Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Cosmic String Visited Again and again......

I am not sure if this bothers others, but when I close a link, I do not like the whole web site to shut down so that I have to go to a link and restablish contact. So what I do is offer a target=_blank to my html, so that it adds a open window that can be closed, and leave you with the site in question. So any thoughts on this you html buffs?

Circles wihtin circles, and Sklar interpretation is posted throughout this site. A deeper look into the "manifestation point( let's call it emergence in this thread)" of blackhole consideration would ask, okay, at the supersymmeticla level , what is this "point" that is to emerge?

See, when you take this vision of the three brane collapsing in context of gravitatinal collpase, you are given perspective geometrically/topologically that any abstract mind would have missed, had they not understood the physics involved, is also tied to these views.

Now the interesting thing to me is, if you move your perspective to the blackhole for a minute here you learn to question what value might be attained from emssion standards that would help you orientate the views to a much more dynamical version of the cosmos?

What is the ideal supersymmetical view that would arise from 1 brane, and could have manifested from three brane collapse? Now you kow I am working backwards here, just to point to the source of the cosmic string, so that what ever it's manifestation, I am quick to think of a vast network of energy very spread out all of a sudden igniting some lightning strike across the universe? Thinking of a universe in a box here helps sometimes, but the move to ballooning features, you need to understand this progression through universal manifestation from those bubbling universes?

So there are two views here, that ask whether the constructive mode of the current universe, arising from this cosmic string, has painted a nice little framework for topological considertaions, that we could now see were the micro views of blackhole emissions are held as standard?

Monday, March 21, 2005

Emergence= Phase Transitions of Symmetry?

Witten said:
One thing I can tell you, though, is that most string theorist's suspect that spacetime is a emergent Phenomena in the language of condensed matter physics.

Part of the difficulty was realizing that the end result of a current depiction of the universe, and the reality around us now, had led us to assumption discrete manifestations of a earlier prospective universe. From that early universe, until now.

In 1877 Boltzmann used statistical ideas to gain valuable insight into the meaning of entropy. He realized that entropy could be thought of as a measure of disorder, and that the second law of thermodynamics expressed the fact that disorder tends to increase. You have probably noticed this tendency in everyday life! However, you might also think that you have the power to step in, rearrange things a bit, and restore order. For example, you might decide to tidy up your wardrobe. Would this lead to a decrease in disorder, and hence a decrease in entropy? Actually, it would not. This is because there are inevitable side-effects: whilst sorting out your clothes, you will be breathing, metabolizing and warming your surroundings. When everything has been taken into account, the total disorder (as measured by the entropy) will have increased, in spite of the admirable state of order in your wardrobe. The second law of thermodynamics is relentless. The total entropy and the total disorder are overwhelmingly unlikely to decrease

Now the apparent contradiction is to understand that when the views are taken to those small spaces, reductionistic features of a discrete nature have forced us to consider the building blocks of matter, but at the same time, something else makes it's way into our views that would have been missed had you not realized that the space contains a lot of energy?

To build this symmetrical and simple model of elegance, you needed some model, some framework in which to consider the distant measure here would be ultimately derived from the blackhole and it's dynamics? The simple solution would help you recognize that any massless particle emitted from this state, would automatically signal the closest source of consideration that any of us could have imagined.

Even Smolin, recognized the Glast determinations. Why I have said, that Smolin could not have gotten any closer then what is surmised from the origination of emission from the blackhole consideration?

Power of Symmetry Allows Us to Unify Disparate Pieces?

You know it is very frustrating sometimes when the paradoxal is presented to the mind through obsevration, to have it sloughed off as some speculative point that might be less then what the Doctor ordered?

In this case, the cause of the observation posts, what a three brane wrapped blackhole can mean? Here we see where the issues of Space-tearng conifold transitions are presented in a theoretical approach and quickly discarded by some, because it contained the brane word and would imply some kind of Brain world, ( Brane world.)

