Showing posts with label Web Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Science. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Above and Beyond Culturomics

Google's Ngram Viewer

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Web Semantics: Google Books Culturomics

  • 10:25 pm  | 
  • Categories: Web Semantics
“Just as petrified fossils tell us about the evolution of life on earth, the words written in books narrate the history of humanity. They words tell a story, not just through the sentences they form, but in how often they occur. Uncovering those tales isn’t easy – you’d need to convert books into a digital format so that their text can be analysed and compared. And you’d need to do that for millions of books.
“Fortunately, that’s exactly what Google have been doing since 2004. Together with over 40 university libraries, the internet titan has thus far scanned over 15 million books, creating a massive electronic library that represents 12% of all the books ever published. All the while, a team from Harvard University, led by Jean-Baptiste Michel and Erez Lieberman Aiden have been analysing the flood of data.See:Beyond The Beyond Just another WordPress weblog

No Wikipedia entry on Culturomics so it makes it difficult to piece together the inception other then to follow the originators algorithm to it's beginnings and go from there?

We constructed a corpus of digitized texts containing about 4% of all books ever printed. Analysis of this corpus enables us to investigate cultural trends quantitatively. We survey the vast terrain of "culturomics", focusing on linguistic and cultural phenomena that were reflected in the English language between 1800 and 2000. We show how this approach can provide insights about fields as diverse as lexicography, the evolution of grammar, collective memory, the adoption of technology, the pursuit of fame, censorship, and historical epidemiology. "Culturomics" extends the boundaries of rigorous quantitative inquiry to a wide array of new phenomena spanning the social sciences and the humanities. Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books

With "trajectories" in mind, what purpose the environment with which controls are placed to consider, an aspect of a book,  as it has been measured over a series of times according to how similarity has been collected according to the timing that had occurred in relevance to the years it has been used?

Artistic renditions,  like Dali in his Crucifixion taken to the decic> "Nth degree", was a geometrical signature of what could be "raised from his thinking mind" about the beyond?

Something beyond the boundaries of that thinking as a matter of speaking. A formatted aspect of the gravity of that wording to detail all that process is contained to that environment alone. No something happens to the way you are contained in that thinking even though they say there are tight controls scientifically?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mapping the Internet Brain and Consciousness

Partial map of the Internet based on the January 15, 2005 data found on Each line is drawn between two nodes, representing two IP addresses. The length of the lines are indicative of the delay between those two nodes. This graph represents less than 30% of the Class C networks reachable by the data collection program in early 2005. Lines are color-coded according to their corresponding RFC 1918 allocation as follows:
  • Dark blue: net, ca, us
  • Green: com, org
  • Red: mil, gov, edu
  • Yellow: jp, cn, tw, au, de
  • Magenta: uk, it, pl, fr
  • Gold: br, kr, nl
  • White: unknown

I asked a couple of my work mates what they thought this picture was, and right away they thought it was some galaxy. On first look it did not seem any less likely to me either,  until that is of course you have  a read through the design construction listed underneath the picture.

What are Mind Maps?
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.

The elements of a given mind map are arranged intuitively according to the importance of the concepts, and are classified into groupings, branches, or areas, with the goal of representing semantic or other connections between portions of information. Mind maps may also aid recall of existing memories.
By presenting ideas in a radial, graphical, non-linear manner, mind maps encourage a brainstorming approach to planning and organizational tasks. Though the branches of a mindmap represent hierarchical tree structures, their radial arrangement disrupts the prioritizing of concepts typically associated with hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. This orientation towards brainstorming encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin within a particular conceptual framework.
The mind map can be contrasted with the similar idea of concept mapping. The former is based on radial hierarchies and tree structures denoting relationships with a central governing concept, whereas concept maps are based on connections between concepts in more diverse patterns.
This is amazing to me in context of mind mapping that is spoken too here on this site.  I thought it appropriate to title the Post above in context of how we are mapping the human brain in terms of neurological connections so as to see this comparative relation to how we might map the internet.

See:Creating a Science of the Web

The Web is the largest human information construct in history. The Web is transforming society. In order to...understand what the Web is engineer its future ensure its social benefit

...we need a new interdisciplinary field that we call Web Science.

