Monday, March 21, 2005

Power of Symmetry Allows Us to Unify Disparate Pieces?

You know it is very frustrating sometimes when the paradoxal is presented to the mind through obsevration, to have it sloughed off as some speculative point that might be less then what the Doctor ordered?

In this case, the cause of the observation posts, what a three brane wrapped blackhole can mean? Here we see where the issues of Space-tearng conifold transitions are presented in a theoretical approach and quickly discarded by some, because it contained the brane word and would imply some kind of Brain world, ( Brane world.)

Well if you do not catch it the first time, there is hope that the theoretic applied will speak to what Hawking radiation might have in regards to the gravitational collapse initiated.

What is this physics doing here? This is not some free jaunt down memory lane, but a advancement in what is proposed? Very difficult to do this, if the environment is not translated in and by other ways, to see what the outcome of such a gravitational collapse can do. What is transmitted back into the space?

So I leave this here for a minute, and draw a quote from someone who is a good writer and has a good comprehension of the world as it sits. He might have been targeted as some wonder seeker by some, but his position to me has presented inquiring minds with the knowledge and basis, from which we must think.

So here is his quote, and I shall not name him. So that those who think he is some "wonder seeker" who has bastard the science who sold out his values, might wonder about their own position in the developing world of theoretics. To wonder, why such a message might not be important, when they think they can propose their own views about what the world should be.

Should what they have to say be held in any less contempt, that we should not only apply these same rules to those who hold a position about the harmonious whole, that we should even take the time to listen what they have to say?

To be quickly dismissed as verbiage not worth seeking because of some entertainment value as though one might he have sold out his profession? Any one, who uses this medium and blogging, can now consider themself part of the evil they think has manifested and sold out on. I refuse to even name this individual because he is advanced in his thinkng and is courting the world of theoretics.

For the first time, physicists appreciate the power of symmetry in their equations. When a physicist talks about “beauty and elegance” in physics, what he or she often really means is that symmetry allows one to unify a large number of diverse phenomena and concepts into a remarkably compact form. The more beautiful an equation is, the more symmetry it possesses, and the more phenomena it can explain in the shortest amount of space Pg 76

And again here so that we see know less the value of these inisghts, I place this final quote of his as well.

Rotating in four dimensional space unifies the concept of space and time

You had to know, that the pre-existing set of cicumstances would highlight the accomplishements of what Maxwell had done, as well as, learn to see into what the world Gauss and Reimann sought to exemplify beyond our normal comprehensions modes.

Moving into such realms dones not as far as I see it lessen the impact of what theorectic has done by way of descrbing the physics, but cautiously asks us to see what is happening in those compacted spaces.

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