Well if you do not catch it the first time, there is hope that the theoretic applied will speak to what Hawking radiation might have in regards to the gravitational collapse initiated.

What is this physics doing here? This is not some free jaunt down memory lane, but a advancement in what is proposed? Very difficult to do this, if the environment is not translated in and by other ways, to see what the outcome of such a gravitational collapse can do. What is transmitted back into the space?

So I leave this here for a minute, and draw a quote from someone who is a good writer and has a good comprehension of the world as it sits. He might have been targeted as some wonder seeker by some, but his position to me has presented inquiring minds with the knowledge and basis, from which we must think.

So here is his quote, and I shall not name him. So that those who think he is some "wonder seeker" who has bastard the science who sold out his values, might wonder about their own position in the developing world of theoretics. To wonder, why such a message might not be important, when they think they can propose their own views about what the world should be.

Should what they have to say be held in any less contempt, that we should not only apply these same rules to those who hold a position about the harmonious whole, that we should even take the time to listen what they have to say?

To be quickly dismissed as verbiage not worth seeking because of some entertainment value as though one might he have sold out his profession? Any one, who uses this medium and blogging, can now consider themself part of the evil they think has manifested and sold out on. I refuse to even name this individual because he is advanced in his thinkng and is courting the world of theoretics.

For the first time, physicists appreciate the power of symmetry in their equations. When a physicist talks about “beauty and elegance” in physics, what he or she often really means is that symmetry allows one to unify a large number of diverse phenomena and concepts into a remarkably compact form. The more beautiful an equation is, the more symmetry it possesses, and the more phenomena it can explain in the shortest amount of space Pg 76

And again here so that we see know less the value of these inisghts, I place this final quote of his as well.

Rotating in four dimensional space unifies the concept of space and time

You had to know, that the pre-existing set of cicumstances would highlight the accomplishements of what Maxwell had done, as well as, learn to see into what the world Gauss and Reimann sought to exemplify beyond our normal comprehensions modes.

Moving into such realms dones not as far as I see it lessen the impact of what theorectic has done by way of descrbing the physics, but cautiously asks us to see what is happening in those compacted spaces.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Space-Tearing Conifold Transitions

Many years ago in my doodling, I created some comparisons to what I would have percieved in describing a point, line and plane. To me, I wanted to find a way to describe this point amidst a vast background of all points, so by constructing this diagram, and by realizing coordinates, intersection of lines and planes seemed a interesting idea to get to this point.

This brought some consideration to what was being shown by Greene below.

The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene, pg 326

Now at the time, this being far removed from the stories that are developing in string theory, learning that having moved to brane considerations we can see where three brane world wrapped around a sphere could produce wonderful things for us to further ponder. That such emissions, from the gravitatinal collapse could all of a sudden produce, massless vibrating strings. We know then that such strings can be a photon or a other massless particles?:)

The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene, pg 327

Part of the problem then for me is to figure out the stage of the developement of the cosmo what stage followed which stage, and the scheme within the cosmological display, the torus that had to become a sphere, or sphere collapsing to a torus? Concentrations of gravitonic expressions?

There were geometrical consideration here to think about.

Physicists found that a three-brane wrapped around a three-dimensional sphere will result in a gravitational field bearing the appearance of an extremal black hole, or one that has the minimum mass consistent with its force charges. Additionally, the mass of the three-brane is the mass of the black hole and is directly proportional to the volume of the sphere. Therefore, a sphere that collapses to a point as described above appears to us as a massless black hole, which will return to the discussion later.

Now as you know from my previous thread on the Flower considerations, color is a wonderful thing, but if my view was to be consistent, then how could there be any tearing in the use of a topological structure? The flower became very symbolic to me of what we see in the universe unfolding in these galaxies?

