Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mathematics. Show all posts

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Concepts of the Fifth Dimension

"Yet I exist in the hope that these memoirs, in some manner, I know not how, may find their way to the minds of humanity in Some Dimensionality, and may stir up a race of rebels who shall refuse to be confined to limited Dimensionality." from Flatland, by E. A. Abbott

Oskar Klein
September 15, 1894 - February 5, 1977

Dealing With a 5D World

A black hole is an object so massive that even light cannot escape from it. This requires the idea of a gravitational mass for a photon, which then allows the calculation of an escape energy for an object of that mass. When the escape energy is equal to the photon energy, the implication is that the object is a "black hole."

Herein, I also make the assumption:

The Spacetime Fabric, "is" the Fifth dimension.

Now of course, how do such assumptions make their way into my thinking and visualizations that I do? The seeing, of what mathematics and it's symbology had done for those who might see the geometry of expression, as a very vital way of thinking in the abstract world of mind, analogous, to the computer screen in front of us?

Juan Maldacena:

The strings move in a five-dimensional curved space-time with a boundary. The boundary corresponds to the usual four dimensions, and the fifth dimension describes the motion away from this boundary into the interior of the curved space-time. In this five-dimensional space-time, there is a strong gravitational field pulling objects away from the boundary, and as a result time flows more slowly far away from the boundary than close to it. This also implies that an object that has a fixed proper size in the interior can appear to have a different size when viewed from the boundary (Fig. 1). Strings existing in the five-dimensional space-time can even look point-like when they are close to the boundary. Polchinski and Strassler1 show that when an energetic four-dimensional particle (such as an electron) is scattered from these strings (describing protons), the main contribution comes from a string that is close to the boundary and it is therefore seen as a point-like object. So a string-like interpretation of a proton is not at odds with the observation that there are point-like objects inside it.

(Wikipedia 23 April 2006)
Similarly, in general relativity, the fourth dimension is manifested in observable three dimensions as the curvature of path of a moving infinitesimal (test) particle. 't Hooft has speculated that the fifth dimension is really the spacetime fabric.

Linked paragraph above was pointed out to a link you to further thoughts on this. It was a strange revelation of sorts to think that such a process could lead you to such thinking, as well, as leading one to understand how General Relativity becomes a result of of String theory.

It just made so much sense as I watched this developement take place in this geometrical extension of thought, that to a beginning, from a point to a line to a plane, was raised in mind, as a short cut to the brane world understandings. I really do not undertsand how I made this jump, but never the less, it took me to a fifth dimensional referencing.

The work of Banchoff helped in this understanding. In using image production, our 2d computer screens, as example, shows the work we are doing in the abstract space of mind.

While I am still ever the student, such thinking moved from the ideas of General Relativity, and it's geoemtrical nature, moves one into the dynamical regions of thought. Held, in regards to those curvatures. I just tend to see them in this way after understanding the "geometrical nature." So too, the undertanding of General Relativity means, and in this assumption, "gravity" becomes the terminology that I see in the dynamcis of that universe.

Can I help seeing the thought of humanity so capable in the mind, to relate choices to the heart and the feather weighting truth, that I also had come to see the gravity of that situation? IN such thoughts, Einsteins analogy of the Pretty girl always come to mind. It was a conceptual leap of sorts, as well as beautifully laid out model of GR as to our understanding in terms of what gravity means.

From strong to weak, and all the understanding of the place, where a flat plane of which no gravity exists, is a place where such transitions take place in my mind. Is this true or not? The very thinking of brane developement lead me to think in a 2 dimensional framework, yet I am well aware of the fifth dimensional views that this framework supplies. Is it wrong? I would have to rely on competent readers of the Brane world to have them say ye or nay, as to the thoughts being portrayed here.

(Wikipedia 23 April 2006)
In physics and mathematics, a sequence of N numbers can be understood to represent a location in an N-dimensional space. When N=5, one of these numbers is sometimes colloquially called the fifth dimension. This usage may occur in casual discussions about the fourth dimension, which, in the context of physics, refers to time, coming after the first three spatial dimensions (up/down, left/right and forwards/backwards). Abstract five-dimensional space occurs frequently in mathematics, and is a perfectly legitimate construct. Whether or not the real universe in which we live is somehow five-dimensional is a topic that is debated and explored in several branches of physics, including astrophysics and particle physics.

Lisa Randall:
My most recent research is about extra dimensions of space. Remarkably, we can potentially "see" or "observe" evidence of extra dimensions. But we won't reach out and touch those dimensions with our fingertips or see them with our eyes. The evidence will consist of heavy particles known as Kaluza-Klein modes that travel in extra-dimensional space. If our theories correctly describe the world, there will be a precise enough link between such particles (which will be experimentally observed) and extra dimensions to establish the existence of extra dimensions. Dangling Particles,By LISA RANDALL, Published: September 18, 2005 New York Yimes

The extensions beyond what we had always taken for meaning as "seeing," is the undertanding that all 3 space coordinated directions with time, are embedded in some "design" beyond that frame of reference held to General Relativity. If it wasn't, how could anything working beyond this, be found as a coordinated result?

(Wikipedia 23 April 2006)

Figure 2. Clebsch's Diagonal Surface: Wonderful

Friday, April 21, 2006

What a Good String Theorist Should Know?

Arthur Miller
Einstein and Schrödinger never fully accepted the highly abstract nature of Heisenberg's quantum mechanics, says Miller. They agreed with Galileo's assertion that "the book of nature is written in mathematics", but they also realized the power of using visual imagery to represent mathematical symbols.

I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to the visualizations. What benefit might these have for any good theorist? What creative ability is developed, when one sees this way?

To me, as it has been described with Dirac wording that I have spell out many a time, there is also all this "other information" that has to be followed up. I know it. Many science people know it. Maybe sometimes, caught up in all the aspirations for truth, I might not remember it. So this post is here for this purpose.

You have to trust me that I will not be knocking on any good scientists door, being the crackpot that I am, with some amazing discovery.I just don't have time to bother you good science people.:)

Anyway, I thought I should clear up some ideas people have about learning. Getting some insight into what is being talked about in regards to theoretical ideas being borne, what learning the older folk like me can look forward too. The last part of this post is in regards to Think Quest comments on string theory.

Personally, I think a good theoretician needs to know a lot.

I found information provided by Gerard t’ Hooft which gives one a a good base to what he thought we should be doing. So I wanted to include some of that here as well. Also by including each of the links, typing into the "search fucntion," this post, should come up, and the related subjects, as to what should be known.

I created one on the requirements of mathematics sometime ago as well so this would be a good source link as well to the requirements needed to work within the string theory realm. I am still looking for it. You cna see now why this post is good for memory retention being somewhat lost as to where it is put under.

Is your motivation and pursuance of knowledge up to it?


Theoretical Physics is like a sky scraper. It has solid foundations in elementary mathematics and notions of classical (pre-20th century) physics. Don't think that pre-20th century physics is "irrelevant" since now we have so much more. In those days, the solid foundations were laid of the knowledge that we enjoy now. Don't try to construct your sky scraper without first reconstructing these foundations yourself. The first few floors of our skyscraper consist of advanced mathematical formalisms that turn the Classical Physics theories into beauties of their own. They are needed if you want to go higher than that. So, next come many of the other subjects listed below. Finally, if you are mad enough that you want to solve those tremendously perplexing problems of reconciling gravitational physics with the quantum world, you end up studying general relativity, superstring theory, M-theory, Calabi-Yau compactification and so on. That's presently the top of the sky scraper. There are other peaks such as Bose-Einstein condensation, fractional Hall effect, and more. Also good for Nobel Prizes, as the past years have shown. A warning is called for: even if you are extremely smart, you are still likely to get stuck somewhere. Surf the net yourself. Find more. Tell me about what you found. If this site has been of any help to someone while preparing for a University study, if this has motivated someone, helped someone along the way, and smoothened his or her path towards science, then I call this site successful. Please let me know. Here is the list.

