Friday, May 15, 2009

The Cross Over Point and Time Travel

One of the issues that is evoked by any faster-than-light transport is time paradoxes: causality violations and implications of time travel. As if the faster than light issue wasn’t tough enough, it is possible to construct elaborate scenarios where faster-than-light travel results in time travel. Time travel is considered far more impossible than light travel.

I mean sure how is it one can measure time in energy particulate views when it appears all smeared out? It is the collision process itself and what I see in nature as Cascading particles as microscopic blackholes created and then quickly dissipated as decay in those particle showers.

Seeing muon detections that tunnel, and find their way across the globe is something that is interesting, as we can now use them in measure, as to what passes through to what is fabricated there in the LHC, becomes an interesting new tool of climate change or even gravitational inclination in relativistic approaches.

Length contractions is a key word here in microscopic measure.


Juan Martín Maldacena and Joseph Polchinski

Dr. Maldacena and Dr. Polchinski each gave brief lectures related to their work. Both included broad overviews of string theory basics, with Dr. Polchinski noting the importance of "thought experiments" to help physicists make advances in the field. He said that physicists are excited about future experiments using particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, where some of these "thought experiments" could be validated.

Dr. Maldacena, who was born in Buenos Aires, also spoke about ICTP's important influence on physics in Argentina, noting that many of his professors had spent time at the Centre. Dr. Maldacena himself has participated in ICTP training programmes and was a director of the Spring School on String Theory for four years.

The Dirac Medal is given in honour of P.A.M. Dirac, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century and a staunch friend of ICTP, to scientists who have made significant contributions to physics. Recipients are announced annually on Dirac's birthday, 8 August. The Medallists also receive a prize of US $5,000.
Noted physicists awarded Dirac Medal


Juan Martín Maldacena, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Joseph Polchinski, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara
Cumrun Vafa, Harvard University

Professors Maldacena, Polchinski and Vafa are being honored for their fundamental contributions to superstring theory. Their studies range from early work on orbifold compactifications, physics and mathematics of mirror symmetry, D-branes and black hole physics, as well as gauge theory-gravity correspondence. Their contributions in uncovering the strong-weak dualities between seemingly different string theories have enabled us to learn about regimes of quantum field theory which are not accessible to perturbative analysis. These profound achievements have helped us to address outstanding questions like confinement of quarks and QCD mass spectrum from a new perspective and have found applications in practical calculations in the fluid dynamics of quark gluon plasma.

The dualities have also led string theorists to conjecture that the five different superstring theories in ten space-time dimensions are manifestations of one underlying theory, yet undiscovered, which has been named the M-theory.
See:Dirac Medalists 2008


Another deep quantum mystery for which physicists have no answer has to do with "tunneling" -- the bizarre ability of particles to sometimes penetrate impenetrable barriers. This effect is not only well demonstrated; it is the basis of tunnel diodes and similar devices vital to modern electronic systems.

Tunneling is based on the fact that quantum theory is statistical in nature and deals with probabilities rather than specific predictions; there is no way to know in advance when a single radioactive atom will decay, for example.

The probabilistic nature of quantum events means that if a stream of particles encounters an obstacle, most of the particles will be stopped in their tracks but a few, conveyed by probability alone, will magically appear on the other side of the barrier. The process is called "tunneling," although the word in itself explains nothing.

Chiao's group at Berkeley, Dr. Aephraim M. Steinberg at the University of Toronto and others are investigating the strange properties of tunneling, which was one of the subjects explored last month by scientists attending the Nobel Symposium on quantum physics in Sweden.

"We find," Chiao said, "that a barrier placed in the path of a tunnelling particle does not slow it down. In fact, we detect particles on the other side of the barrier that have made the trip in less time than it would take the particle to traverse an equal distance without a barrier -- in other words, the tunnelling speed apparently greatly exceeds the speed of light. Moreover, if you increase the thickness of the barrier the tunnelling speed increases, as high as you please.

"This is another great mystery of quantum mechanics."
Signal Travels Farther and Faster Than Light By MALCOLM W. BROWNE

You and I know it as a time machine. Physicists, on the other hand, call it a "closed timelike curve." Below, feast on the concepts and conjectures, the dialects and definitions that physicists rely on when musing about the possibility of time travel. If this list only whets your appetite for more, we recommend you have a gander at the book from which we excerpted this glossary: Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy, by Kip S. Thorne (Norton, 1994).


