Showing posts with label Bubbles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bubbles. Show all posts

Friday, April 07, 2006

Enlightenment of a Kind?

The Structure of Consciousness John Fudjack - September, 1999

By 'dilating' and 'expanding' the scope of our attention we not only discover that 'form is emptiness' (the donut has a hole), but also that 'emptiness is form' (objects precipitate out of the larger 'space') - to use Buddhist terminology. The emptiness that we arrive at by narrowing our focus on the innermost is identical to the emptiness that we arrive at by expanding our focus to the outermost. The 'infinitely large' is identical to the 'infinitesimally small'.

Liminocentric Structure

I wonder if I had related this piece of information that I had gained in my research would have been of benefit here for those who believe in the singularity? If it irrates the conscousness long enough, and hard enough, what will be released in the quiet moment that had been conducive to creativity flowing?

'The Princess & The Pea' from 'The Washerwoman's Child'

If you thought it "the pea" or some object so dense, well I have something else to consider when we see the dynamical way things collapse, and are reborn, to become the motivation let's say, for a inflationary new universe?

But it's more then that, if one considered Brian Greene's quote?

In fact, in the reciprocal language, these tiny circles are getting ever smaller as time goes by, since as R grows, 1/R shrinks. Now we seem to have really gone off the deep end. How can this possibly be true? How can a six-foot tall human being 'fit' inside such an unbelievably microscopic universe? How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above? (Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249).

That statement in bold troubled me for a long time. There is an image I like to show that describes this breakthrough, not saying whether or not this is a type of enlightenment? I really don't know what that means I think.

In this metaphor, when we are seeing the donut as solid object in space, this is like ordinary everyday consciousness. When we see the donut and the hole at its center, this is like a stage of realization in which 'form' is recognized as 'empty'. When we zoom in extremely closely and inspect the 'emptiness' at the center, or zoom out an extreme distance away from the object and the donut seems to disappear and we have only empty space - this is like certain 'objectless' states of awareness that can occur in meditation. But the final goal is not to achieve the undifferentiated state itself; it is to come to the special perspective that allows us to continue to see all three aspects at once - the donut, the whole in the middle, and the space surrounding it - this is like the 'enlightened' state, in this analogy. 10 The innermost and outermost psychological 'space' (which is here a metaphor for 'concentrated attention' and 'diffused attention') are recognized as indeed the same, continuous.

Click on quote.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Coleman-De Luccia instanton

IN what way could some consistent measure be thought of, that such conditions while recognized in the false vacuum, and, with conditions of high energy considerations, be realized into useful information surrounding this move to the true vacuum? It would have to be geometrically explained. Planck epoch in itself, makes this very hard to do, so you use the action of the vacuum, from false to true, to help in that realization.

The volume of the haystack
Lubos Motl:
We don't have a real emotional intuition how "density" in a very-high-dimensional space should behave, but we should probably try to learn it. I feel that these (especially the de Sitter) vacua cannot be quite isolated. There are just many other vacua nearby (virtually all of them) into which one should be able to decay. KKLT only consider one Coleman-DeLuccia instanton, without an enhancement, and I feel it can't be the whole story

The Coleman-De Luccia instanton presents opportunities, or, is the paper countering this proposal? See link below for reference to paper.

I think one needed to understand this movement or how the false vacuum is understood, and how the true vacuum is created.

A geometical smoothly flowing understanding that arose out of "nothing!" Without some geometrical consistancy, this idea isn't going to go away, unless someone has a reason why, and if, that paper deals with it directly?

I remain non-judgemental about characters, and the nature people adopt. I only focus on those issues that would offer us some further ideas to exploit. To help us all push pespectve forward. While there is a facade in what the mind accumulates as the image of who we are, there is "kernels of truth" that we must seek to reference, so the knowledge base can increase, and intuitve leaps for the taking by who ever push persepctove add experimetal basis as a concluding result.

We'll leave the dance and facades for other to design themself. We always want them to be "whole" with what ever they have accepted in life.

Peter Woit recommends supersymmetry

Lubos Motl:
At any rate, quantum black holes do carry quantum information, the relevant entropy is, at least in some cases, attributable to the entanglement entropy, and the research of quantum entanglement in this context could turn out to be very fruitful which is why many of us should look at these "coincidences" more carefully. They may very well clarify the origin and mathematical details of the black hole complementarity

The circumstance around the nature of the state where such superfluids are created, needed some method in which to move, from "one state into another"(turned inside/out)?

If you hold the nature of the bubble universe and it's formation in mind, it does not seem so unlikely that you had the klein bottle, as some geometrical basis from which the false vacuum would direct itself into inflationary results?

So is the paper discounting the basis of the views of Coleman-De Luccia instanton?

The idea behind the Coleman-De Luccia instanton, discovered in 1987, is that the matter in the early universe is initially in a state known as a false vacuum. A false vacuum is a classically stable excited state which is quantum mechanically unstable. In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may `tunnel' to its true vacuum state. The quantum tunnelling of the matter in the early universe was described by Coleman and De Luccia. They showed that false vacuum decay proceeds via the nucleation of bubbles in the false vacuum. Inside each bubble the matter has tunnelled. Surprisingly, the interior of such a bubble is an infinite open universe in which inflation may occur. The cosmological instanton describing the creation of an open universe via this bubble nucleation is known as a Coleman-De Luccia instanton.

Okay so we are talking about cosmological proportions here, in blackhole creation and the resulting standard model and interactions developed from the origins of this universe. Is it consistent all the way down to the planck epoch, and how would the planck epoch be described?

One would need to see the geometrical basis of what is hapening from one state to the next. Our universe into some other new expression, or blackhole states, that rejuvenize, using geometrical dynamics of what is already existing?

Would this run contrary to the arrow of time, by having such states within context of the whole universe? Would this not explain the susutenance need to keep the universe in the same state for a very long long time?


Do a search, under the heading of "backreaction in laval nozzle," for further references.

Black Holes and Analogues in Two Dimensions

Examples: acoustics in a moving fluid (“dumbholes”), BEC, Helium, slow light,


  • Why Higher Energies
  • Sunday, March 12, 2006

    The Singing Bowl

    One harmonious possibility is that string enthusiasts and loop quantum gravity aficionados are actually constructing the same theory, but from vastly different starting points-Page 490, Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene

    What would such gravitons in the bulk concentration mean, to those whose value might have seen sound expressed, as low and rumbling, while energy would have been freer to implement the expression of higher pitched notes?

    Some might have never gotten the greater significance, or the relation to the Kernel of Truth, but hidden behind all the facades of humanities thoughts about sound, it was with the understdanding of Joseph Weber's work, that I too, became intrigued with the cylinder bars and sound.

    In the late 1950s, Weber became intrigued by the relationship between gravitational theory and laboratory experiments. His book, General Relativity and Gravitational Radiation, was published in 1961, and his paper describing how to build a gravitational wave detector first appeared in 1969. Weber's first detector consisted of a freely suspended aluminium cylinder weighing a few tonnes. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Weber announced that he had recorded simultaneous oscillations in detectors 1000 km apart, waves he believed originated from an astrophysical event. Many physicists were sceptical about the results, but these early experiments initiated research into gravitational waves that is still ongoing. Current gravitational wave experiments, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), are descendants of Weber's original work.

    Now what does sound mean in this case? How far shall we go back with Kip Thorne, or John Wheeler? Would a good scientist know that the roots of these thoughts about string theory began long before the mathematical struggles became known in current day thoughts. That the roots began in relativity, and what relativity means geometrically as a gravitational force in consideration?

    It required a graduation in thinking. Views in the abstract spaces that were less then understood, that without understanding how such thoughts lead from the classical world, would now move perspectve to it's strengths and weakeness as part of a larger view established from the standard model and beyond. It had to include all the fundamental forces and ultimately it's carriers?

    The activity in string theory and quantum gravity is aimed at developing a quantum theory that incorporates the physics of gravity and is valid down to the smallest length scales, where conventional quantum field theory can no longer be applied. There has been rapid progress in this area in recent years, in part due to work of Princeton faculty and students, and it continues to be a fertile source of research problems.

