Monday, April 10, 2006

Describing the Intuitive Process?

True creativity often starts where language ends-Arthur Koestler

If such a image is recognized in how we attain such clarity, then would such a map be insignificant? What was conducive to the event happening? Fishing the deep waters of our subconcious purposely or with no cause other then to resolve a problem?

As subjective as the topic of intuition might be in regards to each others abilities, I see no reason why such a process should not be explained. People with good science abilities recognize that this process is a valid one regardless of the leanings towards atheistic, or godliness in bias, that I think appropriate that it is taken out of the subjective realm and mysticism? That any good luck, might wane, if all of a sudden talked about.

His was the best single sentence summing up the concept, as we were to use it that evening: Intuition is the process of getting to a destination without knowing the route. He also added: Sometimes you did not even know you wanted to get there. I've modified the words a bit, but that's the essence of what he said. It was a definition that was so appreciated, you could hear several audible hhhhmmmmms of recognition from the audience.

There is a quiet recognition here, of something that touches us all, and trying to explain it does not seem like a inappropriate thing to do. Thus I would try and model a approach no different then the mathematician or scientist who is at a lost for words/math. Thus, Arthur’s quote up top makes some kind of sense.

Now sure the ingenuity of the moment might seem far and in between, but being aware of the day today circumstances in our memories induced created, is a good way of watching how this process might unfold. That they might only be one time of significance, would not dissaude me from stating that it is more likely encounter more then one might think. An example multiplied by the number of people who say ah, yes I see, and we understand that the point about it’s significance, that we are in agreement. Is there some other explanantion, the more the merrier, that we might see the greater detail?

This intuitive process is as applicable to our search for wordings, as it is for science/math.

Where is the most apropriate place for such recognitions, as to when the work ends, and we are at a loss?

A Supersymmetrical idea perhaps, or a potential resource seen in analogy like water, of the subconscious/unconscious? Would we be wise to know when such things are sent to the subconscious, that by such continued recourse in the sameness of experience, such things will arise to the surface time and time again.

Has this emotive experience changed, or, can we assign new attitudes to what we always did uncosciously? By being aware in our daily lives, the forces of violent seas or a messy house in symbolic analogy will we have recognized the warnings from a disorganized mind, or one, that has not paid attention to the experience manifested?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Arthur Koestler and Creativity

True creativity often starts where language ends.
Arthur Koestler

For those who engaged the issue of intuition, can we say that this is very close to what creativity is ,and the quote suplied above, is in essence. Is the mind, having come to a point on the Aristotlean arch, as, having fully understood, that work with reason and insight would have been to see that, the medium what ever it is, is held to this regard?

If the question is held in context of the mind and foci is strong, in what probabilistic venue would we see such events as issuing from someplace? This I would say would be the "unconscious" and in having diagramed this in a schematic way, how is it that such causations, might have been tied to the fisherman's line and lure, that is sent deep into a future for an examination result.

Of Koestler’s many books, his powerfully anti-Communist novel Darkness at Noon (1941) is still the most famous, but he wrote one book that focused squarely on the paranormal – The Roots of Coincidence (1972). Here, he attempts to find a basis for paranormal events in coincidence, or more precisely synchronicity, so that there is only one phenomenon to explain rather than many. He proceeds to seek the roots of coincidence in the Alice-in-Wonderland world of quantum physics, the infinitesimally small subatomic realm where our everyday logic no longer holds sway, where particles can be waves and vice versa, where forces that only mathematical equations can glimpse swim in the dark, unfathomable ocean of probability before the manifestation of either matter or mind. Towards the end of the book, Koestler pleads that parapsychology be made “academically respectable and attractive to students”, otherwise the “limitations of our biological equipment may condemn us to the role of Peeping Toms at the keyhole of eternity”.

So it was gathered all around, everything that we were involved with, and out of it, a solution abstractually engaging the mind in symbolisms of a language not understood. But still relevant. What would this new language be, if it had run it's course previously, and we needed new insight. We were careful then in understanding the porgress can be made in our expectancy, as well as having full confident in the self, to explore these unknown regions.

Who better then to create the dialogue necessary in bringing forth the creative flow, if we had acknowledged the teacher and student, within ourselves?