See Also:
  • Tunnelling in Faster then Light
  • Status of "Warp Drive"
  • Result of Effective Changes in the Cosmos
  • TimeSpeak
  • Tuesday, May 12, 2009

    "Bag Model," for the Economy

    In this edition, as a fifth appendix, a presentation of my views on the problem of space in general and the gradual modifications of our ideas on space resulting from the influence of the relativistic view-point. I wished to show that space-time is not necessarily something to which one can ascribe a separate existence, independently of the actual objects of physical reality. Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended. In this way the concept of “empty space” loses its meaning”. A. Einstein (June 9th, 1952)

    Photo by Steve Hsu-
    The first photo is the morning panel discussion. From left to right, Eric Weinstein, Nouriel Roubini, Richard Freeman and Nassim Taleb.

    The Economic Crisis and its Implications for The Science of Economics.

    May 1 - 4, 2009
    Perimeter Institute

    Concerns over the current financial situation are giving rise to a need to evaluate the very mathematics that underpins economics as a predictive and descriptive science. A growing desire to examine economics through the lens of diverse scientific methodologies - including physics and complex systems - is making way to a meeting of leading economists and theorists of finance together with physicists, mathematicians, biologists and computer scientists in an effort to evaluate current theories of markets and identify key issues that can motivate new directions for research. Perimeter Institute was suggested to be the gathering point and conference organizers plan to foster a very careful, dispassionate discussion, in an atmosphere governed by the modesty and open mindedness that characterizes the scientific community.

    The conference will begin on May 1, 2009, with a day of talks by leading experts to an invited audience on the status of economic and financial theory in light of the current situation. Three days of private, focused discussions and workshops will ensue, aimed at addressing complex questions and defining future research agendas for the world that can help address and resolve them.
    See: Reflections from PI’s economics conference, May 1-4 2009


    The economy is in a ideological struggle to be free:) The more you try to pull it apart the stronger it resists.:)But in a collision, what happens. The rest, you know about?:)

    Jets Provide Evidence for Quark Confinement Models

    Deep inelastic scattering experiments provided the evidence that the proton and neutron are made up of three more fundamental particles called quarks . One type of experiment in the proton-antiproton colliders produces jets of mesons which correlate with the models of quark confinement. As visualized in the bag model for quark confinement, an individual quark cannot be pulled free because the energy required to do it is much greater than the pair production energy of a quark-antiquark pair. If in a high energy collision, something scatters directly off one of the constituent quarks, it will give it a high energy. With an energy many times the pair production energy, it will create a jet of quark-antiquark pairs (mesons).
    See:Evidence for Quark Theory


    At times the economy can flow quite easily, while other times, it resists. It is the elastic nature that defines the symbiotic relation of a cultural thinking about what the economy can actually permit, and what of itself, it shall not.

    This is a "toposense" synesthesically imbued as relevant too, an expression of what can surround the "psychology of society?" What proof do I have that such thinking geometrically induced shall not find itself "in movement" as it is thought about, as well? Dynamically this was lead too. How one can move in straight lines and such, was moved to a new mode of thinking that excels toward a movement in thought. It is done, as if theoretically moved toward a QGP recognition of the dynamical recognition, as if, the theory of strings.


    See Also:
  • Coin, as a Constituent of Symmetry
  • The Other Side of the Coin
  • The Toposense of Spacetime
  • Topo-sense?
  • Thoughts on Angel and Demons Plot

    ``For me, the most attractive way ... would be to capture the antihydrogen in a neutral particle trap ... The objective would be to then study the properties of a small number of [antihydrogen] atoms confined in the neutral trap for a long time."Gerald Gabrielse, 1986 Erice Lecture (shortly after first trapping of antiprotons)
    "Penning Traps, Masses and Antiprotons", in Fundamental Symmetries,
    edited by P. Bloch, P. Paulopoulos and R. Klapisch, p. 59 (Plenum, New York, 1987). See:Goals for ATRAP

    Perhaps you may see some familiarities with research material that may insight some correlative recognitions of events as they are portrayed in the science fiction scenario portrayed in the plot? So of course you do your homework first, and then you write about it?

    The techniques for slowing, cooling and storing cold antiprotons make it possible for ATRAP and its competitors to pursue the production of antihydrogen that is cold enough to trap for precise laser spectroscopy. TRAP got extremely close to cold antihydrogen with our simultaneous confinement of 4.2 K antiprotons and positrons reported in 1999.

    All the initial cold antiproton experiments were carried out at the CERN Laboratory with antiprotons coming from its Low Energy Antiproton Ring (LEAR), a unique facility that then closed. Antihydrogen experiments in 2000 and beyond will be pursued at the new Antiproton Decelerator ring of CERN which was constructed for this purpose. Using the techniques developed by TRAP, antiprotons will be accumulated within traps rather than in storage rings, thereby reducing the operating expenses to CERN.

    I finished the book Angel and Demons a couple of days ago. I've had the book for sometime, but just hadn't bothered. I needed a little break from the reporting here so thought to immerse myself in some reading, knowing the movie is out there now.

