Monday, July 10, 2006

First floor Completed

Finishing the first floor framing on the ground level entry, on Friday, my son had his first floor trusses delivered. I got to take a little break this weekend, spending sometime with my grandchildren and taking time off regular work.

While doing this, his father-in-law helped to place these first floor trusses. Looking down upon the layout today I was quite impressed by the work they had done.

Today I went in about seven in the morning, and finished up a "to do list" that has been haunting my son. These small things have been accumulating, while moving ahead with the pace of construction.

Getting these out of the way today, we will start laying the plywood on the first floor and begin framing again starting tomorrow morning.

Hopefully all this will be done by the 18 July.

Dreaming of Another Vacation

All this work has me dreaming of another vacation. As I was scanning my pictures, I couldn't help think of the "landscape" pictures other people had taken.

From our vacation last year. Taking the Gondola lift up to the top, gives one a good clear view of the Banff Spring's Hotel and the surrounding terrain.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Lisa Randall's Theoretical Insights

The picture above was shown because of another picture in which I thought deserved comparison. The reason for this, would help the mind understand how such an image could be explained in a "easy and suttle way?"

So look at this picture above and then at the one to follow.

The very ideas are of extra dimensions are very progressive, and are not without some history. Some people will label anything as crackpot, without undertanding the history of these discussions.

I was thinking here of Banchoff, and the imaging that he deals with. While he is speaking from a mathematical position that imaging of a 2d screen does wonders in how 5d perception are presently engaged in the veryday world of computer screens and the like.

But to think about the picture painted by Dali, it is not without it's mathematical inclinations, that a painter like him may wonder about the "elevation" to spiritual thinking, with such thought embued with our look at the mathematical world, with which we assign our "spiritual principles?"

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

When Is a House A Home?

This phrase up top of this blog entry is catchy is it not?

Starring: Kevin Kline, Kristen Scott Thomas, Hayden Christensen, Jena Malone, Mary Steenburgen, Mike Weinberg, Scotty Leavenworth, Ian Somerhalder, Jamey Sheridan, Scott Bakula, Sandra Nelson, Sam Robards, John Pankow, Kim Delgado, Barry Primus Director: Irwin Winkler

The fact that the "ole fabric" of our thinking can be torn down and rebuilt in a better format, after much careful thought and considerationCan it not be worthy of what you can put back into what you want your house to be?

It is as though this has to be put out there for minds to consider? Like all possibilties, the diversities of the home in which we all live, is as unique as it is to the very life that is lead through the living of it.

When you go back to the homes in where you grew up, how is your perception against what you will see that day? It seems, it was always bigger then what I had expected it to be. Time changes this. "Time," puts it back into perspective?

So what is home for one, might be different in the way the one would interpret a house. Would be vastly different in how this house will be the measure of all homes? Will be the measure of "what home is," in life?

In his novel Ulysses, James Joyce includes a lengthy discussion about Hamlet, referring to it as one of a select few important artworks that outshine the rest.

"Art has to reveal to us ideas, formless spiritual essences. The supreme question about a work of art is out of how deep a life does it spring? The painting of Gustave Moreau is painting of ideas, the deepest poetry of Shelley, the words of Hamlet bring our mind into contact with the eternal wisdom, Plato's world of ideas. All the rest is the speculation of schoolboys for schoolboys."

To be, or Not to Becomes from, "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"

To be or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscover'd country from whose bourn(e)
No traveller returns, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.-Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia, - Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remember'd.

For me there was always an interactive feature about what the photon could do in terms of describing it's "state of existance" and if this were the case, then how would you have applied such a measure?

Light-matter interaction
Low energy phenomena  Photoelectric effect
Mid-energy phenomena Compton scattering
High energy phenomena Pair production

So while we have held the romantic to heart, what "beat in measure" would any in/out going state signify, if the calculation of the photon is "gravitationally considered?" Shall it be so static and discrete that we forgot how raelly smooth these heartbeats really are?