The Web Science Research Initiative brings together academics, scientists, sociologists, entrepreneurs and decision makers from around the world. These people will create the first multidisciplinary research body to examine the World Wide Web and offer the practical solutions needed to help guide its future use and design.

As you go through the label on mind map you will discover something about mind mapping  as I have written about it that I see is inherent in the very nature of our makeup. To me this was to be revealed through the quieter times of my introspection, that one might say I was indeed asleep and dreaming.

A contemporary mandala made from a photograph of tree fungi.See:Mandala

So in a way this product of my introspection was about understanding that such structures were immortal in my view that these could be transmitted in consciousness from a time before our birth to have it exploded within our consciousness, as the life began to unfold for us.

That such parcels of thought were given in this context and formed to allow a time for thought to be expelled from the very understanding that this was somehow "a seed to germinate," the longer one thought about it's structure and content.

So too that we could as if natural consequence see that the way the subconscious mind was to organize a "load of information" so as to keep these things in the souls memory for all time. This was the idea that all life experience around us was able to form this distillate view as a function seen in any kaleidescope image, as it is fractionated down to it's simplest form .

See Also :

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Information on Web Science and New Publishing Software

I was doing some reading at Backreaction: Web Science to see what was of interest. I too have linked the Scientific Magazine articles at different times. I found that in the beginning, it is a nice thing to see the whole context of the article, and then find, that in the future you'll come to a page that asks you to pay to read the rest of it. Eventually, you will have to pay for it. Strategies on information dissemination, and a eventual payback, is of course represented here. So should I even of thinking linking Scientific America in the future?

The issues of Web Science is an important one. One I advocate in terms of developing the tools one needs to spread ideas and platforms for consideration. Is it an affective idea to be considered a disease that is being spread? Well, there are all kinds of techniques for one to consider. Whether one might want to consider any future work here in terms of bloggery development. In that regard whether the development of this Web Science might intrude on my creativity.

How "really free" are we then to develop? People exist in the world and there are no rules that allow one to exist. It is by natures design that we are born, and then eventually die. How is it one shall determine whether my life here shall be dictated by the "manufactured rules of life" when you think this Web Science is a very natural development?

Developing Linkage

I thought I would try using this feature within Scientific America to see what use it might have for me, as I display "new posts" here on this bloggery. Perhaps, this is where future reference for the articles in question in regards to Scientific American will be used.

Right away, moving beyond the article itself on Web Science, I felt a certain restrictiveness in terms of the how the software will ask you to pull from your resources. According to a format( google ads intrude by no choice of your own advertising) which I have no idea, is now exposed as a formatted page for presentation. There is an intrusiveness that makes me feel uncomfortable, when using this software in this context. As well, becoming a advertiser for Scientific America, that charges a price eventually. To be a article for consideration about the future development, are not ones I would advocate to charge for, while we are developing this future. For that matter, anything that helps one to understand and progress with their personal development.

As I think about this method, more of what difference is it that I pull pictures that I save to my own files, that I had come upon throughout the internet and upload these using the picture feature in the bloggery tools. So this is much the same principle as based on this Issuu use. Referencing these pictures and locating them by direct link is a good point though and is designed into blog developement choices to include in our blog posts.

Imagine going out into the world around us and having to pay nature for it's it's wonderful images that nature itself bestows upon us. If this system is so natural in it's biological outcome, what design and coloured page would you choose to reflect the background of historical importance of any blog, whose individuality, is being freely expressed?

Background Colour of Blogs

To me I like to work with the HTML and develop the page openly and freely, given a set of tools, like those available on bloggery, to help toward an end. To allow me to see the resulting page as I develop it. Using Issuu, it did allow me choose a background colour for Scientific America which I adapted to my blog background numbers. So this was nice. It does allow other features in terms of that background, on how might one see the article and page of Scientific America.