    A single solar flare might hold enough antimatter to power humanity's needs for millions of years. Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/SOHO Project

    As in any crucial "blackhole calamities reported" some of our science advisers are speaking out to ward off "conspiracy theories" with some factual information, seems to be the jest at allaying fears about what energy released could happen in relation to the plot of the book.

    High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI).

    At even higher energies, we find gamma rays produced, not from the flare electrons, but from nuclear interactions of the protons and heavier ions accelerated in the flare. These high energy particles interact with the nuclei of the different elements in the ambient solar atmosphere to produce a far more complicated emission spectrum than the relatively smooth continuum bremsstrahlung spectrum. Many individual gamma-ray lines from a wide variety of different elements in the solar atmosphere have been detected. They result from the decay of such relatively abundant elements as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, etc. that are excited to high energy states in the various nuclear interactions. The relative intensities of the various lines provide information about the composition of both the accelerated particles and the target nuclei.

    Furthermore, the lines are Doppler broadened and shifted because of the high velocities of the nuclei as they decay and emit the gamma rays. Consequently, the widths and detailed shapes of the lines can reveal the distribution of velocities of the emitting particles and hence also impose severe constraints on the acceleration mechanism itself. Despite the wealth of information believed to be available from observations of these gamma-ray lines, no gamma-ray spectrometer with the resolution necessary to reveal anything other than the intensities of the strongest lines has ever been flown.

    See:Overview of Solar Flares


    See Also:
  • Angels and Demons
  • Angels and Demons on a Pinhead
  • Thursday, May 07, 2009

    Defining the Space your Living In

    The general theory of relativity is as yet incomplete insofar as it has been able to apply the general principle of relativity satisfactorily only to gravitational fields, but not to the total field. We do not yet know with certainty by what mathematical mechanism the total field in space is to be described and what the general invariant laws are to which this total field is subject. One thing, however, seems certain: namely, that the general principal of relativity will prove a necessary and effective tool for the solution of the problem for the total field.Out of My Later Years, Pg 48, Albert Einstein

    Because Albert Einstein ended his career there, it did not mean such progressiveness would not move forward to include such an attempt to consider the "total field." By definition and allocation of a "step off point" people began to consider this possibility and sought such reformation in thinking as well

    It is always the effort to see that such progressions in thought could have transformed any thinking person by the laws and rule of measure that will hold perspective toward the future. These are always being redefined by experiment, and such validations are adjusted then, to what we now use them for.

    A new way to measure climate? A gravitational perspective held by Grace?

    The calculation will be considered from the Earth frame of reference. The length is then unaffected since it is in the Earth frame. The halflife is in the muon frame, so must be considered to be time dilated in the Earth frame. You may substitute values for the height and the muon speed in the calculation below
    See:Muon Experiment in Relativity

    While one may use this knowledge then with an attempt to discover new vaults of "time in measure" and recorded for historical pursuance by civilizations hidden in the pyramids, such efforts revealed nothing. They were not thinking the right way. It is the model developmental aspect which I have demonstrated over and over again that we can conceal the history of memories under such a analogical tool for pathways in the human sphere of perspective?

    Illustrations: Sandbox Studio See:Secrets of the Pyramids By Haley Bridger Symmetry Magazine


    Such dynamical thinking then is the realization that our views had been transformed from straight lines and such to geometric that help us to think dynamically in the world around us.

    The Friedmann equation which models the expanding universe has a parameter k called the curvature parameter which is indicative of the rate of expansion and whether or not that expansion rate is increasing or decreasing. If k=0 then the density is equal to a critical value at which the universe will expand forever at a decreasing rate. This is often referred to as the Einstein-de Sitter universe in recognition of their work in modeling it. This k=0 condition can be used to express the critical density in terms of the present value of the Hubble parameter.

    For k>0 the density is high enough that the gravitational attraction will eventually stop the expansion and it will collapse backward to a "big crunch". This kind of universe is described as being a closed universe, or a gravitationally bound universe. For k<0 the universe expands forever, there not being sufficient density for gravitational attraction to stop the expansion.

    Friedman Equation What is pdensity.

    What are the three models of geometry? k=-1, K=0, k+1

    Negative curvature

    Omega=the actual density to the critical density

    If we triangulate Omega, the universe in which we are in, Omegam(mass)+ Omega(a vacuum), what position geometrically, would our universe hold from the coordinates given?

    If such a progression is understood in the evolution of the geometry raised in non euclidean perspectives, this has in my view raised the stakes on how we perceive the dynamical valuation of a world that we were lead into from GR?


    "In a sentence, the observations are spectacular and the conclusions are stunning," said Brian Greene of Columbia University in New York City. "WMAP data support the notion that galaxies are nothing but quantum mechanics writ large across the sky." "To me, this is one of the marvels of the modern scientific age."