Art Mirrors Physics Mirrors Art, by Stephen G. Brush

The French mathematician Henri Poincaré provided inspiration for both Einstein and Picasso. Einstein read Poincaré's Science and Hypothesis (French edition 1902, German translation 1904) and discussed it with his friends in Bern. He might also have read Poincaré's 1898 article on the measurement of time, in which the synchronization of clocks was discussed--a topic of professional interest to Einstein as a patent examiner. Picasso learned about Science and Hypothesis indirectly through Maurice Princet, an insurance actuary who explained the new geometry to Picasso and his friends in Paris. At that time there was considerable popular fascination with the idea of a fourth spatial dimension, thought by some to be the home of spirits, conceived by others as an "astral plane" where one can see all sides of an object at once. The British novelist H. G. Wells caused a sensation with his book The Time Machine (1895, French translation in a popular magazine 1898-99), where the fourth dimension was time, not space.

So, would we have recognized some of these features, in the way the words are written, or how the question mark, would transcended the inspiration sought and found from others, who would propel us forward? The conditions then and foundational attitudes had to rely on what history had already gone through, that we might have recognized also the work that Poincare might have relinquished in that dialogue. To have propelled other minds, like Picasso or Einstein forward?

Is this where "time" became something of a issue with the space coordinates, that such resolution might have paved the way for a spacetime? Answered, what the fourth dimension actually was? Such progression then would have been important, as we move forward in society that not only had Poincare provided the prospect, but that also Grossman in the geometrically refined views sought out as well, to contribute to the troubles Einstein was facing?

Where these might have thought to be random, the events are tied together? Are seen in the actualization of what trasncended these two random events? Or were they?

We talk about the historical time and around then, what was happening if we had seen information on Flatland and Abbott? Issues of mysticism held in context of what those extra dimensions might actually mean.

Out of this, a new found responsibility, as to how such mysticism once held in the spookiness of Einstein, has now an explanation that has been further refined in what a Anton Zeilinger might have been doing for us?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Enlightenment of a Kind?

The Structure of Consciousness John Fudjack - September, 1999

By 'dilating' and 'expanding' the scope of our attention we not only discover that 'form is emptiness' (the donut has a hole), but also that 'emptiness is form' (objects precipitate out of the larger 'space') - to use Buddhist terminology. The emptiness that we arrive at by narrowing our focus on the innermost is identical to the emptiness that we arrive at by expanding our focus to the outermost. The 'infinitely large' is identical to the 'infinitesimally small'.

Liminocentric Structure

I wonder if I had related this piece of information that I had gained in my research would have been of benefit here for those who believe in the singularity? If it irrates the conscousness long enough, and hard enough, what will be released in the quiet moment that had been conducive to creativity flowing?

'The Princess & The Pea' from 'The Washerwoman's Child'

If you thought it "the pea" or some object so dense, well I have something else to consider when we see the dynamical way things collapse, and are reborn, to become the motivation let's say, for a inflationary new universe?

But it's more then that, if one considered Brian Greene's quote?

In fact, in the reciprocal language, these tiny circles are getting ever smaller as time goes by, since as R grows, 1/R shrinks. Now we seem to have really gone off the deep end. How can this possibly be true? How can a six-foot tall human being 'fit' inside such an unbelievably microscopic universe? How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above? (Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249).

That statement in bold troubled me for a long time. There is an image I like to show that describes this breakthrough, not saying whether or not this is a type of enlightenment? I really don't know what that means I think.

In this metaphor, when we are seeing the donut as solid object in space, this is like ordinary everyday consciousness. When we see the donut and the hole at its center, this is like a stage of realization in which 'form' is recognized as 'empty'. When we zoom in extremely closely and inspect the 'emptiness' at the center, or zoom out an extreme distance away from the object and the donut seems to disappear and we have only empty space - this is like certain 'objectless' states of awareness that can occur in meditation. But the final goal is not to achieve the undifferentiated state itself; it is to come to the special perspective that allows us to continue to see all three aspects at once - the donut, the whole in the middle, and the space surrounding it - this is like the 'enlightened' state, in this analogy. 10 The innermost and outermost psychological 'space' (which is here a metaphor for 'concentrated attention' and 'diffused attention') are recognized as indeed the same, continuous.

Click on quote.

Working the Angles UNtil They Add Up Too?

I assume now, you are in the non-eucldiean inferences?

If people had thought "the negative" always evil, then what value any "dynamic of thinking" if we could not resolve what we had been doing by changing the shape of our attitudes? :)

Helen Joyce:
Both spherical and hyperbolic geometries are examples of curved geometries, unlike Euclidean geometry, which is flat. In spherical geometry, the curvature is positive, in hyperbolic geometry, it is negative.

