Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nature's Experiment on the Meaning of Weight

"Dyson, one of the most highly-regarded scientists of his time, poignantly informed the young man that his findings into the distribution of prime numbers corresponded with the spacing and distribution of energy levels of a higher-ordered quantum state." Mathematics Problem That Remains Elusive—And Beautiful By Raymond Petersen

This picture resides at the bottom of my Blogger for a reason. It is to remind me of what was given esoterically for fermentation on what it's meaning may have in my own life. in another culture it might have been referred to as a "Kōan." Persistence, is the key to unlocking these "time capsules." Accessibility, is the rule of thumb about "infinite regressions" under a logical format of reasoned inductive/deductive application. The modelled approach here recognized under the picture of Raphael and the school's of Athens early descendants. What place does this have for any student who has a teacher that resides in them? What will be your accomplishment in life?

If the heart was free from the impurities of sin, and therefore lighter than the feather, then the dead person could enter the eternal afterlife

You had to know what pain and suffering is, in relation to sin. Your conscience rules you and in it there is a "voice of reason." Sets the trials and tribulations before you. And somehow our youth have detached themself from any causations as to their destinies?

If you have never considered what "truth(feather) had for meaning in historical times" how would you know what is being imparted to the youth of today? That what is now seen/felt in the world, is not recognized. Choosing "the heart" in that sense, and a scale to boot, I push forward this relation here under the auspice of "weight and measure as a paradox for examination. That such a measure in scale of those ancient times, might spark one to think about the experiment I am showing under this blog post heading.

This post has been brewing for some time, and only recently the comment made was included to help ignited some of the thoughts I have had about the "weight of something" tied to some method of sound and a gravitational inclination to the pursuances I have of inclusion to colour and sound respectively.

I think this is a nice historical consideration toward a "new culture."

I was looking for something even more natural.

No "sky hooks" but some place to which this process is tied.

A gourd of water perhaps, tied to a string and the weight of this gourd adjusted by volume, to embed in the string different tension properties and sound characterizations.

I do not mean to discredit the young scientist here by connection of this comment, but to attached to what seems relevant to me the natural appearance of a counting system, to a method of "fingerprinting" accord to a natural explanation of curvatures in space.

It looks as though primes tend to concentrate in certain curves that swoop away to the northwest and southwest, like the curve marked by the blue arrow. (The numbers on that curve are of the form x(x+1) + 41, the famous prime-generating formula discovered by Euler in 1774.)
See:Mersenne Prime: One < the Power of two

Pacal's Triangle See:Blaise Pascal

Why only this one time( a numbered base not less then one ensuing from Pascal's triangle on Fibonacci) and I think to differ, that Riemann(Riemann Hypothesis) saw a unique opportunity here. To allow nature to express itself in "non-euclidean terms," that makes for the naturalness of sound to exemplify this unique quality, and an attachment to "colour of gravity" which is exhibited toward my understandings.

That I may have gone "one step further" on the basis of my "emotive, mental and spiritual search correlations. A search, with respect toward the qualities of gravity. Here it could have been made from the insight of Einsteins example of a "pretty girl and a hot stove?" That "pain" and "excitement" have different values when assigned to a relational quality close to "body home," versus, it's gravitational freedoms, and fleeting examples, that beauty, and mental states can have in "time relational values."

See:Dialogos of Eide: A New Culture?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The "Dark Night" of the Soul

'Tis yours a Bacon or a Locke to blame,
A Newton's genius, or a Milton's flame:
But oh! with One, immortal one dispense;
The source of Newton's Light, of Bacon's Sense.

(Dunciad, III, 215-18)

I would write this for those "young souls" who are "questing to a wider vision of the scope of life abound around us," not to loose sight of the qualities that allow "brightness" to invade a very closed off environment. Some minds retreat under a compaction of depressed hopes. Gravity sucks.:) Colours define this emotive content and intellectual struggle.

At 2:19 PM, September 10, 2008, Blogger Plato said...
Modern day Alchemist Sir Isaac Newton: Every Dark Knight has to have it's Joker?

The institution then sees itself as a creative outlet not seen less then all the hopes and frustrations of it's heroes combating it's villains. Perceived or not, as some "subjective question" of what should be garnered to scientists alone.