    Such dynamics then are not just held to what we see of the earth frame but of what we hold in terms of our cosmological recognition of those same dynamics. How much sand then when reductionism has run it's limit that we say how far our perspective has gone into the powers of ten, that we see a limit had been reached?

    This pursuance did not in the reductionist point of view reduce our apprehension of the world around us but we engaged the world to see that such length contractions are still vital measures for perspective.

    IN the "mean time," we live in a vary dynamical world. If dark energy or dark matter seemed unrealistic then what measure of that space shall you consider to be, and that it shall not be, in the relationship of "time variable moments?"

    IN the space of our cosmos we saw a satellite measure say that the expansion is speeding up/slowing down? Does this take away the dynamics of non euclidean geometries to say that this is an abstract version of math of what does not exist?

    Here L is called the Lagrangian. In simple cases the Lagrangian is equal to the difference between the kinetic energy T and the potential energy V, that is, L = T – V. In this interactive document we will approximate a continuous worldline with a worldline made of straight connected segments. The computer then multiplies the value of (T – V) on each segment by the time lapse t for that segment and adds up the result for all segments, giving us an approximate value for the action S along the entire worldline. Our task is then to move the connected segments of the worldline so that they result in the minimum total value of the action S.

    While such a explanation had been served by understanding how one can rescue another and how two different people can get their quicker is the idea that such a plan is possible in the recognition of the cosmos as well. You just had to learn to see inan dynamical way as well.

    The Lagrange Points

    The easiest way to see how Lagrange made his discovery is to adopt a frame of reference that rotates with the system. The forces exerted on a body at rest in this frame can be derived from an effective potential in much the same way that wind speeds can be inferred from a weather map. The forces are strongest when the contours of the effective potential are closest together and weakest when the contours are far apart.....

    A contour plot of the effective potential (not drawn to scale!).

    In the above contour plot we see that L4 and L5 correspond to hilltops and L1, L2 and L3 correspond to saddles (i.e. points where the potential is curving up in one direction and down in the other). This suggests that satellites placed at the Lagrange points will have a tendency to wander off (try sitting a marble on top of a watermelon or on top of a real saddle and you get the idea). A detailed analysis (PDF link) confirms our expectations for L1, L2 and L3, but not for L4 and L5. When a satellite parked at L4 or L5 starts to roll off the hill it picks up speed. At this point the Coriolis force comes into play - the same force that causes hurricanes to spin up on the earth - and sends the satellite into a stable orbit around the Lagrange point.

    The geometries as a whole seen in a local region, is the rule of law, as we move outward in space, or how else could we consider the dynamical movement that least resistance can fuel a path traveled with the least amount of energy expended?


  • Non Euclidean Geometry and the Universe
  • Principal of Least Action
  • Gran Sasso and the Pyramid
  • Wednesday, May 06, 2009

    Galileo Galilei's Balance

    Let proportion be found not only in numbers, but also in sounds, weights, times and positions, and whatever force there is.Leonardo Da Vinci

    Can it be said that measure has ever left the mind of those whose age has come and gone, and what appears as "no traces left behind" might indeed be the passage of age of one thought to the next? Progressive?

    (This illustration and text are from a magazine advertisement for NBC, probably dating from the 1940’s. It was found among the files of the Print and Picture Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia. The word “eureka!” is coming out of Archimedes’ mouthSee:Archimedes


    So it is ever the attempt for ingenuity to come forward from the deep recesses of the mind, for daylight to shine, and the measures revealed in as natural setting as possible? Who are these inventors then that help us to begin with one step and move forward with another? Is it their genius that we shall capitalize on, or shall it be the ignited pathways that are set "by ignition," that we say that brain has taken a new course in thinking? Blazing new trails?

    These "ideas" always existed? But where?

    De Architectura, VitruviusFirst Milanese period 1481/2 - 1499

    The first printed edition of the De Architectura (On Architecture) by the ancient Roman architect, Vitruvius, appears.

    Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (born c. 80–70 BC, died after c. 15 BC) was a Roman writer, architect and engineer (possibly praefectus fabrum during military service or praefect architectus armamentarius of the apparitor status group), active in the 1st century BC. By his own description[1] Vitruvius served as a Ballista (artilleryman), the third class of arms in the military offices. He likely served as chief of the ballista (senior officer of artillery) in charge of doctores ballistarum (artillery experts) and libratores who actually operated the machines.[2]


    So in today's world what value would Google have to produce a library and recording of all books that exists so that the route to knowledge shall be forever enshrined in some medium that we use now. If all the institutions and architecture of our civilization were to be gone tomorrow, shall such records be readily available to the "searching mind seeking knowledge" if there be survivors, that it will easily dial up the internet, or by wireless, gain access?