    Would These good scientists might have forgotten maybe, or because of the failure of Joesph Webers experiments, the very ideas of LIGO today, would not support the greater depth of seeing? In ways such structures would ring with the gravitational expansion and contraction, and allocated sound value in analogy? What use?

    Might I have missed the nature of the bubble in geometric views, as we looked at the sonofusion idea manifested in the way that "time and the bubble's membrane," elastic in it's measure, might have symbolized a larger global view of all the things that it would contained within it. Even, it's magnetic field?

    So some were better equiped to see spheres whithin spheres, and all bubble membranes as some topological derivation of Sklars's quandry of what line is a 5 or 1, in relation to the torus. How diffiuclt to undertand that then, inner bubble/line might have encapsulated the expression of Maxwell and all the equations, as being defined within the context of General Relativity and it's completion, as th eenvelope on the outer sphere called earth in space. Some might never have resolved such thinking to sucha bumpy world but it does indeed happen. Not only there, but in how such energies would have made themselves known as we turned this inside out, like some Klein bottled?

    I know I have much to learn in the geometrical perspective, but I am trying.

    Recognition of a Sphere that is Not so Round

    Gravity is the force that pulls two masses together.

    Since the earth has varied features such as mountains, valleys, and underground caverns, the mass is not evenly distributed around the globe. The "lumps" observed in the Earth's gravitational field result from an uneven distribution of mass inside the Earth. The GRACE mission will give us a global map of Earth's gravity and how it changes as the mass distribution shifts. The two satellites will provide scientists from all over the world with an efficient and cost-effective way to map the Earth's gravity field.

    The primary goal of the GRACE mission is to map the Earth's gravity field more accurately than has ever been done before. You might ask, how will GRACE do this? Two identical spacecraft will fly about 200 kilometers apart. As the two GRACE satellites orbit the Earth they are pulled by areas of higher or lower gravity and will move in relation to each other. The satellites are located by GPS and the distance between them is measured by microwave signals. The two satellites do not just carry science instruments, they become the science instrument. When mass moves from place to place within the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, land or frozen surface (the "cryosphere"), the gravity field changes

    So while I was quite aware of what the earth contained in it's views as a planet on which we live, it was not without some understanding that such mass considerations woul have also included the "view of bubbles"? AS rings around this planet.

    The way in which they can work to help push perspective inside/out? Is this wrong? Can no undertanding that leads to electrognagnetsm and gravity joined in the fifth dimensional perspective, lead to the dynamcial understanding of nature in accordance with the spacetime fabric and it's orientations?

    Why then lagrange coordinates, and how we see the "hole in space" as satelittes that might choose the most easiest route to travel and least fuel to burn? What say the equillibrium status, had not been reached in the blackhle interior, as a anomlie of perception, in regards to the formation of the superfluid through such collidial events?

    Saturday, February 11, 2006

    History of the Superfluid: New Physics

    Nice Picture above.

    It is really confusing for me sometimes so I have to revisit the set up, to make sure I have things slotted to the way it is being used to penetrate reductionistic views, that help us understand the new physics that emerges from Gold Ion collisions.

    So what is a color glass condensate? According to Einstein's special theory of relativity, when a nucleus travels at near-light (relativistic) speed, it flattens like a pancake in its direction of motion. Also, the high energy of an accelerated nucleus may cause it to spawn a large number of gluons, the particles that hold together its quarks. These factors--relativistic effects and the proliferation of gluons--may transform a spherelike nucleus into a flattened "wall" made mostly of gluons. This wall, 50-1000 times more dense than ordinary nuclei, is the CGC (see Brookhaven page for a letter-by-letter explanation of the CGC's name). How does the gluon glass relate to the much sought quark-gluon plasma? The QGP might get formed when two CGC's collide

    So you say that the particles are supported by the HE4 Superfluid, then how does that energy leak off into the extra dimensions? Hmmmm. As thread unfolds below? What are these strangelets that are catapulted beyond the collider? Porous induced shell casing?

    As well as bringing the accelerator's counter-rotating beams together, LHC insertion magnets also have to separate them after collision. This is the job of dedicated separators, and the US Brookhaven Laboratory is developing superconducting magnets for this purpose. Brookhaven is drawing on its experience of building the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which like the LHC is a superconducting machine. Consequently, these magnets will bear a close resemblance to RHIC's main dipoles. Following a prototyping phase, full-scale manufacture has started at Brookhaven and delivery of the first superconducting separator magnets to CERN is foreseen before the end of the year.

    Bose Nova revisited

    I wanted to bring this to the surface again for inspection, as this comes out of the work another fellow and I had discussed at length as we shared perspective on the nature and dynamics geometrically inclined.

    Accretion Disk

    Sometimes, if one does not realized what is governing the thought process, why and how would such things not make some kind of sense. As we move our perceptions ever deeper into the workings of the reductionistic world and find, that these results are being meet in a theoretical sense, as developing well along experimental one too.

    As a layman these views are important to me ,more then the cyncism that pervades the supposed debate on model assumption. While the cynic provides no service other then being that. I have learn to see where the patience and developemental attitude requires a more conducive field of opportunity to bring out the best in each of those scientist that very quickly, the desired approach, is being gone after.

    So herein lies a little history, and the synoptic event that is holding my thoughts today.

    Do the Bosenova

    To set a BEC swirling Ketterle's team shone a rotating laser beam on it while holding it in place with strong magnets. The experiment is like "stroking a ping-pong ball with a feather until it starts spinning," muses Ketterle. The surprising thing was that suddenly, a regular array of whirlpools appeared in the BEC. "It was a breathtaking experience when we saw those vortices," recalls Ketterle. Researchers had seen such whirlpools before (in liquid helium and in BECs) but never so many at once. This array of superfluid whirlpools was exactly the kind of storm system astronomers predicted would swirl beneath the iron crust of a neutron star.

    Evidence for the swirling depths of neutrons stars is based on the fact that some neutron stars are pulsars - the emit a powerful beam of radiation as they spin - like a cosmic lighthouse. The pulses are very regular but occasionally there is a glitch and a pulse might come slightly too early or too late and it is these glitches that are thought to be due to superfluid vortices hammering into the inside of the neutron star's crust.

    Ketterle adds that attractions between atoms in a BEC could parallel the collapse of a neutron star so emulating the distant and massive in the laboratory too. The explosive collapse of a BEC, dubbed a "Bosenova" (pronounced "bose-a-nova") by Wieman releases only a tiny quantity of energy, just enough to raise the temperature of the BEC by 200 billionths of a degree. Supernovae release many times the energy.

    So while I had drawn attention to the process afew years ago that we had discussed, it was important that the very idea of a geometrical process that encompass all the information we currently have, has been filed to specific areas for consideration.

    While the tidbits placed our perspectives all over the map, and held the idealization of the geometry to Feynman's toy models, a greater implication existed that few of realized as we can read about Dirac and the way in which he sees. While I had not been blessed with such a mathematical mind, it seems my vision of things are quite capable, while speaking about reductionistic proceses intuitive roads that lead to the developmental understanding of the nature of the supefuid. A place in which flatspacetime geometry would allow you to consider properties that ask us to explain what this emergent property might be.

    So, if such supersymmetrical idealization was to exist what was this place to say about what began here, or there, in the expression of our universe? Something had to be created that was new to us in our assessment as "new physics." So what was produced? Where did this avenue and funnel allow such an expression that we would look at the bose nova expressing itself, in a model approach.

    Whirling atoms dance into physics textbooks

    Superconductivity is superfluidity for charged particles instead of atoms. High-temperature superconductivity is not fully understood, but the MIT observations open up opportunities to study the microscopic mechanisms behind this phenomenon.

    "Pairing electrons in the same way as our fermionic atoms would result in room-temperature superconductors," Ketterle explained. "It is a long way to go, but room-temperature superconductors would find many real-world applications, from medical diagnostics to energy transport." Superfluid Fermi gas might also help scientists test ideas about other Fermi systems, like spinning neutron stars and the primordial soup of the early universe.