I have to play around with it some more to see if it is of use for me. I'll let you know more then. But until then, you can experiment yourself.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Inventor's Notebook

"Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." - Thomas Alva Edison, Harper's Monthly (September 1932)

Thomas Edison's first successful light bulb model, used in public demonstration at Menlo Park, December 1879

You might find a similarity here, that speaks to ingenuity and such, while seeing the historical significance of what is being spoken too. As if, it is the necessity at the forefront of knowledge today. This is "ole stuff being replayed" as if "young minds" need to be reminded, and mine is not so young that I have not gone down these routes before. Or that I needed a reminder.

In computer science, tabula rasa refers to the development of autonomous agents which are provided with a mechanism to reason and plan toward their goal, but no "built-in" knowledge-base of their environment. They are thus truly a "blank slate".

There is no doubt that invention is a process that needs recording. That it shows the procedural avenues to an "established idea" is the necessary aspect of "owning something" that other minds might have missed. It is garnered in the perception of, anomalies, that are met by using that experimental procedure.

Edison's U.S. Patents by Execution DateThis graph shows the annual number of successful U.S. patent applications Edison executed (that is, signed in preparation for filing at the U.S. Patent Office). In 1882, at the height of his work on electric light and power, he completed 106 successful applications.See:Edison's Patents

What are one's productive years and one can think of those who had their times in the light, and those who continued to work by procedural efforts to clock many instances where new inventions continue to arise.

It is often the "novice of science" is attracted to the halls where such ideas become alluring as to what is the "mystery to life?" An event. Such examples become the guiding light as to what life is about? A new web site, or an institution developed to work on the new ideas about Physics and such. One might think that this is the "highlight of all that follows education" the example of the scientist in progress. But it is much more then that. Every detail replay again and again and a question as to how it could possibly be?

Applicability of invention is the diversity of the mind to bring this idea to fruition. It includes that diversification to the lives of many people. While this idea is then part of the procedural efforts of development, it is of no less importance that even though Thomas Edison called the idea of inspiration only 1 percent, it was indeed the work to manifest that this idea, could become the reality of the effort by that 99%.

Observation Pays Off

I always reiterate the validity of the experiment to follow. To see how quick the mind is to spot such contradictions. To highlight how important observation plays in the recognition of the anomalies that arise in our everyday lives.

I have used paintings to suggest how good the mind is to perceive the objectification of things within the content of our views that reveal and require a depth to one's thinking, by inclusion of the process of moving to the "next step" in experimental justification and applicability.

Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries[/b] Kuhn now moves past his initial topic of paradigm to scientific discovery saying that in order for there to be a discovery, an anomaly must be detected within the field of study. He discusses several different studies and points out the anomaly that invoked the scientific discovery. Later in the chapter he begins to discuss how the anomaly can be incorporated into the discovery to satisfy the scientific community.

There are three different characteristics of all discoveries from which new sorts of phenomena emerge. These three characteristics are proven through an experiment dealing with a deck of cards. The deck consisted of anomalous cards (e.g. the red six of spades shown on the previous page) mixed in with regular cards. These cards were held up in front of students who were asked to call out the card they saw, and in most cases the anomaly was not detected.

See if you recognize the validity of what I am saying, then you would have to know something a little bit more about the person who uses the name of Plato. Is to understand, that I was already given an anomalous event within my own life. It rocked the very foundation in face of, all that science has given me.

Tabula rasa (Latin: scraped tablet or clean slate) refers to the epistemological thesis that individual human beings are born with no innate or built-in mental content, in a word, "blank", and that their entire resource of knowledge is built up gradually from their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. See Tabula rasa: The Glass Room

I do not ignore this process of science. I think, that to dwell further on "the space that I am showing," is to recognize the emergence of the idea, is still much more then that 1% of inspiration. Because it includes life as we know it already, and all that we know, while giving the idea may have it's proponents mindful in other examples.

I am not going to go into them because they would be considered "not valid" but point out this is the "seed motivation" that arises in my quest for understanding of what "gravity is to mean." Who would know that this excursion into "the unknown" would have it's applicability "to all peoples" regardless of there gender, their race, or how rich or poor you are.


The Inconceivable being Believable
The Value of the Dollar
Tabula rasa:The Glass Room