    My job more or less has been to enshrine "such knowledge" in the way we record information, that it is different then what Google seeks to do. Yes, some day by such shadows as again from one of Stefan's earlier link supplied below as "Euclidean Geometry and the Shadows," there will be an alignment with such geometries, which shall point the way to a vault where all things that man has gone through, that one day we will know our true history from the beginning of time till now.

    This vault to me was about our access to the ideas that exist out there in the ethers and how we might attain by touch of our finger upon it's pulse, that such connection is more then what exists in the Sistine Chapel above, that we had connected to that same resource as Jung's world of the collective unconscious.

    How so if we did not pursue the very notion of ideas that are attained at "some center" and found connected outside of our self?

    Galileo Galilei

    In 1586 at the age of 22, Galileo (1564-1642) wrote a short treatise entitled La Bilancetta (“The Little Balance”). He was skeptical of Vitruvius’s account of how Archimedes determined the fraud in Hiero's crown and in this treatise presented his own theory based on Archimedes’ Law of the Lever and Law of Buoyancy. He also included a description of a hydrostatic balance that determined the precise composition of an alloy of two metals.

    Just as it is well known to anyone who takes the care to read ancient authors that Archimedes discovered the jeweler’s theft in Hiero’s crown, it seems to me the method which this great man must have followed in this discovery has up to now remained unknown. Some authors have written that he proceeded by immersing the crown in water, having previously and separately immersed equal amounts [in weight] of very pure gold and silver, and, from the differences in their making the water rise or spill over, he came to recognize the mixture of gold and silver of which the crown was made. But this seems, so to say, a crude thing, far from scientific precision; and it will seem even more so to those who have read and understood the very subtle inventions of this divine man in his own writings; from which one most clearly realizes how inferior all other minds are to Archimedes’s and what small hope is left to anyone of ever discovering things similar to his [discoveries]. I may well believe that, a rumor having spread that Archimedes had discovered the said theft by means of water, some author of that time may have then left a written record of this fact; and that the same [author], in order to add something to the little that he had heard, may have said that Archimedes used the water in that way which was universally believed. But my knowing that this way was altogether false and lacking that precision which is needed in mathematical questions made me think several times how, by means of water, one could exactly determine the mixture of two metals. And at last, after having carefully gone over all that Archimedes demonstrates in his books On Floating Bodies and Equilibrium, a method came to my mind which very accurately solves our problem. I think it probable that this method is the same that Archimedes followed, since, besides being very accurate, it is based on demonstrations found by Archimedes himself. Galileo and the Scientific Revolution by Laura Fermi and Gilberto Bernardini (Translated with the assistance of Cyril Stanley Smith) Basic Books, Inc., New York, 1961 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 61-7486
    SEE:The Golden Crown Sources

    It had not escaped me that the shadows and stories of the cave become fodder for thought, even amongst our own scientists, that they began the process one way philosophically and thought, what is capable in us to see that any dimensional significance would be an higher portal for some movement of the abstract in mind, is realized in topological dance?



  • God the Geometer

  • Euclidean Geometry and the Shadows

  • Update:

    The Truth

    Monday, May 04, 2009

    Filling the Universe with Sand

    One of the "Silicon Avogadro Spheres" at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, UK. See:Counting Atoms in a Sphere

    Stefan writes...
    To measure means to count. We measure a length by counting marks on a ruler, and a time span by counting ticks of clock. We compare the quantity we want to measure to multiples of a standardized quantity, the unit of measurement, such as the metre, the inch, or the second......


    Discrete mathematics, also called finite mathematics or decision mathematics, is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete in the sense of not supporting or requiring the notion of continuity. Objects studied in finite mathematics are largely countable sets such as integers, finite graphs, and formal languages.

    Discrete mathematics has become popular in recent decades because of its applications to computer science. Concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful to study or describe objects or problems in computer algorithms and programming languages. In some mathematics curricula, finite mathematics courses cover discrete mathematical concepts for business, while discrete mathematics courses emphasize concepts for computer science majors.

    Reductionism seems to be the ability to measure in powers of ten, and then, we get to a point where everything is all smeared out. So energy at some point becomes the determination of what any particulate could be measured, and yet, we would say that it is like using sand to fill the universe?

    I have been intrigued by the idea of a "kitchen measure of a teaspoon of sorts" as well as to what water fills any glass to it's brim. Thinking, that such a substance while pertaining to the measure of something, can have space in between, with which it can fill? Yet, it does not flow over? How much before it does, and we say that this measure is what the spirit of these walking bodies shall qualify too? The soul at 21 grams?

