Commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don't worry Mr. Chimpanzee, I wasn't invited either to Science's World View.:) Identifying niche markets? Oh, google will love you?:) I have nothing against Google either, even when I was not invited there too. I do like to play with the technologies to provide a service when using this medium. A creative outlet for sure when one gets to know different aspects of those same services.
I made a comment here that one might like to consider when we come to think of the future of our libraries and how they will serve the populations of the future.
At 10:39 AM, September 09, 2008:
Still no answer on attaching to libraries severs through the laptop(wifi)? I know there are hot zones that people use, I just wanted to know what people thought about attaching themselves to the "freedom of knowledge and speed" through such a outlet.
I contend with all sorts of difficulties in terms of the money I pay and what I actually get for service when I open the door to the internet(time usage and speed of large transfers of information) how to gather information, and yet, there are many books about all sorts of subjects that I can go freely and get, to accomplish certain tasks that are attempted in life.
I am not discriminated upon, given my distant locations from the libraries of Universities, when knowledge is accessible to the public, and what profit does the library seek, but to continue to provide for the service of those same populations, while that book and resource privileges are free? Only as a student then?
The Nefarious Organization that will Tumble Science?
Will it be to produce a blackhole in the LHC? Most certainly not. To gather information about the sciences involved, most certainly so, and to point out any discrepancies that are becoming known. Most certainly, as well.
This isn't to create illusive dominions of information, but to get to the essence of the information, and to meet "new walls being put up." These will only serve to bring down any hopes of the future of our societies, and the information they would like to gain assess too. An equality that must be inherent, pertains to all it's peoples, and the dissolution of the institutions that would profit from the likes of those with less then others.
So a poor man with a laptop. How strange? Yes I see this point and know that there is a service that is provided that allows those with a library card, punch time on this computer internet access. So why should this service not be open to those with laptops as they sit at the library desks, and take in the peacefulness of these halls of higher learning? Does a book discriminate between it' holders?
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