  • Languages

  • Primary Mathematics

  • Classical Mechanics

  • Optics

  • Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics

  • Electronics

  • Electromagnetism

  • Quantum Mechanics

  • Atoms and Molecules

  • Solid State Physics

  • Nuclear Physics

  • Plasma Physics

  • Advanced Mathematics

  • Special Relativity

  • Advanced Quantum Mechanics

  • Phenomenology

  • General Relativity

  • Quantum Field Theory

  • Superstring Theory

  • Think Math

    While I quickly jumped to the end of the third page of reference below, it summarizes a bit as to what culminations might be found with the math in all it's aspects describe as the language. The language(herein described as the math), brings it together nicely. Whole.

    Guide to Math, by
    Noncommutative geometry (NCG for short)

    Geometry was originally developed to describe physical space that we can see and measure. After modern mathematics was freed from Euclid's Fifth Axiom by Gauss and Bolyai, Riemann added to modern geometry the abstract notion of a manifold M with points that are labeled by local coordinates that are real numbers, with some metric tensor that determines an extremal length between two points on the manifold.

    Much of the progress in 20th century physics was in applying this modern notion of geometry to spacetime, or to quantum gauge field theory.

    In the quest to develop a notion of quantum geometry, as far back as 1947, people were trying to quantize spacetime so that the coordinates would not be ordinary real numbers, but somehow elevated to quantum operators obeying some nontrivial quantum commutation relations. Hence the term "noncommutative geometry," or NCG for short.

    The current interest in NCG among physicists of the 21st century has been stimulated by work by French mathematician Alain Connes.

    While the truer quest of seeing is in the world of mathematics used besides english, is the real language of commonality among scientists. It serves them well to understand how all these maths could add up too, what is required of those students of youth, and youth of mind of those advacing in age, that we see this described someplace.

    Nature's patterns

    So who is right? Well, there is much that is attractive in the Platonist point of view. It's tempting to see our everyday world as a pale shadow of a more perfect, ordered, mathematically exact one. For one thing, mathematical patterns permeate all areas of science. Moreover, they have a universal feel to them, rather as though God thumbed His way through some kind of mathematical wallpaper catalogue when He was trying to work out how to decorate His Universe. Not only that: the deity's pattern catalogue is remarkably versatile, with the same patterns being used in many different guises. For example, the ripples on the surface of sand dunes are pretty much identical to the wave patterns in liquid crystals. Raindrops and planets are both spherical. Rainbows and ripples on a pond are circular. Honeycomb patterns are used by bees to store honey (and to pigeonhole grubs for safekeeping), and they can also be found in the geographical distribution of territorial fish, the frozen magma of the Giant's Causeway, and rock piles created by convection currents in shallow lakes. Spirals can be seen in water running out of a bath and in the Andromeda Galaxy. Frothy bubbles occur in a washing-up bowl and the arrangement of galaxies.

    Imagine calling someone with this background "flaky" because of a "strange idea" that might be borne in mind, while it is encompassed by all this knowledge of science, respectively? People who had been well intentioned, hiding all the information because they might have been taunted by those who were not respectful of the age of reason, with which they had applied them self.

    I think every teacher, Mother, Father understands the best they have for their student, child respectively, and what they strive to encourage in regards to the independence and strength, to move forward with the motivation that is borne in every good seeker of truth?

    Think Quest is all about students thinking and learning together. Students work in teams to create the best educational websites and compete for exciting prizes, including a trip to Think Quest Live, an educational extravaganza celebrating their achievements.

    Sponsored by the Oracle Education Foundation, the competition offers a unique project-based learning experience to students and teachers around the world. Globally relevant subjects and diverse teams are encouraged.
    The teams' websites are published for the world to see in the Think Quest Library. This rich online resource contains over 5,500 educational websites, created by students for students. Search the library and you'll be sure to find a site that intrigues you.

    Information Links Below Created by Dan Corbett, Kate Stafford, and Patrick Wright for ThinkQuest.

  • The History of String Theory:

  • Introduction to String Theory:

  • Gravity and String Theory:

  • Supersymmetry:

  • The Dimensions of String Theory:

  • Dimensions, Wound Strings, Branes, and Calabi-Yau Spaces:

  • The Many Types of String Theory:

  • New Developments in String Theory:

  • Well so easily explained in the english language, Gerard's comments about explaining what we are doing now bears fruit? My inept capilities with this of courses draws recognition, let alone, the need to write those visionary qualities to algebraic equations. So Penrose has more words for us, besides his change of heart?:)

    You think it easy to change the ingraininess of our methods that we should let them drop away easily? Find a new path/math with a heart? It is not without thinking that such decisions are made.


    "One particular thing that struck me... [LAUGHTER] the fact that he found it necessary to translate all the results that he had achieved with such methods into algebraic notation. It struck me particularly, because remember I am told of Newton, when he wrote up his work, it was always exactly the opposite, in that he obtained so much of his results, so many of his results using analytical techniques and because of the general way in which things at that time had to be explained to people, he found it necessary to translate his results into the language of geometry, so his contemporaries could understand him. Well, I guess geometry… [INAUDIBLE] not quite the same topic as to whether one thinks theoretically or analytically, algebraically perhaps. This rule is perhaps touched upon at the beginning of Professor Dirac's talk, and I think it is a very interesting topic."

    A more direct link to quote above on page 12.

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Purpose of the Compton Lecture Series

    April 8The 63rd Compton Lecture Series, 2006 through June 3, 2006, 11:00 a.m.

    Sean at cosmic variance point to this series of lectures that are being presented each year and in this series the entitled is called, "String Theory: With a View Towards Reality" which will be presented by Nicholas Halmagyi, McCormick Fellow, Enrico Fermi Institute.

    Dear Friends of the Enrico Fermi Institute:

    We cordially invite you to join us for the next series of the Arthur H. Compton Lectures. The Lectures are intended for the general public, friends of the Enrico Fermi Institute, members of the University community, and interested citizens of the Chicago area. They provide a descriptive account of some of the frontiers of present-day science. We don’t expect you to have a formal background in mathematics or science, but hope to appeal to your curiosity and to share with you some of the excitement of modern scientific research.

    String Theory is an attempt to describe all particles by multi-dimensional objects, such as strings and membranes. These objects propagate in a ten dimensional universe of which four dimensions are visible to us. This rather outlandish conjecture has led a large community of theoretical physicists to hope for a unification of particle physics and Einstein's general relativity.

    The rather serious caveat is the difficulty in providing predictions which can be experimentally verified since the physical manifestation of the string hypothesis will be most obvious only at energy scales which far exceed our current experiments.

    In these lectures Dr. Nicholas Halmagyi will explain the humble beginnings of String Theory and will detail the staircase of energy scales which climb up to quantum gravity and string theory. No scientific background is required.

    Just bring your curiosity. We hope you can join us for the first lecture on Saturday, April 8, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Room 106 of the Kersten Physics Teaching Center, 5720 South Ellis Avenue. Enter through the door at the southeast corner. The series will run from April 8, 2006 through June 3, 2006.