    Historical Perspective
  • Eric Cornell

  • Carl Wieman

  • Wolfgang Ketterle

  • 2001 Nobel Prize in Physics

  • Neutron star

  • M. Coleman Miller

  • Today and the New Physics

    So now that you see that this process is a interesting one, it is necessary to see how such comparative views on a cosmological scale could have been ever immersed in the microperspective.

    This has been my attempt at bringing the place for persepctve into line so that such "new physics" woud have captured the layman's mind. Found the seed bed for new maths, to have created a visionary world that could have arisen from this point on the brane, that such circles, had a greater meaning then one could have ever realized.

    What was happening outside of our colliders that we could speak to what was happening inside of the colliders? This is amazing story, as we now see that events happening with high energy particles, have made themself known in our immediate envirnment to have said what can exist here now in such weak field manifestations, that we had graduated from the normal gravity wave perception GR lead us from, and sent us too?

    Many Holes?

    So now that a cosmological event has captured our mind, the big bang taken us to the first microseconds of our universe, the supersymmetrical view realized, what say we see the possiblility in those new bubbles that arise from Dirac's Sea?

    Each hole while existing within the frame work of a supefluid state madeit possible for us to realize that such expressions would have happen at such micro levels that we had been thinking about how we send our measures to such levels? The new physics is what had been strange to our normal way of thinking and now?

    It would have been my hope that bringing five different people together in the Cosmic Variance scheme of things, would have created the perfect group, as to bringing persepctive and varied opinion together in perception into the family and said how nice that these different perspectives were really one aspect of the whole picture?

    Tuesday, January 03, 2006

    The Lap Top of the Future?

    I think technology is great, and some of the stories we can produce, equally as thought provoking. Ipod's and Mission Impossible?

    Oh Clifford, where are you?

    While some might of thought the analogy to the "blackgold" as a standard in a economic sense, I still try to think of the "gold reserves" as the true monitor of banks and money printed. Yet, we find that new indicators are setting the price of living, to standards that the few make towards cost of living realizations? US ruin where rerserves, China's gain? A worthy trading partner indeed.

    Okay that's to political. On to the essence of the story.:)

    My plan is not a incidious one, where I will try and convert you to "evil," but put into perspective the state of affairs. Not concieved to derail geometrical thinking at it's finest, but bring one in concert with the strumming of "good songs" as we ride the "river of life:)" Oh my, I am being bombarded by solitonic images of boats traveling channels, and all sort of things.

    Written and directed by Kenneth Alan Taylor

    I would rather think of the Goose that laid the Golden Egg, then eggs that could possibly hatch as the dumbest ideas of Rooster's:)

    Okay, so I am struggling.

    You have to remember the basis of this question is "held in light" of a thought experiment linked at the heading of this post. I know it's possibilties yet containment really makes it difficult to fathom. So I like to think of tall tails and sailing ships as possible stories that were created in fiction, have now made it possible for Jack to bring this Golden Egg, back for consideration. Or maybe the Princess's Pea as a measure of what would have been contained in the singularity, had drawn to delving all minds to consider this nagging question that we tend to sleep on? The "Beginning of the universe?"

    Did you know Plato like the "idea of ideas?" While it might made one think of the emphemeral qualities of mind, I know that to be "grounded" would be a good thing, while we look at Jack in the Beanstalk's journey to fetch the Golden Egg.

    Anthony A. on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 7:41 pm :
    In an infinite universe, there appears to be, as I noted before, some interchangeability between the different branches of the wavefunction and the different copies that exist in the infinite universe. (In fact this is the basis for a new interpretation of quantum mechanics that I have been reading, and got me thinking about the whole matter.)

    The thought provoked here, is contained in the structure of this statement, "different branches of the wavefunction" could lead to new quantum reality taken from the artifacts, and released into probable futures? This is a summation of how one might see all that can be contained in the outcome of heads or tails, and from such information, provide for model apprehensions that could have been emitted from the very beginning of this universe? Why not?

    We punch in the probability of this reference of quantum perception with cosmological data and if 13.7 billions years could be contained in the model, then what says the limit of this universe could not be contained in what this universe might have become?

    The amount of information that can be stored by the ultimate laptop, 10 to the 31st bits, is much higher than the 10 to the 10th bits stored on current laptops. This is because conventional laptops use many degrees of freedom to store a bit whereas the ultimate laptop uses just one. There are considerable advantages to using many degrees of freedom to store information, stability and controllability being perhaps the most important. Indeed, as the above calculation indicates, to take full advantage of the memory space available, the ultimate laptop must turn all its matter into energy. A typical state of the ultimate laptop's memory looks like a plasma at a billion degrees Kelvin — like a thermonuclear explosion or a little piece of the Big Bang! Clearly, packaging issues alone make it unlikely that this limit can be obtained, even setting aside the difficulties of stability and control.

    But what's the point here in recognition?

    That there are indeed outcomes from thinking of a certain point, could have manifested possibilities. The outcome here is present questions although contained in the article linked in from 2000, it points the mind to direction currently manifesting in our everyday lives, as we move to question the nature and geometry of this beginning of the universe and it's possible branches thereof?

    But let's see this in contrast to early computation models. Rooms filled with equippment to have now found such levels atomized to current technological wonders?

    Being part of this scenario in our past and witnessing the moves to such lenghts, bring perspectve to the nature of the colliders and the quest for perspctive held in contrast to quantum probabilites. Looking at this bold highlighrted statement of Seth Loyd brings th every nature of what is being pursued asa viable question about what we had hoped to conatin inthe LAPTOP, BUT SEEING THE COMPLEX QUESTION OF CONTAINMENT MAKES THIS QUITE UNLIKELY. It does not remove the question of probable outcomes and th every nature of geoemtries assigned, as this is a leading indicator to values held in contrast to the depth of pereception needed?

    Danger, Phil Anderson by Sean Carroll

    Looking for such a position, can be a fickled thing, so where would such things lead from a "flat spacetime" to have then gone either way in the speculations of the geometries?

    Sorry, a layman dreaming. Is it a philosophical question, that the possibilties could have ever be increased from negative things(geoemtries in expression), heated up, to create new possibitlies?

    Friday, December 30, 2005

    Special holonomy manifolds in string theory

    So what instigated my topic today and Hypercharge make sits way for me to reconsider, so while doing this the idea of geoemtries and th eway in which we see this uiverse held to the nature of it's origination are moving me to consider how we see in ths geometrical sense.

    The resurgence of ideas about the geometries taking place are intriguing models to me of those brought back for viewing in the Sylvester surfaces and B field relations held in context of the models found in the >Wunderkammern.

    This paragraph above should orientate perception for us a bit around methods used to see in ways that we had not seen before. This is always very fascinating to me. What you see below for mind bending, helps one to orientate these same views on a surface.

    Hw would you translate point on a two dimensional surface to such features on the items of interest on these models proposed?

    Part of my efforts at comprehension require imaging that will help push perspective. In this way, better insight to such claims and model methods used, to create insight into how we might see those extra 10 dimensions, fold into the four we know and love.

    G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1).

    Here, each arrow represents a symmetry breaking phase transition where matter changes form and the groups - G, H, SU(3), etc. - represent the different types of matter, specifically the symmetries that the matter exhibits and they are associated with the different fundamental forces of nature

    If one held such views from the expansitory revelation, that our universe implies at these subtle levels a quantum nature, then how well has our eyes focused not only on the larger issues cosmology plays, but also, on how little things become part and parcel of this wider view? That the quantum natures are very spread, out as ths expansion takes place, they collpase to comsic string models or a sinstantaneous lightning strikes across thei universe from bubbles states that arose from what?

    So knowing that such features of "spherical relation" extended beyond the normal coordinates, and seeing this whole issue contained within a larger sphere of influence(our universe), gives meaning to the dynamical nature of what was once of value, as it arose from a supersymmetrical valuation from the origination of this universe? If Any symmetry breaking unfolds, how shall we see in context of spheres and rotations within this larger sphere, when we see how the dynamcial propertties of bubbles become one of the universes as it is today? Genus figures that arise in a geometrodynamcial sense? What are these dynacis within context of the sphere?

    So as I demonstrate the ways in which our vision is being prep for thinking, in relation to the models held in contrast to the nature of our universe, how are we seeing, if we are moving them to compact states of existance, all the while we are speaking to the very valuation of the origination of this same universe?