Two-dimensional strings trace out two-dimensional worldsheets. Since strings, according to Feynman's sum-over-paths formulation of quantum mechanics, simultaneously travel by all paths from one point to another, they are always passing by every point in space. According to physicist Edward Witten, this property of strings ensures that six-dimensional figures called Calabi-Yau spaces (theorized to be the shape of the other dimensions of our universe) can be transformed by certain topology-changing deformations called flop transitions without causing physical calamity. This is because strings are constantly sweeping out two-dimensional worldsheets that shield the flop transition point from the rest of the universe. A similar thought process goes toward the ability of Calabi-Yau spaces to undergo more drastic changes called space-tearing conifold transitions.

In order for me to consider the comlexity of the question certain insights about the nature of our universe has pointed out that there always had to be something existing, even in face of what any of us might thought of as a singularity in that blackhole collapse. But it is not that easy.

One had to assume that the bulk represented the continuance of some kind of flunctuating field of endeavor, that could hold our thoughts to dimensional attributes shared in the presetnation of Reimann's sphere. Gauss saw this early and gaussian coordinates also help to unite Maxwell into the glorifed picture of a dynamcial world?

The replacement of a 1-D sphere ( a circle ) with a 0-D sphere ( two points ) can create a different topological shape. A do-nut has a circle, round its lesser diameter, which is pinched to nothing. The do-nut turns into a cresent or banana-shape, with the two end-points repaired by the two points of a zero-dimensional sphere. The torus cum cresent can now transform into a ball, without further tearing.

This is as if Klein's hidden extra dimensions of space transformed from the one curled-up shape to another, comparably to the normal extended three dimensions changing the shape of the universe from a torus to a ball.
The evolution of the universe may involve such transmutations between curled-up Calabi-Yau spaces.

Equations governing the 'branes' showed that, from our limited three-dimensional view-point, the three-brane "smeared" around a three-dimensional sphere, within a ( curled-up ) Calabi-Yau space, sets up a gravitational field like a black hole.
The space tearing conifold transition from three to two dimensional sphere happens to increase the number of holes by one. These holes determine the number of low mass particles, considered as low energy string vibration patterns. The shrinking volume of the 3-D sphere goes with a proportionate mass decrease to zero: a massless black hole.

On a Very Large Scale Spatial Curvature?

These are beautiful pictures of flowers my wife grew, and as a collage they make a nice way of expressing the diversity of galaxies, within context of our whole universe.:)

So you develope this sense on the large scale about what is possible given certain circumstances. What is driving inflation? As this universe expands and we realize that Omega=1 one has to assume that teetering on the brink of a topolgical form has some significane in how we see the overall expression of this same universe?

What are supersymmetrical valuations telling us about the nature of the universe in that the beginning? Is it "seed like" and how would such things be driven too, if something did not already exist? Can this nugget actually be living in nothing and arise from nothing? This logic is really hard to swallow for me, yet I recognized that a dynamcial universe needed soemthing in order to drive it from such flat state of existance, to indicators that would have revealled and explained these geometries/topologies.

Unsymmetrical-cooling-gravity weaker
\ /
\ /
\ /
_\ /___
/ \ / /
/ \ / /
/ \/ / --------
/ / Supergravity
------------- Symmetrical

If you define something arising from such a state where nothing exists, the logic saids, that the geometry could have never arisen if you did not have some motivator telling it too? So you begin to enteretain cyclical natures that would be very revealling. Steinhardt, Turok, and others start to wonder then about how these things could materialize?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

So we look at the span of time in relation, from the supersymmterical state to the 300,000? Yet on a dynamical level if the universe was to level out in fifteen billions years, then we would have understood that we had only seen one part of this dynamic process revealing itself from a state of existance maybe as a nugget form, to extend itself, all the way to the outer fringes and cooling nature, in a flat state. Will it turn back to the crunch?

