Showing posts with label Intuition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intuition. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2006


Before I was to ask the question below I had gone through the links given by Alejandro RIvero and in and thinking of the work I had been doing to understand this relation between mathematics and the physics world.

Of course as you know I am deeply involved in building a "foundational perspective" in a number of ways, which takes up a enormous amount of time. So having these oportunities to advance my thinking, are extremely difficult now, besides putting in a full days work in the heat and misquitos.

I ask this question on Cosmic Variance for obvious reasons.


Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

After reading here, some things pop into my mind about the work I had gathered from Hooft, on the defintions of "theoretical developement."

When I read this it seem to bring it together a little more for me.

String theory clearly appears to be strikingly coherent. What seems to be missing presently, however, is a clear description of the local nature of its underlying physical laws. In all circumstances encountered until now, it has been imperative that external fields, in- and outgoing strings and D-branes are required to obey their respective field equations, or lie on their respective mass shells. Thus, only effects due to external perturbations can be computed when these external perturbations obey equations of motion. To me, this implies that we do not understand what the independent degrees of freedom are, and there seems to be no indication that these can be identified. String theoreticians are right in not allowing themselves to be disturbed by this drawback.

So you know you are stifled by a problem? You need ways in which to think about this?

So, in thinking about the mathematics and physics involved, are the two so wide apart that we can say that the world of the "theoretical mathematics" is so far from the reality of the "average human being," that they are to smart for us? Or is it, that they "see" in different ways?

That is the jest of what I see in Dirac's wordings I highlight or Alain CONNES words for more thinking. It is not enough for me to be dismissed out of hand on "string theory", for what has been experimentally challenged, should be cast aside for, "other roads to quantum gravity," so easy.

I see something beautiful in it myself, of course, being biased from the "position of speaking" that I do by name only:)

Responsibiity of course rings very well within my mind, as I write these words. It is not my intention to take people down roads and divert them from the roads that lead them to quantum gravity? But to keep my self critically thinking about the problems that are being spoken by, engaging in, the topic Sean produced in "stringtheory backlash."

There is some healing that needs to be taken care of, that has been inflicted on those who are speaking, for and against string theory, while it is perspectve "on vision" that must be maintained? The algebraic equations are something I am working on to develope.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Comprehending New Physics?

Scientists May Soon Have Evidence for Exotic Predictions of String Theory issued by Northeaster University

"String theory and other possibilities can distort the relative numbers of 'down' and 'up' neutrinos," said Jonathan Feng, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UC Irvine. "For example, extra dimensions may cause neutrinos to create microscopic black holes, which instantly evaporate and create spectacular showers of particles in the Earth's atmosphere and in the Antarctic ice cap. This increases the number of 'down' neutrinos detected. At the same time, the creation of black holes causes 'up' neutrinos to be caught in the Earth's crust, reducing the number of 'up' neutrinos. The relative 'up' and 'down' rates provide evidence for distortions in neutrino properties that are predicted by new theories."

Well, having tried to understand what this might entail, I have engaged from a layman perspective, my interest in string theory, to see if I could indeed to get to the "heart of the matter." :)

Moving to higher energies, the expected fluxes of neutrinos become smaller, that even a cubic kilometer detector is not able to detect them. Larger volumes can be achieved by replacing optical sensors by acoustic detection. The reason is that acoustic waves can propagate over larger distances than light and allow wide spacing of detectors, and therefore larger detector volumes.

So having understood the high energy interactions above us, what said that the lower energies would have not been followed to some "end?" What "new physics" would have said that what was produced in the sun, and what energy particles emitted into the space, would thusly be recognized in the collidial events. Would have been traced to evidence, as some theorectical conclusion might have evailed of itself?

INtuitive recourse and back.

What that might mean is a philosophical endeavor of mine own, although not well schooled, had existed somewhere deep in the oblivion of the soul encased here. The schooling that has gone on in thesense of out reach programs show by the articles listed by cosmic varaince, respectvely of the two organizations, are very important to me.

What made them f cosmic variance not think I had been doing this kind of stuff on my own years before and in my attempts now, encouraging society to take hold of it's destiny responsibly, and not let it be overtaken by captialistic visionaries, that were out to line their own pocket, then share their philosophies with us while we wroked life and it's responsiblities?

While gone for a bit on my own personal views about Intuition and the kind, it is time to get back to work. Understand where people are going with the theoretical model developed, called "String/M Theory, and try access what valuable insights had been developed "forward" in respect of what those extra dimensions might mean in study "now."

An "arrow of time" thing, that has confused me greatly, even though entropically I understood the resulting universe had become very complex, while at one time, in maybe some supersymmtrical realization, it was much simpler?

Gellman siad it very well earlier on in this blog, by his introduction of what constitued complexity, and this was well within some measurable idealization.

About My personal Beliefs

Sure I could cover it all with the mystic of my personal views and may mislead, having surmized somethings about it. This could be thought as disasterous, when not providing the complete picture that had taken me to the things that I think about.

Truly after studing for a lot of years, although not creditialed, I would like to say too, that society and the developement of the social construct is very important to me as well. What is left "out there" for consideration, should be academically correct.

So I stay very close to the front of, and thinking of scientists who work their respective fields.

This is not to say that I had not developed my own respective views, as if raised religiously, that I would abandon my own beliefs about what God might mean to me.

Just that I continue to act responsibly, as a humanist, and undertanding well the social construct of religion, as my own biographical sketch is well defined in this area, I too became a free thinker. Would like to move ahead as best the human being can be, as I learn to understand our roles in society, our responsibilites in regards to "education and truth to reason" as best as possible.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Abraham Maslow and Peak Experience

"The worst disease afflicting human kind is hardening of the categories." - Artist Bob Miller.

Well I having been watching the topics ofCategorically Not site created. I see such fine visitations by those who have ventured into the science, asking for responsibility of mind in science, be given to society on a platform, as a fine and ethical reporting/lectures, on where science/other issues, are today?

That they had ventured beyond the safe haven of science, to talk about "intuition of a kind", held to thoughts on subjectivity made me think.

So things less likely to be held in the role of experimental validation( and psychological modelling has learnt to bear the brunt of scorn by many science minds?) that we might like to see physical processes and evidenced to date, also, as a kind of invitation to think about the roles subjectively of modelled thought about intuition worked, revealled as common today in practise?