Some might have never understood the dynamics going on, and if a "backreaction" was created, what value would this serve in our thinking? I ponder. Some might think of Dirac? Some of anti-matter? In opposition, some might think of Reimann and what was encapsulate in Gauss's Mountain.

So maybe in churches, or concert halls, we might think about the ways "sound reverberates," within an enclosure? The lines in the architecture? How this resonance passes through and changes the very matters in their oscillations?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hyperbolic Geometry and it's Rise

Omar Khayyám the mathematician(6 april 2006 Wikipedia)

He was famous during his lifetime as a mathematician, well known for inventing the method of solving cubic equations by intersecting a parabola with a circle. Although his approach at achieving this had earlier been attempted by Menaechmus and others, Khayyám provided a generalization extending it to all cubics. In addition he discovered the binomial expansion, and authored criticisms of Euclid's theories of parallels which made their way to England, where they contributed to the eventual development of non-Euclidean geometry.

Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri(6 April 2006 Wikipedia)

Saccheri entered the Jesuit order in 1685, and was ordained as a priest in 1694. He taught philosophy at Turin from 1694 to 1697, and philosophy, theology, and mathematics at Pavia from 1697 until his death. He was a protege of the mathematician Tommaso Ceva and published several works including Quaesita geometrica (1693), Logica demonstrativa (1697), and Neo-statica (1708).

Of course the question as to "Victorian" was on mind. Is non-euclidean held to a time frame, or not?

Victorian Era(wikipedia 6 April 2006)

It is often defined as the years from 1837 to 1901

Time valuations are being thought about here. In regards too, non euclidean geometry and it's rise. Shows, many correlations within that time frame. So that was suprizing, if held to a context of the victorian socialogical time frame. But we know this statement is far from the truth?

Seminar on the History of Hyperbolic Geometry, by Greg Schreiber

We began with an exposition of Euclidean geometry, first from Euclid's perspective (as given in his Elements) and then from a modern perspective due to Hilbert (in his Foundations of Geometry). Almost all criticisms of Euclid up to the 19th century were centered on his fifth postulate, the so-called Parallel Postulate.The first half of the course dealt with various attempts by ancient, medieval, and (relatively) modern mathematicians to prove this postulate from Euclid's others. Some of the most noteworthy efforts were by the Roman mathematician Proclus, the Islamic mathematicians Omar Khayyam and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, the Jesuit priest Girolamo Sacchieri, the Englishman John Wallis, and the Frenchmen Lambert and Legendre. Each one gave a flawed proof of the parallel postulate, containing some hidden assumption equivalent to that postulate. In this way properties of hyperbolic geometry were discovered, even though no one believed such a geometry to be possible.

History (wikipedia 6 April 2006)

Hyperbolic geometry was initially explored by Giovanni Gerolamo Saccheri in the 1700s, who nevertheless believed that it was inconsistent, and later by János Bolyai, Karl Friedrich Gauss, and Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, after whom it is sometimes named.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Quantum Mechanics: Determinism at Planck Scale

Perhaps Quantum Gravity can be Handled by thoroughly reconsidering Quantum Mechanics itself?- Gerard t' Hooft

Albert Einstein used harmonic oscillators to understand specific heats of solids and found that energy levels are quantized. This formed one of the key bridges between classical and quantum mechanics.

Can harmonic oscillators serve as a bridge between quantum mechanics and special relativity?

It is nice Paul that you continue to bring perspective forward here for consideration.

I'll hope you will supply the paragraph one day that made the lights go on for you about what you are percieving, and from what you have understood having read Einstein's words in later life. Many tend to think Einstein was unproductive in his later life?

The basis of the paper you brought forward for inspection, is really quite significant, in my views. I'll tell you what I see and from this discussion, the ideas of what the Riemann's Hypothesis might mean in the expansion of cyclical processes we might have seen in the Ulam spiral perhaps?

You have been developing that perspective for a quite a while, as your numbers attest to this expression. So what are Poincare cycles? This I'll hold off for a bit, becuase I am returning to the earlier discussion wehad about what Zero actually means. Do you remember? Perhaps you could sum it up again from our consversationin the comment section.