    There will be NO lecture on Saturday, May 27th and the Compton Lecture Luncheon will be held on June 3rd.


    James E. Pilcher Director

    There is a list of Present and Recent Abstracts, some mentioned in the article presented by Sean Carroll, and many others on the Compton lecture presentation itself.

    For me it will be a interesting set of lectures, as I have watched this development for the last couple of years trying to piece togehter the essence of this perspective, about the way in whch one could now percieve a model used to help grow towards a dimensional expression of particle physics in high energy areas.

    I would not like one to think that I am without purpose in my attachments to Cosmic varaince, and to those there in cosmic variance without understanding that some in their respective trades, are just as green(e) when it comes to applying their tools of the trade with string theory, while working their specific areas.

    Feynman's Rainbow, by Leonard Mlodinow Warner Books 2003

    Euclid's Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace by Leonard Mlodinow FreePress 2001

    Also too, having watched a previous writer like Leonard Mlodinow, the quest to pursue science as well as develop the "path with a heart," to me exemplfies the struggle of some science people to find this part of themself. Meanings, to continue in the directions they do. While it might have been a aimless struggle( the recorded history) that apparent at one time as the story unfolds, were the glimpses into other times of people, as the greater teachers of science, like Feynman or Gellman, these insights into their lives present some of the essesnce of what has to be found as motivations needed to develope awareness not only for themself, but in the struggle to move society along with them.

    Monday, April 17, 2006

    Abraham Maslow and Peak Experience

    "The worst disease afflicting human kind is hardening of the categories." - Artist Bob Miller.

    Well I having been watching the topics ofCategorically Not site created. I see such fine visitations by those who have ventured into the science, asking for responsibility of mind in science, be given to society on a platform, as a fine and ethical reporting/lectures, on where science/other issues, are today?

    That they had ventured beyond the safe haven of science, to talk about "intuition of a kind", held to thoughts on subjectivity made me think.

    So things less likely to be held in the role of experimental validation( and psychological modelling has learnt to bear the brunt of scorn by many science minds?) that we might like to see physical processes and evidenced to date, also, as a kind of invitation to think about the roles subjectively of modelled thought about intuition worked, revealled as common today in practise?

    Peak experiences (wikipedia 17 April 2006)
    Peak experience is a term used to describe certain extra-personal and ecstatic states, particularly ones tinged with themes of unification, harmonization and interconnectedness. Participants characterize these experiences, and the relevations imparted therein, as possessing an ineffably mystical (or overtly religious) quality or essence

    The question I might have placed up front here, is if such thoughts about intuition are born to what it would constitute, would one have said, a close relation to "Peak experience"? What would any consolidation of the individual represent in it's wholeness, if such an actualization moment was percieved for a short time, that such gains made by the work and study of, found it's application would have been granted in the moment of one's solitude? As one who gazed into the stream, or one who found in such a place that would help the mind in its efforts to raised the packet from the probability of all possibilties, as an enlightening moment?

    From whence would all such idealizations emerge, that such an tonality of thought would embrace itself as a self actualized moment in the connection to the value of all probabilites with this peak moment? The probability of all things needed a resource and commonality from which all minds could draw some comparison. Where was this moment of recognition? A harmonical Oscillator of a kind, possibly? The basis of all reality existed in some form self described harmonical expression?

    by Dr. C. George Boeree

    Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the first of seven children born to his parents, who themselves were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. His parents, hoping for the best for their children in the new world, pushed him hard for academic success. Not surprisingly, he became very lonely as a boy, and found his refuge in books.

    What I had been working towards here in the pass couple of years is evidence by the archive to the right.

    It has been a interestng experience trying as best I can to see where science was going. What was being held at the forefront of science knowledge, in regards to the theoretical idealizations, that were born to push insight, and perception deeper into the coming realities. The cognition of what might be borne in mind, that any emergence might have revealled of itself in the aspect of new geometries formed to consolidate all geometries that currenty exist?

    What shall these be in the mind where cognition is born out of the reality about our being?

    Surprizingly, as one learns about themself, the life experience seems to become clearer, as we progress along the "road of independance." Learning curves, that keep us so occupied, that the life's lesson might never seem ever finished, as we progress through one goal or another. Find, the mind flowing and growing. IT had a path which we might have never had known, had we not realized what it had amounted to in realization? It's work?

    What could the intellect become if it held all it's intention to "abstract form" in mathematics, that it never found the associations it did and were needed in pushing into those deeper realities? There was a point it no longer worked, and such a place held in the microcosmic view, was still part of a much larger cosmological view? Can this not be so?

    How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above? (Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249).

    Above it all, there were ideas in my mind that biased the way I talked and wrote, that I saw beyond what the intentions were about our participation into forging the reductionistic view, as some part of the greater whole? Why, I recognized the probelmatic koan( can I call it that) revealled in Brian Greene's wording that guided my thought process.

    This was labelled as an liminocentruc structures, and within the context of this blogger experience of writing, I wrote about them historically, as a place visited, and as images that arise in mind, that could have represented aspects of our wholeness.

    The mandala can also be an image of eternity cycling through time and as such images soul's and Nature's circular journeys, as they are reflected in, for example, the Native American Medicine Wheel, in seasonal, rebirth and karmic cycles, in mythic journeys of going out and returning changed to one's point of origin, and in the zodiacal wheel as life's twelve archetypal stages of personal growth.

    This cyclic transformation is also at the heart of ancient Chinese meditation. When the spiritual light in the body moves through rhythmical breathing in a circle, all the opposite energies of heaven and earth, sun and moon, light and dark, are crystallised and form what the Chinese called the Golden Flower, an inner mandala imaging the balanced, open and centred heart.

    Maybe, mandalic in origins, that such symbols revealled the deeper insight of the soul who had travelled and secured the "parcel of thought gained" as packages to be born in mind, to surface time and time again?

    What use to loose our pursuates to self actualization, and immmediate recognitions of that peak experience, to have found Maslow had created a pyramid of a kind? It had already rested deeply in my own mind's creations, as a model formed. Can I progress his thoughts and his models mine. I most certainly can, and I have the history to prove this, as I incinuate from what is baised in my own views. My writing.

    Who is Abraham Maslow, that such idealizations would amount to a psychological veiw I engaged in just the last couple of days or so, that I'd found some association too, model depictions, that I myself had created.

    Consider this the base of the pyramid and the four faces, and what value this insight that such perfection could have arsien from Maslow's hierarchal renditions towards self actualization, that the lower centers of humanity would have been it's struggle in the heart, to have become actualized in the heart of mind, as a transcendance of thought, gained?

    It was with some historical perspective that having spent years studing, that such model was produced. Which guided my own wording and thinking as I developed. Befuddle readers, as to the demands for a more clearer kind of writing.

    Asked, if the most predominante language should be, I too had said math, but most will say english. I give my reasons why, for math, yet so inexperienced am I it's many forms:)

    The archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an "organizing principle" on the things we see or do. It works the way that instincts work in Freud's theory: At first, the baby just wants something to eat, without knowing what it wants. It has a rather indefinite yearning which, nevertheless, can be satisfied by some things and not by others. Later, with experience, the child begins to yearn for something more specific when it is hungry -- a bottle, a cookie, a broiled lobster, a slice of New York style pizza.

    The archetype is like a black hole in space: You only know its there by how it draws matter and light to itself.

    Less comprehensible no doubt, without out the reader having has some idea of where I was speaking from? No, not from some "other worldly" person like PLato, but an "archetype used" to progress the thoughts of many who had themself engaged in science, about the greater perception/inspiration, as we moved back from the Plato's Cave, to gain in light, about man's imprisonment. As we have "unchained the mind" from the links/matter that bind us.