Let me give you something to think about while I play with the thoughts of those whose thinking in such imaginations, could not have transcended their situations, to think about what arises as a "Phoenix from the ashes." As a "winged bird" ascends into a new day, and a new light.

Michael Maier, Atalanta Fugiens, Franfort 1617

It is an example then of how interpretive and flexible one can be, while they know that the mathematics underlying concepts have a distillery function that we all endear, so that there is no illusiveness to the manufacture term or word, that is less then rightly placed, for fear of bringing down the walls of science. Reducing the "clearness" with which we "may not want a religion to integrate with science."

Decay is then a process, no less fitting that we see it's evidence in how might track particles. The outlay of the effects in some calorimetric system of consideration does not limit the perspective with which you see in the cosmos. It has it's effects there too.

We place our measure above the earth's filter, to see that what is ejected from situation of geometrical propensities can have it's decay too. How smart and clever to think that such motivations would have been inclined to forces that have a description to it other then the natural pictures one would like to see?

This requires a flexibility in that geometric sense that while a departure for some from the undertsnding of it's relation to the natural world, remains a fixed abstraction, worthy of none attention, other then to speak in tongues of a scientist?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

New Technological Freedoms in the Libraries.

Commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, the aspiration of man, these are sacred.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Trinity College Library, Dublin. (Photo: Candida Höfer.) See:In today's Media, Has the Soul taken a Hiatus

Don't worry Mr. Chimpanzee, I wasn't invited either to Science's World View.:) Identifying niche markets? Oh, google will love you?:) I have nothing against Google either, even when I was not invited there too. I do like to play with the technologies to provide a service when using this medium. A creative outlet for sure when one gets to know different aspects of those same services.

I made a comment here that one might like to consider when we come to think of the future of our libraries and how they will serve the populations of the future.

At 10:39 AM, September 09, 2008:
Still no answer on attaching to libraries severs through the laptop(wifi)? I know there are hot zones that people use, I just wanted to know what people thought about attaching themselves to the "freedom of knowledge and speed" through such a outlet.

I contend with all sorts of difficulties in terms of the money I pay and what I actually get for service when I open the door to the internet(time usage and speed of large transfers of information) how to gather information, and yet, there are many books about all sorts of subjects that I can go freely and get, to accomplish certain tasks that are attempted in life.

I am not discriminated upon, given my distant locations from the libraries of Universities, when knowledge is accessible to the public, and what profit does the library seek, but to continue to provide for the service of those same populations, while that book and resource privileges are free? Only as a student then?

The Nefarious Organization that will Tumble Science?

Will it be to produce a blackhole in the LHC? Most certainly not. To gather information about the sciences involved, most certainly so, and to point out any discrepancies that are becoming known. Most certainly, as well.

This isn't to create illusive dominions of information, but to get to the essence of the information, and to meet "new walls being put up." These will only serve to bring down any hopes of the future of our societies, and the information they would like to gain assess too. An equality that must be inherent, pertains to all it's peoples, and the dissolution of the institutions that would profit from the likes of those with less then others.

So a poor man with a laptop. How strange? Yes I see this point and know that there is a service that is provided that allows those with a library card, punch time on this computer internet access. So why should this service not be open to those with laptops as they sit at the library desks, and take in the peacefulness of these halls of higher learning? Does a book discriminate between it' holders?

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A New Culture?

Let us say there is a "new rewiring" that goes on in one's brain. That the divisions and lines we perpetrate on the senses, sees colour and sound taking on a "new feature" in the explanation of the world around us.

While some of these features may see relevant to the process of science and their theoretics, I would say such definitive lines are the experiment of "seeing nature revealed." IN this sense, string theory has come to play a part in how I now incorporate, from a subjective standpoint( it may be deemed meta-physical), the gravity of all situations as one becomes expressive of the emotive and mental functions of our mattered states.

Now conceptually, this process is a strange one for me, because I tend to see these lines blurring and become expressive from one position to the next(emotive colouring and mental states), and in this relation, gravity has pushed its way into what will be "for all people to realize" once we conceptually have moved to this new perspective.

I have not forgotten the science here, but push forward to what has happened in my own life, as I integrate the "senses view," even while we take for granted the views of the "material world" while not recognizing it's very depth.