    Holonomy (30 Dec 2005 Wiki)

    Riemannian manifolds with special holonomy play an important role in string theory compactifications. This is because special holonomy manifolds admit covariantly constant (parallel) spinors and thus preserve some fraction of the original supersymmetry. Most important are compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds with SU(2) or SU(3) holonomy. Also important are compactifications on G2 manifolds.

    Wednesday, December 28, 2005

    Laval Nozzle and the Blackhole

    Often times model changes help perspective, where previously idealization will be contained. Moving beyond the experimental grasp for new ways in which to interpret, require a mode and offensive into producing new variations of ole thngs held in context? Ths is why such models like string that began in one mode in terms of quark confinement have now bloossomed into modes cocnerned with quantum gravity.

    Discovering new dimensions at LHC

    More dramatically still, the LHC could produce fundamental string relations of our familiar particles, such as higher-spin relatives of electrons or photons. There is also a possibility that, owing to the now much stronger gravitational interactions, microscopically tiny black holes could be produced with striking signals.

    Once idealization and understanding developed in quark Confinement, it is understood the shift to the metric and the idealization of that measure became a property I found in the way we now deal with the perceptions containing dimensional significance? Strng Theory, that had graduade from the model apprehensions early on, here to a more fundamental pursuate of how we see in those extra dimensions, compact as they may be?

    Acoustic Metric (29 Dec 2005 Wiki)

    In mathematical physics, a metric (mathematics) describes the arrangement of relative distances within a surface or volume, usually measured by signals passing through the region – essentially describing the intrinsic geometry of the region. An acoustic metric will describe the signal-carrying properties characteristic of a given particulate medium in acoustics, or in fluid dynamics. Other descriptive names such as sonic metric are also sometimes used, interchangeably.

    Since "acoustic" behaviour is intuitively familiar from everyday experience, many complex "acoustic" effects can be confidently described without recourse to advanced mathematics. The rest of this article contrasts the "everyday" properties of an acoustic metric with the more intensely studied and better-documented "gravitational" behaviour of general relativity

    On the Universality of the Hawking Effectby William G. Unruh and Ralf Schutzhold

    Addressing the question of whether the Hawking effect depends on degrees of freedom at ultra-high (e.g., Planckian) energies/momenta, we propose three rather general conditions on these degrees of freedom under which the Hawking effect is reproduced to lowest order. As a generalization of Corley’s results, we present a rather general model based on non-linear dispersion relations satisfying these conditions together with a derivation of the Hawking effect for that model. However, we also demonstrate counter-examples, which do not appear to be unphysical or artificial, displaying strong deviations from Hawking’s result. Therefore, whether real black holes emit Hawking radiation remains an open question and could give non-trivial information about Planckian physics.

    It is important that when thinking about this universality that the derivations of such thinking is understood by me so I ahve to lay it out in a sequence that suports the end part of this post so that it is brought togher in a nice way. I bold mark thos epoints that help greatly in my understanding.

    Acoustic_theory(28 Dec 2005 Wiki)

    Acoustic theory is the field relating to mathematical description of sound waves. It is derived from fluid dynamics. See acoustics for the engineering approach.

    The propagation of sound waves in air can be modeled by an equation of motion (conservation of momentum) and an equation of continuity (conservation of mass). With some simplifications, in particular constant density, they can be given as follows:

    where is the acoustic pressure and is the acoustic fluid velocity vector, is the vector of spatial coordinates x,y,z, t is the time, ρ0 is the static density of air and c is the speed of sound in air.

    Fluid Dynamics (28 Dec 2005 Wiki)

    Fluid dynamics offers a mathematical structure, which underlies these practical discipines, that embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws, derived from flow measurement, used to solve practical problems. The solution of a fluid dynamics problem typically involves calculating for various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density, and temperature, as functions of space and time

    So these ideas in terms of analogies help to push forarwd understanding where we might have been limited in our views before. I know, they certainly help me.

    "Analogue Gravity"
    by Carlos Barceló and Stefano Liberati and Matt Visser


    Analogue models of (and for) gravity have a long and distinguished history dating back to the earliest years of general relativity. In this review article we will discuss the history, aims, results, and future prospects for the various analogue models. We start the discussion by presenting a particularly simple example of an analogue model, before exploring the rich history and complex tapestry of models discussed in the literature. The last decade in particular has seen a remarkable and sustained development of analogue gravity ideas, leading to some hundreds of published articles, a workshop, two books, and this review article. Future prospects for the analogue gravity programme also look promising, both on the experimental front (where technology is rapidly advancing) and on the theoretical front (where variants of analogue models can be used as a springboard for radical attacks on the problem of quantum gravity).

    and here......

    Parentani showed that the effects of the fluctuations of the metric (due to the in-going flux of energy at the horizon) on the out-going radiation led to a description of Hawking radiation similar to that obtained with analogue models. It would be interesting to develop the equivalent formalism for quantum analogue models and to investigate the different emerging approximate regimes.

    I am always interested in how science might take these analogies in concert with how we understand blackhole horizon abilites. To exemplify the understanding of where "this place of virtual reality might issue from such a ground state" might be, in terms of what might flow one way, and what will flow in another, as photon pairs do from around the blackhole.

    How far can this be taken as we look to understand Hawking radiation? How would such constrictions pave the way for sound emitted and held in context of Hawking Radiation, flowing through a pipe? We've had our lessons from Cosmic Variance on this, but would it have ever been taken this far?

    Well, I still like to think about the gravitational comparisons here, so I would be very happy to have found some geometrical propensities towards how the horizon would have given us a good picture of what "first principle" might be as we look at the nature of hawking radiation, and how the standard model is featured from that horizon. So of course I am thinking deeply about all the things I have been learning.

    I hope one day a comprehensive picture forms so that I can finally understand what is going on?

    Further "Analogy" sought by me to help my perspective.

  • Bubble World and Geometrodynamics

  • Tiny Bubbles
  • Monday, December 26, 2005

    Tiny Bubbles

    AS a child, Einsten when given the gift of the compass, immediately reocgnized the mystery in nature? If such a impression could have instigated the work that had unfolded over timein regards to Relativity, then what work could have ever instigated the understanding of the Pea as a constant reminder of what the universe became in the mind of a child, as we sleep on it?

    Hills and Valley held in context of Wayne Hu's explanations was a feasible product of the landscape to work with?

    'The Princess & The Pea' from 'The Washerwoman's Child'

    If Strings abhors infinities, then the "Princess's Pea" was really a creation of "three spheres" emmanating from the "fabric of spacetime?" It had to be reduced from spacetime to a three dimensional frame work?

    Spheres can be generalized to higher dimensions. For any natural number n, an n-sphere is the set of points in (n+1)-dimensional Euclidean space which are at distance r from a fixed point of that space, where r is, as before, a positive real number. Here, the choice of number reflects the dimension of the sphere as a manifold.

    a 0-sphere is a pair of points
    a 1-sphere is a circle
    a 2-sphere is an ordinary sphere
    a 3-sphere is a sphere in 4-dimensional Euclidean space

    Spheres for n ¡Ý 3 are sometimes called hyperspheres. The n-sphere of unit radius centred at the origin is denoted Sn and is often referred to as "the" n-sphere. The notation Sn is also often used to denote any set with a given structure (topological space, topological manifold, smooth manifold, etc.) identical (homeomorphic, diffeomorphic, etc.) to the structure of Sn above.

    An n-sphere is an example of a compact n-manifold.

    Was it really fantasy that Susskind was involved in, or was there some motivated ideas held in mathematical structure? People like to talk about him without really understandng how such geometrical propensities might have motivated his mind to consider conjectures within the physics of our world?

    Bernhard Riemann once claimed: "The value of non-Euclidean geometry lies in its ability to liberate us from preconceived ideas in preparation for the time when exploration of physical laws might demand some geometry other than the Euclidean." His prophesy was realized later with Einstein's general theory of relativity. It is futile to expect one "correct geometry" as is evident in the dispute as to whether elliptical, Euclidean or hyperbolic geometry is the "best" model for our universe. Henri Poincaré, in Science and Hypothesis (New York: Dover, 1952, pp. 49-50) expressed it this way.