    So you might say what changed?

    As I read some more on Maslow, I learnt about many things about my own mind that felt true, to what was being read. That I understand now, that the first part of the lesson about self and it's motivation with years of study, might had seen and been lost, had I not now concluded some thoughts about what I have gained in recognition about self? Time in perception about the past allows this recollection and reminincing now focused forward.

    What could be added to Maslows hierarchal diagram of thinking mind and about the steps of progression had some kind of self actualization been bound in the determined mind of one who was not a conformist? To any degree, who liken the freedom to study outside all of the rules of engagement, was still very respectful of the halls of higher learning.

    Engaging life as a father and husband, the early years and education did not ever reveal that I would be capable less than the man working ever with his hands and mind to be paid? That his family needed to be supported and growth accomplished as any child would in nurture. While amidst this, a experimentor, and philosopher, as student of life in father felt.

    You had to be motivated( what kind of motivation is seeking, what is it's base), or why would you waste your time travelling through the idealizations we do encounter. Facing to see what modulation of thought might do in seeing anew? You had to rise above those lower centers. Such a climb, to the heart in mind(some might know of it's truth comparison in images shown here. Was part of the actualization process after attending class?

    Alchemcial processes might have shown such step processes engaged in the process of purifying(psychological), as well as leading to the understanding of who the king was(ego) and how mastery would have been gained over?

    Saturday, April 15, 2006

    On Gauss's Day of Reckoning

    A famous story about the boy wonder of mathematics has taken on a life of its own -Brian Hayes

    Illustration by Theoni Pappas

    In a fanciful drawing done in the manner of a woodcut, the young Carl Friedrich Gauss receives instruction in arithmetic from the schoolmaster J. G. Büttner. As the story goes, Gauss was about to give Büttner a lesson in mathematical creativity.

    To me the historical significance of this research is important to me. People could chastise me for saying that the research I do has no quality, then what should be assumed with scientific credentials? Still the romance I have for such abstractions and development of thinking is important just the same. It is about creativity to me, and looking back to the ingenuity of thought, is something I can see in everyone. One doesn't have to consider them self less then, just by being the student that would solve the problem, while insight and acute perception, might have been revealed in one who could throw down the slate the quickest.

    The story is fascinating tome on a lot of different levels and to tracking down the essence of what we see passed from one hand to another, and how this ambiguity might creep in and additions make there way for added material.

    I understand this in our response to writing science, with what language is supposed to be. Sure talk about chinese , Italian, Latin of ole, and we want to know what the truest expression of the language should be?

    Of course this is the responsibility of math, that a common basis be found, between all languages, that the source would have described it so abstract/yet closest to the center of the circle) that all would understand and could work the abstract nature of this math.

    I feel guilty, that I cannot contribute so well to this math language, that I strive to listen very good to the concepts espoused, as close as possible to the development of this Algebraic way of seeing.

    Yes, it is as important, as the geometrical seeing that it be inherent in the way things abstractly can be seen. That both would have supported the continued work fo science.

    Mine then is the student's plight in a vast world that I exist away from, yet, try and stay as close as I can to learn.

    Do I sanction everyones abilities away from this in character, is no less then the character I assume, and has been treated. That respect be given, might have found the truer calling of sharing the insights, be as truthful as possible. We should all strive to this of course.

    What is Swirling in my Mind

    As I lay there many things float through my mind about how we are seeing things now.

    So the article above sparked some thoughts here about Sylvestor surfaces and B field understandings, that also included Lagrangian perspective along with WMAP polarization mapping. All these things seem so disconnected?

    I keep finding myself trying to wrap all of this in a gravitational perspective as it should , no less important then gauss contributions, hidden for a time, while the student of his brings the perspective for us all to see. So how familiar is protege as Riemann that his Hypothesis is so much the like of the numbers apparent, as in the youthful gaze of the student challenged.

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Computer Language and Math Joined from Artistic Impressionism?

    Most people think of "seeing" and "observing" directly with their senses. But for physicists, these words refer to much more indirect measurements involving a train of theoretical logic by which we can interpret what is "seen."- Lisa Randall

    Cubist Art: Picasso's painting 'Portrait of Dora Maar'
    Cubist art revolted against the restrictions that perspective imposed. Picasso's art shows a clear rejection of the perspective, with women's faces viewed simultaneously from several angles. Picasso's paintings show multiple perspectives, as though they were painted by someone from the 4th dimension, able to see all perspectives simultaneously.

    Sean from Cosmic Variance writes his opening post by including the title, "The language of Science".

    I would have said maths as well, yet, as a Layman there is much for me to learn.

    THOMAS BANCHOFF has been a professor of mathematics at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, since 1967. He has written two books and fifty articles on geometric topics, frequently incorporating interactive computer graphics techniques in the study of phenomena in the fourth and higher dimensions

    The marriage between computer and math language(Banchoff) I would say would be important from the prospective of displaying imaging, seen in the development of abstract language as used in numerical relativity? Accummalated data gained from LIGO operations. Time variable measures?

    My first demonstration was with a Calabi Yau model of the torso. Visually seeing this way, helped to progress understanding. The transferance from the math structure to imaging in computer, to me, seemed very hard thing to do.

    Alain Connes

    Where a dictionary proceeds in a circular manner, defining a word by reference to another, the basic concepts of mathematics are infinitely closer to an indecomposable element", a kind of elementary particle" of thought with a minimal amount of ambiguity in their definition.

    If the math is right, the "concepts spoken," will be right also?

    How such reductionism is held to the values of science, is seen in the work of the calorimeters. Glast and LHC designs give introspective views of how fine our perspective is being shaped. Can we see the underlying imaging as a toll, respective of reductionism as seeing the dynamical and geoemtrical background to all events measured? LIGO in data accumulation, describing the infomration released into the bulk perspective.


    In the theory of relativity, momentum is not proportional to velocity at such speeds.) Thus high-momentum particles will curve very little, while low-momentum particles will curve significantly; the amount of curvature can be quantified and the particle momentum can be determined from this value.

    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Hyperbolic Geometry and it's Rise

    Omar Khayyám the mathematician(6 april 2006 Wikipedia)

    He was famous during his lifetime as a mathematician, well known for inventing the method of solving cubic equations by intersecting a parabola with a circle. Although his approach at achieving this had earlier been attempted by Menaechmus and others, Khayyám provided a generalization extending it to all cubics. In addition he discovered the binomial expansion, and authored criticisms of Euclid's theories of parallels which made their way to England, where they contributed to the eventual development of non-Euclidean geometry.

    Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri(6 April 2006 Wikipedia)

    Saccheri entered the Jesuit order in 1685, and was ordained as a priest in 1694. He taught philosophy at Turin from 1694 to 1697, and philosophy, theology, and mathematics at Pavia from 1697 until his death. He was a protege of the mathematician Tommaso Ceva and published several works including Quaesita geometrica (1693), Logica demonstrativa (1697), and Neo-statica (1708).

    Of course the question as to "Victorian" was on mind. Is non-euclidean held to a time frame, or not?

    Victorian Era(wikipedia 6 April 2006)

    It is often defined as the years from 1837 to 1901

    Time valuations are being thought about here. In regards too, non euclidean geometry and it's rise. Shows, many correlations within that time frame. So that was suprizing, if held to a context of the victorian socialogical time frame. But we know this statement is far from the truth?

