in physics, also became one of the first scientists to suggest a study of quantum biology in his 1944 book What Is Life?. Quantum biology
Before computers came along, we existed, and so did libraries as data banks of information, but still the cataloged data as that kind of information did not speak to what could be gained from using intent to find answers, so it had to be found somewhere.