Controlling the eddies and whirls of the writhing plasma so that it can burst into life as a miniature Sun has been a formidable, and so far only partially met, engineering challenge.
"If we follow the Mast idea and not the Jet one, we could imagine a string of medium-scale fusion reactors instead of a few very big ones," said Dr Sykes
I was well aware that this is a troubling issue for a lot of people and having found some geometrodynamical explanation and fluidity in coninous expression we had to move our current understanding into the non-euclidean realms.
I have been looking at this process trying to comprehend how this feature of the universe could have ever come into existance? So I was looking for ways to help me determine how such states of existance, at the beginning of the universe could have ever signalled the rebirth of the cosmos and it's potentials.
The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Understanding John Ellis's work here in microstate blackhole developement, was part of this view that would direct our questions to the rejuvention process in the reality around us. Any attempts to further define reality in a "negative sense," would run into trouble with supersymmetric valuations to model assumptions?Recognizing the weak field manifestations present in gravity determinations, makes this a interesting idea in face of what we see around in our response to the sun and what energy approaches us, for interactions in these giant baths, or the Auger experiment?
Star In a Jar
During a single cycle of the sound field, the pressure exerted on the bubble (green) follows a sinusoidal pattern. The bubble radius (red) expands during the rarefaction part of the sound field and collapses during the ensuing compression. At the minimum radius, a photomultiplier trained on the bubble records a flash of light (blue). The implosion also generates an outgoing pulse of sound detected by a microphone about 1 mm from the bubble, as shown by the spike on the sound wave. The time delay between the collapse and this spike is due to the finite speed at which sound propagates in water.
I have been following this progress for reasons that would help me understand the geometrical/topological possibilties, such expressions might help in determining these underlying causes as Einstein demonstrated as we moved to Elliptical Geometry of Reimann.
The fact that we have a bubble cluster (rather than a single bubble) is significant since when the bubble cluster implodes the pressure within the bubble cluster may be greatly intensified [Brennen, 1995], [Akhatov et al, 2005]. Indeed, figure-10 [Nigmatulin et al, 2005] shows a typical pressure distribution (where r = Rc is at the edge and r = 0 is at the center of the bubble cluster during the bubble cluster implosion process. It can be seen that, due to a converging shock wave within the bubble cluster, there can be significant pressure intensification in the interior of the bubble cluster.
The physical processes underlying the phenomenon of sonoluminescence have not been clearly resolved by previous measurements. The possibility that sonoluminescence might involve such extreme conditions that it could produce neutrons makes measurements of parameters such as the source temperature, diameter, and density valuable. We report attempts to measure the diameter and duration of single sonoluminescence flashes. For both parameters, our results were limited by the resolution of the instruments, giving upper limits on source diameters of three microns and upper limits on emission durations of twelve picoseconds.
As I was saying, to get to these supersymmetrical realities, such convergenances of of sound analogies were quickly adopted as signs of what gravitonic perception might help in distinquishing the concentration and hence cyclication? This would help explain that early universe. This basis of geometric/topological approach was the basis of my exploration, for I see such comprehension necessary in the determination of a consistent method of approach?
This lead to the insight of the nature of the bubble explosions and contrasts to current consideration presented by blackhole radiation. How could this ever become possible to know that the size of ths bubble would have reached a critical point and found entropic issues like expansion relevant to the cooling features of our universe now? CMB was relevant to the state the universe was in and it's curvature, based on Friedmann equations. As to whether or not, such a crunch was emminent.
The team believes this method can be modified to make the bubble collapse even faster, which would lead to greater light intensities. This would allow physicists to study the relationship between pressure, light intensity and temperature in sonoluminescence in more detail.
Once it becomes apparent that we would look for such models for comparing current states of existance with the supersymmetrical realities it was very important to distinquish early uiverse formation to infomration released from supernova explosions. Consder what was what was released into the bulk.
Such topological expressions had me wonder how could such expresssion ever be considered, if we did not have some method in which to ascertain the early universe? Could it have reached supersymmetrical proportions and with this, the cyclical nature of expression. One needed the blackhole for this.
Kenneth Suslick
When a gas bubble in a liquid is excited by ultrasonic acoustic waves, it can emit short flashes of light suggestive of extreme temperatures inside the bubble. These flashes of light, known as 'sonoluminescence', occur as the bubble implodes, or cavitates. Now Didenko and Suslick show that chemical reactions occur during cavitation of a single, isolated bubble,and they go on to determine the yield of photons, radicals, and ions formed. (Photo credit: Kenneth S. Suslick and Kenneth J. Kolbeck)
Researchers Report Bubble Fusion Results Replicated
Earlier test data, which were reported in Science (Vol. 295, March 2002), indicated that nuclear fusion had occurred, but these data were questioned because they were taken with less precise instrumentation.
“These extensive new experiments have replicated and extended our earlier results and hopefully answer all of the previous questions surrounding our discovery,” said Richard T. Lahey Jr., the Edward E. Hood Professor of Engineering at Rensselaer and the director of the analytical part of the joint research project.
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