What Dreams May Come

When Chris enters the house, he finds that she doesn't recognize him. Pale, gaunt, and miserable-looking, Annie isn't fully aware that she's dead. He talks to her gently, pretending to be a neighbor, before he is able to gain enough of her trust to reach her for a moment. In guilt and disbelief, Annie screams and pushes him away, and a saddened Chris realizes he has failed. He tells his insane wife a last good-bye, and leaves the house. The Tracker consoles him, and Chris tells him he has given up.

"But," he adds, "Not the way you think."

He asks the Tracker to give his love to his children, and re-enters the house. Taking his wife's hand, he tells her he won't leave her. He's decided to stay forever in hell and join her in madness rather than leave her again. Somehow, this sacrifice reaches Annie when nothing else can, and she and Chris pull each other out of the miasma of hell, narrowly escaping.

What Dreams May Come is a 1978 novel by Richard Matheson about the afterlife.

While some may never have considered the strength of the matter states, and what they hold for us in our decisions, it is of some relevance that the "lighter constituents of gravity" defined in a equilibrium state, are significant, if ever held in context of the "hell's of damnation inferno?"

It is with some hope, that "the higher realization" of spirituality, will bring us to the father's house? When you roll your eyes upward, it is not so very far away is it?

So of course as one descends into the hells of what has held us most in life(quark Gluon Plasma) and tamed for us to the conclusion of the way it is? Then, the plight of suffering was wholesomely considered, as Robin Williams sought to get his wife from the choice she had made?

While it is in some Catholic minds, the sin, it was more the damnation one could have attributed to the minds conclusion i that religious thinking? That it was then locked in what it could no longer take in life, took along with them, in death? But in "cleaning up life's work, as it never seems to conclude whole fully(the medicine wheel) until the realizations are always there for us to think about as parts of the whole? Robin's "choice" with his wife to reincarnate?

Robin Williams seeing the "beauty of life" saw it in the heaven's making? Certain realizations abundant, and very swift, in every thought form held there for Robin Williams. We should of "held off on our judgements" one might say in life, also made so quickly without recourse?

Backfill Complete

As you can see in the background there are some things that were installed.

Underground wiring, water line and sewage line. His lagoon sytem will be completed further on when the contractor is brought back. As well as the driller will be here to dig their well.

As you can see the backfill here completed , took about 10 t0 12 truckloads of gravel. The thing here is, as the gravel was layed inside the foundation walls, it needed to be compacted as it was being dumped. So using a 450 compactor this was layed out about a foot at a time, to make sure the inside compaction was solid.

There are reasons for this as the type of heating system that will be used are tubes laid out in the concrete, and by using a on demand boiler, the heat will be radiant from that floor. I find this much better then the forced air heating system.

This of course has moved us into the construction stage, with our first wall up, two days ago, while we are near completeing the main floor. We hope this to be done by Thursday, as the main floor design trusses will be delivered then.

This stage then will allow us to move into the second floor construction.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Dimensional Referencing

While the basis of the cosmic string lying in ruins in terms of verification that others went after, it does noes not in anyway reduce the impoirtance of how Andrey Kravtsov's animation can be less in our assumption of the supersymmetrical universe?

It's as if the neurons are connecting, in the vast universe, to bring parts of itself to linking in some "visionary image," that mankind has connected, from one thought to another.

Never mind about Jacque Distler's interlinking software capabilites, as this has been going on for sometime now, here, and on other forums.

Even the term Trackback is new, while this neuronical developement was understood in terms of Andrey Kravtsov's computer imaging, it becomes even more apparent, as the images I bring forward take their place in our thinking.

There is more to follow for sure.

They call them trackbacks." I just call them a continuation of the interlinking that is going on in the universe.:) Wordful quotation, or in imagery, we can track it to the source eventually?

Phase Changes

It's a way of seeing dynamical movement and phase states? If Alice didn't step into mirror world, what would Young's experiment have meant in relation to path integrals?

G -> H -> ... -> SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(3) x U(1). You have to realize that such emergence into the views of universal formulations, has to have some associative response from the quantum world to see that such relevance in the cosmological particpations could have ever pointed to the motivation of these universes coming into being, that it would go through a phase transformation relevant to each particle discription? Is this correct? This presented itself in a "way of seeing" that stretches the mind imaginations tht I wonder have I indeed gone off the deep end.