On this Friday last, as I watch my 18 month old grandchild watch Barney's imagery movie and how it made use of sound/colour to match it's expression. Unbeknownst to the child, this blurring of the line of the senses, pushes the child's mind to consider sound in this colourful context. One of the toys we bought here at the grandparents place, is a xylophone, with every metal bar matched in colour to a sound.

It is unfortunate that we had to occupy my grandchild's mind with this aspect of time of movies, but of course, if you are busy with twins(seven weeks old), while relieving the parents of the intense work undergone in child rearing, we thought to help our "own children" in this exercise for a night. Plus, we got to engage with the soul's revealed through the eyes of these young ones.

It is difficult for those who teach, if they have not had the children to ever relate about the likes of stories being imparted, to now be observant of what is "real in the lives" as they unfold. This is the sight of parents from a global perspective as you see the nature of one set of children go on to rear their own children.

As parents we see the resulting nature of the adults we have produced, and the methods of parenting they adopt as they rear their own. Some of it contains is the history which you have embedded in them from your own past, and new methods that are implemented, as to the fairness of what one hopes their children to become.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Turtles and Elephants

There is this notion that to work with different species and incorporate them, it some how makes it more natural an explanation?(guilty):) I guess I am guilty of same and more, by using geometrical progressiveness in place of the propensity for nature to be revealing itself in varying degrees. It was always there for inspection?

So anyway this clip I took from a previous post on, "Who said it?" charts the example I give currently in line with Bee's Backreaction: Turtles all the way up I did not go beyond the introduction, and assume it was not Davies talk. I was cut off at 14 meg while the whole talk is much longer. I'll have to try again tonight(08 sep 2008).

I still have yet to download Davies talk, given the constraints the work schedule limits with regard to the "intranet."

But just reading briefly Dr. Who's position and Markk suggestion that Dr. Who is confusing model with reality.

Bold and italicized were added by me.

The Coleman-Mandula theorem, named after Sidney Coleman and Jeffrey Mandula, is a no-go theorem in theoretical physics. It states that the only conserved quantities in a "realistic" theory with a mass gap, apart from the generators of the Poincaré group, must be Lorentz scalars.

In other words, every quantum field theory satisfying certain technical assumptions about its S-matrix that has non-trivial interactions can only have a symmetry Lie algebra which is always a direct product of the Poincare group and an internal group if there is a mass gap: no mixing between these two is possible. As the authors say in their introduction, "We prove a new theorem on the impossibility of combining space-time and internal symmetries in any but a trivial way."[1]

First off let me give you an example and you tell me how the idea of any bulk perspective given to graviton understanding will not have it's examples in terms of Lagrangian in space? Serve to help one graduate in terms of gravities when looking at the universe?

Are there no other mechanism that details the Coleman Mandula action other then a multiversity idea in terms of the false vacuum to the true?

I encourage such topological understanding given to a larger format when looking at WMAP of the global perspective. Incidences within the universe give way to a larger depiction of the anomalies generated in perceived examples of monopoles generated in Sean Carroll's group think.

That such concentrations in graviton densities would have an impact on our perceptions in terms of Lagrangian.

If one were to say that any manifold generated at the perception of microscopic views were indicative of a larger topological suggestion in the WMAP, would this then not account for an impression of 10 sup-500-/sup(only written this way because comment section will not allow "sup" html discription)?

Gravities had to be inclusive at all stages and manifold expressions part of this cosmological view?


Valuing Negativity by Mark Trodden

The basic point is that if one assumes that the generators of the internal symmetry group are commuting operators (and that their commutation relations define the group - i.e. that they comprise a Lie algebra), then the only possible total symmetry is a direct product of the space-time symmetries (the Poincaré group) and the internal symmetry group. This is what they meant by trivial in the abstract.

If this had been the end of the story, then bosons and fermions (and therefore force carriers and matter) would be destined to forever remain distinct. But here comes the loophole. The 1975 Haag-Lopuszanski-Sohnius theorem (after Rudolf Haag, Jan Lopuszanski, and Martin Sohnius) pointed out that if one relaxes one of the assumptions, and allows anticommuting operators as generators of the symmetry group, then there is a possible non-trivial unification of internal and space-time symmetries. Such a symmetry is called supersymmetry and, as you know, constitutes a large part of current research into particle physics.

