Sunday, June 19, 2005

Internet TV is Open and Independent

The world in the palm of their hands: Bilderberg 2005By Daniel Estulin Online Journal Contributing Writer

Of course this is a concern to me and what we could encounter in regards to the blatant attempt by Sokal to put forth the undertanding of how dangerous the internet can be. Yet I would seek to encourage that the individual who will step forward, although enclined, would seek to further develope perspective. There are Amongst many groups that gather to further enhance the views of information.

Announcing a new platform for internet television and video. Anyone will be able to broadcast full-screen video to thousands of people at virtually no cost, using BitTorrent technology. Viewers get intuitive, elegant software to subscribe to channels, watch video, and organize their video library. The project is non-profit, open source, and built on open standards. Today we're announcing the project and releasing our current sourcecode.

It is in the world of the blogging institutionalized developement, that we have gained considerably, where previous groups were in their own respective corners and lectures, only to defend it's postulation, and then retreat for another day. Here on the intenet it is kept alive and waiting for another addition to develope, or at least, become critized, until it is right?

The Roads and Crossroads, by Gregory R. Gromov

I thought I would back a statement I made to an introduction of another's blog about the internet, and how the message has gotten out to people. Without the current media controlling the views on which it would like to direct society. To Ownerships own way of thinking? It is of course the directors's perogative, but ths is not free and open dialogue.

A Brief History of Computing

Of course I studied the history a little in respect to people, to make sense of the direction of how "ownership could have curtailed the developement of the internet", to see that it had divided itself between two options, as far as I can tell.

In this regards, OS systems to me would make more sense in the introduction of the leftist views, about how we could develope unhindered, without the constraints of Microsoft having captured the market on how we see and should do things.

Of course, without a court challenge, the operating system is now a matter of choice.

But this brings me back to what coorporate sponsorship costs, why the leftist views had to make do with the cheaper means to spread itself amongst the reality of the internet.

Working solely on my own, such a thought occurred to me to deal with copyright/copyleft, that we might not have give credit to where credit is due, but at the same time, if you accept this medium, how would you increase it's capability but by continuing to developed the roads to imporving neuronic synapse gathering, to a greater potential? You need infomration to do this.

Such a proecess then would have to recognize how anything enter the realm of the internet, that it could have exemplified the idea that first principle is actually gathered from this greater potential and realization. Thus providing the probability of infinite value of consideration, would have materialize in minds to further evolve the idea of this internet into a greater brain? Not to supplant "reason" but to give the opportunity for developement, fully recognizing the cost of disinformation that could exist.

The internet then relied on the values of good thinking minds to push forward this overall envelope for a better undrstanding of our world, while we deal with the objectification of our lives as we live them.

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