Columbus, or the Greeks, over some "edge" and be done with it? :) No there are always greate rimagnations working to solve the fantasies that Dirac may of set in motion for Feynman.

So "Toy models" are created to house the systemic movements. From this, calorimetric instruments are developed.

Now we change the way we have been doing things and the following paragraph makes more sense?

We had to break out of the moulding with which society has cast itself. It requires "greater ingenuity and imagination" to go beyond the standard model.

Shall we forget about Dirac's abilties besides writing to the algebraic equations, or Feynman's extension of the matrices, to toy models?

Ant World

Three dimensions are all we see -- how could there be any more? Einstein's general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. If one direction were to contract down to an extremely tiny size, much smaller than an atom, it would be hidden from our view. If we could see on small enough scales, that hidden dimension might become visible.

Some actually testng that has been postulated to look at what may be anywhere between the "inaccessible Planck length and infinity."

Friday, June 30, 2006

Foundation Walls

After the forms were put up and completed, my son inserted a two by four at the very top, for our nailing to the plate. There were a few minor issues that my son was able to take care of as the concrete was being poured. So all in all, that part of th eowrk was completed on time.

After letting it set for about 36 hours, we went to work and dismantled all that had taken three days to put up.

I never realized that I could hurt this much physically after doing that kind of work. Well, that's not entirely true. I think "the age" tends to catch up with you, and in comparison to youth, one tends to see the drawbacks of what you could once do and what you can't do now. Just tryng to keep the pace was extremely hard, but looking back now, one tends to forget as quickly too.

The guy doing the backfill was suppose to show up Friday. Working with my son Thursday morning, it sounded like he might not get him at all.

So, running out of glue holding styrofoam insulation that we put up on the outside bearing walls, approximately five inches from the top, I left him to get some things done around our house. His mother owned me for the rest of the day.

Calling later, to see if he had completed the styrofoam on the rest, I could hear the heavy equipment and a happy young man as the backfill had begun one day early.

We actually lost one day for pour early in the process because of the inspector not showing when he said they would, so the next time, they came early to make up for that day. So 12 days, to start, to backfill on the foundatin walls, is extremely good I think.

My son is on a tight schedule, as he had taken off a certain amount of time before he has to go back to work. We are shooting for "under the roof" by the end of July. So that will be the end of my help, as the trades will taken over working within the house, and he will assume his owner/contractor responsibilites to coordinating.

In reality he had a "vision in mind" and has been doing this all along.

Be Not Afraid to Build in What ever Form

Models serve to remind us of all that goes into such projects. Whether, in the form of the house that my son is building, or whether it is in how we will draw conclusions about life, and all that we have gained from it in perception.

I think this is where I wanted to mention to young people that the power to do these things are very well and "capable in your hands." To "not be afraid to do" what anyone of you can be doing. To not be afraid of tackling the unknowns. Research, and more research, paves the way for a smooth transiton of the efforts that go into doing.

The way that this house is being constructed is one of many ways that any one of us can entertain. Learning of the differences between cultures and societies, the "way of doing" is always fascinating too.

Part of this insight askes my mind, why the types of construction are not carefully considered in the tornado alley's, that would resist demolishing in regard to nature's forces. Why construction techniques in the thrid world, has not be considered, to save the many lives that have been ended in such devastations.

Our Histories

These ideas go back to what the early settlers had to do and make use of. I tend to look back to my Grandmothers attempts to draw her first home here in this country, made out of sod. Where my ancestors progressed from.

Yes too, Plato Has a human face. Where life moves on in the expression of our children, and their children. No different, then each of us in our histories.

I will also show a type of construction that I looked at quite early on, that answered a lot of these questions in my mind. That also raised the thinking in terms of "European trends" as to the style of construction. These were mostly retrospect, from what had already transpired and had been reconstructed during the devastations of World War II.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Early Universe Formation

An Energy of Empty Space?