No-go theorems are fun in physics because they formalize where the important barriers lie and provide guidance about the directions of future attacks on the problem in question. Negative results in general, although not quite as glamorous or exciting, are still great stuff. We should celebrate them. Plus, we don’t want to be like the medical community do we?

Identify the early universe in the QGP perspective needed some way in which to limit reductionism points of view and by incorporating relativity at that level, such an expression then are imparted to a more global manifold detail based on a larger progressive geometry perspective of the universe.

Universe speeding up? From the inside/out this details such a connection in my view.


This was done to verify the statements made in two comments there and to show a comment made at cosmic variance's "Lopsided Universe" were related exactly to the points I am currently making in regard to a point of view shared by Dr. Who and a consequential statement by Markk in terms of the multiverse and bubble nucleations.

Sean Carroll:But if you peer closely, you will see that the bottom one is the lopsided one — the overall contrast (representing temperature fluctuations) is a bit higher on the left than on the right, while in the untilted image at the top they are (statistically) equal. (The lower image exaggerates the claimed effect in the real universe by a factor of two, just to make it easier to see by eye.)
See The Lopsided Universe-. Basically the comments I have made in this post by Sean have remained intact although toward the end I think it was thought I might have gone to far?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Glast now Known as "Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope"

BEHOLDING beauty with the eye of the mind, he will be enabled to bring forth, not images of beauty, but realities, for he has hold not of an image but of a reality, and bringing forth and nourishing true virtue to become the friend of God and be immortal, if mortal man may. Would that be an ignoble life? Plato

I came across this information after visiting "The Quantum Diaries Survivors," blog by Dorigo. comment 23 there should read August 27 as posted and it's reads Aug 28. It would not make sense if this post was made on the 27 and I commented on the 28th, unless one thought I purposely changed the date, which I didn't.:)I wonder if one edits the post from an "admin status" if this is what happens? Anyway, on to the rest of the post here.

Astronomers wrapped the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope's first all-sky map over a sphere to produce this view of the gamma-ray universe. Credit: NASA/DOE/International LAT Team

The article seems most appropriate in context of my other post on "Spherical Cows" this day, as a way in which to interpret calorimetric evidence in the form of motivated Gamma Rays. Dorigo's earlier link on the "calorimetric description in LHC is crucial in my view to what the gamma ray is doing out there in space with regard to the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.

Logo for the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/Sonoma State University/Aurore Simonnet

NASA's newest observatory, the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, or GLAST, has begun its mission of exploring the universe in high-energy gamma rays. The spacecraft and its revolutionary instruments passed their orbital checkout with flying colors.

NASA announced August 26 that GLAST has been renamed the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The new name honors Prof. Enrico Fermi (1901-1954), a pioneer in high-energy physics.
See:NASA Renames Observatory for Fermi, Reveals Entire Gamma-Ray Sky

This close-up shows the Vela pulsar, which beams radiation every 89 milliseconds as it spins. The pulses are shown slowed by 20 times. Credit: NASA/DOE/International LAT Team

If one is keen enough, one might come across an interesting reference to the "Lighthouse" in this blog. Such rotations and the effect of the jet, has an interesting effect on the eye in analogy when the light shines very brightly for the briefest of seconds. IN this same way, the energy valuations from this brightness, is of some importance I suspect. Not just in blinding oneself when one sees this ray of light, but as it manifests in M87 as well in relation to this measure.

Update:The value of a spherical cow

Spherical Cows

Cartoon Model of a SNR(Supernova Remnants)

When scientists refer to a spherical cow, we are poking fun at ourselves. We are admitting that some of our models or descriptions of things are far more simple than the actual object, like to say that a cow has a spherical shape. The phenomena we study are often complex, and including too many details can hinder, rather than help our understanding. Often it is useful to study a simplified model which contains only the most important general characteristics. Such a model can be more easily studied using numerical or analytical methods and then compared to observations.

As an example of this kind of thinking, say we were aliens trying to understand "humans", a strange race of beings recently discovered on a small planet orbiting a medium-sized star. We might divide them into two groups, one which grows facial hair (men), one which does not (women). Within each group there is a lot of variety - each human in the first group group can have facial hair in a wide range of colors and textures, for example. However, we think that there is some underlying reason for the gross characteristic of having or not having facial hair. We might then make more observations to try and understand why this is so. These further observations might uncover more similarities (humans in the first group have both an X and a Y chromosome while humans in the second group have two X shaped chromosomes) that are more fundamental. In astronomy we try to do the same thing.
See:Spherical Cows There is a older version here.