One consequence of general relativity is that the curvature of space depends on the ratio of rho to rho(crit). We call this ratio Omega = rho/rho(crit). For Omega less than 1, the Universe has negatively curved or hyperbolic geometry. For Omega = 1, the Universe has Euclidean or flat geometry. For Omega greater than 1, the Universe has positively curved or spherical geometry. We have already seen that the zero density case has hyperbolic geometry, since the cosmic time slices in the special relativistic coordinates were hyperboloids in this model.

So the logic is telling me that such a crunch would have had to signal other geometries/topologies, that would kick in, that taken in view of the large way in which we are taking snapshots, this consistentcy is being, and should be topolgically considered even though it is happenng on such large scales?

If a blackhole existed in the center of every galaxy, then the universal expression in nature would detail for us "phases in symmetrical breaking" within the overall larger perspective?

On this larger perspective and sense, we would see this mode of operandi, expressing itself many times not just in context of the whole universe, but within the subtle parts, all the way down to the microstates of existance? Thes ewould have to be initiated even within context of our safe and surreal world of matter states, that we have come to love and feel safe in?:)

So what does sound have to to do with all this?

I like knocking the wind out of the sails in order for one to shift perspective in how resonances might be percieved and such gatherings in nodal point cosiderations, as string indicators of gravitonic expression.

In order to shift this focus to such states of cyclical natures in the realms of topological considerations, you had to understand that even on a flat plate in Chaldni examples, these views were developing on much larger scales, on ballons with dyes, all the time revealing resonant features, to the quality of those same sounds?

Ahem!:)Ya I know. How do you transfer such thinking from orbits of Mercury and binary star rotations to signal valuations in sound determinations? Now remeber I gave a very global perspective on the unverse that include geometry/topological considerations. I wanted to shift these views to viable means of expression.:)

One the Earth as a Sphere is not so Round, and giving the symetrical relaizatin of a sphere, smaller circles and all, there had to be a way inorder to speak to the 1r radius of expresion not just a s a inverse square law valution of gravity, but also within context of other things based on this law. These within the case of the standard model would have to be inclusive in a model design.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Without Gravitational Waves, Spacetime is Flat?

I know it is very difficult for some people to understand this translation to harmonical expressions(any horizon and what is to lie beyond?) and the way in which we would percieve this dynamcial nature, using the expressions of non-Euclidean geometries?

We understood this creation of positive and negtaive in context of each other did we?

Riemannian Geometry, also known as elliptical geometry, is the geometry of the surface of a sphere. It replaces Euclid's Parallel Postulate with, "Through any point in the plane, there exists no line parallel to a given line." A line in this geometry is a great circle. The sum of the angles of a triangle in Riemannian Geometry is > 180°.

It is a strange thing to wonder how the heck one get's to translating harmonical oscillations in context of what we see expounded by Taylor and Hulse. To understand that at some point, the rotation around each other in distance, will decrease in time, and the oscillations will increase? What does this signal?:)

You do not discard thnking about the cosmological nature, methods, that have been used to orientate the world view in such a way, where all of a sudden the complexity of this dynamical nature has moved your thinking to strength and weakness of those same gravitational wave explanations.

Working closely with the experimental group, we use astrophysical, particle physics and superstring theory combined with observations to study gravitation and the origin and evolution of our universe.

The beautiful consistency of the cosmological tests with the Lambda CDM theory for structure formation maybe is particularly impressive to me because I spent so much of the last 15 years studying alternatives; you can trace through astro-ph my history of proposals that were viable when submitted but soon ruled out by advances in measurements of the angular distribution of the 3K thermal background radiation. But the constraints from the cosmological tests are not yet much more numerous than the assumptions in Lambda CDM and related models; it's too soon to declare closure of the cosmological tests.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Great Circles

You would think with this uncertainty, that I had answered my own question about what Peter Woit has done, in terms of offering some substantiative understanding for rejection of string theory. But it doesn't.

