Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Larry Summers Issue Reveals Deeper Implications

All the informtaion is gathered material, that held the Larry Summers issue in context. I was revealing aspects of this issue on another level, that many would not have understood. I wanted to bring it together here because the understanding of rhythmns, is at the core of my belief system. I have expounded on this greatly throughout this blog. It is not altogether clear sometimes even for myself.:)

So I hope the suttle implications here are understood not only from a psychological point of view, but also from a scientific one as well. It is a strange thing when the mind has jumped in model apprehension about how it might look at the world in a new way(Quantum Harmonic Oscillators).

I don't know when it happened, and how, it's just that I don't look at the world in a normal way anymore.:) Model apprehension if adopted, will color one's thinking. If life was so simple as the circle would have implied, then it's varying attributes topologically would be listed deeply embedded within our thinking? Thinking that extends far beyond the earth and it's solid form, to the far reaches of the cosmo to all of our suns and balckholes, in our thinking?

Without this cyclical nature, the universe does not make much sense to me. Of course I have to bite my tongue here, so that I do not loose many good minds that are speaking to the finer details of our views theoretically developing at the forefront of the physics and theoretic examination of those same "fields" of endeavor.

Anyway to the below information gathered.

For some who wanted to know? Have a good look at what took place today in a Harvard vote. Of course this is date dmaterial so looking back one should look forward, to what is presented today here.

I present on the one hand, material for revealing a closer views of the "source material." I have refrained from commenting as well, until now.

I tend to look at the ideas here as more inclined to questioning the dynamics of geometry. Male and female, as a dynamical expression, not only in the cosmos(Friedmann equations) but in how this may be deeply inserted in our psychological processes.

I inserted previously, the subject of Liminocentric structures under the title of PI day, as part of this comprehension and expression.

Maybe see a ole rerun of the movie PI and wonder if the Show Numb3rs was based on it?

Or think about the Perimeter Institute(PI) for those less familiar.

....or even contemplate John Baez's Fool's Gold PHI and the golden ration begininng from some sort of mandalic interpretation, coming from a psychological model based on Liminocentric structures? :)

This might seem a little kookish as well? :)

I try to reserve judgement on characters, while maintaining a view of the situation as it is reported. I do not look at the character of who is reporting but maintaining awareness of the bend they might have to that same reporting.

European attitudes, are they different then Canadians views on men and woman?

So I try and move past these stereotyping behaviors to look deeper in the process of the human structure of thinking. You know, right brain left brain? :)

Induction ad Deduction

In looking past to the origins of expression, to undertand, what it is that both sexes use to express either of these nurturing, or abstract tools of mathematics? As moving beyond the home, where the ability is quite feasible in either sexes, when implored.

If you wanted to understand democracies, first principles this is where I began my journey.

Matter condensed physics under the likes of Robert Laughlin and his buildings blocks of matter, or a deeper look into the structure of our universe? Some reject the Mother principle of M theory,and preferred to stay in the coordinates of a euclidean world.

This does not reject, what we could apply in our non-euclidean thinking. Maxwell and Gauss and Riemann are all part of this process in enlighened thinking? Einstein moved it further, in the use of GR with the help of Grossman? Now there is this attempt to join the cosmological world of the very large with the very small(reductionism views).

You just had to know how to get there in the expression using the Fifth postulate. Emmy Noether and others tell me that we can all use this faculty for inductive/deductive processes in our expressions?

Even Thales, recognized the Arche of reason? Parts of this picture, are pasted throughout this site linked above.

Thales might of called it the primary principal and used water. It is a very defining I think that we understand this fluid nature as a contiuity of expression, while we like discrete things as well. Plato solids eventually lead to a defintion of what God might be? :)

Discrete things could be viewed as solidification processes, we like to see consolidating in the shadows of things, while the sun can be a very abtract thing topologically in revealing the energy that we can use? :)

I tend to look at the ideas here as more inclined to questioning the dynamics of geometry. Male and female, as a dynamical expression, not only in the cosmos(Friedmann equations) but in how this may be deeply inserted in our psychological processes.

One may tend back to philosophical questions about these differences, but they are innnate features in all of us? Jung's determinations, in the animus or anima, and the response's too, the male and female that seeks balance in it's life?

The distinction may be domineering at one point or another, but there is this balance contained, much as we would define the relationship of Maxwell in electric/magnetic fields? That one would ask where good common sense should rule?

The humanities in science should then beg the question, that neither of these things should ever be considered separate, or not equal, for they would be interchangeable and contained deeply in our extensions and consolidations of expressive thought?

That these distinctions are never really separate issues contained in the brain's alternating features of the brain's capacity to Babble, left/right? :) Topologically it would be difficult to distinction of the inner from the outer, but this is not to say that this can't be done in perspective.

....or even contemplate John Baez's Fool's Gold PHI and the golden ration begininng from some sort of mandalic interpretation, coming from a psychological model based on Liminocentric structures?

The mind, all the time engaged in heavy thought can easly recognize, when it has all come together in model apprehension. It's own image, for complete acceptance, we then undertand well the forays the mind has ventured through to come to such forms of consolidate thought and image reproduction? :)

It is not until well into the high school years that males begin to close the gaps in terms of Language and social skills. Unfortunaly the boys, society, and educators continue to view boys as poor communicators and as doing poorly in L.A., therefore boys don't view their language skills as strong.

There are just plain busy elsewhere? It's the primal words spoken of beating drums and far off places? :)

Maybe, the educational system is not intune with the developing scenarios of male/female attributes??

I was reading the other day a opening in regards to Plato's academy for learning. Although this was in context of early historical developement, I couldn't help be drawn to the the views that were developed alongside of, perspective. I will have to go back and look at this.

One thing that attracted my interest was the role music would play in developing rythmns of youth that were conducive to awareness and steady developement? Now I don't like to be called ole fashion, but the rhythms in youth were attractive to me because they might have taught the basis of movement in life, much like, and in concert with, the expansion and contraction scenarios of thinking and developement. Now remember focus on the rhythm

Of course I always come back to the regress of reasons to explain this intuitive leap that developed trends found in new realities emerging. Arche means elements, and any reductionistic system asks us to delve into the reasons why, even though on large scale media observation, the Summers might have had issue with deeper implications to consider?

Not fully understanding the emotive developement and differences between both, mental enhancement through age aggression to advance thinking, these rhythmns would have helped to place, societal thinking above the aggressions of war, our own human struggle to rise above those things that would hold us to the earth? :)

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