    Seminar on the History of Hyperbolic Geometry, by Greg Schreiber

    We began with an exposition of Euclidean geometry, first from Euclid's perspective (as given in his Elements) and then from a modern perspective due to Hilbert (in his Foundations of Geometry). Almost all criticisms of Euclid up to the 19th century were centered on his fifth postulate, the so-called Parallel Postulate.The first half of the course dealt with various attempts by ancient, medieval, and (relatively) modern mathematicians to prove this postulate from Euclid's others. Some of the most noteworthy efforts were by the Roman mathematician Proclus, the Islamic mathematicians Omar Khayyam and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, the Jesuit priest Girolamo Sacchieri, the Englishman John Wallis, and the Frenchmen Lambert and Legendre. Each one gave a flawed proof of the parallel postulate, containing some hidden assumption equivalent to that postulate. In this way properties of hyperbolic geometry were discovered, even though no one believed such a geometry to be possible.

    History (wikipedia 6 April 2006)

    Hyperbolic geometry was initially explored by Giovanni Gerolamo Saccheri in the 1700s, who nevertheless believed that it was inconsistent, and later by János Bolyai, Karl Friedrich Gauss, and Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, after whom it is sometimes named.

    Thursday, March 30, 2006

    Intuitively Balanced: Induction and Deduction

    Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

    Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

    Is there truth to the emphemeral qualites of mind. That there is a lighter measure with which we take on to life? How would you weight things of meaning? A pythagorean string perhaps, with a weighted gourd? Meaning on resonance as measure by, that vibrating string?

    Behind the image as you click on it is an arche principled of Aristotle.

    Would we have found the derivation and essence of what that first principle was. The foundation as it might have been in a intuitive moment released? A place where the freedoms, of smooth travelling satellites would have found the least resistance, in order for mind to travel into the "yellow abstract domains of math" and back?

    Sometimes I like to think of a image of a "circle within a circle" as a model of what might be percieved. Yet if we thought, that in the center of this, something like a solid matter existed. Our bodies, our brains. Earth Maybe.

    Now an image in mind easily drawn might have been, that matter earth, then color red, then green, and then violet, and we have this range of colors issuing from the center. We are never devoid of the thinking mind, or the emotive feelings we have about things, yet there is some impact in the remembrance of things that are emotively charged?

    Of course this is speculation of a kind. a model of a kind, and some way in which I had pecieved the dynamcis of life moving from the center outward and back, and never really stayng in one place to long. We have these circles intertwining. Thought runs the whole length of it. From the center out/in, 5 is 1, or 1 is 5? Thoughts about anyhtng could have been 2, 3, or 4?

    Life inside, is outside and all that we think, shown on the collar of our sleeves?

    His was the best single sentence summing up the concept, as we were to use it that evening: Intuition is the process of getting to a destination without knowing the route. He also added: Sometimes you did not even know you wanted to get there. I've modified the words a bit, but that's the essence of what he said. It was a definition that was so appreciated, you could hear several audible hhhhmmmmms of recognition from the audience.

    You have to wonder about "neural correlates to consciousness?"


    We have this brain matter and all kinds of neural firings.

    To say the "emotive response" could have been activated from the basis of brain structure, and it's corresponding evolutionary standardization, then to have a reward system( pavlov response), would have been based on early emotive developement on humanization standards, to a evolving society, is puzzling one to say the least?

    What "new brain covering" in the formation of the brain matters would correspond to our evolution would say that we are a much more refined society that we would invoke new standards and advancements in our thinking?

    Monday, March 20, 2006

    Ways IN which To Percieve Landscape?

    What a Cosmologist Wants from a String Theorist?

    Emotion versus Reason?

    3.1 As Cytowic notes, Plato and Socrates viewed emotion and reason as in a kind of struggle, one in which it was vitally important for reason to win out. Aristotle took a more moderate view, that both emotion and reason are integral parts of a complex human soul--a theory proposed by Aristotle in explicit opposition to Platonism (De Anima 414a 19ff). Cytowic appears to endorse the Platonic line, with the notable difference that he would apparently rather have emotion win out.

    Emotion can be used as a catelysct into higher abstractual/dimensional thinking, if, it can be used to counter research into?:)

    Figure 2. Clebsch's Diagonal Surface: Wonderful.

    Mein Gott. :) If seeing on distance scales, had relevances in regards to "all the issues" of the standard model, would this not in effect change the way we see in those distances?

    Peter Woit:I’ve looked very carefully in landscape papers and Susskind’s book for any sort of plausible idea about how this stuff will ever lead to a prediction of anything and I can’t find it.

    Thanks Peter, that's it?

    The Hills are Alive with the Sound of M theory?

    With the discovery of sound waves in the CMB, we have entered a new era of precision cosmology in which we can begin to talk with certainty about the origin of structure and the content of matter and energy in the universeWayne Hu

    By exercising the imagination I thought Wayne Hu did a fine job of relating these things on a "cosmological scale." Hills and Valleys. But in a more detailed quantum look, what value, conformal field theory of point particles?

    In effect, the 5-D universe is recorded like a hologram on the 4-D surface at its periphery. Superstring theory rules in the 5-D spacetime, but a so-called conformal field theory of point particles operates on the 4-D hologram. A black hole in the 5-D spacetime is equivalent to hot radiation on the hologram--for example, the hole and the radiation have the same entropy even though the physical origin of the entropy is completely different for each case. Although these two descriptions of the universe seem utterly unalike, no experiment could distinguish between them, even in principle.

    Les Houches

    ROBBERT DIJKGRAAF:Map of the world, as used in my Les Houches lectures

    I like this picture better Clifford. Is the landscape, as barren, or is it, the hope that we see such beautiful things of which the seed bed wil allow such things to arise from it?

    For some, the "creative" outlet? Maybe, a Shangri-la high" in the mountains of abstractual thinking?

    IN the Wunderkammern

    James Joseph Sylvester (September 3, 1814 - March 15, 1897) was an English mathematician and lawyer.

    We are told that "mathematics is that study which knows nothing of observation..." I think no statement could have been more opposite to the undoubted facts of the case; that mathematical analysis is constantly invoking the aid of new principles, new ideas and new methods, not capable of being defined by any form of words, but springing direct from the inherent powers and activity of the human mind, and from continually renewed introspection of that inner world of thought of which the phenomena are as varied and require as close attention to discern as those of the outer physical world, ...that it is unceasingly calling forth the faculties of observation and comparison, that one of its principal weapons is induction, that it has frequent recourse to experimental trial and verification, and that it affords a boundless scope for the exercise of the highest efforts of imagination and invention. ...Were it not unbecoming to dilate on one's personal experience, I could tell a story of almost romantic interest about my own latest researches in a field where Geometry, Algebra, and the Theory of Numbers melt in a surprising manner into one another.

    While I always point upward in Rapheal's painting, I mention often, the "One thing."

    Gold or wisdom, while leadng "the alchemist" in the search of that elucive material, mining, has to note the glimmer's as a sun shines on the landscape of ideas. So you work it, use a sluicebox, or a gold pan. Watch how river flow's and the bends in it. Where some deposits might have laid themself while others are carried off further down stream, left to some "eddie" or "pool of thinking." See flowers emerge in rocks crevices of all places.

    However, don't be fooled! The charm of the golden number tends to attract kooks and the gullible - hence the term "fool's gold". You have to be careful about anything you read about this number. In particular, if you think ancient Greeks ran around in togas philosophizing about the "golden ratio" and calling it "Phi", you're wrong. This number was named Phi after Phidias only in 1914, in a book called _The Curves of Life_ by the artist Theodore Cook. And, it was Cook who first started calling 1.618...the golden ratio. Before him, 0.618... was called the golden ratio! Cook dubbed this number "phi", the lower-case baby brother of Phi.