You describe returning to the Laughlin and the foundational perspectives, for a better look. Type in "emergence" or "first principle" into the blog search feature, would be quite productive I think.

This is a good indicator to me that the route to describing the process although very difficult in ascertaing value in the "dissapation effect" of the virtual blackhole of Hooft, what value is this insight if it did not have a basis for which it could work?


One now may turn this observation around. A closed system that can only be in a finite number of different states, making transitions at discrete time intervals, would necessarily evolve back into itself after a certain amount of time, thus exhibiting what is called a Poincar´e cycle. If there were no information loss, these Poincar´e cycles would tend to become very long, with a periodicity that would increase exponentially with the size of the system. If there is information loss, for instance in the form of some dissipation effect, a system may eventually end up in Poincar´e cycles with much shorter periodicities. Indeed, time does not have to be discrete in that case, and the physical variables may form a continuum; there could be a finite set of stable orbits such that, regardless the initial configuration, any orbit is attracted towards one of these stable orbits; they are the limit cycles.

So Hooft is explaining this for us here? Only in a "positive" expression?

Before movng onthen soemthings would have had to been made clear as far as I can tell in regards to the basis of what zero actually means.

An Energy of Empty Space?

Einstein was the first person to realize that empty space is not nothingness. Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property of space that Einstein discovered is that more space can actually come into existence. Einstein's gravity theory makes a second prediction: "empty space" can have its own energy. This energy would not be diluted as space expands, because it is a property of space itself; as more space came into existence, more of this energy-of-space would come into existence as well. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster as time passes. Unfortunately, no one understands why space should contain the observed amount of energy and not, say, much more or much less.

Once you get to th ebulk space it is extremely hard to explain how I gothere in my visual thinking but it is true that I see dynamcial spaces and all inlcusive views of the science of this original encapsulated in a geometrical process. Whether it's right or not is another question. I know this:)

While D brane analyisis had been given to another for perspective in relation to how we see Belenstein bound and the horizon of value, being describe by CFT, we know well then that the abstraction of D brane thinking has to answer to those microscopial visonistic qualites of a very dynamcial place?

That what has happen inside the blackhole, had something else as well to consider? Anomalies in perception then exist in how we see the quark Gluon plasma in relation to the principals of superfluids.

Why molasses and ice cream production might seem important to some, while others might dismiss the childest antics of the condense matter theorist?

So while these things are happening we should know that the condition elevated to bulk persepctive would have one see graviton production, as constituents of this bulk space. This derivation placed the bulk perspectve within grasp of what the harmonic oscillator means as we move our peceptions to the flat spacetime arrived at in the production of the quark Gluon plasma, that we are so boldly talking about here in views of the langrangian space.

I see in the WMAP perspective held to analogies of the sound in polarization modes as, nodes and anti-nodes and are really interesting when held to that perspective about what we might think of in relation to how we see particle physics having undergone a model change, as well as a perspective one as well.

This is a fifth dimensional view accomplished.


  • Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

  • Harmonic Oscillation

  • Warm Dark Matter

  • Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
  • Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    Strangelets Do Not Exist?

    I tried to follow the history as best I could, and the resulting worries earlier linked in extra links seen below, attest to the research that I followed. Can we safely say now, that strangelets do not exist?

    Quantum character of black holesby Adam D. Helfer
    Black holes are extreme manifestations of general relativity, so one might hope that exotic quantum effects would be amplified in their vicinities, perhaps providing clues to quantum gravity. The commonly accepted treatment of quantum corrections to the physics around the holes, however, has provided only limited encouragement of this hope. The predicted corrections have been minor (for macroscopic holes): weak fluxes of low-energy thermal radiation which hardly disturb the classical structures of the holes. Here, I argue that this accepted treatment must be substantially revised. I show that when interactions among fields are taken into account (they were largely neglected in the earlier work) the picture that is drawn is very different. Not only low-energy radiation but also ultra-energetic quanta are produced in the gravitationally collapsing region. The energies of these quanta grow exponentially quickly, so that by the time the hole can be said to have formed, they have passed the Planck scale, at which quantum gravity must become dominant. The vicinities of black holes are windows on quantum gravity.

    Having been holding onto the thoughts published by Peter Steinberg," Richard and Me how could I refuse to acknowledge that such strangelets might indeed not exist, having been given experimental verification as to procedures resulting in this Risk assessment consultation.