Peak experiences (wikipedia 17 April 2006)
Peak experience is a term used to describe certain extra-personal and ecstatic states, particularly ones tinged with themes of unification, harmonization and interconnectedness. Participants characterize these experiences, and the relevations imparted therein, as possessing an ineffably mystical (or overtly religious) quality or essence

The question I might have placed up front here, is if such thoughts about intuition are born to what it would constitute, would one have said, a close relation to "Peak experience"? What would any consolidation of the individual represent in it's wholeness, if such an actualization moment was percieved for a short time, that such gains made by the work and study of, found it's application would have been granted in the moment of one's solitude? As one who gazed into the stream, or one who found in such a place that would help the mind in its efforts to raised the packet from the probability of all possibilties, as an enlightening moment?

From whence would all such idealizations emerge, that such an tonality of thought would embrace itself as a self actualized moment in the connection to the value of all probabilites with this peak moment? The probability of all things needed a resource and commonality from which all minds could draw some comparison. Where was this moment of recognition? A harmonical Oscillator of a kind, possibly? The basis of all reality existed in some form self described harmonical expression?

by Dr. C. George Boeree

Abraham Harold Maslow was born April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the first of seven children born to his parents, who themselves were uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia. His parents, hoping for the best for their children in the new world, pushed him hard for academic success. Not surprisingly, he became very lonely as a boy, and found his refuge in books.

What I had been working towards here in the pass couple of years is evidence by the archive to the right.

It has been a interestng experience trying as best I can to see where science was going. What was being held at the forefront of science knowledge, in regards to the theoretical idealizations, that were born to push insight, and perception deeper into the coming realities. The cognition of what might be borne in mind, that any emergence might have revealled of itself in the aspect of new geometries formed to consolidate all geometries that currenty exist?

What shall these be in the mind where cognition is born out of the reality about our being?

Surprizingly, as one learns about themself, the life experience seems to become clearer, as we progress along the "road of independance." Learning curves, that keep us so occupied, that the life's lesson might never seem ever finished, as we progress through one goal or another. Find, the mind flowing and growing. IT had a path which we might have never had known, had we not realized what it had amounted to in realization? It's work?

What could the intellect become if it held all it's intention to "abstract form" in mathematics, that it never found the associations it did and were needed in pushing into those deeper realities? There was a point it no longer worked, and such a place held in the microcosmic view, was still part of a much larger cosmological view? Can this not be so?

How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above? (Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249).

Above it all, there were ideas in my mind that biased the way I talked and wrote, that I saw beyond what the intentions were about our participation into forging the reductionistic view, as some part of the greater whole? Why, I recognized the probelmatic koan( can I call it that) revealled in Brian Greene's wording that guided my thought process.

This was labelled as an liminocentruc structures, and within the context of this blogger experience of writing, I wrote about them historically, as a place visited, and as images that arise in mind, that could have represented aspects of our wholeness.

The mandala can also be an image of eternity cycling through time and as such images soul's and Nature's circular journeys, as they are reflected in, for example, the Native American Medicine Wheel, in seasonal, rebirth and karmic cycles, in mythic journeys of going out and returning changed to one's point of origin, and in the zodiacal wheel as life's twelve archetypal stages of personal growth.

This cyclic transformation is also at the heart of ancient Chinese meditation. When the spiritual light in the body moves through rhythmical breathing in a circle, all the opposite energies of heaven and earth, sun and moon, light and dark, are crystallised and form what the Chinese called the Golden Flower, an inner mandala imaging the balanced, open and centred heart.

Maybe, mandalic in origins, that such symbols revealled the deeper insight of the soul who had travelled and secured the "parcel of thought gained" as packages to be born in mind, to surface time and time again?

What use to loose our pursuates to self actualization, and immmediate recognitions of that peak experience, to have found Maslow had created a pyramid of a kind? It had already rested deeply in my own mind's creations, as a model formed. Can I progress his thoughts and his models mine. I most certainly can, and I have the history to prove this, as I incinuate from what is baised in my own views. My writing.

Who is Abraham Maslow, that such idealizations would amount to a psychological veiw I engaged in just the last couple of days or so, that I'd found some association too, model depictions, that I myself had created.

Consider this the base of the pyramid and the four faces, and what value this insight that such perfection could have arsien from Maslow's hierarchal renditions towards self actualization, that the lower centers of humanity would have been it's struggle in the heart, to have become actualized in the heart of mind, as a transcendance of thought, gained?

It was with some historical perspective that having spent years studing, that such model was produced. Which guided my own wording and thinking as I developed. Befuddle readers, as to the demands for a more clearer kind of writing.

Asked, if the most predominante language should be, I too had said math, but most will say english. I give my reasons why, for math, yet so inexperienced am I it's many forms:)

The archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an "organizing principle" on the things we see or do. It works the way that instincts work in Freud's theory: At first, the baby just wants something to eat, without knowing what it wants. It has a rather indefinite yearning which, nevertheless, can be satisfied by some things and not by others. Later, with experience, the child begins to yearn for something more specific when it is hungry -- a bottle, a cookie, a broiled lobster, a slice of New York style pizza.

The archetype is like a black hole in space: You only know its there by how it draws matter and light to itself.

Less comprehensible no doubt, without out the reader having has some idea of where I was speaking from? No, not from some "other worldly" person like PLato, but an "archetype used" to progress the thoughts of many who had themself engaged in science, about the greater perception/inspiration, as we moved back from the Plato's Cave, to gain in light, about man's imprisonment. As we have "unchained the mind" from the links/matter that bind us.

So you might say what changed?

As I read some more on Maslow, I learnt about many things about my own mind that felt true, to what was being read. That I understand now, that the first part of the lesson about self and it's motivation with years of study, might had seen and been lost, had I not now concluded some thoughts about what I have gained in recognition about self? Time in perception about the past allows this recollection and reminincing now focused forward.

What could be added to Maslows hierarchal diagram of thinking mind and about the steps of progression had some kind of self actualization been bound in the determined mind of one who was not a conformist? To any degree, who liken the freedom to study outside all of the rules of engagement, was still very respectful of the halls of higher learning.

Engaging life as a father and husband, the early years and education did not ever reveal that I would be capable less than the man working ever with his hands and mind to be paid? That his family needed to be supported and growth accomplished as any child would in nurture. While amidst this, a experimentor, and philosopher, as student of life in father felt.