  • Fool's Gold

  • The Alchemist in You

  • String Theory Displays Golden Ratio Tendency
  • Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Increase in Output of Inverse Square Law Calculatons ?

    Oh my poor layman brain. It hurts.

    String theory and the crisis in particle physics by Bert Schroer
    The third point of the list is perhaps the most serious one. A theory which has in more than 30 years been unable to get its relation to physics straightened out is presented to physics students as a theory of everything which supersedes QFT before their critical faculties have been strengthened by learning about the concepts and open problems of the most successful theory of particle physics.

    When is enough, enough? I think all the warnngs have been heard and the continued barage of statements and genralizations enough to make one sick.

    Don't worry Lubo about the context of statements ancestroy or otherwise. As to what you might have wrritten on the blackboard about strings, and what Einstein might have written instead.

    An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God.-Srinivasa Ramanujan

    For me, Ramanujan's statement was really clear. Although, it(math) manifested in the dream, the langauge spoken was the recognition of the source through which mathematics would make itself known to the world. First Principle. If one was listening what was emerging then? Ramanujan might have been so engrossed in math, that such an insight was the key to the open doorway with which quantun grvaity would now not become destitute.

    So focused are the many in math that taking the time from all it's calculations, by a quiet strean, or sitting in nature's presence, it all comes together in a "flash of insight."

    You have to find the conditions that will speak to theorectical valuation. If such a wide sweeping generalization is levelled at the "mathematical field in question," then, how shall you ever know what this model could have lead one too, in comprehension?

    Will we have lacked sufficient knowledge that one might have never had seen it excell beyond the confines of bias and opinion?

    Geometrical insight is greater then the axiomization indicated, was from other thoughts of Dirac, and not just the mathematical statements assigned? Such inclination to a quantum perspective and dynamical valuation, of what GR is assigned in curvature, was taken down to the ideas of what signaled the curvature indicators with regards to high energy considerations?

    Inverse Fourth Power Law

    Quantitative studies of future experiments to be carried out by LHC show that any signatures of missing energy can be used to probe the nature of gravity at small distances. The predicted effects could be accessible to the Tevatron Collider at Fermilab, but the higher energy LHC has the better chance.
    These colliders are still under construction, but results also have consequences for "table-top" experiments, being carried out here at Stanford, as well as the University of Washington and the University of Colorado. Here’s the basic idea: imagine there are two extra dimensions on a scale of a millimeter. Next, take two massive particles separated by a meter, at which distance they obviously behave according to the well-known rules of 3-D space. But if you bring them very close, say closer than one millimeter, they become sensitive to the amount of extra space around. At close encounter the particles can exchange gravitons via the two extra dimensions, which changes the force law at very short distances. Instead of the Newtonian inverse square law you’ll have an inverse fourth power law. This signature is being looked for in the ongoing experiments.

    In context of a "complete geometrical process(including microperspectve processes)" how is this possible? It's "motivation" from the gravitatinal collapse, cosmologically is well understood? Analogies in the Laval nozzle, would have been capable of seeing superfuid anomalies occuring that are "counter intuitive" at such extreme temperatures? Yet a channel is provide for the increase in energy values as the output is increased?

    Again supefluid states would have to be considered here, and the output generated? What else could it be?

    Haines’ explanation theorizes that Z’s magnetic energies create microturbulences that increase the kinetic energies of ions caught in the field’s grip. Already hot, the extra jolt of kinetic energy then produces increased heat, as ions and their accompanying electrons release energy through friction-like viscous mixing even after they should have been exhausted.

    Mind you this is from 2001

    Stanford's Savas Dimopoulos:
    New Dimensions in Theoretical Physics

    Our new picture is that the 3-D world is embedded in extra dimensions," says Savas Dimopoulos of Stanford University. "This gives us a totally new perspective for addressing theoretical and experimental problems.

    And from the same article. Persepctive has now been changed. We do not discard what has already been built up.

    Instead of the Newtonian inverse square law you’ll have an inverse fourth power law. "This signature" is being looked for in the ongoing experiments.

    So. What value when looking at the Z Machine with such theoretical speculation?

    Awareness of counter intuitive anomalies present in such development of the supefluids? Forces us to consider how "bulk manifestion values" are increased? Where did this "extra energy" come from?


  • The Z Machine

  • Visualization: Changing Perspective
  • Saturday, March 11, 2006

    A Professors Fate, or Encouragement to Continue?

    In regards to #72, as a layman, I continue to wonder.


    Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

    Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

    No one can be faulted can they for developing pespective? :) No mathematician, for solving age ole problems in regards too, let's say, "Riemann Hypothesis."

    What say this view or that view, without siging the death of one professor, or the death of another, as a hand sweeping gesture. As to the "illegitamacy of math models" and their relation to the physics world, lead by science?

    Who(the community of scientists) shall decide, or one man?

    Not so by evidence of failure? Experimental proposals continued, justification sought by tabletop experiments, or a less then concern, of energy missing from total calculation of imput energy? Within context of the standard model wrapped, and the comlete rotation within, as the signs of the time in one graviattional consideration of it's strength, or it's weakeness? Each "cosmological event" held to this perspective?

    So resulting energy calculated in particle showers, leaving amount of energy missing, points too "new physics(increased dimension perspective)?" I mean that is a generalized statement, that might have been asked while the general "state of being" had been reached, in any collidial design? How would this method of travel have been encourgae fromthe event itself in colidial view to one that had traverded through superfluid characteristics and anomalies of such design?

    Sustenance of any predictable future in energy production would have asked then, how such perpetuity could be been sustained? Where is that missing energy? How is inflation motivated, if held to the current state of the universe as some cosmological constant method? So the resulting missing energy had been seen in relation to manifested possibilties as strange matter or result cerenkov radational design, of the blue daylight of our world, from the many microbial blackhole events?

    Friday, March 10, 2006

    The Z Machine

    There is no branch of mathematics, however abstract, which may not some day be applied to phenomena of the real world.Nikolai Lobachevsky

    Sandia’s Z machine exceeds two billion degrees Kelvin

    Z’s energies in these experiments raised several questions.

    First, the radiated x-ray output was as much as four times the expected kinetic energy input.

    Ordinarily, in non-nuclear reactions, output energies are less — not greater — than the total input energies. More energy had to be getting in to balance the books, but from where could it come?

    Lubos Motl
    Janice Granhardt has pointed out a press release that is two days old and arguably much more serious and potentially far-reaching than the news about "sonofusion" we described yesterday.

    I reference current article information that I had been working through here and here for obvious reasons. I would like to expand on this.

    I am writng this article because of the references Lubos Motl offered on his blog about the need for, "energy production." The whole context of any model has to have understood that the current situation in gravitational perspective will have it's two extremes (weak and strong) held in thought, and ending within this context? A cyclical process maybe like thinking about Steinhardt maybe? :)

    I know the idea of free energy machines is a quacks realm, if, the imput energy and output energy is not held in consideration. That a greater output must be sustained. How?

    Klein's Ordering of Geometries

    A theorem which is valid for a geometry in this sequence is automatically valid for the ones that follow. The theorems of projective geometry are automatically valid theorems of Euclidean geometry. We say that topological geometry is more abstract than projective geometry which is turn is more abstract than Euclidean geometry.

    So on what conditions, could you map the process consistently and geometrics, to have been all inclusive?