    The title of the movie comes from the work of Dr. Duncan MacDougall, who in the early 1900s sought to measure the weight purportedly lost by a human body when the soul departed the body upon death. MacDougall weighed dying patients in an attempt to prove that the soul was material, tangible and thus measurable. These experiments are widely considered to have little, if any scientific merit, and MacDougall's results varied considerably from 21 grams, but for some people this figure has become synonymous with the measure of a soul's mass [1]The Soul=λόγος,θυμος,ἔρως


    Archimedes met an untimely death while deep in thought, pondering a figure he had drawn in the sand. He did not see the Roman soldier approach, sword in hand. The mosaic portrays this historical event

    "Kepler Conjecture is speaking about cannon balls. Tom Hales writes,"Nearly four hundred years ago, Kepler asserted that no packing of congruent spheres can have a density greater than the density of the face-centered cubic packing."

    Turning now to Archimedes’ reckoning, he proceeds to fill up the (then) known universe with sand by considering a succession of spheres, each 100 times the diameter of its predecessor in the succession. He uses a fact well known to Greek geometers: the ratio of the volumes of two spheres is the third power of the ratio of their diameters. The Sand Reckoner

    The Stomachion

    A computer-enhanced image of a 1,000-year-old manuscript reveals the faint traces of a copy of Archimedes' Stomachion treatise. It had been overwritten by monks in the 13th century. (Rochester Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University/The Archimedes Palimpsest)

    It was chance that led Dr. Netz to his first insight into the nature of the Stomachion. Last August, he says, just as he was about to start transcribing one of the manuscript pages, he got a gift in the mail, a blue cut-glass model of a Stomachion puzzle. It was made by a retired businessman from California who found Dr. Netz on the Internet as a renowned Archimedes scholar. Looking at the model, Dr. Netz realized that a diagram on the page he was transcribing was actually a rearrangement of the pieces of the Stomachion puzzle. Suddenly, he understood what Archimedes was getting at.

    See Also:Archimedes Palmpsest


  • Historical Approach of the Sand Reckoner
  • 13th Sphere of the GreenGrocer
  • Loosing Sight of Discrete Geometry
  • Sunday, April 26, 2009

    Leaving Footprints

    Labyrinth on the portico of the cathedral of San Martino at Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.

    The term labyrinth is often used interchangeably with maze, but modern scholars of the subject use a stricter definition. For them, a maze is a tour puzzle in the form of a complex branching passage with choices of path and direction; while a single-path (unicursal) labyrinth has only a single Eulerian path to the center. A labyrinth has an unambiguous through-route to the center and back and is not designed to be difficult to navigate.

    This unicursal design was widespread in artistic depictions of the Minotaur's Labyrinth, even though both logic and literary descriptions of it make it clear that the Minotaur was trapped in a multicursal maze.[2]

    A labyrinth can be represented both symbolically and physically. Symbolically, it is represented in art or designs on pottery, as body art, etched on walls of caves, etc. Physical representations are common throughout the world and are generally constructed on the ground so they may be walked along from entry point to center and back again. They have historically been used in both group ritual and for private meditation.

    This has been brewing in the back of my mind for some time now. AS you can see with my previous post entitled,"What are Memories made up of ?," I am going after the "scientific validation" that is needed in my view with which to grant substance to the depth of persons life, as if thought held to an reincarnate perspective.

    Some things that are held in mind are much as if one were a tracker and what evidence allows one to see such an impression set as a footprint indeed, leaves us some information about what had existed before. I think this is significant when I think about what passes to earth as LIGO operation are measured, in the ligo arms.

    This is why I reference KIp Thorne and all those who study gravitational waves are trackers of a sort in my mind, as to what existed before, has indeed left an impression for us to measure now. Thusly to say "the bulk," then is to say that such evidence exists all around us in this way.

    Now what makes this different is something that I had found in my own life, so yes, how can I say that this is there for others as well? Subjectively, we understand that the mind requires a science validation process that would account for some kind of verification as to something that passes from one life to another?

    If a sceptic then of course where is one's proof. While it is required for them, it is not so important to me, that while venturing to be much like a scientist, that I am happy to say these things hold meaning that exist without out that need.