You had to be motivated( what kind of motivation is seeking, what is it's base), or why would you waste your time travelling through the idealizations we do encounter. Facing to see what modulation of thought might do in seeing anew? You had to rise above those lower centers. Such a climb, to the heart in mind(some might know of it's truth comparison in images shown here. Was part of the actualization process after attending class?

Alchemcial processes might have shown such step processes engaged in the process of purifying(psychological), as well as leading to the understanding of who the king was(ego) and how mastery would have been gained over?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Describing the Intuitive Process?

True creativity often starts where language ends-Arthur Koestler

If such a image is recognized in how we attain such clarity, then would such a map be insignificant? What was conducive to the event happening? Fishing the deep waters of our subconcious purposely or with no cause other then to resolve a problem?

As subjective as the topic of intuition might be in regards to each others abilities, I see no reason why such a process should not be explained. People with good science abilities recognize that this process is a valid one regardless of the leanings towards atheistic, or godliness in bias, that I think appropriate that it is taken out of the subjective realm and mysticism? That any good luck, might wane, if all of a sudden talked about.

His was the best single sentence summing up the concept, as we were to use it that evening: Intuition is the process of getting to a destination without knowing the route. He also added: Sometimes you did not even know you wanted to get there. I've modified the words a bit, but that's the essence of what he said. It was a definition that was so appreciated, you could hear several audible hhhhmmmmms of recognition from the audience.

There is a quiet recognition here, of something that touches us all, and trying to explain it does not seem like a inappropriate thing to do. Thus I would try and model a approach no different then the mathematician or scientist who is at a lost for words/math. Thus, Arthur’s quote up top makes some kind of sense.

Now sure the ingenuity of the moment might seem far and in between, but being aware of the day today circumstances in our memories induced created, is a good way of watching how this process might unfold. That they might only be one time of significance, would not dissaude me from stating that it is more likely encounter more then one might think. An example multiplied by the number of people who say ah, yes I see, and we understand that the point about it’s significance, that we are in agreement. Is there some other explanantion, the more the merrier, that we might see the greater detail?

This intuitive process is as applicable to our search for wordings, as it is for science/math.

Where is the most apropriate place for such recognitions, as to when the work ends, and we are at a loss?

A Supersymmetrical idea perhaps, or a potential resource seen in analogy like water, of the subconscious/unconscious? Would we be wise to know when such things are sent to the subconscious, that by such continued recourse in the sameness of experience, such things will arise to the surface time and time again.

Has this emotive experience changed, or, can we assign new attitudes to what we always did uncosciously? By being aware in our daily lives, the forces of violent seas or a messy house in symbolic analogy will we have recognized the warnings from a disorganized mind, or one, that has not paid attention to the experience manifested?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Arthur Koestler and Creativity

True creativity often starts where language ends.
Arthur Koestler

For those who engaged the issue of intuition, can we say that this is very close to what creativity is ,and the quote suplied above, is in essence. Is the mind, having come to a point on the Aristotlean arch, as, having fully understood, that work with reason and insight would have been to see that, the medium what ever it is, is held to this regard?

If the question is held in context of the mind and foci is strong, in what probabilistic venue would we see such events as issuing from someplace? This I would say would be the "unconscious" and in having diagramed this in a schematic way, how is it that such causations, might have been tied to the fisherman's line and lure, that is sent deep into a future for an examination result.

Of Koestler’s many books, his powerfully anti-Communist novel Darkness at Noon (1941) is still the most famous, but he wrote one book that focused squarely on the paranormal – The Roots of Coincidence (1972). Here, he attempts to find a basis for paranormal events in coincidence, or more precisely synchronicity, so that there is only one phenomenon to explain rather than many. He proceeds to seek the roots of coincidence in the Alice-in-Wonderland world of quantum physics, the infinitesimally small subatomic realm where our everyday logic no longer holds sway, where particles can be waves and vice versa, where forces that only mathematical equations can glimpse swim in the dark, unfathomable ocean of probability before the manifestation of either matter or mind. Towards the end of the book, Koestler pleads that parapsychology be made “academically respectable and attractive to students”, otherwise the “limitations of our biological equipment may condemn us to the role of Peeping Toms at the keyhole of eternity”.

So it was gathered all around, everything that we were involved with, and out of it, a solution abstractually engaging the mind in symbolisms of a language not understood. But still relevant. What would this new language be, if it had run it's course previously, and we needed new insight. We were careful then in understanding the porgress can be made in our expectancy, as well as having full confident in the self, to explore these unknown regions.

Who better then to create the dialogue necessary in bringing forth the creative flow, if we had acknowledged the teacher and student, within ourselves?

Art Mirrors Physics Mirrors Art, by Stephen G. Brush

The French mathematician Henri Poincaré provided inspiration for both Einstein and Picasso. Einstein read Poincaré's Science and Hypothesis (French edition 1902, German translation 1904) and discussed it with his friends in Bern. He might also have read Poincaré's 1898 article on the measurement of time, in which the synchronization of clocks was discussed--a topic of professional interest to Einstein as a patent examiner. Picasso learned about Science and Hypothesis indirectly through Maurice Princet, an insurance actuary who explained the new geometry to Picasso and his friends in Paris. At that time there was considerable popular fascination with the idea of a fourth spatial dimension, thought by some to be the home of spirits, conceived by others as an "astral plane" where one can see all sides of an object at once. The British novelist H. G. Wells caused a sensation with his book The Time Machine (1895, French translation in a popular magazine 1898-99), where the fourth dimension was time, not space.

So, would we have recognized some of these features, in the way the words are written, or how the question mark, would transcended the inspiration sought and found from others, who would propel us forward? The conditions then and foundational attitudes had to rely on what history had already gone through, that we might have recognized also the work that Poincare might have relinquished in that dialogue. To have propelled other minds, like Picasso or Einstein forward?

Is this where "time" became something of a issue with the space coordinates, that such resolution might have paved the way for a spacetime? Answered, what the fourth dimension actually was? Such progression then would have been important, as we move forward in society that not only had Poincare provided the prospect, but that also Grossman in the geometrically refined views sought out as well, to contribute to the troubles Einstein was facing?