Now of course you must know the reason for this article and the subsequent explanation for it. I do expand this article to show some of the current understanding I have as I do my own research, and find how scientific measure is being attributed to our new views of the cosmos as observers. The measure now being reduced to computerizations.

The researchers studied cows visible on Google Earth Photo: GETTYCows automatically point to the north-Telegraph

Now I came across this article at Cosmic Variance by reading a blog posting written by Mark.

Now from my perspective as I see often at Cosmic Variance "this method used" not only by Mark, but Sean Carroll as well. It is a sort of poking fun at the news article that was written. Ones I am starting to become familiar with, as I read my local paper. The information from a science perspective is being generated to the public.

Should I become a cynic? Should I blur the lines on scientific method? Hold the scientific method against someone with a religious background, other then a humanistic one, and a sceptic to boot? Naw! I shall not be that way, and the way some others in science deal with each other. I shall respect who they are ,for who they are.:)Not my place to judge them.

Now, is the technique used by these researches in the New Scientist article sound in it's evaluation? I leave that up to you to decide and continue from the perspective I wish to share on my blog.

Credit: Weiqun Zhang and Stan Woosley
This image is from a computer simulation of the beginning of a gamma-ray burst. Here we see the jet 9 seconds after its creation at the center of a Wolf Rayet star by the newly formed, accreting black hole within. The jet is now just erupting through the surface of the Wolf Rayet star, which has a radius comparable to that of the sun. Blue represents regions of low mass concentration, red is denser, and yellow denser still. Note the blue and red striations behind the head of the jet. These are bounded by internal shocks.
See:The Geometrics Behind the Supernova and it's History

It captures my attention for this reason, and another, which is a trait I myself seemed to fall under. This is in terms of geometrical recognition, as the bubble, circle, whatever your fancy, to illustrate the supernova's action and it's remnants distributed into space. I have such examples to illustrate as one tries to marry the theorists to the science in a phenomenological way.

See:Central Theme is the Sun as a related posting and subsequent comment for further elucidation of how we now see in space.

Note: This comment below was remove from that comment section.
Plato on Aug 27th, 2008 at 10:12 am
Resistance is futile:)

Generally the SNR looks different "in each of these different wavelengths", just like you and I look different to another human being (who looks at the visible light) then we do to a bee or a snake (who are able to detect ultraviolet and infrared light, respectively).

I am not sure if this is the same with regard to the Glast perspective that is opening up our "new window of the Universe?"

JoAnne sometime ago showed this in relation to the computerize methods used to chart measures on how we may now see the sun for example, in Gamma ray. The "Tscan method" was used in regard to Neutrino research.

Just so you know at what scale most certain.

It is important that the chosen highlighted paragraph written in that comment section and repeated here, be seen in this light, and compared to computerize models attained from our methods of measure.

While the idea here,I am moving away from the spherical cow, by recognizing the way in which observers now see the cosmos as we implement our methods of measure using computerized techniques.


Tscan ("Trivial Scanner") is an event display, traditionally called a scanner, which I developed. It is a program that shows events graphically on the computer screen.

It was designed to be simple ("trivial") internally, and to have a simple user interface. A lot of importance was given to giving the user a large choice of options to display events in many different ways.

Tscan proved to be a very useful tool for the development of fitters. A particularly useful feature is the ability to show custom data for every photpmultiplier tube (PMT). Instead of the usual time and charge, it can show expected charge, scattered light, likelihood, chi-squared difference, patches, and any other data that can be prepared in a text format.
See:Trivial Scanner

Credit: Super-Kamiokande/Tomasz Barszczak Three (or more?) Cerenkov rings

Multiple rings of Cerenkov light brighten up this display of an event found in the Super-Kamiokande - neutrino detector in Japan. The pattern of rings - produced when electrically charged particles travel faster through the water in the detector than light does - is similar to the result if a proton had decayed into a positron and a neutral pion. The pion would decay immediately to two gamma-ray photons that would produce fuzzy rings, while the positron would shoot off in the opposite direction to produce a clearer ring. Such kinds of decay have been predicted by "grand unified theories" that link three of nature's fundamental forces - the strong, weak and electromagnetic forces. However, there is so far no evidence for such decays; this event, for example, did not stand up to closer scrutiny.
See:Picture of the Week

Geometrical expression as I have come to understand is my own unique way in which geometrical expression is thought of, and I gave examples here of a discredited person and their research in regards to sonoluminescence, as an example of this feature to map the SNR explosive values. It is only by analogy which I give this relation to help one see this expression in the vacuum of space, as well as leading evolutions in regard to an example of M87 in it's is unfolding.