    According to the scriptures, the Buddha taught a concept of rebirth that was distinct from that of any known contemporary Indian teacher. This concept was consistent with the common notion of a sequence of related lives stretching over a very long time, but was constrained by two core Buddhist concepts: anattā, that there is no irreducible ātman or "self" tying these lives together; and anicca, that all compounded things are subject to dissolution, including all the components of the human person and personality. At the death of one personality, a new one comes into being, much as the flame of a dying candle can serve to light the flame of another.[10][11]

    Since, according to Buddhism, there is no permanent and unchanging self (identity) there can be no transmigration in the strict sense. Buddhism teaches that what is reborn is not the person but that one moment gives rise to another and that this momentum continues, even after death. It is a more subtle concept than the usual notion of reincarnation, reflecting the Buddhist concept of personality existing (even within one's lifetime) without a "Self". Instead of a fixed entity, what is reborn is an "evolving consciousness" (M.1.256) or "stream of consciousness" (D.3.105), whose quality has been conditioned by karma.[12]

    Buddhism suggests that samsara, the process of rebirth, occurs across five or six realms of existence.[13] It is actually said in Tibetan Buddhism that it is very rare for a person to be reborn in the immediate next life as a human.[14] This depends on the karmic potentialities (or "seeds") they have created with their actions and upon their state of mind at the time of death. If we die with a peaceful mind, this will stimulate a virtuous seed and we shall experience a fortunate rebirth; but if we die with a disturbed mind, in a state of anger, say, this will stimulate a non-virtuous seed and we shall experience an unfortunate rebirth. This is similar to the way in which nightmares are triggered by our being in an agitated state of mind just before falling asleep.[15]

    How many examples here then shown in link above, only as one, that I can say that my views are and coincide with this perspective, or that belief? This does not invalidate these views at all, just that I am struggling to explain myself within context of the subject, yet personal, in the way I came about my own view.

    This runs contrary to many aspects of the beliefs in reincarnation, that anything of the personality could survive let alone "some mandala symbol that is transferable" from one life to another "as an model of perspective." This was troubling in my mind that if I can experience facets of my consciousnesses in the idea of "containment of experience," then how can such symbolisms not be seen "as seeds" if you might, as to what transpires in another future mind from earlier time?

    I can say, that intuitively such constructions were familiar to me. That such a process was developed, as I sought to understand my relation with the world. These experiences had a tremendous impact, as time moved on as if the writing just seem to follow from one question in mind, to the next. This is why questions seem to be so prevalent in my writing, that a question mark, could set the stage for what is to come next.

    It is as if then, you lay out all the evidence before you, and in this containment of probables, what question will rise in mind that really brings all this evidence together? It's a troubling time in mind, that being inundated and gathering research material, you wonder what it all means, and only by setting the stage for such incubation, will any egg transpire out of the "deliberate mind to facilitate" the emergence of the modelling.

    Sure it will all sound familiar in a scientific concept kind of way. How can you then go backward when one must move forward according to some arrow of time. Time set forth as some evolutionary cause for the idea of a soul perfecting itself, after trials and tribulations, to make sense and mature through growth. Moving "around the wheel of life" one might say?

    So you see then this is a problem for me in that a description given by Buddhism might immediately disqualify such a notion as I prepare for the enquiring mind as to "a method by which such models are built" and finally lived as life is breathed into.

    How did this come to be?

    Is an affinity with somethings in your life an adequate measure of some unseen bond that is struck between you and the object of your perception? Is there such a time as if in the state of mind that chaos could harbour a nightmare that one may also say that such a life work can spark some remembrance of things too, in such a state? It is in such a moment that certain events have strikingly force myself to consider some evidence to exist to support such a vision to see that such examples were plenty as I roamed the hall of our records to see that such perspective were held relevant in my mind. Mandalas a plenty then, and even conceptually, an liminocentric structure of you like. Mathematically appealing, as to a basis of an "geometric equatorial design" that rests at the basis of ones psychology.

    Thursday, April 23, 2009

    What are Memories made up of ?

    Illustration by The New York Times

    Some do indeed understand the fuzzy logic.

    These images are pixel orientated. They describe a process of thinking that is quite impermeable to the everyday biological function of the thinking brain that we have devised a way in which to represent the process of marketing for the populace at large that is by it's own standard, not real?

    First came the heterodyne. The principle of "beats" or difference tones between simultaneous audio pitches was well known since antiquity, but Reginald Fessenden in 1901 was the first to apply the principle to radio transmissions [3]. Originally both radio frequencies were to be transmitted, received with two antennas, and combined in a detector. Later a local oscillator was substituted for one of the transmitter-receiver combinations and the heterodyne as we know it was born. Fessenden himself coined the term, from the Greek heteros (other) and dynamis (force).Who Invented the Superheterodyne?

    If memories can reside in the bulk, and the bulk is accessible to any thinking....what exists then as a schema of thought, that have been emotively crystallize in constituents of a finer particulate(pixels), and defined as some substrate of the thinking everyday world? Is reductionism then thought too, having run it's course. If we think it, and thusly, so shall it be?

    So then, there is "no finer substrate of the thinking mind" that is alloted to a movement of sorts, which gathers around, and becomes, all probabilistic futures, that will be connected, as if, in cause and effect that we were not aware of?

    That then is a conclusion one can drawn and most certainly life goes on and we experience the world the way it is. There is no other view with which to tackle the simplicity of the world other then to take it as it is?