Where these might have thought to be random, the events are tied together? Are seen in the actualization of what trasncended these two random events? Or were they?

We talk about the historical time and around then, what was happening if we had seen information on Flatland and Abbott? Issues of mysticism held in context of what those extra dimensions might actually mean.

Out of this, a new found responsibility, as to how such mysticism once held in the spookiness of Einstein, has now an explanation that has been further refined in what a Anton Zeilinger might have been doing for us?

Monday, April 03, 2006

EQ and Intuition

A 180 degree stance on how "consciousness," body and emotion, might be directed by mind? So, you might say "mind is emphemeral in quality" in some regards?

All heart you say! "Heart" is the balance between? Involution and evolution

Yet, there is a interplay between, "the body home" and "the abstractual mind" further out, while, they reside "in life," with each other? You had to know that this "schematic" was, and is, deeply implanted within our historical minds in many ways? The strive towards "wholeness" is strong even in the scientist?:)

Harmonical patterns of Jenny's, and the modulation of the brain state? Neural correlates to consiciousness, but of mind working from the other perspective, that inherent patterns will be revealled as the truer source of expression and origination of mind moving and all things following?

If conceived as a series of ever-wider experiential contexts, nested one within the other like a set of Chinese boxes, consciousness can be thought of as wrapping back around on itself in such a way that the outermost 'context' is indistinguishable from the innermost 'content' - a structure for which we coined the term 'liminocentric'.

Things borne in mind, brought to reality, and back again? Liminocentric structures are very important distinction in that toposense, possibly?

When presented with certain ideas it was with the recognition that insight and devlopment might begin from a certain perspective. If you change that perspective arouund a bit, just a bit, and the presumption is a 180 degree position :) how would things look if they had followed from mind directing the neurological flows inside that lump of brain?

Damasio's First Law
The body precedes the mind.

Damasio's Second LawEmotions precede feelings.

Damasio's Third Law
Concepts precede words.

Consciouness emerges when this primordial story-the story of a object causally changing the state of the body-can be told using the universal nonverbal vocabulary of body signals. The aparent self emerges as the feeling of a feeling. When the story is first told, sponataneously, without it ever being requested, and furthermore after that hwhen the story is repeated, knowledge about hwat the organism is living through automatically emerges as the answer to a question never asked. From that moment on, we begin to know.
Pg 31, The Feeling of What Happens, by Antonio Damasio

Having some of these books on related subject of intuition and emotion, other issues on the book shelf, I thought because of the event reported by Clifford and others, I would look directly for any wording that might issue in regards to "intuition." I did not find this word in the index, nor in K.C. Cole 's book, "The Hole in the UNiverse."

It is nice to know that times have changed, in regards to the responsibilty and recognition of how this process plays a role in our developing perspectives.:) I would add Joe Polchinski here, but having moved to such abtract realms, it might be to early for the mind to grapple what "inherent model application" this might play in that developing perspective. Still it is nice that Joe offered his perspective there, and all being respective of the science in knowledge pursuate in that event.

EQ and IQ

It is not to hard, when having done research previously, that we will come across ths idea of the Emotional Quotient(EQ) versus the Intellectual one, (IQ).

There seems to be some recognition now of the importance this role now plays?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Intuitively Balanced: Induction and Deduction

Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

Is there truth to the emphemeral qualites of mind. That there is a lighter measure with which we take on to life? How would you weight things of meaning? A pythagorean string perhaps, with a weighted gourd? Meaning on resonance as measure by, that vibrating string?

Behind the image as you click on it is an arche principled of Aristotle.

Would we have found the derivation and essence of what that first principle was. The foundation as it might have been in a intuitive moment released? A place where the freedoms, of smooth travelling satellites would have found the least resistance, in order for mind to travel into the "yellow abstract domains of math" and back?

Sometimes I like to think of a image of a "circle within a circle" as a model of what might be percieved. Yet if we thought, that in the center of this, something like a solid matter existed. Our bodies, our brains. Earth Maybe.

Now an image in mind easily drawn might have been, that matter earth, then color red, then green, and then violet, and we have this range of colors issuing from the center. We are never devoid of the thinking mind, or the emotive feelings we have about things, yet there is some impact in the remembrance of things that are emotively charged?

Of course this is speculation of a kind. a model of a kind, and some way in which I had pecieved the dynamcis of life moving from the center outward and back, and never really stayng in one place to long. We have these circles intertwining. Thought runs the whole length of it. From the center out/in, 5 is 1, or 1 is 5? Thoughts about anyhtng could have been 2, 3, or 4?

Life inside, is outside and all that we think, shown on the collar of our sleeves?

His was the best single sentence summing up the concept, as we were to use it that evening: Intuition is the process of getting to a destination without knowing the route. He also added: Sometimes you did not even know you wanted to get there. I've modified the words a bit, but that's the essence of what he said. It was a definition that was so appreciated, you could hear several audible hhhhmmmmms of recognition from the audience.

You have to wonder about "neural correlates to consciousness?"


We have this brain matter and all kinds of neural firings.

To say the "emotive response" could have been activated from the basis of brain structure, and it's corresponding evolutionary standardization, then to have a reward system( pavlov response), would have been based on early emotive developement on humanization standards, to a evolving society, is puzzling one to say the least?

What "new brain covering" in the formation of the brain matters would correspond to our evolution would say that we are a much more refined society that we would invoke new standards and advancements in our thinking?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Coleman-De Luccia instanton

IN what way could some consistent measure be thought of, that such conditions while recognized in the false vacuum, and, with conditions of high energy considerations, be realized into useful information surrounding this move to the true vacuum? It would have to be geometrically explained. Planck epoch in itself, makes this very hard to do, so you use the action of the vacuum, from false to true, to help in that realization.

The volume of the haystack
Lubos Motl:
We don't have a real emotional intuition how "density" in a very-high-dimensional space should behave, but we should probably try to learn it. I feel that these (especially the de Sitter) vacua cannot be quite isolated. There are just many other vacua nearby (virtually all of them) into which one should be able to decay. KKLT only consider one Coleman-DeLuccia instanton, without an enhancement, and I feel it can't be the whole story

The Coleman-De Luccia instanton presents opportunities, or, is the paper countering this proposal? See link below for reference to paper.

I think one needed to understand this movement or how the false vacuum is understood, and how the true vacuum is created.

