Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shape as Memory : A Geometric Theory of Architecture

I have yet to read the book.

What came to mind as I was looking at this has to do with the landscape of ideas.

It has to do with what is lying in those valleys. This may supply some understanding of how something can evolve from symmetry, as an expression of asymmetry geometrical objects. Pebbles on the side of mountains. So the idea then is that the memory is a form of geometrical expression of the energy. The object itself contains the information.

How do buildings store information and experience in their shape and form? Michael Leyton has attracted considerable attention with his interpretation of geometrical form as a medium for the storage of information and memory. In this publication he draws specific conclusions for the field of architecture and construction, attaching fundamental importance to the complex relationship between symmetry and asymmetry.


1. Geometry and Memory 8
1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Conventional Geometry: Euclid to Einstein 8
1.3 Special and General Relativity 10
1.4 New Foundations to Geometry 12
1.5 The Memory Roles of Symmetry and Asymmetry 15
1.6 Basic Procedure for Recovering the Past 18
1.7 Architecture 21

2. A Process-Grammar for Shape 24
2.1 Curvature as Memory Storage 24
2.2 General Symmetry Axes 25
2.3 Symmetry-Curvature Duality 26
2.4 The Interaction Principle 27
2.5 Undoing Curvature Variation 28
2.6 Extensive Application 29
2.7 A Grammatical Decomposition of the Asymmetry Principle 31
2.8 Process-Grammar and Asymmetry Principle 35
2.9 Scientific Applications of the Process-Grammar 36
2.10 Artistic Applications of the Process-Grammar 40
2.11 Architectural Applications of the Process-Grammar 41

3. Architecture as Maximal Memory Storage 54
3.1 Introduction 54
3.2 The Two Fundamental Principles 54
3.3 Groups 55
3.4 Generating a Shape by Transfer 56
3.5 Fiber and Control 58
3.6 Projection as Memory 59
3.7 Regularity in Classical Architecture 62
3.8 Breaking the Iso-Regularity 69
3.9 Reference Frames 70
3.10 New Theory of Symmetry-Breaking 70
3.11 Maximizing Memory Storage 72
3.12 Theory of Unfolding 75

4. Architecture and Computation 86
4.1 Introduction 86
4.2 New Foundations for Science 86
4.3 New Foundations for Art 89
4.4 New Foundations for Computation 90
4.5 What is a Building? 91

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keeping it Real

The first results on supersymmetry from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have been analysed by physicists and some are suggesting that the theory may be in trouble. Data from proton collisions in both the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) and ATLAS experiments have shown no evidence for supersymmetric particles – or sparticles – that are predicted by this extension to the Standard Model of particle physics. Will the LHC find supersymmetry Kate McAlpine ?

Thank you Tommaso Dorigo

If such propositions are ever moved to the project of LHC confirmations then the ideals of those who proposed should never be conceived as rats as a commentator writes. It's just not polite.

I would comment at your blog article but like Cosmic Variance I have been blocked. Oh well:)

This information is a form of responsible action toward experimental fundamentalism we take as one moves forward.

Atlas Experiment

Link on Title and internal "color reference links" will highlight links to subject locations. Well worth the visit.

 The ATLAS detector consists of four major components
(place your cursor over the links below to identify the location of the components):
  • inner detector (yellow) - measures the momentum of each charged particle
  • calorimeter (orange and green) - measures the energies carried by the particles
  • muon spectrometer (blue) - identifies and measures muons
  • magnet system (grey) - bending charged particles for momentum measurement
The interactions in the ATLAS detectors will create an enormous dataflow. To digest this data we need:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New View of Family Life in the North American Nebula

This swirling landscape of stars is known as the North American nebula. In visible light, the region resembles North America, but in this new infrared view from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, the continent disappears. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

See: New View of Family Life in the North American Nebula

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available.
The North America Nebula
Credit & Copyright: Jason Ware

Explanation: Here's a familiar shape in an unfamiliar location! This emission nebula is famous partly because it resembles Earth's continent of North America. To the right of the North America Nebula, cataloged as NGC 7000, is a less luminous Pelican Nebula. The two emission nebula measure about 50 light-years across, are located about 1500 light-years away, and are separated by a dark absorption cloud. The nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location. Look for a small nebular patch north-east of bright star Deneb in the constellation of Cygnus. It is still unknown which star or stars ionize the red-glowing hydrogen gas.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Quark Soup: Applied Superstring Theory

Alex Buche-University of Western Ontario / Perimeter Institute
Robert Myers-Perimeter Institute
Aninda Sinha-Perimeter Institute

It is believed that in the first few microseconds after the Big Bang, our universe was dominated by a strongly interacting phase of nuclear matter at extreme temperatures. An impressive experimental program at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island has been studying the properties of this nuclear plasma with some rather surprising results. We outline how there may be a deep connection between extra-dimensional gravity of String Theory and the fundamental theories of subatomic particles can solve the mystery of the near-ideal fluid properties of the strongly coupled nuclear plasma.

See Also:

Canadian Association of Physicists

Part of the understanding of the research goes back to the beginning of this QGP endeavor that brings us to today's level of understanding  enhanced by phenomenological positions now that allows us to move forward in our predictions and speculations. 

The Phenix

PHENIX, the Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment, is an exploratory experiment for the investigation of high energy collisions of heavy ions and protons. PHENIX is designed specifically to measure direct probes of the collisions such as electrons, muons, and photons. The primary goal of PHENIX is to discover and study a new state of matter called the Quark-Gluon Plasma.

Back in 2005, what is it we saw and what we building along the way experimentally had constraints which lead our birdseye view of the process  as if from a distance looking toward the specifics of collision processes,  allowed us to be taken ever closer to the beginnings of the universe in expression.

In summary, experiments at RHIC have shown that a very dense QCD medium is formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Other measurements, namely elliptic flow and baryon-to-meson ratios, indicate that this medium is characterized by partonic degrees offreedom and that its expansion and cooling is well described by hydrodynamical models with high viscosity. Thus, this medium is more similar to a liquid than to a gas of gluons and quarks.Review on Heavy-Ion Physics

Triggering a Wave of Star Formation.

Arp 147 contains a spiral galaxy (right) that collided with an elliptical galaxy (left), triggering a wave of star formation. Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/MIT/S.Rappaport et al, Optical: NASA/STScI   

See:Triggering a Wave of Star Formation.