Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Pay it Forward: A Educational Stance?

The Changing Face of Education

Now that the comments section has been closed to some, it will be nice to see what he thinks on his own without others interfering. If you put yourself out there, be prepared to stand by what you say and refute why such a topic of strings is not appropriate, then having a choir sing it for you.:-)

Sometimes I think that those in "opposition to strings" might feel better, if the world of triangular figures would have found greater sympathy toward the quantum gravity worlds perceptions?

Smolin to me, is a good educator, when he wrote three roads to quantum gravity. Should he be smeared for publicly doing well(monetarily rewarded)? To me he is a good educator of the public, as to the roads theoretics is going? Greene is another, that is slammed for helping the public understand these issues?

As a educator(people who pay forward what they learn) it has not become very clear to me that I should abort learning string perspective because of obstinate remarks and what reasons, why this should be so. I have understood strings to be a model of comprehension, just as my solids were once, for other minds to consider, in a process unfolding.:-)

Changing the Dynamics

Because one man might do nothing for money, does not make him anymore appealing because he saids so. It would mean more to me if he was silent about it. If he is in a public position to teach a better understanding, but all you ever heard is spouting of the "wonderful world of strings", is this supposed to be the good educator he might wants us to see, or does he explain, why this road is better then this other road? :)Smolin was never opinionated here is his presentation, but presented the views from the angles of percpetion he himself garnered from a synopsis of the roads leading to quantum gravity.

Anyway to regain his sense of control, deletion is always a good way to go, or transference to another medium is always a good option. I have noticed some universities have different formats, that might protect the students, from roving maniacs(commentors that might really want to understand) if that is the educators concern:)

It would appear that those who cater to the idealization this educator, might survive deletion, as long as they tote the ideal of hatred( concepts that would lead others to reject string theory) then of course, this becomes suitable. A fine marker to follow for sure.:-)Adustments have been made.

Now of course let's move on from this with the highest ideals that education has to offer, and not some private view that would hurt more students then the ones a commentor might have. After all if you want to live by this rule, one should apply it to themself. :-)

On Blogging

So, what is the role of blogs going to be in the future of science? I believe the blogs are going to speed up the internationalization of science, with positive effects for both American and foreign scientists. What expert science bloggers are doing right now and will do even more in the future is take expensive information and make it free. People with access to expensive journal subscriptions will link, excerpt, and comment on technical papers as soon as they are published, thus making them available to scientists in small schools, in foreign countries, and, importantly to, gasp - blasphemy! - amateur scientists. That is exactly what I intend to do with Circadiana. My scientific colleagues in Algeria, Argentina and Poland can contact me (or each other) and start fruitfull collaborations, not just read an occasional paper two months after its publication.

Back to regular programming.

Part of the efforts here within this blog, is to see the developement of comprehension, that would have eluded most of the general public. I know it would be minor in it's contribution, compared to the likes of people like Greene or Smolin, and least I forget to mention, Kaku, who has been extremely supportive. Leading us as well, to this comprehension of dimensional interpretation, that even fewer have come to understand through the developement of the physics of geometric approach.

Below is a link that raises the question of how three dimensional views could be elevated, to include time references, coordinated much like our three standard dimensions to incorporate a higher dimensional valuations. Now having a coordinated frame of reference, it seemed quite familiar to me that such collsions in the walls of these gold ions would ask us to see this interaction in a different light.

If alteration of KK theory was possible then such valutions to dimensional interpretations might have revealled topological considerations, that would oversee all understandings of such developements? We were speaking about high energy valuation here in terms of photon gluon considerations. I do not know if this is right or not, but such visualization of dynamical qualties had to be directed to the royal roads leading to Klein's Ordering of Geometries?

Gravity and strings

This is a broad-brush review of how string theory addresses several important questions of gravitational physics. The problem of non-renormalizability is first reviewed, followed by introduction of string theory as an ultraviolet-finite theory of gravity. String theory's successes also include predicting both gauge theory and fermions. The difficulty of extra dimensions becomes a possible virtue, when one notes that these lead to mechanisms to explain fermion generations, as well as a means to break the large gauge symmetries of string theory. Finally, a long standing problem of string theory, that of fixing the size and shape of the extra dimensions, has recently been addressed and may shed light on the origin of the cosmological constant, the ultimate fate of our universe, as well as the question of why gravity_is_ so weak.

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