A geometical smoothly flowing understanding that arose out of "nothing!" Without some geometrical consistancy, this idea isn't going to go away, unless someone has a reason why, and if, that paper deals with it directly?

I remain non-judgemental about characters, and the nature people adopt. I only focus on those issues that would offer us some further ideas to exploit. To help us all push pespectve forward. While there is a facade in what the mind accumulates as the image of who we are, there is "kernels of truth" that we must seek to reference, so the knowledge base can increase, and intuitve leaps for the taking by who ever push persepctove add experimetal basis as a concluding result.

We'll leave the dance and facades for other to design themself. We always want them to be "whole" with what ever they have accepted in life.

Peter Woit recommends supersymmetry

Lubos Motl:
At any rate, quantum black holes do carry quantum information, the relevant entropy is, at least in some cases, attributable to the entanglement entropy, and the research of quantum entanglement in this context could turn out to be very fruitful which is why many of us should look at these "coincidences" more carefully. They may very well clarify the origin and mathematical details of the black hole complementarity

The circumstance around the nature of the state where such superfluids are created, needed some method in which to move, from "one state into another"(turned inside/out)?

If you hold the nature of the bubble universe and it's formation in mind, it does not seem so unlikely that you had the klein bottle, as some geometrical basis from which the false vacuum would direct itself into inflationary results?

So is the paper discounting the basis of the views of Coleman-De Luccia instanton?

The idea behind the Coleman-De Luccia instanton, discovered in 1987, is that the matter in the early universe is initially in a state known as a false vacuum. A false vacuum is a classically stable excited state which is quantum mechanically unstable. In the quantum theory, matter which is in a false vacuum may `tunnel' to its true vacuum state. The quantum tunnelling of the matter in the early universe was described by Coleman and De Luccia. They showed that false vacuum decay proceeds via the nucleation of bubbles in the false vacuum. Inside each bubble the matter has tunnelled. Surprisingly, the interior of such a bubble is an infinite open universe in which inflation may occur. The cosmological instanton describing the creation of an open universe via this bubble nucleation is known as a Coleman-De Luccia instanton.

Okay so we are talking about cosmological proportions here, in blackhole creation and the resulting standard model and interactions developed from the origins of this universe. Is it consistent all the way down to the planck epoch, and how would the planck epoch be described?

One would need to see the geometrical basis of what is hapening from one state to the next. Our universe into some other new expression, or blackhole states, that rejuvenize, using geometrical dynamics of what is already existing?

Would this run contrary to the arrow of time, by having such states within context of the whole universe? Would this not explain the susutenance need to keep the universe in the same state for a very long long time?


Do a search, under the heading of "backreaction in laval nozzle," for further references.

Black Holes and Analogues in Two Dimensions

Examples: acoustics in a moving fluid (“dumbholes”), BEC, Helium, slow light,


  • Why Higher Energies
  • Saturday, March 11, 2006

    A Professors Fate, or Encouragement to Continue?

    In regards to #72, as a layman, I continue to wonder.


    Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

    Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

    No one can be faulted can they for developing pespective? :) No mathematician, for solving age ole problems in regards too, let's say, "Riemann Hypothesis."

    What say this view or that view, without siging the death of one professor, or the death of another, as a hand sweeping gesture. As to the "illegitamacy of math models" and their relation to the physics world, lead by science?

    Who(the community of scientists) shall decide, or one man?

    Not so by evidence of failure? Experimental proposals continued, justification sought by tabletop experiments, or a less then concern, of energy missing from total calculation of imput energy? Within context of the standard model wrapped, and the comlete rotation within, as the signs of the time in one graviattional consideration of it's strength, or it's weakeness? Each "cosmological event" held to this perspective?

    So resulting energy calculated in particle showers, leaving amount of energy missing, points too "new physics(increased dimension perspective)?" I mean that is a generalized statement, that might have been asked while the general "state of being" had been reached, in any collidial design? How would this method of travel have been encourgae fromthe event itself in colidial view to one that had traverded through superfluid characteristics and anomalies of such design?

    Sustenance of any predictable future in energy production would have asked then, how such perpetuity could be been sustained? Where is that missing energy? How is inflation motivated, if held to the current state of the universe as some cosmological constant method? So the resulting missing energy had been seen in relation to manifested possibilties as strange matter or result cerenkov radational design, of the blue daylight of our world, from the many microbial blackhole events?

    Tuesday, December 13, 2005

    String Theory Displays Golden Ratio Tendency?

    Srinivas Ramanujan (1887-1920):
    Ramanujan was a mathematician so great his name transcends jealousies, the one superlatively great mathematician whom India has produced in the last hundred years. "His leaps of intuition confound mathematicians even today, seven decades after his death. ..the brilliant, self-taught Indian mathematician whose work contains some of the most beautiful ideas in the history of science. His legacy has endured. His twenty-one major mathematical papers are still being plumbed for their secrets, and many of his ideas are used today in cosmology and computer science. His theorems are being applied in areas - polymer chemistry, computers, cancer research - scarcely imaginable during his lifetime. His mathematical insights yet leave mathematicians baffled that anyone could divine them in the first place.'

    Namagiri, the consort of the lion god Narasimha. Ramanujan believed that he existed to serve as Namagiri´s champion - Hindu Goddess of creativity. In real life Ramanujan told people that Namagiri visited him in his dreams and wrote equations on his tongue.

    Artist's impression of the setup.

    The disks represent the bosonic condensate density and the blue balls in the vortex core represent the fermionic density. The black line is a guide to the eye to see the wiggling of the vortex line that corresponds to a so-called Kelvin mode, which provides the bosonic part of the superstring (image and text:

    When I was a kid, I liked to take buttons and place a thread through them. Watching Mom, while I prep the button, she got ready to sew. I would take both ends of the thread and pull it tightly. I liked the way the button could spin/thread depending on how hard I pull the thread

    I was thinking about this toy model developed for strng theory comprehension and all of a sudden the attempts by Lubos of Solving the Riemann Hypothesis came into view?

    Now some of you know that such consistancies built up from the very idea of "Liminocentric structures" are always pleasing to me. Because of the energy valuations I might have associated to the "circles within circles" as ideas manifest( their degrees of manifest).

