True creativity often starts where language ends.Arthur Koestler
(The Fifth Dimension)
Idea of the pipe
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Picture of the pipe
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The real pipe and form
Betrayal of Images" by Rene MagritteIN a sense having already lived a life, one can say indeed that with what you learnt, you are able to make an assessment of life, and "in retrospective" lived life according to what you had learnt. But it's not always that easy. How was I suppose to know that life would turn out this way?
Life's simple moment of question about a whole life can be reduced to say "that in every moment" what shall I have done better? So we had to look at how we had lived, and only then, do we know "now," what we shall do different in the future.

So this is the quest you could say about "acquiring knowledge." Left to our own means, we can look at our environment, and one would have to wonder about your interaction with it. Left to your own means, without having the college degree, or the avenues to proceed under mentored tutorship, how is it that you could move yourself to the very "stop off points" for consideration, while you had lived your life, and advanced the knowledge?
Arthur Koestler CBE (September 5, 1905, Budapest – March 3, 1983, London)As one discovers certain aspects of "
the character of our heroes," it is not for me to judge their character in this blog piece, for they will be left to their own demise without my participation of condemning them.
IN "weighing the heart and the feather," the horrors of our own lives will have been left for us to "project forward," what we wish to correct again in another life. This does not ever diminish the wrongs done, but provides for a chance to move ever closer to that source, by acceptance of the "fate" by our choice of a new certain future?
Hall of Ma'atIn art, the feather was shown in scenes of the Hall of Ma'at. This hall is where the deceased was judged for his worthiness to enter the afterlife. The seat of the deceased's soul, his heart, was weighed on a balance against the feather of Ma'at. If the heart was free from the impurities of sin, and therefore lighter than the feather, then the dead person could enter the eternal afterlife. Other gods in the judgement hall who were part of the tribunal overseeing the weighing of the heart were also pictured holding a feather.
Egyptian Myths In all the wrongs of that character was there ever a "light that shined in a piece of knowledge" whilst the lives struggled toward a future?
Of Koestler’s many books, his powerfully anti-Communist novel Darkness at Noon (1941) is still the most famous, but he wrote one book that focused squarely on the paranormal – The Roots of Coincidence (1972). Here, he attempts to find a basis for paranormal events in coincidence, or more precisely synchronicity, so that there is only one phenomenon to explain rather than many. He proceeds to seek the roots of coincidence in the Alice-in-Wonderland world of quantum physics, the infinitesimally small subatomic realm where our everyday logic no longer holds sway, where particles can be waves and vice versa, where forces that only mathematical equations can glimpse swim in the dark, unfathomable ocean of probability before the manifestation of either matter or mind. Towards the end of the book, Koestler pleads that parapsychology be made “academically respectable and attractive to students”, otherwise the “limitations of our biological equipment may condemn us to the role of Peeping Toms at the keyhole of eternity”.
In the Mean TimeThis is the thing that people do not understand and our youth especially. That while one may of liked to have lived like a Garrett Lisi, one would had to have known that life can be lived very simply. So, there is an answering to the needs of the lifestyle one is accustomed, to have allowed oneself to live "freely in your thoughts," to "make room," to advance your knowledge, while taking care of these necessities of life.
There's no way around it. There are no freebies that life can be made so easy, that you could surpass all that life holds for your viewing and participation. Too know, that there are many things we had to learn, not just the acquiring of the knowledge, but to had lived that life, and to have lived it to a much "higher standard." One we had entered this life to accomplish. Who is it, for us to say, what that plan was?
Arthur Koestler and CreativityThe Soul=λόγος,θυμος,ἔρως