Einstein was the first person to realize that empty space is not nothingness. Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property of space that Einstein discovered is that more space can actually come into existence. Einstein's gravity theory makes a second prediction: "empty space" can have its own energy. This energy would not be diluted as space expands, because it is a property of space itself; as more space came into existence, more of this energy-of-space would come into existence as well. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster as time passes. Unfortunately, no one understands why space should contain the observed amount of energy and not, say, much more or much less.

I had been doing some reading and some thoughts came to mind about the measures one may use to see how our universe is doing. While it is really early here for any great revelation :) it did seem that issues could arise in my mind, if we used the "distance" to measure what exactly the universe is doing.

A Determinism at Planck Scale?

I'll tell you why in a second and then leave for now, as I have to continue with finishing the "foundation" with my son. Getting ready for backfilling tomorrow.

Andrey Kravtsov's computer modelling comes to mind, and how I was percieving early universe modelling in terms of a supersymmetrical state of existance. Holding this very idea in terms of this whole universe, it seemed to me, that the very "dynamical situation" and rise from such motivations, would have revealled principles as inherent in how "GR" would arise from this beginning. If the 5d consideration ha dbeen reduced to the 4 spacertime coordinated frame of reference, then what use any supersymmetrical state, or the motivation for such universe expressions?

Scientists have detected a flash of light from across the Galaxy so powerful that it bounced off the Moon and lit up the Earth's upper atmosphere. The flash was brighter than anything ever detected from beyond our Solar System and lasted over a tenth of a second. NASA and European satellites and many radio telescopes detected the flash and its aftermath on December 27, 2004. Two science teams report about this event at a special press event today at NASA headquarters

So there are two issues here that in my mind which make measurement extremely difficult. Two events within each other, that reveal something acute about the closeness of the beginnings in the universe, as very closely mappped to what exists now in our views revealled in GRB events

It was further complicated in my mind by two more issues that hold reference to these high energy events releases, that layout the schematics drawings, that the new WMAP indication holds in regards to analogistical sounds, revealled as the underpinnings of movement within this same universe.

So what about the WMAP and it's current reveallings?

If such equillibrium states are recognized as they are in placing detectors to position. Wouldn't this also reveal an opportune time for how we see this information, and provide for quick travel?

How did these "holes" create a problem for me?

If energy from these events found the "fastest route," then what would any lensing have looked like, effected by the very influences that the photon's travelled held, unduly holding to a fifth dimensional view?

The universe may of then looked like a swiss cheese? :)

Within conventional big bang cosmology, it has proven to be very difficult to understand why today's cosmological constant is so small. In this paper, we show that a cyclic model of the universe can naturally incorporate a dynamical mechanism that automatically relaxes the value of the cosmological constant, including contributions to the vacuum density at all energy scales. Because the relaxation time grows exponentially as the vacuum density decreases, nearly every volume of space spends an overwhelming majority of the time at the stage when the cosmological constant is small and positive, as observed today.

Link for article above here. Paul Steinhardt's homepage here.

If gravity and light are joined in the fifth dimension, what would this mean?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Continuing with the Foundation

An important thing to remember is, a House Will Become the Home. There are many things that will go into our homes? In the dream world, this home, will become the backdrop for all the things you will measure in life?

If you thought the highest ideals in life might have been expressed, where shall you do this? One place I know, is underneath the peak of the roof. How about you? YOur living room? Your kitchen and the health with which you will engage life?

But still we are along way off to concretizing "this model" in your mind. There is much work to do and a full day ahead.

"Geometry" is Measuring the Earth

There is a great appreciation to the developer of this site who has helped me see where such measure and evolution, is important, as to what constitutes the house. What goes into it.

How did human beings come to use mathematics to describe the world around them? One of the early motivators for humans to perfect a language for communicating about the world in terms of numbers came from the need to measure the Earth. People were learning to build large temples and cultivate large fields. These people had spiritual and practical needs for understanding how to measure and describe the space around them.