The Lighthouse example can be seen here as well, and in this relation Glast measures would help to serve us to see this "new window of the universe" in the way it measures and compartmenting the computerized charting as we observe from this new perspective.

Update:The value of a spherical cow

Monday, August 25, 2008

Higgs Field as a Pheromone?

I am lead by science.

Just so you know at what scale most certain and in this, the analogy ensues.

"A Biologist Remembers (1967)1 Karl Ritter von Frisc wrote about his life’s work:

The layman may wonder why a biologist is content to devote 50 years of his life to the study of bees and minnows without ever branching out into research on, say, elephants, or at any rate the lice of elephants or the fleas of moles. The answer to any such question must be that every single species of the animal kingdom challenges us with all, or nearly all, the mysteries of life."

WANTED:Your ideas!See the comment section for more "image related ideas" in regards to JoAnne's asking for impute.

You must know that this "organizing principle" while being put in relation to the LHC works to identify this "matter constituent motivator" it is also held in another context. I see this work with some similarities. This is not to bastardize the subject of particle reductionism, but to see where and how we move forward with the knowledge that we gain from doing this experiment.

"The harmony of their colonies has been used as a metaphor. Wilson (2004) states that a community of honeybees often has been employed historically by political theorists as a model of human society:

"This image occurs from ancient to modern times, in Aristotle and Plato; in Virgil and Seneca; in Erasmus and Shakespeare; Tolstoy, as well as by social theorists Bernard Mandeville and Karl Marx."2"

I drew from this context what I thought in relation to how birds can move, or schools of fish might move in the water, and all the time this movement of the body, is held in my mind to what can gather around a principal or organization. See:What's on the Condense Matter Theorist's Mind?

While to make such a move is most dangerous in terms of taking what is factual in the experimentations and going out into the world with this knowledge, such analogies would serve to push forward society by it's ideals, by introducing this ancient notion of societies coming from the basis of Plato and Aristotle. In this Bee knowledge such references were made in the David Suzuki program.

The Dance

The angle from the sun indicates direction. The duration of the waggle part of the dance signifies the distance.

While the dance is physical, it becomes more sensual, in that information is disseminated, and in the move from the matter states(references to dimensionality), it becomes increasingly clear that we are defining the substance of that communication from what is physically determined, to what such pheromones represent in the development of that language.

Marc D. Hauser: "
We know that that kind of information is encoded in the signal because people in Denmark have created a robotic honey bee that you can plop in the middle of a colony, programmed to dance in a certain way, and the hive members will actually follow the information precisely to that location. Researchers have been able to understand the information processing system to this level, and consequently, can actually transmit it through the robot to other members of the hive.

....we know relatively little about how the circuitry of the brain represents the consonants and vowels. The chasm between the neurosciences today and understanding representations like language is very wide. It's a delusion that we are going to get close to that any time soon. We've gotten almost nowhere in how the bee's brain represents the simplicity of the dance language. Although any good biologist, after several hours of observation, can predict accurately where the bee is going, we currently have no understanding of how the brain actually performs that computation."

So who is to know that such fragrances can capture the imagination and reel it into the memories of our youth. How potent the force that all minds return to the memories unabated by the quickest path, and to the solidification of what those memories are to mean. Time is then measured by "this fragrance" and it rules the emotive recognition of what was attained in that youth or time.

How strong then this gathering that from this sensual smell, we move to the matters of our youth in that history and relive the memes of who we are now, as we talk about what must be done with our children. We speak as our mother and fathers in this time, and think, we speak from who you are. This teaching is transmitted in our actions, and our actions come from a place.

Fanning honeybee exposes Nasonov gland (white-at tip of abdomen) releasing pheromone to entice swarm into an empty hive

So we have two systems of knowledge confronted here that when detailed with regard to their total knowledge, would ask what relation I see that would to make such a statement as the Higgs as a Pheromone, and I see the gathering in "Colour of Gravity" as an envelope so distant from our understandings of this mass motivator, as a seed of principle and extension of what is emergent into our societies.