    You had to realize that working in these abstractions, such work was not to be abandon because we might have thought such abstraction to far from the tangible thinking that topologies might see of itself?

    Poincaré Conjecture Proved--This Time for Real
    By Eric W. Weisstein

    In the form originally proposed by Henri Poincaré in 1904 (Poincaré 1953, pp. 486 and 498), Poincaré's conjecture stated that every closed simply connected three-manifold is homeomorphic to the three-sphere. Here, the three-sphere (in a topologist's sense) is simply a generalization of the familiar two-dimensional sphere (i.e., the sphere embedded in usual three-dimensional space and having a two-dimensional surface) to one dimension higher. More colloquially, Poincaré conjectured that the three-sphere is the only possible type of bounded three-dimensional space that contains no holes. This conjecture was subsequently generalized to the conjecture that every compact n-manifold is homotopy-equivalent to the n-sphere if and only if it is homeomorphic to the n-sphere. The generalized statement is now known as the Poincaré conjecture, and it reduces to the original conjecture for n = 3.

    While it is very dificult for me "to see" how such movements are characterized in those higher spaces, it is not without some understanding that such topologies and genus figures would point to the continuity of expression, as "energy and matter" related in a most curious way? Let's consider the non-discretium way in which such continuites work, shall we?

    From one perspective this circle woud have some valuation to the makings of the universe in expression, would identify itself where such potenials are raised from the singular function of the circular colliders. Those extra dimensions had to have some basis to evolve too in those higher spaces for such thinking to have excelled to more then mathematical conjectures?

    We can also consider donuts with more handles attached. The number of handles in a donut is its most important topological information. It is called the genus.

    It might be expressed in the tubes of KK tower modes of measure? That such "differences of energies" might have held the thinking to the brane world, yet revealled a three dimensional perspective in the higher diemnsional world of bulk. These had to depart from the physics, and held in context?

    Clay Institute

    If we stretch a rubber band around the surface of an apple, then we can shrink it down to a point by moving it slowly, without tearing it and without allowing it to leave the surface. On the other hand, if we imagine that the same rubber band has somehow been stretched in the appropriate direction around a doughnut, then there is no way of shrinking it to a point without breaking either the rubber band or the doughnut. We say the surface of the apple is "simply connected," but that the surface of the doughnut is not. Poincaré, almost a hundred years ago, knew that a two dimensional sphere is essentially characterized by this property of simple connectivity, and asked the corresponding question for the three dimensional sphere (the set of points in four dimensional space at unit distance from the origin). This question turned out to be extraordinarily difficult, and mathematicians have been struggling with it ever since.

    While three spheres has been generalized in my point of view, I am somewhat perplexed by sklar potential when thinking about torus's and a hole with using a rubber band. If the formalization of Greene's statement so far were valid then such a case of the universe emblazoning itself within some structure mathematically inclined, what would have raised all these other thoughts towards quantum geometry?

    In fact, in the reciprocal language, these tiny circles are getting ever smaller as time goes by, since as R grows, 1/R shrinks. Now we seem to have really gone off the deep end. How can this possibly be true? How can a six-foot tall human being 'fit' inside such an unbelievably microscopic universe? How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above?
    (Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249)

    Was our thoughts based in a wonderful world, where such purity of math structure became the basis of our expressions while speaking to the nature of the reality of our world?

    Bubble Nucleation

    Some people do not like to consider the context of universe and the suppositions that arose from insight drawn, and held to possibile scenario's. I like to consider these things because I am interested in how a geometical cosistancy might be born into the cyclical nature. Where such expression might hold our thinking minds.

    Science and it's Geometries?

    Have these already been dimissed by the physics assigned, that we now say that this scenario is not so likely? Yet we are held by the awe and spector of superfluids, whose origination might have been signalled by the gravitational collapse?

    Would we be so less inclined not to think about Dirac's Sea of virtual particles to think the origination might have issued from the very warms water of mother's creative womb, nestled.

    Spheres that rise from the deep waters of our thinking, to have seen the basis of all maths and geometries from the heart designed. Subjective yet in the realization of the philosophy embued, the very voice speaks only from a pure mathematical realm, and is covered by the very cloaks of one's reason?

    After doing so, they realized that all inflationary theories produced open universes in the manner Turok described above(below here). In the end, they created the Hawking-Turok Instanton theory.

    The process is a bit like the formation of a bubble
    in a boiling pan of water...the interior of this tiny
    bubble manages to turn itself into an infinite open
    universe. Imagine a bubble forming and expanding at the
    speed of light, so that it becomes very big, very quickly.
    Now look inside the bubble.

    The peculiar thing is that in such a bubble, space and time
    get tangled in such a way that what we would call today's
    universe would actually include the entire future of the
    bubble. But because the bubble gets infinitely large in
    the future, the size of 'today's universe' is actually infinite.
    So an infinite,open universe is formed inside a tiny, initially
    microscopic bubble.

    Sunday, October 23, 2005

    Think Math

    Nature's patterns
    So who is right? Well, there is much that is attractive in the Platonist point of view. It's tempting to see our everyday world as a pale shadow of a more perfect, ordered, mathematically exact one. For one thing, mathematical patterns permeate all areas of science. Moreover, they have a universal feel to them, rather as though God thumbed His way through some kind of mathematical wallpaper catalogue when He was trying to work out how to decorate His Universe. Not only that: the deity's pattern catalogue is remarkably versatile, with the same patterns being used in many different guises. For example, the ripples on the surface of sand dunes are pretty much identical to the wave patterns in liquid crystals. Raindrops and planets are both spherical. Rainbows and ripples on a pond are circular. Honeycomb patterns are used by bees to store honey (and to pigeonhole grubs for safekeeping), and they can also be found in the geographical distribution of territorial fish, the frozen magma of the Giant's Causeway, and rock piles created by convection currents in shallow lakes. Spirals can be seen in water running out of a bath and in the Andromeda Galaxy. Frothy bubbles occur in a washing-up bowl and the arrangement of galaxies.

    Well the following article came to my recognition by the "picture above". When reference was made to what some might think, as what underlying reality exists as a mathematical pattern, could ever been associated to some divine will? Who or what would decide this, as representing the very idea of resonant possibilties of expression in symmetry breaking?

    But crystals exhibit clear mathematical patterns of their own, such as a regular geometric form, and while nobody can deduce this in full logical rigour from the quantum mechanics of their atoms, there is a chain of reasoning that makes it plausible that the laws of quantum mechanics do indeed lead to the regularities of crystal structure.

    How would one define a crystal, as having preconcieved viabilties in the quantum world? This would be very hard and uncertain thing to deal with. What rational would allow such previews of a reality before it can become something else?

    See. Some might of recognized that picture above to the issue of Science and Mind by Sir Roger Penrose?

    Friday, October 21, 2005

    Resonance: Brownian Motion

    Now before I go into this I am thinking also if how "weathered effects and chaos" would have allowed quantum probability valuations (let's say spintronic idealization to channel) to have been curtailed to a Professor crossing the room. Brane orientation and fermionic considerations held, while helping to orientate views further out in the bulk?

    This encompasses the generalization in terms of bubble dynamics, or how could any singularity too "inside/out" be of value to that same gravitational collapse, regardless of macro or micro considerations?

    So one would have to seen how, Langrangian "points" help to view dynamcial situations in relation to the Sun Earth Moon. I would like to have thought of a chaldni plate analogy here, pointing, to a place for consideration of movement of our satelittes with less efffort. It is a vision of geometrical correlations that such idea could have been artistically embued.

    This is a magazine that Clifford drew our attention too, and while looking in the archive I found reference here below that sort of caught my attention.

    Brownian Motion Problem: Random Walk and

    I really find this quite interesting from a "artistic point of view".

    While indeed the issue is quite complex in terms of environmental flows and such, this kind of dynamcial valution might seem interesting from the point of view of early plasmatic conditions, would it not?