As I mentioned earlier, the frame of reference is very important. Here the earth is the foundational aspect we are working with, yet the point within space that we are using had to be level, so shooting for that within the space provided between earth and the height with which we will move our foundation walls, is critical to levelnesss and 90 degree angles, as well as, making sure the pythagorean angles on the ground are square too to our "two dimensional" planning.

Blog Pictures

There must be a limit to the number of pictures that I can upload to this the blog posting, as it will not allow other images that I wish to convey, alongside of this construction that is going on. So I guess I have to link now within context of this posting originally developed?

I should say "Ourhomeconstruction images" refer to my daughter-in-law and son's house. I am the "humble servant" in this adventure of theirs.

The footing size here was sixteen inches wide and approximately eight inches deep. This depth varance chanegs of course with the earth, so it was extremely important that we get our level height, while such distances inside the footings, maintain the level in space that we had shot previously.

It has been ten days since my son and I have started. I wanted to show some of the pictures that he had been taking as we have progressed.

In those footings and in the foundation walls we placed rebar which will make then much sturdier to the pressures of earth against them, as well as the backfill that will go on. In the design of this home two extra inner walls were placed to help to make sure any settling that does occur in new homes, does not happen here.

There are reasons for this, and in my son's case because of the type of heating system that he will be using, I think this a good idea too. INstead of the standard forced air which occurs lots in this location of the country, he will be using a radiant heat from the floor system, with piping being cemented, on both floors. This is a much cleaner way in which to heat one's home and add cooling to the house in the summer. The heating tubes will have fluid pumped through them from a "on demand boiler" that wil heat the floor section accordingly.

It helps sometimes to record the evolution of the process so that one does not forget.

There are a lot of things my son had to do in order to make sure that we were consistent with our measures and that these were maintained.

The one wall within these froms "is movable" so that when the concrete fills, it pushes it out to the full width of eight inches in this case, butting up quite tight to the ties that go throughh these foundation walls.

So having the footings in place we are and have moved on too, the foundation walls. Today the concrete was poured for the foundation walls. That took us about three days to put up. With help from people we were able to make this transition fairly quickly from the daughter-in-law help to screw in wood crossties to hold the footing the distance of 16 inches, to my wife backfilling the edges of the footing, to help hold the concrete boards in place.

While we work in coordinated frame of reference, GR is "a result" having descended to the four dimensions perspective from a fifth dimensional view? That is what Heightened perception is?

Fifth dimension (Wikipedia June 27 2006)

I placed the following picture to be consistent with the end of this blog entry and of course to align the article within the appropriate pages.

Editing, for appearance I guess.

M.C. Escher's work and the Official Site

My son used two by six in this operation and the distances to the ground required more earth backfill then others. Overall, I think 2x8 would have been sufficient.

So tomorrow begins the stripping down of everything we put up to support the foundation, and foundation walls.

Omar Khayyám the mathematician (6 april 2006 Wikipedia)

He was famous during his lifetime as a mathematician, well known for inventing the method of solving cubic equations by intersecting a parabola with a circle. Although his approach at achieving this had earlier been attempted by Menaechmus and others, Khayyám provided a generalization extending it to all cubics. In addition he discovered the binomial expansion, and authored criticisms of Euclid's theories of parallels which made their way to England, where they contributed to the eventual development of non-Euclidean geometry.

I will again fast forward here, to the perspective of "hyperbolic geometry," so people understand that leading from Euclidean perspective, there are results to seeing GR on a cosmological level in it's culmination, from parallel lines, to non-euclidean perspectives.

While my son stands on a mound of dirt, his heightened peception(the ascension to non-euclidean realm) and what is taking place in his mind, goes beyond the frames of refeences we use, yet, they are coordinated within them. Still the dynamcial nature of what constitutes that house, moves within those frames of reference in dynamical ways. Hallways become the transiton betwen the deeper levels of seeing? The changes within the house and it's rooms?

What they did not understand is that moving GR down to the quantum level is the insight with which the new direction of theoretics and physics needed to go. So developing consistancy with Quantum perspective was necessary and within this home, dynamical qualities existed, that move within these frames of reference. Yet, Gr does not work well on the quantum level, so how did such unification take place?

Carl Jung's Symbolical Nature?