    The relations to cosmic correlations were drawn in my research, as I tried to understand what was going on in a everyday scenario, as we saw the elevation to cosmological colliders making the statements that they do.

    Ion-Smashing Yields New Knowledge, But Some Still Question RiskBy Carolyn Weaver

    “It’s basically a living embodiment of E=mc squared,” says Brookhaven physicist Peter Steinberg. “Einstein’s theory told us a hundred years ago that you can trade off energy for mass, and vice versa. We’re essentially converting the kinetic energy, the energy from the motion of these nuclei, converting it into lots of particles.”

    The four detectors that bestride the collision points are massive machines, with “time projection chambers” that record the collisions and their after-moments. The latest results made big news last year when Brookhaven physicists reported that the quark-gluon plasma was not a gas as expected, but rather a very dense liquid.

    So if I had thought for a moment about John Ellis's contributions to furthering the layman understanding, it was quickly understood that the energies involved had to have many events to conclude what may be happening on such a large scale, might be happening in the colliders. Quite simple really?

    Would it be so dangerous that such energy considerations required the work of Star to help ease fears with which the layman population could have turned into a frenzy of religious doomsday scenarios?

    Strangelet Search at RHICby STAR Collaboration

    We report results of the first strangelet search at RHIC. The measurement was done using a triggered data-set that sampled 61 million top 4% most central (head-on) Au+Au collisions at $\sNN= 200 $GeV in the very forward rapidity region at the STAR detector. Upper limits at a level of a few $10^{-6}$ to $10^{-7}$ per central Au+Au collision are set for strangelets with mass ${}^{>}_{\sim}30$ GeV/$c^{2}$.


  • Blackhole Creations

  • Strangelets in Cosmic Considerations

  • Cosmic Ray Collisions and Strangelets Produced

  • Microstate Blackhole Production

  • Quark Gluon PLasma II: Strangelets Produced

  • Accretion Disks

  • Strangelets Form Gravitonic Concentrations

  • IN a Viscosity State Production is ?

  • What Are those Quantum Microstates
  • Krauss Speaks, People React? :)

    We understand that Alice is just part of the developing perspective we have about interactions? THis is consistant with Glast, as well as any calormetrical understanding, from an interaction?

    That we had not explain the extra energy should still be held respective positions in mind if incoming and outcoming energy calculatins do not match? That left room in mirror world for other possibilities and had not explain all "sum over paths?"

    My understanding is that the very main point of his latest book, Hiding in the mirror, is to present the idea of extra dimensions as an essentially religious idea in order to diminish the credibility of the research of modern high-energy physics - because he knows that most of the readers are anti-religious.

    Everyone who has ever worked in phenomenology or string theory knows very well that this research has nothing to do with religion. The link is an invention of Krauss' - one that is intended to politicize things and to encourage his readers to think about completely irrational relations between different ideas.

    Foot, R., and S.N. Gninenko. 2000. Can the mirror world explain the ortho-positronium lifetime puzzle?

    (belongs to another article words that follow within link)
    Welcome to the mirror world, in which every particle in the known universe could have a counterpart. This cosmos would hold mirror planets, mirror stars, and even mirror life.

    While Alice in Wonderland may be a fictional story and pervasive in terms of many paths taken, the consequence of the photon in this enviroment and under gravitational influences, is well understood I think?

    Lubos's first paragraph quoted is a questionable one to me, "on character," as I have understood Krauss to be.

    Startreking explanatory on the understanding of reality, to make sure we understand what is going on, as well as, explaining the idea's of scientists who write for the public, in the movie production scenario's?

    Kip Thorne and Brian Greene?

    Would the normal public understand the evolution of Abbott and flatland, or the develomment of non-euclidean geometries?

    You have taken the word geocentrism in vain Lubos:)

    As a "liminocentric structure" wholeness is important to me, not just as some circle, a sphere, or how a genus figure is move from one form to another, but that other things are happening as well, when this happens? If it happens many times microscopically will this have satisfied our viewing of Coleman de Luccia Instanton?

    It's just another way of "toposeeing" is all" ( many microprocesses make for many new physics to emerge?), and as far I understand it, it is necessary back ground with which to develope a consistant picture of what is going on with our universe, macroscopically, as well as microscopically, continously? Wmap polarization is topolgical driven by perpective sound valuations, blendings so that sucha 2d pciture measured is much more dynamcially seen?