    A KK tower about 1r radius valuation seen in the varing shapes of tubes? At what stage were these and what could I tell about the idea as it merged from that deep source and probabilstic value of where we all draw from.

    That soothing watery world( our dream world ) of ideas that could manifest for us into nature, taken as an consequence relayed, from the continued circles of action? We are better predictors then we think? We did not know where this idea could manifest from, and what energy relations could have given such suttle thoughts repercussions in the very world they could have manifested into?

    The relation and perplexing problem I had with identify how such a structure intrigued by Sklar would make it difficult to identify which circle is describing which stage of whee we are at with the innner/outer, was raised when it came to the developing the understanding and differences on how rubber bands placed over a apple, might have a different connotation, when moved over a donut?

    Continuity of this action as a color vaiation would have made me then think of Mendeleev in his table of constituents, as I looked at the relation in the world of such discrete things.

    Imagine the complexity of music that could be most pleasing, could also be very destructive in the "fields of thought"? I had espoused this in Plato's academy? All of this contained in the light sensation in a little music disc?

    What stories indeed have we converted to light, in our apprehensions? Philosophically, I could be committed for my heresy, for all the things I might have assigned to "Heavens ephemeral qualities." Verging on the crackpotism, I know.:)


  • Fool's Gold

  • Big Horn Medicne Wheel
  • Tuesday, October 11, 2005

    Some Distant Bounding Surface

    I mean when I referred to fifth dimensional views you know that the computer screen includes not only it's functionability in relation to science, but adds that bit of extended flavour to model construction we call imaging right?

    a) Compactifying a 3-D universe with two space dimensions and one time dimension. This is a simplification of the 5-D space­time considered by Theodor Kaluza and Oskar Klein. (b) The Lorentz symmetry of the large dimension is broken by the compactification and all that remains is 2-D space plus the U(1) symmetry represented by the arrow. (c) On large scales we see only a 2-D universe (one space plus one time dimension) with the "internal" U(1) symmetry of electromagnetism.

    Remember Brian Greene's is from 2001. What might have change since then with Brian Greene and his views about about that distant bounding surface. Of course to many of us it is a brane world recognition.

    If we did not recognize what advancements might have been accomlished with mathematics and the fifth dimensional views on our computer screens? Could we ever really talk about such idealizations, without understanding that there are ways to look at this, and reductional valuations taken from fifth dimensional views down to 2? Our computer screen. Of course Brian Greene has included the thickness of the bounded surface, so, time had to be inclusive here would it not?:)

    The Edge

    Physics and everything we know in the world around us may really be tied to processes whose fundamental existence is not here around us, but rather exists in some distant bounding surface like some thin hologram, which by virtue of illuminating it in the right way can reproduce what looks like a 3-dimensional world. Perhaps our three dimensional world is really just a holographic illumination of laws that exist on some thin bounding slice, like that thin little piece of plastic, that thin hologram. It's an amazing idea, and I think is likely to be where physics goes in the next few years or in the next decade, at least when one's talking about quantum gravity or quantum string theory.

    So how can such a thing as Brian calls a Bounded surface and relate it's thinness to a vast capability? Also in the cosmic perspective, to have brane collisions illustrated by Steinhardt, become much more then our views held to the surface mathematically inclined. To be revealled, in stringy dynamics, at the basis of our viewing?

    Such creation slotted into the time frames of this beginning, is stil questioning the valuation of what existed before stringy ideas manifest, so what pray tell, could have ever been "the sun" in behind, that illuminates "shadows" on the wall?

    The Randall-Sundrum braneworld model is characterized by ordinary matter being confined to a hypersurface embedded in a higher-dimensional manifold through which gravitational signals may propagate

    Physics strings us along by Margaret Wertheim of

    In the latest, hottest Big Science tome — the delightfully titled "Warped Passages" — Harvard physicist Lisa Randall describes the idea that the universe we see around us is but one tiny part of a vast reality that may include an infinite number of other universes. Randall is an expert on both cosmology and that arcane branch of particle physics known as string theory. By marrying the two fields, she and her colleagues have formulated a picture in which our universe may be seen as a soap-film-like membrane (a "braneworld") sitting inside a much larger space: the bulk. According to general relativity, the universe we live in has four dimensions: three of space and one of time. Randall's work extends this framework and posits the existence of a fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is the bulk, and within its immeasurably expanded space, there is no reason to assume that ours is the only cosmos.

    So there are amazing leaps here then to new world recognitions of ideologies that formed from where?

    John Ma Pierre:
    What is remarkable is that much of the recent progress in understanding non-perturbative aspects of string theory and supersymmetric gauge theories has been made in parallel, using each to gain knowledge and insights about the other. There are various reasons for this intimate connection between supersymmetric gauge theories and string theory. One is that supersymmetric gauge theories arise as low energy effective descriptions of compactified string theories in limits where gravity decouples. Another reason is that superstring theories can be formulated in backgrounds that contain D-branes, and supersymmetric gauge theories serve as effective world volume theories for these D-branes. In addition to these direct examples, it is sometimes the case that intuition about non-perturbative physics that is gained in one area can be directly applied to the other. An example of this is the guiding principle that singularities in the quantum moduli space of a low energy effective theory signal the appearance of new massless states. This was seen to be a generic phenomena in supersymmetric gauge theories and was subsequently applied to the resolution of conifold singularities by massless black holes in string theory.

    Wow! More then five!:) Okay reference was made by Sean on a one liner about magic and his meeting in a bar. Where a sister as the science teacher explains this statement. Well it has been gathered up for consumption in other areas, so of course we have to explain this as now this conversation is leading other talks to consider more issues about what began as a mystery has no place in the developement of science.

    I am a little dismayed by this, because anomlistic features without explanation would seem as such, while it is true, that it can be expalined afterwards, once we understood how something from the 21st century dropped into our laps for consideration:) We know what this means right? It had to be coisstent and logicall so repeatability can hav eother hands , for verification. How did you expalin it and lead them hwere one had not gone before?

    That sounded like Startrek for a minute there:)

    Tuesday, July 26, 2005

    Lee Smolin's Case for Background Independence

    While we were privy to the debate between Susskind and Smolin in a previous post, the origins and definitions have been drawn from the deeper requirements of an ideology.

    Where do these begin, and we find the inner compulsion of a scientist to find the means and defintions to extend the basis of our perceptions on a basis that both agree.