Reductionism and Emergence

Now you must know I am battling with this idea of Reductionism and emergence issuing from our thought processes at the same time. How they seem to me to be held in contrast to each other while I think of our society. How such cultures were initiated in principle by the honeybee which serve to help us think about what that culture can manifest in it's drones, worker bees, and queen bees. A "matriarchal society" that serves it purpose to reproduce, while "pollinating life and giving sustenance for the planet around us."

Honey bee pheromones are mixtures of chemical substances released by individual bees into the hive or environment that cause changes in the physiology and behaviour of other bees.

Now you must know I was watching Television last night, and while watching David Suzuki's program, I was amazed at the dedication of the individual researcher in this regard, and the meaning this research had come to play in that person's life.

A pheromone (from Greek φέρω phero "to bear" + ‘ορμόνη "hormone") is a chemical that triggers a natural behavioral response in another member of the same species. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Their use among insects has been particularly well documented, although many vertebrates and plants also communicate using pheromones.

Now in this research having worked to understand the nine Pheromones which had been established, it was at this point a stalemate had been reached. Where to go with one's research that the scientist saw a possibiity in a artist who came up with the idea to place different objects within a Bee box. This box was constructed specifically for this purpose.

Honeycomb geometry
"There are two possible explanations for the reason that honeycomb is composed of hexagons, rather than any other shape. One, given by Jan Brożek, is that the hexagon tiles the plane with minimal surface area. Thus a hexagonal structure uses the least material to create a lattice of cells within a given volume. Another, given by D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, is that the shape simply results from the process of individual bees putting cells together: somewhat analogous to the boundary shapes created in a field of soap bubbles. In support of this he notes that queen cells, which are constructed singly, are irregular and lumpy with no apparent attempt at efficiency".

Now seeing the honeycomb attached to these objects was a interesting perspective for me and one which can be construed to be developed from "straight lines," is supported from such objects, and constructed therein. Hints of relativity and curvature may be thought here as an inception by nature's own?

The bees begin to build the comb from the top of each section. When filled with honey, the bees seal the cells with wax.

It was by thinking in this creativity resurgence(order for free?) that the order of what is built in the honeycomb, one might ask, "why such a geometrical form?" Could it issue from what is related to gravity, as a "basis of that construction?" So by the introduction of this "new artistic measure" we see where the stalemate becomes a resurgence into the habits of the Bees and their method of construction. The geometrical nature of the form used, in the cell procreation and reproduction of that community.


I propose an experiment to illustrate the understanding of the innate feature of the structure building of Bees, and it's honeycomb relation, to gravity. This is to be done by placing a "glass model" and the required pheromones to induce by the queen to the construct colony by it's worker bees in space station.


1Frisch, Karl von. 1967. A biologist remembers. Pergamon Press.
2Wilson, B. 2004. The Hive: The Story Of The Honeybee. London, Great Britain: John Murray. ISBN 0719565987

Friday, August 22, 2008

New Incentive Toward Space Travel?

The speed of light in the vacuum of free space is an important physical constant usually denoted by the letter c.[1] It is the speed of all electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, in free space. It is the speed of anything having zero rest mass.[2] The SI metre is defined such that the speed of light in a vacuum is exactly 299,792,458 metres per second[3] The speed of light can be assigned a definite numerical value because the fundamental SI unit of length, the metre, has been defined since October 21, 1983, as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second; in other words, any increase in the measurement precision of the speed of light would reduce the uncertainty in practical realizations of the metre but would not alter the numerical value of c. The approximate value of 3×108 m/s is commonly used in rough estimates (the error is 0.07%). In imperial units, the speed of light is about 670,616,629.4 miles per hour or 983,571,056.4 feet per second (roughly one foot per nanosecond), which is about 186,282.397 miles per second.

Sinister looking fellows and thoughts of the crazy scientists. White jackets and all.

It is of course necessary to see this in context with the following article and while we exemplify the photon and a massless entity, it is important to see where current research is taking us with regard to new theoretical thoughts.

Two Baylor University scientists have come up with a new method to cause a spaceship to effectively travel faster than the speed of light, without breaking the laws of physics.

Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. To create this bubble, the Baylor physicists believe manipulating the 10th spatial dimension would alter the dark energy in three large spatial dimensions: height, width and length. Cleaver said positive dark energy is currently responsible for speeding up the expansion rate of our universe as time moves on, just like it did after the Big Bang, when the universe expanded much faster than the speed of light for a very brief time.
Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light: Two Baylor Physicists Have a New Idea That Could Make It Happen by Matt Pene

These images all show the 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-fold eversions in the upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right cornerse, respectively. First we see an early stage, with p fingers growing in the p-fold everion. Next we see an intermediate stage when the fingers have mostly overlapped. Finally we see the four halfway models. For p odd, these are doubly covered projective planes.

If this process has been used in the "motivation of the early universe toward topological expression, as "one of the many," then this process theoretically by design could be used to move such a craft?

So you see, the architecture of bubble manufacture can be useful, instead of just one of many possible universes, we use the action to propel the craft. The basis of this exploration has to incorporate an understanding of where Equilibrium is created and how such use can be used to travel the Lagrangian skies.

The Elastic Nature?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Order For Free

A purple haze shows dark matter flanking the "Bullet Cluster." Image Credit: X-ray: NASA/CXC/M.Markevitch et al. Optical: NASA/STScI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al. Lensing Map: NASA/STScI; ESO WFI; Magellan/U.Arizona/D.Clowe et al

One would have to understand how this may become appealing in the sense, that if one were to believe in a God, that it might as Stuart Kauffman purports, that it to be nature's creative genius.


Self-organization is a process of attraction and repulsion in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed by an outside source. Self-organizing systems typically (though not always) display emergent properties.

If we are to think that such creation of universe are to be thought in this way, then what is the emergent principal inherent in such an expression that would allow for complexity to rule with it's matter states while considering the voids?

Self-organization vs. entropy

Statistical mechanics informs us that large scale phenomena can be viewed as a large system of small interacting particles, whose processes are assumed consistent with well established mechanical laws such as entropy, i.e., equilibrium thermodynamics. However, “… following the macroscopic point of view the same physical media can be thought of as continua whose properties of evolution are given by phenomenological laws between directly measurable quantities on our scale, such as, for example, the pressure, the temperature, or the concentrations of the different components of the media. The macroscopic perspective is of interest because of its greater simplicity of formalism and because it is often the only view practicable.” Against this background, Glansdorff and Ilya Prigogine introduced a deeper view at the microscopic level, where “… the principles of thermodynamics explicitly make apparent the concept of irreversibility and along with it the concept of dissipation and temporal orientation which were ignored by classical (or quantum) dynamics, where the time appears as a simple parameter and the trajectories are entirely reversible.”[3]

As a result, processes considered part of thermodynamically open systems, such as biological processes that are constantly receiving, transforming and dissipating chemical energy (and even the earth itself which is constantly receiving and dissipating solar energy), can and do exhibit properties of self organization far from thermodynamic equilibrium.

A LASER (acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”) can also be characterized as a self organized system to the extent that normal states of thermal equilibrium characterized by electromagnetic energy absorption are stimulated out of equilibrium in a reverse of the absorption process. “If the matter can be forced out of thermal equilibrium to a sufficient degree, so that the upper state has a higher population than the lower state (population inversion), then more stimulated emission than absorption occurs, leading to coherent growth (amplification or gain) of the electromagnetic wave at the transition frequency.”[4]

The understanding here on my part is to see that such examples are held relevant to how one may perceive "arrow of time." It is out of a "state of existence"(equilibrium or symmetry) that overrules this universe in expression. While holding this understanding about it's evolution, it will express the universes current state. It is also initiated from this being perceived as "being outside the universe." It is overseen.

WMAP cosmic microwave fluctuations over the full sky with 5-years of data. Colors represent the tiny temperature fluctuations of the remnant glow from the infant universe: red regions are warmer and blue are cooler. Credit: WMAP Science Team

This holds a dimensional perspective in that one may see the earth, but at the same time, such a view held to it's gravitational anomalies tracked by Grace, would also hold to this being inclusive to a perception held in the overall scope of the universe and it's matter states. Alas, Lagrangian.

WMAP Reveals Neutrinos, End of Dark Ages, First Second of Universe
Bullet Cluster