    Now if such supefluid conditions would arise in the collider developements then, this expression would defintiely need to answer the way in which we look at what superpsymmeterical valuation would have ever resulted in symetry breaking valuation sought from these bubble dynamics, fromthe fluid of that early universe.

    What constraints would limit you from making such a comparison and the idea of bubbles that form from this bath? To viewing dynamic situations in terms of thermodynamic realization offered from other perspectves. I give some examples shortly. Just know, that gravitational collapse would have signalled a better determination then one how ever discerned, to point to efforts to understand this supersymmetrical valuation. If all grviaational states of collpase are revealled as leaidng indicators to this supersymmetreicla valuation, then the idea to me is that this points to a underlying reality that exists in our moments around us.

    While Microstate blackhole would be quick to dissipate, it is equally sufficient to my thinking to see that infomration realease from this "supersymmetrical breaking" would give indictaions as information in UV indications?

    Of course it's all speculation from the point of the fluid, because we have evidence of this already. So all I am doing is saying that having the stage set, then how would such relations signal new universes?

    So from a geometrical standpoint, having been told that there are no physics and geometry below a certain length (is this a quantum grvaity ascertion since there is no consensus?), this makes it extremely difficult to theoretically deal with how such a issue I am relaying in terms of Brownian motion could have ever spawned those same bubble universes out of such a fluid state.

    This gallery was inspired by a lecture of Dr. Julien Sprott and his work.To learn how these are created, check out my Strange Attractor Tutorial. Click on the images to enlarge them.

    So my mind is set in this chaotic enviroment, but indeed, the continuity of all these movements and flows seem disjointed from one perspective, that one point over here, might be different in the way a guassian map might reveal of point "p" over there. So we know on the surface, seeing valuation in terms of gaussion coordiantes that we can spell out on the face value of this surface, would have given a uv of P a very much different look.

    Gaussian Coordinates
    We can sum this up as follows: Gauss invented a method for the mathematical treatment of continua in general, in which ?size-relations? (?distances? between neighbouring points) are defined. To every point of a continuum are assigned as many numbers (Gaussian co-ordinates) as the continuum has dimensions. This is done in such a way, that only one meaning can be attached to the assignment, and that numbers (Gaussian co-ordinates) which differ by an indefinitely small amount are assigned to adjacent points. The Gaussian co-ordinate system is a logical generalisation of the Cartesian co-ordinate system. It is also applicable to non-Euclidean continua, but only when, with respect to the defined ?size? or ?distance,? small parts of the continuum under consideration behave more nearly like a Euclidean system, the smaller the part of the continuum under our notice.

    Now if such bubble dynamics were to be self revealling, such surface measures would give evidentary features of the shape of this bubble, defining geometrical propensities as a surface valuation. I am thinking here of the "rainbow colors as refractory relevance" that would seem to define heavier color variations over this surface, if using soap bubble as an example.

    So just to carry on a bit with this point "P" in gaussian coordinated of frame of UV, what realization exists that we could not find some relevance here in the geometry to have further exploited the mind's capabilties by venturing into the Wunderkammern of thinking. By association, of Nigel Hitchin's "B Field manifestations geometries" to realize that althought these might be limited to what Jacque is saying , then what value this geometry if we can not see the landscape as something real in time variable measures?

    Now you know you could have never come to this "shape" without the birthing process of expansitory values of a new universe right? So of course there is something troubling about chaotc environments, but also the nice fluidic forms of expression that would seem to reveal the dynamics of nature in overlaid valuation, of motion.

    Having come to a surface valution of expansitory features such as a measdure of the earth in a "time variable mode", makes much more sense to me having accumulative histories and use of Grace, that we would now say hey, ourviews of spherical and round earth we live on has a certain new feature about it, that does not seem so pretty. Well, we defined the valuation gravitationally over this whole planet and it is encased. So I see it as a bubble defined to it's mass context and density variations etc.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    The Unity of Mathematics

    Alain Connes

    Where a dictionary proceeds in a circular manner, defning a word by reference to another, the basic concepts of mathematics are infinitely closer to an indecomposable element", a kind of elementary particle" of thought with a minimal amount of ambiguity in their defnition.

    I think what intrigues me most, is that a world can be fabricated mathematically that is carefully constructed using models of math, to get to a desired visionary culmination? One had to have some culminative effect, from such model thinking, that a vision beocmes clear. In this sense I related Lenny Susskind here, for his developement and contributions to string theory.

    Now having spent time delving into parts of this world, the "tidbits" help me to see that such alignmenets of the world of physics have correlations in mathematical design. This has to have it basis set, "in the Rossetta stone you might say," about how we percieve the deveopement of those physics. The math must contrast the physics?

    So to set things straight here, in case I gave the wrong link, I thought I should attribute proper link to words in case this mistake was made.

    So too, information in blogs can be readily adapted too, where previous articles might have made some feel that the article not worth maintaining in their blog? That it might have been removed? I was thinking of the B-field topic that Lubos had written briefly on, that when I went to look for relevant information pertaining to this current entry, it was no where to be seen.

    Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

    Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

    Now many would have to forgive my adventurous heart. I was somehow transported in my thoughts and converted? I don't know when, that such models of the mathematical structure had easily become discernable for me(it's result)? Not it's elemental structure(although I have seen areas of string theory design developed) from basic principals. It had it's culminative effect.

    Is my vision always right? Of course not. But I see where such discriptions are necessary. Solid, and in stone, so that such progression can be made. I respect this, and I respect the physics, and it's culminative approach in theoretical developement.

    Nature's Greastest Puzzle

    Alain Connes refers to "poetic design," much like I see beats to music:?), and artistic adventure, as the play ground of imagination. We hope such songs shared, lyrics or otherwise, will reveal what the most secluded and private individuals might have found in their own world. To seek out, good artistic drawers like Escher? Penrose, needed his help, and the ideas brought forth, interesting results.

    Now there is a reason for this post besides setting the record straight. It came up a long time ago with the question of whether mathematics was natural or created.

    This may seem simplistic thought to some, but to me, it forced me to consider whether mathematics and physics were directed connected to each other.:) Now as I have said it is not easy for me to follow the matheics of such abtract individuals, but once I catch sight of the world that they allude too, it is somehow easy for me to see the structure of the bubble, or a representative drawing correlated in nodes, and features of a world that is constained in the physics.

    This is why I refer back to Lubos and his B-field missing post, or I cannot simply find it. I refer to it, because I made links to mathematical design, that correlated dynkin diagram as shown above, and connects to other blog. Now it was important for me to see this correlation in the archetecture of the picture I linked to its prospective author, in relation to the dynkin diagram. Not the E11 asscoiation, but with that I had linked in image in comments to the B-field post.

    My whole blog is based on visionary developement, theoretically, as well as nurturing physics association as best as I can, to show that the envelope is being pushed theoretically.

    Interpretations of the magnetic field, in all its desgin is easily comprehensible once we align our thinking to hard fact and design reprsentation. Magnetic field lines on paper, is a child's toy, but easily experimetally done. Much more abstract then, that we see the field created, it's north and south, and a channel through which expression can flow?

    Now even this is contained, and a Gausssian representation, highly abtract, relates curvature in away that we would understand this force that nature has created for us.

    You must remember I do not have the luxury or life's abilty to move through the higher avenues that scholastic carreers have venture forth in. To preview this branch or that branch in physics, so I am bombarded with information from all angles:?)

    I like to wrap the gravitational field, much like we wrap the magnetic field. It's just the way I see, and in it's greater design, that vast gravitational field that is generate through our cosmos? Bubbles become very interesting whenyou wrap somehing and the inside is moving with the outside, and in the vast vacuum of space this is stretching the very fabric itself?

    I won't make the mistake of calling it the aether, yet continuity of expression seen in this abstract mode, does not see "tears" and such, so it is allocated to topological relevances. Holes, that look like swiss cheese in the cosmos? Yet I know well the events, that materialize in comsological expression, I wanted to push beyond these material things, to see the greater vision that has been moved by mathematcians.

    You can say the rogue man here who speaks, is a wolf cub. Has been raised in a foreign world, without the benefits of scholastic teachers to guide me. So I had to look for them who held sacred some of the vision that I see when this math leads to a comprehensive view.