Sometimes we rely on the roads taken by Webber, Wheeler and Kip, and those who understood well the consequence of gravitational considerations, to further enhance these specualtive journies and to better explore the bulk that might have varying attributes?

The theory of relativity predicts that, as it orbits the Sun, Mercury does not exactly retrace the same path each time, but rather swings around over time. We say therefore that the perihelion -- the point on its orbit when Mercury is closest to the Sun -- advances

What am I saying here? You mean, that in the primordial understanding there are extensions of what could be thought of in terms of strength and weakness, in gravitational terms? I would most certainly like to see the light shining in these circumstances.:)But like anything of course, we like to LIGOlize these terms for further consideration. Don't we?

Let us see how these great physicists used harmonic oscillators to establish beachheads to new physics.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Bubble world

Using a rubber band analogy over top of a ball is a interesting way to approach the circle used, and the energy determinations found of value in calculating 1r radius(KK Tower) of that same circle, as you move to the top. But if you move it along a length and you find that you can calculate the difference in this length by the changes in the energy valuations?

It’s how you look at this space inside the bubble versus outside the bubble. John Baez might look at it on the outside as such above recognizing well the lines connectin flip and change depending on the energy demonstrated in a quantum grvaity model? While the inside of the bubble is dictated by some other means of interpretation? From the inside, a soccer ball universe(poincare structure) would seem so appropriate but here Max Tegmark has answer this view, through Wmap views?

For me, I would look at the surface of the bubble and the rainbows that could shimmer across it’s surface. We would be defining the shape of the bubble in a way we had not considered before? Moving sound in analogy to the world of gravitational considerations how would this view be considered now in context of bubble technologies?

Using circles as energy determination seems viable as they travel the length, but it becomes much more diffiuclt when you are trying to merge these bubbles, it looks discrete, when the lines are joining while curvature defines the connection between the two? You see the bubbles have a outer structure. As these circles merge, it is not past the knowledge to coisder that the path integral approach is being exemplified.

Running contrary to the view of bubble world, the images of a vast systems of cosmic strings that would flash across a universe may seem very interesting as I gaze from artistic perception about the flash of a lightening strike? That ignited new possibilties into expression, new life in the universe?

Quantum gravity, the as yet unconsummated marriage between quantum physics and Einstein's general relativity, is widely (though perhaps not universally) regarded as the single most pressing problem facing theoretical physics at the turn of the millennium. The two main contenders, ``Brane theory/ String theory'' and ``Quantum geometry/ new variables'', have their genesis in different communities. They address different questions, using different strategies, and have different strengths (and weaknesses).

What is Quantum Gravity?

Quantum gravity is the field devoted to finding the microstructure of spacetime. Is space continuous? Does spacetime geometry make sense near the initial singularity? Deep inside a black hole? These are the sort of questions a theory of quantum gravity is expected to answer. The root of our search for the theory is a exploration of the quantum foundations of spacetime. At the very least, quantum gravity ought to describe physics on the smallest possible scales - expected to be 10-35 meters. (Easy to find with dimensional analysis: Build a quantity with the dimensions of length using the speed of light, Planck's constant, and Newton's constant.) Whether quantum gravity will yield a revolutionary shift in quantum theory, general relativity, or both remains to be seen.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Cosmic Strings Revisited

This high energy consideration does this, as well as directs the mind to consider the cosmological evidence that lays before us now. Dimensional interpretation, has to have it's basis contained within this whole view. With the cosmic string we are only defining a period of time with in the whole expression of this same universe? This would inlcude Pre bang scenarios and how these must be included.