The mandala can also be an image of eternity cycling through time and as such images soul's and Nature's circular journeys, as they are reflected in, for example, the Native American Medicine Wheel, in seasonal, rebirth and karmic cycles, in mythic journeys of going out and returning changed to one's point of origin, and in the zodiacal wheel as life's twelve archetypal stages of personal growth.

This cyclic transformation is also at the heart of ancient Chinese meditation. When the spiritual light in the body moves through rhythmical breathing in a circle, all the opposite energies of heaven and earth, sun and moon, light and dark, are crystallised and form what the Chinese called the Golden Flower, an inner mandala imaging the balanced, open and centred heart.

I have to agree that a lot is not understood towards the "essence of dreamtime."

Like anything I guess, if you were to take the time and do the analysis that Jung did in his efforts to record what was supposedly primitive in him, then what use the capacity to dream, let alone for all to dream?

Such construction then would not be understood or apparent predispositions to create the realities that we can, and do. Ingenuity, would have lack lustered against the background of the potentials dream time can offer?

But it would still be more then this.

I will give some examples shortly, as to the nature and psychology I found relevant to the constructive models used to systematically correlate life to model assumptions.. I did spend a couple of years recording as well.

Richards Wagners's Ring of Nibelung

Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. Ring of Power was interesting.

Strange that we could have seen A Jungian Understanding of the Wagners Ring cycle, portrayed in todays world and how could have this been accomplished. But by re-introducing a fictional story and embueing it with the archetypal structures of what Jean Shinida Bolen called, "The Abandon Child, The Authoritarian Father, and the Disempowered Feminine."

The importance of physiologically understanding the close relation of our states of mind, and the resulting emotive upheavals, as effects in our bodies? Very important. Such "states of mind" then become important in how we think about our selves, or others, and how we practise, watching our "thoughts of things?"

CARL JUNG by Dr. C. George Boeree

The most important archetype of all is the self. The self is the ultimate unity of the personality and issymbolized by the circle, the cross, and the mandala figures that Jung was fond of painting. A mandala is a drawing that is used in meditation because it tends to draw your focus back to the center, and it can be as simple as a geometric figure or as complicated as a stained glass window. The personifications that best represent self are Christ and Buddha, two people who many believe achieved perfection. But Jung felt that perfection of the personality is only truly achieved in death

Part of my contention is, that the "self" regardless of who you are, is seeking wholeness. I also contend that this is embedded in our current struggles within the theoretics of the science world? Attempts to "define" the theory of everything. Why, importance on re-cognition helps to identify, when you are within the dream time, once connected with aspects of, "defining this wholeness." Recognizing thepatterns that reveal these aspects as, a integrative realization of being?

Why Liminocentric structures are important to be understood.

No matter how "ancient" the nature of the schematics are, these patterns are inherent in self?

It's as "if" you line up all aspects of the personalities, and what ever "disquise it used" from one life to the next, it was always part of the pattern, of the whole self. A slice of the pie. As you rotated around the circle, it was you experiencing the different pieces of life, that represented different aspects of the soul.

One was always trying to remember not the "primitive nature" and thought evolution discriptive in the brain's "developemental mode" although such thinking has lead to a better encasing each time to believe possibly that the newer generations of people will have different attachements to the current structures of the brain?

What "kinds of thinking" lead "neuronical" developement? Restablish, routes electically impulsed? So the resulting routes re-establish are from a clear picture in mind, of what you have always done? Arm moves, if we see it move?

Once you align to the point in the center, it's as though you align every life time, and quickly realize, the energy that flows through you is the essence of all life. Like a lines of energy that run all over our planet and meet in different locations? That one location, allows the self to be expressed in it's diversities. As part of that wheel.

The ancient man realized that such vibration were indicative of the variety of these locations. Like negative, positive, or a combination of both. Like the earth, we are no different?

As I related in the blog entry comments of "trademarks of the geometers II it was from that perspective the relation developed on plate 47 and indications of YING Yang interconnectivity to oriental philosophy that I encouraged bubble idealizations.