    Reimann lead Einstein, and it was fortunate that Grossman was able to spot Einsteins deficiences. Help him move geoemtical principal beyond the euclidean coordinated world, to one manifested in spacetime, and a new dynamcial feature called gravity. It was beyond billiards and the sound related, and not the clasical discription that now beocmes the analogy of, that strange world we now see in gravitational thought.

    Was it enough to speak about theses things and theorectically develope thoughts, to describe ways, in which such sound could ring bars, or influence the flexible arms of LIGO We measure this abstract world mathematcially created, to realize, we are now engaged in something very unique about our visions developement? Kip Thorne progeny will be the new genration that sees in way that were new to bauss and Riemann and now as we see of Einstein. This has a geometrical expression and basis to it, and it leads into projective elements topologically described.

    Klein's Ordering of Geometries

    A theorem which is valid for a geometry in this sequence is automatically valid for the ones that follow. The theorems of projective geometry are automatically valid theorems of Euclidean geometry. We say that topological geometry is more abstract than projective geometry which is turn is more abstract than Euclidean geometry.

    Klien's ordering of geometries were specifc here?

    Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    The Holographical Mapping of the Standard Model onto the Blackhole Horizon

    New paper that came out yesterday written by Gerard 't Hooft

    Interactions between outgoing Hawking particles and ingoing matter are determined by gravitational forces and Standard Model interactions. In particular the gravitational interactions are responsible for the unitarity of the scattering against the horizon, as dictated by the holographic principle, but the Standard Model interactions also contribute, and understanding their effects is an important first step towards a complete understanding of the horizon’s dynamics. The relation between in- and outgoing states is described in terms of an operator algebra. In this paper, the first of a series, we describe the algebra induced on the horizon by U(1) vector fields and scalar fields, including the case of an Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism, and a more careful consideration of the transverse vector field components.

    But before I entertain this idea, I wanted to gain some perspective. I was immediately struck by something here that changes the way we have been doing things? Recognizing the blackhole evaporation and standard model production, we are saying that indeed these things already existed in the horizon?

    Would M theory have then found it's experimental counterpart? The Bose Nova and Jet idea from collapsing bubbles has been part of the vision I speculated in what Heisenberg saw in the geometrodynamics of a nuclear explosion. See, not only were we detonating a nuclear reaction(gravitational collapse), but we were doing something beyond the perception, by going to the heart of these particle collisions.

    What makes it diffuclt for me is that having seen the blackhole dynamics in relation to bubble technlogies, that I like to use as analogies, relate too, and contain the elements of the standard model without ever entering the blackhole? How is this possible and still see the three blane collapse of the blackhole here?

    Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity by Gerard 't Hooft

    The requirement that physical phenomena associated with gravitational collapse should be duly reconciled with the postulates of quantum mechanics implies that at a Planckian scale our world is not 3+1 dimensional. Rather, the observable degrees of freedom can best be described as if they were Boolean variables defined on a two-dimensional lattice, evolving with time. This observation, deduced from not much more than unitarity, entropy and counting arguments, implies severe restrictions on possible models of quantum gravity. Using cellular automata as an example it is argued that this dimensional reduction implies more constraints than the freedom we have in constructing models. This is the main reason why so-far no completely consistent mathematical models of quantum black holes have been found.

    Essay dedicated to Abdus Salam.

    Gerard "t Hooft:No 'Quantum Computer' will ever be able to out perform a 'scaled up classical computer.'

    Holding onto the sanity of why such computerization program will run into difficulties, has not undermined the position to included and create opportunities for seeing what is happening at such reductionistic levels? To have wondered, will we gain a dynamcial visulaization of what is happening within the context of the universe as it came into being?

    With more computer power, scientists can also include more elements of the Earth's climate system, such as the oceans, the atmosphere, their chemistry and the carbon cycle.

    This should make forecasts of future temperature rises more reliable. Keiko Takahashi, who works at the Earth Simulator Centre, says they have already carried out several experiments that look 50 years ahead.

    There is difficulties with doing this, and like LIGO or a SEti work in progress, how shall this information allows us to see the interactions in a consistent model? So dealing with these difficulties has been part of Gerard 't Hoofts analysis to see that others too, work hard to deal with issues of information paradox?

    Part of this difficulty in computerized model application, would have been transfer rates of information from such quantum levels. Lubos gives some insight here. Although it has been very nice that such visualization techiques could be applied to this data transfer, from what we understand of particle reductionsism. Within context of the larger universe, how detailed shall has our observations become of the world around us?

    These images contrast the degree of interaction and collective motion, or "flow," among quarks in the predicted gaseous quark-gluon plasma state (Figure A, see mpeg animation) vs. the liquid state that has been observed in gold-gold collisions at RHIC (Figure B, see mpeg animation). The green "force lines" and collective motion (visible on the animated version only) show the much higher degree of interaction and flow among the quarks in what is now being described as a nearly "perfect" liquid. (Courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory)

    The goal of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to link roughly 6,000 scientists so they can perform large-scale experiments and simulations to help the world better understand subatomic particles. The grid will ultimately link more than 200 research institutions.

    "This service challenge is a key step on the way to managing the torrents of data anticipated from the LHC," Jamie Shiers, manager of the service challenges at CERN, said in a statement. "When the LHC starts operating in 2007, it will be the most data-intensive physics instrument on the planet, producing more than 1,500 megabytes of data every second for over a decade."

    Gerard 't Hooft recognized this problem and when we see such scattering ideas from blackhole standard model production particles, how shall we see this event in terms of what is sent back for examination? It would mean considering the context of Gerard's paper there is no information loss? No missing energy events?

    Thus the consistent model frame, from blackhole production underlying framework would disavow any ideas relating to energy in and energy out imbalance held in context of gravitonic production as part of the standard model production? The horizon area would become a balanced view?

    Using the ideas of Clementine and the graduation to Grace, it seemed that I was leading to a good comprehensive view of the bubble technicalities as they contained the missing energy, but moving too "this view of Gerard's" might endanger how we approximate the whole view of this missing energy, with the easy removal of that missing energy scenario? Would this be consistent with the overall encompassed view that the grvaiton has emerged from the extension of this standard model to say oh, it's okay we can remove this and fnd comfort with the existing framework without other contentions issues like missing energy to deal with this?

    Do we have Proof of this Missing Energy? If the answer is yes, then the issue has not been resolved?

    Thursday, April 14, 2005

    G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1).

    Here, each arrow represents a symmetry breaking phase transition where matter changes form and the groups - G, H, SU(3), etc. - represent the different types of matter, specifically the symmetries that the matter exhibits and they are associated with the different fundamental forces of nature

    "Nothing to me would be more poetic; no outcome would be more graceful ... than for us to confirm our theories of the ultramicroscopic makeup of spacetime and matter by turning our giant telescopes skyward and gazing at the stars,"
    Greene said.

    Peter Woit:
    Brian Greene was in the audience and somewhat objected to this. Brian's point of view appears to be the more traditional one that people should just try and cook up vacua with as many features as possible close to the Standard Model, and that once they've got such a thing it will have other implications for physics that can be checked. It seems to me that that kind of work has been going on for more than twenty years with no sign of success, but Brian still believes this will ultimately work out.

    To me the idea of bubble dynamics is quite revealling when you place the context and question of the dynamics as underlying feelings(this is quite subjective). Much like GR, and these momentus occasions, that can move within our natures, as our comprehension grows. Time experienced in different ways, does this for us?:)It can still be a highly visula thing?:)

    To not be mistaken, the questions materializes in the reasons why such dynamics may have been offerred in the same vain as GR, to see that this features becomes a signature of conscious effort, where what is being replaced, reveals some dynamics of the true vacuum?:)

    So of course there are questions that need to be resolved. Some might not like to answer them and censor the blog of their own, so that blanket policies regardless of the question, is like who gives a **** about what you think in context of the larger picture of things. Of course they have their own agenda and have the right. It's their blog. I am quite greatful by such resistance presented, has forced me to expand here, where the truth of what I am seeing can be demonstrated.

    But I have digressed some from the important question that is raised not only in Serkan's mind but mine as well. So resource info helps in perspective here.