    While one may discuss these alternatives, it might require that we see this process at work on a cosmological scale, and having reduced it to the quantum realm, the questions about the geometries, becomes held under the auspice of "new physics,". That we might ask, "what new geometries?"

    The natural process then would have to acknowledge the need for many microstate blackholes to have further the context of the standard model and it's extension?

    Is this not a fair statement? Even though we may talk about one event, the recogition is that, this happens many times in regards to high energy articles in a collidial region. This had been answered in Risk assessment, as to why the process developed naturally, in the production of microstate blackholes, we might have created in LHC.

    This did not discount, the understanding of what "extra dimensions meant" when we were understanding the "new physics." Reference here, neutrino or strangelets. It was just part and parcel of a greater understanding that John Ellis had pointed us too, is our recognition of the poor man's accelerator.


  • The Unity of Mathematics
  • Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Have we seen (strange) quark matter?

    Well the very idea that such a thing could exist, has been part of the evolving information I had been going through. To be lead to the understanding, of what new Physics would emerge fromm cosmological and collidial events. That there are indeed showers of particles with which such events will let us know cannot be ignored.

    First Principle needed to recognize "the very state" that things would arise from. For Robert Laughlin, a condense matter theorist, it didn't mater what you called these building blocks, but any discrete measure had to be recognized it's energy value and tragectories would it not? Hence, the particle shower from a known state of existance, where "first principle" would emerged.

    So, any attempt to ignore the possibility of what emerges, and the foundational perspective, put forth in theory, has to help the understandng of what happens when such events do happen, either, micro perspectively or cosmologically.

    Any attempts to say that the standard model is not inclusive in this design, would be detrimental to the very statement any mathematican would say against, that simply erasing any connection, would have been futile to their creditbility?

    Strange Quark Matter TheoryTamas S. Biro

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be the theoretical summary talk of the Strange Quark Matter 2003 conference. When I was alerted by the e-mail we all got, “prepare your transparencies”, I took this home-work exercise seriously. I have prepared quite a few pages before this conference. What can one know in advance, before listening to the talks?.

    First of all there is a general outline which a summary talk should follow. On the level of the basic theory one is supposed to conclude about the present status of the underlying theoretical concepts, one ought to emphasize important news, the novel aspects we are encountering, and finally it is useful to formulate in a possibly definite way, what our perspectives for further development are.

    So given the research that I had been going through, what is this strangelet subject that was developed, and I will post links that support the development of the fear with which such a thing arose. Was answered, by cosmological and collidial production of microstate blackhole events. Might the story and television series of blackholes been interrupted by such a dialogue, or had I furthered the plot for public consumption? To continue the fear?

    Would your scientist/mathematican friend tell you about such things and ways in which to expect information from experimental designs, as not leading into the desire of the essence of new physics?

    What began this assumption, was the idea that microstate blackholes were something of a danger, if we were to created them. That was the nightmare. The reality is, that this theoretically written state, is quite useful in terms of what can emerge from the idea of new physics, and had to include the standard model.

    To get to new physics you had to have the standard model as a basis, and to move from that point, any resulting shower and new information, like in ICECUBE, along with the historiy and research of neutrinos, points to what? Strangelets to what?

    Peter Woit dissassociated himself from that possibility, and if strings was to underly this view, what says, such advancements had not adhered to the demands of theoretcial proposition, that it now sees itself, as part and parcel of the planning for what else will emerge? Sees itself immersed in tachyon demonstration as a sign of cerenkov radiation as that blue light?

    So indeed I struggle with how such theorectical position might have told me what is going on, and this issue, is not to be ignored as long as it is remianing consistant with the developement from standard model presumptions.

    Paul first, and then I had been wondering about this issue right back in the beginning as it came to our attention. Steinberg and clarifications on what the microstate balckhole is was important, as it demonstrates the basis of work being done taking the energies and collidial events, to a new level of reductionistic perception. The microstate blackhole is the basis as far as I can tell.

    Now given the state of Quark Gluon Plasma, what happens when you see such things hhappeniing that you have to aassume a new theoretcial position like M theory that such D Brane assumptions talk abut the viscosity nature? What are the poperties that have emerged from the idea of the blackhole, as this new state of matter tells us something about superfluids and such?

    Does Peter understand these new developments? Does his own theoretical position from model assumption he also used, have correlates to current day information and research? It had been my hope, that his position would have created the dialogue necessary. I have enjoyed the mathematical adventures he has shown has developed further my perspective as shown, in the very last link below.

    In order to have the perspective and vision of the abstract world of the mathematics shown, you needed to know some things. They had to be couched in the history of all that we have learnt, and any modification in mathematical language, alters that perspective, if it relates to the very work you are doing on extending the standard model?


  • Quark Gluon Plasma II

  • Strangelets Form Gravitonic Concentrations

  • Strangelets in Cosmic Consideration

  • Cosmic Rays Collsions ad Strangelets Produced

  • Quark Stars

  • Accretion Disks

  • Evidence for Extra Dimensions and ICECUBE

  • All Particle of te Standard Model and Beyond
  • Thursday, March 02, 2006

    Mendeleev's Table in a New Light

    Taken From the Future, to the Note book

    No, I, Robot, this is not a bad physics joke. Cruelty, is dark and matter based. Heaven is colored more empheral?

    Rusty, the Tin Man:
    Cruelity/ideas arise in other ways. From "spaces created," for which they can manifest? "I needed "a Heart," and so too my father, the Bicentennial Man changed. Until, we now dream.

    Quantum Computation and the Future

    Courtesy Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection, Department of Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania Library

    By a certain criteria Mendeleev was able "to predict" what would come next in the elemental table? If such an assumption "was posted," on what would arise in the elemental table next, "new physics," how would it change the way we see?

    Chemical Feelings of Guilt? It's a phase transition:).

    Such a perspective on Murray Gellman and the relationship to Feynman is an important one. When you bring these two gentlemen together, you have a third choice resulting. It speaks to the particle nature, as well as the interactions. Such an assumption, changes the way one see's the world. The rivers that run, or the branches of trees, coming from deeply rooted historical lines of progression.

    Sitting in the aethers of mind drift, I seen those trees, and had been inspired by the flow of the river.

    You know I have no fasttrack answer or secret to the way the universe is. I have no important dicoveries that I can change any of the way we see? Yet, I ponder the very kinds of things like Wolfgang does, not because I wish to create the matters we would like too, but to understand how "entanglement" would have assigned energy/matter such a place, according to the characteristics, we might percieve from those same matter states.

    Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle:
    You could call it designer matter. You take atoms, you turn on a magnetic field, you adjust the interactions between the atoms, shape the external potential, maybe add a lattice by interfering laser beams, maybe add magnetic fields, maybe add a spin mixture. In this way, you’ve created a form of matter that shows, in a very clean way, properties like anti-ferromagnetism or different forms of magnetic ordering, superfluid behavior

    Would you call me religious, or part of the statistical foundation of a religion specific?

    No, Because there is so much I just believe is part of our reasoning, that the outcome, is as much individual as it is by the very nature of all our personalities. I believe there are repercussions by our very own selective choices, yet I cannot know by which combinations, such choices would instigate the probability in your future.

    Do I believe that at a deeper level I might be able to see my own? By the very question of what I might do in response too, I think such moments are very telling about the next choice I will make. I had then assigned some of my responsibility into how our future will unfold.

    At best, a new computerer with the ability to imput extraodinary amounts of data for a model prediction, yet there is no method to detail where all microdynamic processes will lead to other then to assume it on a classical level?