It is important to look at "Plate 47."

But I wanted to give another example that better demonstrates the ancient mind in it's recognition of these diversities of the feminine/ masculine and this, "interplay of being" within context of who you are at any moment?

Speaking, as the child, or the parent, or the adult? These are masked the inhernet nature of design? Tao te Ching? Line's given to the examples of "broken and unbroken" and the "64 Hexagrams" are instrumental in displaying the diversity of action according to the probabilistic nature revealled in the dream world of predictable action, and it's consequences. These are features of the "creative realization" that mind is embued with in dream time, as well as, recognizing the reality of of our actions immediately upon their implementation?

These pages illumine the very principles which inspired the ancient Greek philosophers Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Plato, and cosmologists Giordano Bruno and Johannes Kepler.

The link on picture also gives one a clue as to how the musical string is actually visualized. To give you a better example of this, you must be able to see into the working of the nature described here, not only harmoncially considered in the harmonical oscillator as a basis of all reality, but of how thes ethink resonate within th emind,a swelok at the chaldni plate as a comparison of the WMAP map as well as, the nodal operation depicted in the results of the brain's consolidation of conceptual realization?

CARL JUNG by Dr. C. George Boeree

Jung dreamt a great deal about the dead, the land of the dead, and the rising of the dead. These represented the unconscious itself -- not the "little" personal unconscious that Freud made such a big deal out of, but a new collective unconscious of humanity itself, an unconscious that could contain all the dead, not just our personal ghosts

IN context of the books of the dead, it was more about "life" that the ancients mind was a concern.

It had to have ways of "seeing in life" to perpetuate the struggle through all that we had created? Dis-ease? As well as. realizing the fog of the dream world was no less the roads we would have to travel in death, as we made ourway to the clear light? The very fabrications of the dream world were a reminder of the "creative genius" that was in human capable hands, had we thought about, "building a life" on this planet?

Friday, June 23, 2006


Before I was to ask the question below I had gone through the links given by Alejandro RIvero and in and thinking of the work I had been doing to understand this relation between mathematics and the physics world.

Of course as you know I am deeply involved in building a "foundational perspective" in a number of ways, which takes up a enormous amount of time. So having these oportunities to advance my thinking, are extremely difficult now, besides putting in a full days work in the heat and misquitos.

I ask this question on Cosmic Variance for obvious reasons.


Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

After reading here, some things pop into my mind about the work I had gathered from Hooft, on the defintions of "theoretical developement."

When I read this it seem to bring it together a little more for me.

String theory clearly appears to be strikingly coherent. What seems to be missing presently, however, is a clear description of the local nature of its underlying physical laws. In all circumstances encountered until now, it has been imperative that external fields, in- and outgoing strings and D-branes are required to obey their respective field equations, or lie on their respective mass shells. Thus, only effects due to external perturbations can be computed when these external perturbations obey equations of motion. To me, this implies that we do not understand what the independent degrees of freedom are, and there seems to be no indication that these can be identified. String theoreticians are right in not allowing themselves to be disturbed by this drawback.

So you know you are stifled by a problem? You need ways in which to think about this?

So, in thinking about the mathematics and physics involved, are the two so wide apart that we can say that the world of the "theoretical mathematics" is so far from the reality of the "average human being," that they are to smart for us? Or is it, that they "see" in different ways?

That is the jest of what I see in Dirac's wordings I highlight or Alain CONNES words for more thinking. It is not enough for me to be dismissed out of hand on "string theory", for what has been experimentally challenged, should be cast aside for, "other roads to quantum gravity," so easy.

I see something beautiful in it myself, of course, being biased from the "position of speaking" that I do by name only:)

Responsibiity of course rings very well within my mind, as I write these words. It is not my intention to take people down roads and divert them from the roads that lead them to quantum gravity? But to keep my self critically thinking about the problems that are being spoken by, engaging in, the topic Sean produced in "stringtheory backlash."

There is some healing that needs to be taken care of, that has been inflicted on those who are speaking, for and against string theory, while it is perspectve "on vision" that must be maintained? The algebraic equations are something I am working on to develope.