I have read that 80% of the world do not have access to the Web. ) The Web has been largely designed by the developed world for the developed world. But it must be much more inclusive in order to be of greater value to us all.Tim Berners-Lee Speech before Knight Foundation-14 September 2008
There is always this patience factor that we could build in any system. What we may see in the introduction to transforming society must be a slow growth and careful process. But, if we were to institute large changes, then how could we do it without stirring the "public pot" and introducing large scale reformations for what we thought most apropos for these societies and the principals with which we shall imbue this change. "Elect new governments" who bring this to bear as a platform to our cities and small towns across the globe.
The crisis on Wall Street? Not much time now before the changes are made under the principals of the "banking system" under the bailout initiative.
It was important to me to understand how "paradigmatic changes" were sitting at the heart of these initiatives." How capitalism can rear it's head to employ such tactics, for those same changes "filtered down to a public."
Politically enshrined capitalism, had become distant too, from the heart of the society with which it seeks to govern. The negotiation features of the elite were signs of a time intrade when "such distance was created." This auspice of change is the idea of the WTO which is again "transforming itself" into the framework of the FTAA(Free Trade Area of the Americas). EU by example sought to create a strength, and brings purpose under this initiative?

The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) (Spanish: Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), French: Zone de libre-échange des Amériques (ZLÉA), Portuguese: Área de Livre Comércio das Américas (ALCA), Dutch: Vrijhandelszone van de Amerika's) was a proposed agreement to eliminate or reduce the trade barriers among all countries in the Americas. In the latest round of negotiations, trade ministers from 34 nations met in Miami, Florida, United States, in November 2003 to discuss the proposal.[1] The proposed agreement was an extension of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, Mexico and the United States. Against the market are positioned Cuba, Venezuela and later Bolivia, Ecuador, Dominica, Nicaragua and Honduras, which entered the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas in response, and not strongly opposing but not supporting Argentina, Chile and Brazil.
So we are all the wiser now, of institutional changes that can be brought into the society. Have you seen "this feature before?" Look to our governments and the rules of governance? Sure countries have been overthrown , but this is not what we seek here. We seek to bring equality to every facet of the world's populations that we might all share in the prosperity of knowledge that can help us bring change to our current situations in a "peaceful and intentional way."
A few years ago I chatted with a woman involved in relief work in war-ravaged areas. I wondered aloud whether Internet access should be low on the priority list after clean water, and other critical resources. She responded by telling me the story of a young man who had taught himself English, and with a connection to the Internet, how he set up his own translation business. This business provided income for the village as well as opening up new communications opportunities. I learned that I should not prioritize for others. Instead, I should listen to their concerns and opportunities and then do what I can to help.Tim Berners-Lee Speech before Knight Foundation
20% of the Population only Aware?
Well the transformation process then begins. It is to recognize that the potential exists for an advancement for business to bring information to the greater population, then, to what has already existed.
It is here that the idea of an humanitarian effort seeks to include the rest of our societies in education freely gathered. Open access to education. That we would seek our governments to ensure that "access to information" would be part of the initiatives to bring small town prosperity, in terms of knowledge, to all who seek to advance and be transformed by their personal ideology and freedoms. To seek from, and develop, the platforms that are implemented in a "open and free society" which seeks to invent, and be creative. One that does not discriminate between the rich and the poor. Gender, or the colour of ones skin. To participate in the advancing of views of alls it people "globally" regardless of which country you come from.
Where the Architecture comes in.
A shift in paradigm can lead, via the theory-dependence of observation, to a difference in one's experiences of things and thus to a change in one's phenomenal world.ON Thomas Kuhn
How many of us are quite liberal to understand that "crisis" brings about change? In the case of "ole institutions" falling away like Wall Street, to see it become something much more in terms of the access to investment and the way we trade? That contractor development(mercennaries) in the face of war has brought new business to bear instead of countries who are out to provide peace keepers. Instead of an offensive fighting force that governments can distant themself under reconstruction.
But lets move on here to consider the ramification of "Revolution for change." The understanding of how the implication of capitalism could change under the auspice of "this seeking" to bring the humanitarian effort to freedom and access to information that the rest of that 80% of the global society may be included?
Who are in control of your access to the internet?
I am advocating an access and freedom to information which may alter the course of these businesses/governments, intranet creation , which can allow access to the internet. I am also "guessing" that the telecommunications would be changed in that assess to conversation has now been preceded by a communication that can happen in real time through such a high speed internet access. Many of us played with this feature before is would a new business on the internet.
Such historical developments, in terms of the Internet as to profiteering has sought to compartmentalize, to gain access to money creation and wealth. Who controls the Internet?
Earlier, I posted on the idea of "the Library" as a universal implement(hot zone) whereby all people can gain access to information. That like the laptop-book, becomes a source of information to develop further, what we are doing in the real world. This would be moving slowly, while we know this exists now and is a security infraction to those who do not guard their own access to the internet.
Product development currently in existence would bring about potentials greater then currently are being expressed by the 20% of the population. If given to the ability of advertising, would see it's product manufacture base, if it were already sitting at the precipice of this change, access to a greater market?
But again I have gone to far here.
It was only to demonstrate what might be recognized, if for instance, we saw a health care system, and the businesses that provide the insurance under employer/employee negotiated settlements, recognize, that as a cost to providing this benefit to it employees, it is much cheaper in a country like Canada for providing that benefit. It serves to help business recognize what profiteering seeks to do by implementing a "for profit health care system."
It demonstrates that as "two tier system" those that have money, and those that don't, have preferential treatment to moving ahead of those who have the same needs at the same time.
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