Sunday, February 05, 2006

Phase Transitions

While I am reading the discussion on cosmicvariance posted by Sean, Why 10 or 11?,I am struggling to see in ways that a lot of us are not accustom too. So for every way that is being presented for the layman, the struggle is to undertsand the relatinship to dimensional perspectve as shared by those who are speaking and clarifying.

What is held in the mind of one who would encompass all this from a event like the Gold Ion collision process, setting the stage for a comprehensive view, being talked about there?

I struggle.

While reading this, this is ole news, but if you hold it in context of what is being talked about in the abstract terms about "what began in the beginning," such associations are important for me as I delve into what is making sense and what isn't.

Earlier such a schematic revealled to us in earlier cosmolgical thinking/linking from the time from the big bang, would be ripe for associative analogies, to help push perspective? Well, it does for me. Of course, I am going beyond Steven Weinberg's first three minutes.

Understanding the nature of matter requires knowing the boundary between its different phases, and how it changes from one phase to another. For example, imagine trying to understand the nature of water without knowing that under the right conditions it can be transformed into ice or steam. To understand the nature of atomic nuclei, scientists have long treated the nuclei as tiny drops of liquid, for which the physical properties and behaviors have been well-characterized

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