    But wait!


    Dr. Kip Thorne, Caltech 01-Relativity-The First 20th Century Revolution

    This device is also used to dial into the history and memory of a soul and their functions of the past, as they are revealed through this screen.

    While one may indeed think this is some story line, it is also an idea that rests in the creative facet of my thinking, that it was Jung's world of the collective unconscious which held and does hold a validity of thinking, that all facets of these schemes, are real tangible things. They are the record of our history. How shall we record history then?

    Thusly, as using these constituent factors of the reductionist principle of our everyday world, it then made sense to me, that we should be able to record history just as much as we watch preprogrammed medium aspects of television, that we could adjust the frequency, to hone in on such and such a date?

    Ah! Time travel? No not really, just using what currently already exists out there in the bulk.


  • The Gravity People of our History
  • Production of Gravitational Waves

  • Timeline
  • Monday, April 20, 2009

    Mapping Weather Changes

    Plato Said:
    More to the truth then.

    A device, that reveals what "color of gravity" means as you display your patronage in thought. More to the "signature of your soul being," that while thinking genome, it's more what you like to do with this physiological makeup and brain, that reveals the true nature of the individual in full regalia.

    A lie detector. No. Something much more substantial in this device as the defendant sits under sworn testimony.
    See also:Yes, but are you a prime-number?

    Uniqueness of the soul arising from it's beginning, is that each life is "an identification unique" of what can be manifested as a circle if you like, and identified to each quadrant as "an image to explain," what and why you came into this life and the purpose.

    It begins and one travels clockwise for consideration. This once existed, yet does not now. Such memories can be contained to mandalas of a sort, while you contend to produce mind maps for containment in this life as models that are not so different to see that such a thing can become an identifier of what you are motivated to do and carry over into this life. Energy packet that can awake into what has been done previously now provided a time when such a capsule explodes into awareness.

    But the truth is, the Earth's topography is highly variable with mountains, valleys, plains, and deep ocean trenches. As a consequence of this variable topography, the density of Earth's surface varies. These fluctuations in density cause slight variations in the gravity field, which, remarkably, GRACE can detect from space.

    I wanted to write this post with the understanding that while we define ourselves in terms of the body, earth, there is a "weather that surrounds us" that is not so different then what surrounds the earth.

    So below is a scientific analysis, while I speculated as to the measures that would require such a device for existence to be thought of, in much the same way. "So chaotic" that such a realization exists in mind that the detection of the truer color palettes, can be turbulent above, while underneath, such weather disturbances detour those same color factors held too, in body mind solidified.

    This device is also used to dial into the history and memory of a soul and their functions of the past, as they are revealed through this screen.

    Two experiments harness cosmic rays to help monitor and predict weather. On the surface, COSMOS detectors clock the speeds of neutrons that are generated when cosmic rays penetrate the ground. This yields a measure of soil moisture, an important factor in precipitation and crop yields. And half a mile underground, muons coming into the MINOS detector were used to take the temperature of the lower stratosphere. This could help validate readings from satellites and weather balloons. Illustration: Sandbox StudioSee:Cosmic weather gauges By Glennda Chui and Tona Kunz

    Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Sacks Spiral

    Dyson, one of the most highly-regarded scientists of his time, poignantly informed the young man that his findings into the distribution of prime numbers corresponded with the spacing and distribution of energy levels of a higher-ordered quantum state. Mathematics Problem That Remains Elusive —And Beautiful By Raymond Petersen

    Sacks Spiral of prime numbers

    Robert Sacks devised the Sacks spiral, a variant of the Ulam spiral, in 1994. It differs from Ulam's in three ways: it places points on an Archimedean spiral rather than the square spiral used by Ulam, it places zero in the center of the spiral, and it makes a full rotation for each perfect square while the Ulam spiral places two squares per rotation. Certain curves originating from the origin appear to be unusually dense in prime numbers; one such curve, for instance, contains the numbers of the form n2 + n + 41, a famous prime-rich polynomial discovered by Leonhard Euler in 1774. The extent to which the number spiral's curves are predictive of large primes and composites remains unknown.

    A closely related spiral, described by Hahn (2008), places each integer at a distance from the origin equal to its square root, at a unit distance from the previous integer. It also approximates an Archimedean spiral, but it makes less than one rotation for every three squares.

    It looks as though primes tend to concentrate in certain curves that swoop away to the northwest and southwest, like the curve marked by the blue arrow. (The numbers on that curve are of the form x(x+1) + 41, the famous prime-generating formula discovered by Euler in 1774.). See more info on Mersenne Prime.


  • Quantum Mechanics: Determinism at Planck Scale
  • The Whole World is a Stage
  • Nature's Experiment on the Meaning of Weight