    Yes I know, no one knows what geometry this is in the blackhole or what new physics will emerge, so we needed to look for this consistancy beyond the standard model?

    How could one not attempt to join this with quantum and cosmological views?

    This just may mean that "uncertainty" is encapsulated?

    I am glad to have "information" that would maintain my current hold on reality, as I expand the brain's coverings.

    As we project our "evolutionary mind in projective geometries" further into the strange world of high energy, as well as reducing to a weak field measure, some hope of a consistant picture.

    Okay, I have not forgotten what string theory has already done in regards to bulk pespective:)

    So the bulk perspective is "nothing," or does it act as a catelysct?

    Monday, April 03, 2006

    EQ and Intuition

    A 180 degree stance on how "consciousness," body and emotion, might be directed by mind? So, you might say "mind is emphemeral in quality" in some regards?

    All heart you say! "Heart" is the balance between? Involution and evolution

    Yet, there is a interplay between, "the body home" and "the abstractual mind" further out, while, they reside "in life," with each other? You had to know that this "schematic" was, and is, deeply implanted within our historical minds in many ways? The strive towards "wholeness" is strong even in the scientist?:)

    Harmonical patterns of Jenny's, and the modulation of the brain state? Neural correlates to consiciousness, but of mind working from the other perspective, that inherent patterns will be revealled as the truer source of expression and origination of mind moving and all things following?

    If conceived as a series of ever-wider experiential contexts, nested one within the other like a set of Chinese boxes, consciousness can be thought of as wrapping back around on itself in such a way that the outermost 'context' is indistinguishable from the innermost 'content' - a structure for which we coined the term 'liminocentric'.

    Things borne in mind, brought to reality, and back again? Liminocentric structures are very important distinction in that toposense, possibly?

    When presented with certain ideas it was with the recognition that insight and devlopment might begin from a certain perspective. If you change that perspective arouund a bit, just a bit, and the presumption is a 180 degree position :) how would things look if they had followed from mind directing the neurological flows inside that lump of brain?

    Damasio's First Law
    The body precedes the mind.

    Damasio's Second LawEmotions precede feelings.

    Damasio's Third Law
    Concepts precede words.

    Consciouness emerges when this primordial story-the story of a object causally changing the state of the body-can be told using the universal nonverbal vocabulary of body signals. The aparent self emerges as the feeling of a feeling. When the story is first told, sponataneously, without it ever being requested, and furthermore after that hwhen the story is repeated, knowledge about hwat the organism is living through automatically emerges as the answer to a question never asked. From that moment on, we begin to know.
    Pg 31, The Feeling of What Happens, by Antonio Damasio

    Having some of these books on related subject of intuition and emotion, other issues on the book shelf, I thought because of the event reported by Clifford and others, I would look directly for any wording that might issue in regards to "intuition." I did not find this word in the index, nor in K.C. Cole 's book, "The Hole in the UNiverse."

    It is nice to know that times have changed, in regards to the responsibilty and recognition of how this process plays a role in our developing perspectives.:) I would add Joe Polchinski here, but having moved to such abtract realms, it might be to early for the mind to grapple what "inherent model application" this might play in that developing perspective. Still it is nice that Joe offered his perspective there, and all being respective of the science in knowledge pursuate in that event.

    EQ and IQ

    It is not to hard, when having done research previously, that we will come across ths idea of the Emotional Quotient(EQ) versus the Intellectual one, (IQ).

    There seems to be some recognition now of the importance this role now plays?

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    Nodes and Anti-nodes

    Tool's for measure.

    The center of the gyroscope is a jewel-like sphere of fused quartz. These spheres, the size of Ping-Pong balls, are the roundest objects ever made by man. The tiny spheres are enclosed inside a housing chamber to prevent disruption from sound waves, and chilled to almost absolute zero to prevent their molecular structure from creating a disturbance. The accuracy of these gyroscopes is 30 million times greater than any gyroscope ever built.

    Making Strings in the lab, made me think of Clifford and the ice cream mix that he was privy too, by joining condense matter [ahem...string:] theorists, on a Friday night? :)Nitrogen, and superconductors seem to go hand in hand? Made me think of GPB and [whoops my mistake-not-nobium sphere], were mention for a reason.:)

    Normally I do not like to encourage such a view held to speculations, but the transferance to 3d effective thinking and all that, had me look at WMAP, was a process lead through by valuating sound in such analogies. As a layman, I hope I am forgiven.