    Lubos reaffirms this many times, and is in concert, as many in string theory continue to hold to what this desire should be.

    Lubos saids:
    Some of Lee's points can be agreed with, for example:

    It is desirable to find a background independent formulation of string/M-theory

    Such a formulation would likely to answer the questions whether the landscape approach to string/M-theory is correct; why it's not; what it should be replaced with.

    This post represents a becoming. From those deeper levels, such a stage must be set?

    Good for Lee Smolin, and the work he has been doing for laying a foundation, that all see, must reside to an synoptic closure, before such progressions become. If it got Lee smolin and others thinking, then, it served it's purpose, and those who say, a waste of time, would have undertsood then, Lee Smolin would not be where he is today on the pdf file here written.

    So has Lubos has then directed our perspective in relation to how Lee Smolin sees the issues, and we have found the direct relationship and difference between how M Theory apporaches and How LQG does.

    Lubos Motl saids:
    An attempt to revive Mach's principle means to argue that the gravitational waves do not exist. It is a struggle to return us not only before General Relativity; it is a program to return the humankind to the pre-Newtonian era and the dark Middle Ages. Some people may be permanently impressed by Mach's principle and some people may find it shallow after a closer scrutiny. These two groups may be composed of equally nice people. But the difference is that the critics of Mach's principle have a good physical intuition; its advocates are philosophers who are unable to think analytically and quantitatively and they prefer to insist on prejudices that can be shown flawed by a five-minute-long quantitative argument.

    There are catelysts all around, that ask for this deeper resolve to come forth. Asking for greater potentials in our visionistic qualities, to understand, that we can see this world very much differently? What pathway had been established then that Lee Smoln would attack this from another perspective held within the ideas of Special Relativity, that holds the idealization before the roads to gravitational understanding had been theoretically proven by Einstein.

    Lubos Said:>
    OK, let me start with the questions about relationism and Mach's principle. I highly recommend you the second popular book by Brian Greene, "The Fabric of the Cosmos", where the relative vs. absolute debate is covered in the first chapters. And the presentation is very nice.

    How often the debate on such levels of what seems has been lacking in string/M theory that such voices extolled would relinquish it to paths unexperimentally challenged? They would have missed the opportunity ofsuch a debate brought forth from the Dialogos of Eide.

    It is a strong statement which arises from the Platonic school, that such a discussion would reveal, that what is in the Heaven of ideas, could descend to minds and those who ask, those who embroil themselves, to questions of what it is, that makes the ideas of reality, a part of the natural world.

    Lee Smolin:
    The aim of this paper is to explain carefully the arguments behind the assertion that the correct quantum theory of gravity must be background independent. We begin by recounting how the debate over whether quantum gravity must be background independent is a continuation of a long-standing argument in the history of physics and philosophy over whether space and time are relational or absolute. This leads to a careful statement of what physicists mean when we speak of background independence. Given this we can characterize the precise sense in which general relativity is a background independent theory. The leading background independent approaches to quantum gravity are then discussed, including causal set models, loop quantum gravity and dynamical triangulations and their main achievements are summarized along with the problems that remain open. Some first attempts to cast string/M theory into a background independent formulation are also mentioned.

    The relational/absolute debate has implications also for other issues such as unification and how the parameters of the standard models of physics and cosmology are to be explained. The recent issues concerning the string theory landscape are reviewed and it is argued that they can only be resolved within the context of a background independent formulation. Finally, we review some recent proposals to make quantum theory more relational.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2005

    The Unity of Mathematics

    Alain Connes

    Where a dictionary proceeds in a circular manner, defning a word by reference to another, the basic concepts of mathematics are infinitely closer to an indecomposable element", a kind of elementary particle" of thought with a minimal amount of ambiguity in their defnition.

    I think what intrigues me most, is that a world can be fabricated mathematically that is carefully constructed using models of math, to get to a desired visionary culmination? One had to have some culminative effect, from such model thinking, that a vision beocmes clear. In this sense I related Lenny Susskind here, for his developement and contributions to string theory.

    Now having spent time delving into parts of this world, the "tidbits" help me to see that such alignmenets of the world of physics have correlations in mathematical design. This has to have it basis set, "in the Rossetta stone you might say," about how we percieve the deveopement of those physics. The math must contrast the physics?

    So to set things straight here, in case I gave the wrong link, I thought I should attribute proper link to words in case this mistake was made.

    So too, information in blogs can be readily adapted too, where previous articles might have made some feel that the article not worth maintaining in their blog? That it might have been removed? I was thinking of the B-field topic that Lubos had written briefly on, that when I went to look for relevant information pertaining to this current entry, it was no where to be seen.

    Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

    Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

    Now many would have to forgive my adventurous heart. I was somehow transported in my thoughts and converted? I don't know when, that such models of the mathematical structure had easily become discernable for me(it's result)? Not it's elemental structure(although I have seen areas of string theory design developed) from basic principals. It had it's culminative effect.

    Is my vision always right? Of course not. But I see where such discriptions are necessary. Solid, and in stone, so that such progression can be made. I respect this, and I respect the physics, and it's culminative approach in theoretical developement.

    Nature's Greastest Puzzle

    Alain Connes refers to "poetic design," much like I see beats to music:?), and artistic adventure, as the play ground of imagination. We hope such songs shared, lyrics or otherwise, will reveal what the most secluded and private individuals might have found in their own world. To seek out, good artistic drawers like Escher? Penrose, needed his help, and the ideas brought forth, interesting results.

    Now there is a reason for this post besides setting the record straight. It came up a long time ago with the question of whether mathematics was natural or created.

    This may seem simplistic thought to some, but to me, it forced me to consider whether mathematics and physics were directed connected to each other.:) Now as I have said it is not easy for me to follow the matheics of such abtract individuals, but once I catch sight of the world that they allude too, it is somehow easy for me to see the structure of the bubble, or a representative drawing correlated in nodes, and features of a world that is constained in the physics.

    This is why I refer back to Lubos and his B-field missing post, or I cannot simply find it. I refer to it, because I made links to mathematical design, that correlated dynkin diagram as shown above, and connects to other blog. Now it was important for me to see this correlation in the archetecture of the picture I linked to its prospective author, in relation to the dynkin diagram. Not the E11 asscoiation, but with that I had linked in image in comments to the B-field post.