    Is QFT vacuum real?

    Serkan Cabi:Almost everybody cite the Casimir effect as the proof of reality of quantum ground state of standard model fields. Lately it has become a commonsense especially in the dark energy literature, as an aspect deepening the problem.

    So to me looking for an explanation of ths dynamics is a hard one to qualify as it suggested by some, that one wonders about the way early supersymmetrical idealizations have brought consideration to what emerges from these hottimes?

    But there are other ways here, that having gotten a grasp of this elasticity of a membrane, that one can see how certain features are held too and others, are presented for further developement in the nature of those same psyches? Imagine introducing this memebrance and the elasticity. What has the mind grasped now?

    Below Serkan helps to point out more info for consideration.

    The Casimir Effect and the Quantum Vacuum
    I have presented an argument that the experimental confirmation of the Casimir effect does not establish the reality of zero point fluctuations. Casimir forces can be calculated without reference to the vacuum and, like any other dynamical effect in QED, vanish as a→0. The vacuum-to-vacuum graphs (See Fig. 1) that define the zero point energy do not enter the calculation of the Casimir force, which instead only involves graphs with external lines. So the concept of zero point fluctuations is a heuristic and calculational aid in the description of the Casimir effect, but not a necessity.

    This does not do away with the idea of what can happen within the confines of a vacuum, but ultimately, we realize that the speed of light remains the same, yet other dynamics when playing with physical things, can display wonderful intentions about about this elasticity nature?

    Physically, the effect can be interpreted as an object moving from the "false vacuum" (where = 0) to the more stable "true vacuum" (where = v). Gravitationally, it is similar to the more familiar case of moving from the hilltop to the valley. In the case of Higgs field, the transformation is accompanied with a "phase change", which endows mass to some of the particles.

    So it is a highly specialize vision that I had been moving towards that I wanted to make sure any bubble technolgies would encase all that we learnt. That we define the further reaches of what this bubble( K=0 before the crunch begins) might have encompassed? Revealled that outer value(K=0) of Friedman's equation and Omega in terms of what critical density would have expounded? In terms of the distance this bubble could grow, in this inflationary universe?

    Outside this bubble universe, is a dimensionally filled universe that had grown as this bubble grew?

    Such movement in propelling our universe to expression, seems quite a challenge, so having encompassed this larger view of reality, inverse square law would have exemplified the schwarzchild radius, determining the total expansive view of this cosmos?

    You had to be able to confine this view and encapsulate it so that the total view developed through the phases of standard model production would have evetually helped us realize the wide scope this particle reductionism and cosmological endeavors had revealled with distances(large and small) joining?:)

    Friday, April 08, 2005

    Supersymmetrical Realities

    Fusion Power Within Reach?

    Controlling the eddies and whirls of the writhing plasma so that it can burst into life as a miniature Sun has been a formidable, and so far only partially met, engineering challenge.

    "If we follow the Mast idea and not the Jet one, we could imagine a string of medium-scale fusion reactors instead of a few very big ones," said Dr Sykes

    I was well aware that this is a troubling issue for a lot of people and having found some geometrodynamical explanation and fluidity in coninous expression we had to move our current understanding into the non-euclidean realms.

    I have been looking at this process trying to comprehend how this feature of the universe could have ever come into existance? So I was looking for ways to help me determine how such states of existance, at the beginning of the universe could have ever signalled the rebirth of the cosmos and it's potentials.

    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

    Understanding John Ellis's work here in microstate blackhole developement, was part of this view that would direct our questions to the rejuvention process in the reality around us. Any attempts to further define reality in a "negative sense," would run into trouble with supersymmetric valuations to model assumptions?Recognizing the weak field manifestations present in gravity determinations, makes this a interesting idea in face of what we see around in our response to the sun and what energy approaches us, for interactions in these giant baths, or the Auger experiment?

    Star In a Jar

    During a single cycle of the sound field, the pressure exerted on the bubble (green) follows a sinusoidal pattern. The bubble radius (red) expands during the rarefaction part of the sound field and collapses during the ensuing compression. At the minimum radius, a photomultiplier trained on the bubble records a flash of light (blue). The implosion also generates an outgoing pulse of sound detected by a microphone about 1 mm from the bubble, as shown by the spike on the sound wave. The time delay between the collapse and this spike is due to the finite speed at which sound propagates in water.

    I have been following this progress for reasons that would help me understand the geometrical/topological possibilties, such expressions might help in determining these underlying causes as Einstein demonstrated as we moved to Elliptical Geometry of Reimann.

    The fact that we have a bubble cluster (rather than a single bubble) is significant since when the bubble cluster implodes the pressure within the bubble cluster may be greatly intensified [Brennen, 1995], [Akhatov et al, 2005]. Indeed, figure-10 [Nigmatulin et al, 2005] shows a typical pressure distribution (where r = Rc is at the edge and r = 0 is at the center of the bubble cluster during the bubble cluster implosion process. It can be seen that, due to a converging shock wave within the bubble cluster, there can be significant pressure intensification in the interior of the bubble cluster.

    The physical processes underlying the phenomenon of sonoluminescence have not been clearly resolved by previous measurements. The possibility that sonoluminescence might involve such extreme conditions that it could produce neutrons makes measurements of parameters such as the source temperature, diameter, and density valuable. We report attempts to measure the diameter and duration of single sonoluminescence flashes. For both parameters, our results were limited by the resolution of the instruments, giving upper limits on source diameters of three microns and upper limits on emission durations of twelve picoseconds.

    As I was saying, to get to these supersymmetrical realities, such convergenances of of sound analogies were quickly adopted as signs of what gravitonic perception might help in distinquishing the concentration and hence cyclication? This would help explain that early universe. This basis of geometric/topological approach was the basis of my exploration, for I see such comprehension necessary in the determination of a consistent method of approach?

    This lead to the insight of the nature of the bubble explosions and contrasts to current consideration presented by blackhole radiation. How could this ever become possible to know that the size of ths bubble would have reached a critical point and found entropic issues like expansion relevant to the cooling features of our universe now? CMB was relevant to the state the universe was in and it's curvature, based on Friedmann equations. As to whether or not, such a crunch was emminent.

    The team believes this method can be modified to make the bubble collapse even faster, which would lead to greater light intensities. This would allow physicists to study the relationship between pressure, light intensity and temperature in sonoluminescence in more detail.

    Once it becomes apparent that we would look for such models for comparing current states of existance with the supersymmetrical realities it was very important to distinquish early uiverse formation to infomration released from supernova explosions. Consder what was what was released into the bulk.

    According to Didenko and Suslick, this suggests that chemical reactions would soak up too much of the energy for nuclear fusion to take place, especially for bubbles in volatile liquids like acetone. The molecules of vapour in such bubbles are complex, and would absorb much more energy than the water vapour that they studied. But Suslick does concede that "the possibility of fusion occurring in low-volatility fluids - such as liquid metals and molten salts - cannot be ruled out at this time."

    Such topological expressions had me wonder how could such expresssion ever be considered, if we did not have some method in which to ascertain the early universe? Could it have reached supersymmetrical proportions and with this, the cyclical nature of expression. One needed the blackhole for this.

    Kenneth Suslick
    When a gas bubble in a liquid is excited by ultrasonic acoustic waves, it can emit short flashes of light suggestive of extreme temperatures inside the bubble. These flashes of light, known as 'sonoluminescence', occur as the bubble implodes, or cavitates. Now Didenko and Suslick show that chemical reactions occur during cavitation of a single, isolated bubble,and they go on to determine the yield of photons, radicals, and ions formed. (Photo credit: Kenneth S. Suslick and Kenneth J. Kolbeck)

    Researchers Report Bubble Fusion Results Replicated

    Earlier test data, which were reported in Science (Vol. 295, March 2002), indicated that nuclear fusion had occurred, but these data were questioned because they were taken with less precise instrumentation.

    “These extensive new experiments have replicated and extended our earlier results and hopefully answer all of the previous questions surrounding our discovery,” said Richard T. Lahey Jr., the Edward E. Hood Professor of Engineering at Rensselaer and the director of the analytical part of the joint research project.