    Is it the process?

    Visitors' shadows manipulate and reshape projected images of "Buckyballs." "Buckyball," or a buckminsterfullerene molecule, is a closed cage-structure molecule with a carbon network. "Buckyball" was named for R. Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (1895-1983), a scientist, philosopher and inventor, best known for creating the geodesic dome.

    The purposeful arrangement of individual atoms bears some resemblance to the methods monks use to laboriously create sand images particle by particle, however, Eastern and Western cultures use these bottom-up building practices with very different perceptions and purposes.

    Photo and text credit: © 2003 Museum Associates/Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    To me it is a interesting way of seeing what is happening in space held by perception. BUcky balls and such, from my early days of reading BuckminsterFuller and his interesting building concepts, had somehow morphed into dynamical triangulation, used in the monte carlo method of quantum gravity perceptions.

    Dr. Jenny's cymatic images are truly awe-inspiring, not only for their visual beauty in portraying the inherent res-ponsiveness of matter to sound (vibration) but because they inspire a deep re-cognition that we, too, are part and parcel of this same complex and intricate vibrational matrix -- the music of the spheres! These pages illumine the very principles which inspired the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato, and cosmologists Giordano Bruno and Johannes Kepler.

    Dimensional views of the "quark to quark measure" had me see the dynamics of this distance?

    How much more then would such a weak field describe for us the oscillation of the neutrino, from one phase state to another. One distance to another? A revealled in cosmic rays, as "new physics perhaps" that extends beyond the standard model?

    Paul Dirac

    When one is doing mathematical work, there are essentially two different ways of thinking about the subject: the algebraic way, and the geometric way. With the algebraic way, one is all the time writing down equations and following rules of deduction, and interpreting these equations to get more equations. With the geometric way, one is thinking in terms of pictures; pictures which one imagines in space in some way, and one just tries to get a feeling for the relationships between the quantities occurring in those pictures. Now, a good mathematician has to be a master of both ways of those ways of thinking, but even so, he will have a preference for one or the other; I don't think he can avoid it. In my own case, my own preference is especially for the geometrical way.

    If for one moment you continue the thought processes in light of visionary changes sought by and spoken in context of polarization effects in the WMAP, then such views have a profound effect, to what was always interesting data from cosmological apprehensions in discovery.

    Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect92 April 2006 wikipedia)
    The Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein effect is a particle physics process which acts to enhance neutrino oscillations in matter.

    While dynamic functions are being revealled to me of microprocesses( phases states), these dynamics are always interesting from what the geometrical perpecive of what was derived from Dirac.

    A "three dimensional view" of what may be happening in the abstraction of space dynamics seen in UV perspective described in analogy to Gauss's coordinates?

    Something much more profound and detail in a greater depth of thinking of an abstractual nature perhaps? B Field dynamics, would be a interesting comparison while holding mind in geometrical abstraction?

    Antineutrinos From Distant Reactors Simulate the Disappearance of Solar Neutrinos
    The potential importance of the Kamland results goes well beyond the solar-neutrino problem. Particle theorists hope that the masses and flavor compositions of the neutrino mass eigenstates will help point the way to an encompassing unification beyond today's manifestly incomplete standard model of fundamental particles and their interactions. Detailed knowledge of the neutrino states might also elucidate a central problem of cosmology: How did matter come to dominate over antimatter in the immediate aftermath of the Big Bang? Does the mixing of neutrino states harbor the symmetry-breaking mechanism that could have done the trick?

    Oscillating flavorsThe three neutrino mass eigenstates are presumed to be different coherent superpositions of the three flavor eigenstates (ne, nm, and nt) associated with the three charged leptons: the electron, the muon, and the tau. There is good evidence that only two of the three mass eigenstates contribute significantly to ne. In that approximation, one can write

    The question always arises in my mind about the quantum harmonical oscillations, as part of a much larger inherent feature of reality, with which we might view WMAP. Or, events that arise from the sun. Could such analogy, born in the sun's process spit out the nature of the neutrino?

    The plates can be made visible by mounting a mirror behind the row of plates, angled so that the top of the plates are visible to the audience (same idea as in Polarization by Scattering). Create the optimum angle for the front rows, as the back rows will be looking down on the plates anyway. Make sure the cello bow is nice and tactile by treating it with rosin before the performance. Sprinkle the sand on the plates so that it forms an even cover. Don't overdo the amount.