    My whole blog is based on visionary developement, theoretically, as well as nurturing physics association as best as I can, to show that the envelope is being pushed theoretically.

    Interpretations of the magnetic field, in all its desgin is easily comprehensible once we align our thinking to hard fact and design reprsentation. Magnetic field lines on paper, is a child's toy, but easily experimetally done. Much more abstract then, that we see the field created, it's north and south, and a channel through which expression can flow?

    Now even this is contained, and a Gausssian representation, highly abtract, relates curvature in away that we would understand this force that nature has created for us.

    You must remember I do not have the luxury or life's abilty to move through the higher avenues that scholastic carreers have venture forth in. To preview this branch or that branch in physics, so I am bombarded with information from all angles:?)

    I like to wrap the gravitational field, much like we wrap the magnetic field. It's just the way I see, and in it's greater design, that vast gravitational field that is generate through our cosmos? Bubbles become very interesting whenyou wrap somehing and the inside is moving with the outside, and in the vast vacuum of space this is stretching the very fabric itself?

    I won't make the mistake of calling it the aether, yet continuity of expression seen in this abstract mode, does not see "tears" and such, so it is allocated to topological relevances. Holes, that look like swiss cheese in the cosmos? Yet I know well the events, that materialize in comsological expression, I wanted to push beyond these material things, to see the greater vision that has been moved by mathematcians.

    You can say the rogue man here who speaks, is a wolf cub. Has been raised in a foreign world, without the benefits of scholastic teachers to guide me. So I had to look for them who held sacred some of the vision that I see when this math leads to a comprehensive view.

    Reimann lead Einstein, and it was fortunate that Grossman was able to spot Einsteins deficiences. Help him move geoemtical principal beyond the euclidean coordinated world, to one manifested in spacetime, and a new dynamcial feature called gravity. It was beyond billiards and the sound related, and not the clasical discription that now beocmes the analogy of, that strange world we now see in gravitational thought.

    Was it enough to speak about theses things and theorectically develope thoughts, to describe ways, in which such sound could ring bars, or influence the flexible arms of LIGO We measure this abstract world mathematcially created, to realize, we are now engaged in something very unique about our visions developement? Kip Thorne progeny will be the new genration that sees in way that were new to bauss and Riemann and now as we see of Einstein. This has a geometrical expression and basis to it, and it leads into projective elements topologically described.

    Klein's Ordering of Geometries

    A theorem which is valid for a geometry in this sequence is automatically valid for the ones that follow. The theorems of projective geometry are automatically valid theorems of Euclidean geometry. We say that topological geometry is more abstract than projective geometry which is turn is more abstract than Euclidean geometry.

    Klien's ordering of geometries were specifc here?

    Sunday, March 27, 2005

    Searching for Extra Dimensions

    Sometimes you have to venture further into the logic of strings to see where these applications are revealling themselves for consideration first and then work from the idea of compacted states and the relevance of dimensial attributes for consideration? Here the question points to bulk information in relation to the blackhole, three brane wrap to gravitational collapse. How is this clcical nature revealling itself and not limiting time to a end, but to the recognition of the value of "time" in those dimensions.

    The idea of taffy seems like a very tactile experience for me, becuase of how I see entropic issues relevant to unsynmmetrical views of symmetry breaking, and this relation not only to the blackhole expansion that takes place but the recognition of previous states of existed at high energy scale.

    Did Picasso know about Einstein?
    Was it a coincidence that Picasso developed Cubism at about the same time that Einstein published his theory of relativity? Arthur I Miller thinks not, as he explains to Ciara Muldoon

    You have to understand, that artist rendition must be implored sometimes to help good scientists extend their visions of things most appropriately. I found evidence of this, when reading about Arthur Miller, and looking at what Penrose did when he implored the skills of Escher?

    Basic intuition tells us that there are three spatial dimensions in our universe. In more normal terms, this means that we are able to move along three different axes (basic directions) of motion, back/forth, left/right, and up/down. Einstein, in his theory of relativity, proposes that time is also a dimension, similar to the three spatial dimensions, except for the fact that we do not control our motion through it. We almost never consider the idea that there could be more than these dimensions, because we have never experienced anything that suggests this.

    In context of this information what would degrees of freedom have to do with how we see these extra spatial dimensions signify. What rules tell us what actions will take place there?

    What extra dimensions, you probably think, having just read the title. We know very well that the world around us is three-dimensional. We know East from West, North from South, up from down – what extra dimensions could there possibly be if we never see them?

    Well, it turns out that we do not really know yet how many dimensions our world has. All that our current observations tell us is that the world around us is at least 3+1-dimensional. (The fourth dimension is time. While time is very different from the familiar spatial dimensions, Lorentz and Einstein showed at the beginning of the 20th century that space and time are intrinsically related.) The idea of additional spatial dimensions comes from string theory, the only self-consistent quantum theory of gravity so far. It turns out that for a consistent description of gravity, one needs more than 3+1 dimensions, and the world around us could have up to 11 spatial dimensions!

    For those who do not understand the issues in regards to the compactified dimensions you have to understand the implications that this topic speaks too. I have listened to well intentioned indivduals reject this notion outright, without further explanation. To me ,logical discourse must speak to this.

    If you think about Plato's cave you soon learn what is encouraged here again? From not the usual framework the cave offered us, as we look out from inside and explain the shadow figures on the wall. It is a paradoxial twist on human comprehension?

    Science fiction characters make travel through extra dimensions look as easy as getting on the subway, but physicists have never taken them seriously. Now in the 6 December PRL a team proposes a radical idea: We may indeed live in a world with more than three spatially infinite dimensions, yet the extra dimensions might be essentially imperceptible. For years researchers have discussed extra dimensions that might be "compactified"--curled up to a very small size--but no one thought that non-compact dimensions could exist without obvious effects on experiments.

    Many physicists hope that string theory will ultimately unify quantum mechanics, the theory of small-scale interactions, with general relativity, the theory of gravity. String theory requires at least nine spatial dimensions, so proponents normally claim that all but three of them are compactified and only accessible in extremely high-energy particle collisions. As an alternative to compactified dimensions, Lisa Randall of Princeton University and Raman Sundrum, now of Stanford University, describe a scenario in which an extra, infinite dimension could have remained undetected so far.