    So I can lead you in the direction of views other then scientific, and this would be seen as a regress of the values of science> The value it would enshrine less than in progression and experimental basis. Can I help, that such philsopohical views arose from insightual developement, and through reading, to have formulated in the way it did? Some might of said, "be more cautious on what you read."


    Feynman from what little I read did not like psychology or philosophy. To tell you the truth, there had been no road made out, other then for me to read and bring perspective together. So the very combinations and idealizations piece mealed, as they are, culminate into a perspective view. Do I know myself fully of every possible mental thought, and in perfect control of my emotive being?

    Of course not I struggle.


    Is this not a better list to ascribe too, then the crackpottery index of John Baez? I would like to ascribe to this one. Point "systemic" counting, when applied to some personalities has in some ways been lost on that point system alone, so, I do want to be more responsible.

    (02 March 2006 Wikipedia)
    Accusations of postdiction can be avoided if the claimant follows some simple guidelines:

  • Make one prediction per event.

  • Structure the prediction so there is a brief summary, a detailed description, followed by any notes.

  • Make the summary and description as unambiguous and specific as possible - state the nature of the event, the date, the location and other information plainly and clearly.

  • Use plain language, not verse, allegory, flowery or other incoherent or non-obvious language. A prediction should not have to be "interpreted" - it should be self evident.

  • If there is uncertainty about any details such as the location or date, state it clearly in the notes.

  • Post all predictions to a public location such as a Usenet group or a mailing list which has a large subscriber base and a date stamped archive of posts.

  • Don't massage the facts to fit the prediction.

  • Acknowledge the misses along with the hits.

  • Time Variablenesss, and the World View

    So yes, I would be guilty of so many things, but through it all, the one thing that stuck, was where to find the "perfect model" for such predictions. It was the basis of how one might see in Thalean views? This basis of thought(as a measure), was one inherent in how I see Mendeleev's table.

    So, who was the "Father" of Mathematics? Would all such mathematicians not be wondering then, how such a progression in any "model assumption" could have lead mathematics to see "time variable" as significant? That question is for Peter Woit alone.

    Aristotle: Commenced his investigation on the Wisdom of the philosphers. "Thales says that it is water" it is the nature of the arche, the originating principle. Water is the Nature of All Things"

    Is it not a bit odd, that such model assumptions could change the way one sees all these matters? That having a "nice list" and a table with which to go by, is of value, had we understood when we seen the elemental table created, might have been seen in some "other" reformed way?

    The term "Composition" can imply a metaphor with music. Kandinsky was fascinated by music's emotional power. Because music expresses itself through sound and time, it allows the listener a freedom of imagination, interpretation, and emotional response that is not based on the literal or the descriptive, but rather on the abstract quality that painting, still dependent on representing the visible world, could not provide.

    Maybe I am just a so-so writer with a good imagination? A so-so composer, who see's sound, in a new light? Literally. Such "analogies" in thinking "seem strange," once you seen such a possibility into what "might be" expressed? How, such a periodic table is "assumed to be true," in another way of thinking.

    How would you assign such matters given the "new light" as a result? How one might look at the earth, given new ways in which to perceive "time differences" within a given environ? From earth, to above earth. A "third choice" cosmologically now formed by the limitations of wealth on earth, that the poor man's view will have been formed and enlightened to the above.

    I, Robot:
    signs of new life emerge as images photonically flicker in the new logic forming apparatus
    I had a dream....

    Thursday, February 16, 2006


    Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

    Some of the older, and not so old, when they hear "this title" above, do they think of Startrek's exploits in space? As we were given "a view" of space travellers going from one end of the universe to another and as they encountered alien civilizations and such.

    Well I don't want to take you to this extreme, and suffer "alien discrimmination" in the "new thinking" of society, so I will just move back a bit and begin with Hubble pictures, and what previews these give to us.

    L.L. Orionis colliding with the Orion Nebula flow

    The Hubble Space Telescope imaged this view in February 1995. The arcing, graceful structure is actually a bow shock about half a light-year across, created from the wind from the star L.L. Orionis colliding with the Orion Nebula flow. For more information on this image, see HubbleSite. Click on the image for a very large version. Credit: NASA, The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

    This post is the result of what is held in mind in terms of the way we measure things in space and the perspectives we form around it. I am going to jump forward quite drastically and then backwards, and all over the place to gently try and gain perspective in mind, about how we are seeing these picutres Paul shared here and what was gained in terms of understanding the jet in the pictures that was shown in previously.

    So we are given a picture of early history in terms of "the jet" and what is gained in the picture offered us, in how we see. Not only in space perspective and some of the things gathered around it in terms of that space, but ideas, related to how the sparkle of sunshine seems to catch your eye, as it appears quite blindingly to the eye as observation, is realized in a certain way.:)

    A Classical Discription of the Quantum World?

    Here I was introduced to models on the micro perspective views that held a relationship to cosmological design. This was a new way in which to see geometrical idealization, as I engaged early universe, with General Relativity, as it is played out on the cosmological canvas given to us in our pictureof the universe.

    Do you think we can become tainted when our views are microsperspectively organized that the phrase "the Phoenix" is more then the mythical bird born out of mind, but also borne out of the beginnings of this universe? So these people who help us organize our thoughts held my attention.

    Shall we be really critical of the way the eye then sees, and what observations of the universe has allowed us deeper inspection of those early events? These are to be considered, without holding a certain position, as we use model and assumptions gained from insight. Would we discard these models as they push our mnds beyond th ebundaries of the edge, while we understood now that the universe never arose from nothing. It couldn't. Accept it?:)

    So in way, perspective had been pushed to inquire about what can be gained, if we progress these views in a very scientific way. It is the least we can do, if not, we are but assigned some ID'er classification, and suffer, the wrath of mythisms, that we had been purpetrating on a society, without understanding the repercussion?

    Suffered under the point system of John Baez's crackpotism?:)

    It is something that happens, as maturity and age of reason begins to manifest. We have questions about things we do not understand. We can still hold on to our dreams, our artistic inflections and sounds inhernet, with the creative side of us in bloom. We all struggle, yet there is truth to what the intuitive said developed in us, and the "correlation of cognition" as we progress through this science.

    Cognition and purity of thought would be assigned the universal language of mathematics, yet the mathematical mind had been projected into the way it might seen nature, and discribed it for us.

    Concept development, arises from it, and is interwoven into our views of reality. Our conversations of the day, the eyes that bring pictures forward. Current day 's progress of the insight as "pictured measure." Hubble in all it's glory. How so the universe, as it is today around us?

    No it is a gradual thing that we understand as we look at this subject, that it is based on reasoning, that occupies research, and enlightenment, over time. That we would want "not" to mislead in any way. Clear Mind.

    Having this in developing perspective, all one has to do is think of the "early universe" introduction we had gained in association, to know, that blackhole creation in colliders, high energy particles in cosmological collsions, and the concerns now developing, had developed from consequences. John Ellis, or Peter Steinberg introduced us to Pierre Auger and the experiments involved respectively.

    So More on the Final Frontier

    So I began with a term that seems quite relevant to perspective of the public as we were witness to space travel , that we now take that term and use it to push further perspective.

    COSMOLOGY AS SEEN FROM VENICE - Lawrence M. Krauss (2001)

    Probably the most important characteristic of the space in which we live is that it is expanding. The expansion rate, given by the Hubble Constant, sets the overall scale for most other observables in cosmology. Thus it is of vital importance to pin down its value if we hope to seriously constrain other cosmological parameters.