Cosmic Superstrings Revisitedby Joseph Polchinski
Thus far we have quoted upper bounds, but there are possible detections of strings via gravitational lensing. A long string will produce a pair of images symmetric about an axis, very different from lensing by a point mass. Such an event has been reported recently

Universe INside a Box

Lens candidates in the Capodimonte Deep Field in vicinity of the CSL1 object by Sazhin M.V.1, Khovanskaya O.S.1, Capaccioli M.2,3, Longo G.3,4,Alcal´a J.M. 2, Silvotti R.2, Pavlov M.V.2
In Paper I we discussed the strange properties of CSL1: a peculiar object discovered in the OACDF which spectroscopic investigations proveed to be the double undistorted image of an elliptical galaxy. Always in Paper I we showed that CSL1 could be interpreted as the first case of lensing by a cosmic string.

In the present work, starting from consideration that a cosmic string is an elongated
structure which produces non local effects we investigated the statistics of lens candidates around the CSL1 position.


There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world.
— Nikolai Lobachevsky

John Ellis:
Extensions of the Standard Model often contain more discriminatory parameters, and this is certainly true of supersymmetry, my personal favourite candidate for new physics beyond the Standard Model. One of the possibilities suggested by supersymmetry is that Higgs bosons might distinguish couple differently to matter

Without consideration of that early universe, the quantum interpretation doesn't make sense unless you include it in something whole?

Lubos said,
There are also many other, indirect ways how can we "go" back in time. This is what evolution, cosmology, and other fields of science are all about.

Unsymmetrical-cooling-gravity weaker
\ /
\ /
\ /
_\ /___
/ \ / /
/ \ / /
/ \/ / --------300,000 years
/ / Gravity strong
------------- Symmetrical

Q-------------Quark measure is stronger

\ /
\ /
\ /
\ /

Symbolically how do you create a inclusive system, but to look at alien and foreign ways in which this logic might force you to consider the interactivity of a theory of everything? Greater quark distance, greater energy, higher gravitational field generation. The field around this distance, and supersymmetrical realization bring us closer to the source of the energy creation, closer to the source of the universe's beginnings

....to consider such eneregies within the sphere of M, at a quantum level, as well at such cosmological scales."

The Bubble Universe / Andre Linde's Self Creating Universe

These are the theories discussed in class. The bubble universe concept involves creation of universes from the quantum foam of a "parent universe." On very small scales, the foam is frothing due to energy fluctuations. These fluctuations may create tiny bubbles and wormholes. If the energy fluctuation is not very large, a tiny bubble universe may form, experience some expansion like an inflating balloon, and then contract and disappear from existence. However, if the energy fluctuation is greater than a particular critical value, a tiny bubble universe forms from the parent universe, experiences long-term expansion, and allows matter and large-scale galactic structures to form.

The "self-creating" in Andre Linde's self-creating universe theory stems from the concept that each bubble or inflationary universe will sprout other bubble universes, which in turn, sprout more bubble universes. The universe we live in has a set of physical constants that seem tailor-made for the evolution of living things.

It is very difficult sometimes to bring another individuals view in line with the vast resources that could point the mind to consider the whole thing?

If you did not have a encompassing philosophy, and I know this word is dirty to some, but without pointing to a basis for which the universe sprang, then such topological features would never make sense.

So you direct the thinking to what the early universe looked like(?), and it's potential for expression. A lot of things are going on that are not considered geometrically/topologically unfolding, which hide within the basis of expression. So you have to use analogies to nudge the mind into possible structural considerations, with evidence of graviton production?

Notes on Hyperspace Saul-Paul Sirag
The rule is that for n hidden dimensions the gravitational force falls off with the inverse (n + 2 ) power of the distance R. This implies that as we look at smaller and smaller distances (by banging protons together in particle accelerators) the force of gravity should look stronger and stronger. How much stronger depends on the number of hidden dimensions (and how big they are). There may be enough hidden dimensions to unify the all the forces (including gravity) at an energy level of around 1 TeV (1012 eV), corresponding to around 10-19 meters. This would be a solution to the hierarchy problem of the vast difference in energy scale between the three standard gauge forces and gravity. This is already partly solved by supersymmetry (as mentioned previously); but this new idea would be a more definitive solution--if it were the right solution!