Showing posts with label Pascal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pascal. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2005

Albrecht Durer and His Magic Square

Albrecht Dürer
(self portrait at 28)

It was important to me that I post the correct painting and one that had undergone revision to exemplify the greater context of geometrical forms. In the Topo-sense? Artistic renditions help and adjust views, where information in mathematical minds, now explains something greater. Melencolia II
[frontispiece of thesis, after Dürer 1514]by Prof.dr R.H. Dijkgraaf

"Two images when one clicked on," shows what I mean.

Melancholia in 1514(the original)

The Magic Square

Like Pascal, one finds Albrecht has a unique trick, used by mathematicians to hide information and help, to exemplify greater contextual meaning. Now you have to remember I am a junior here in pre-established halls of learning, so later life does not allow me to venture into, and only allows intuitive trials poining to this solid understanding. I hope I am doing justice to learning.

A new perspective hidden in the Prof.dr R.H. Dijkgraaf
second rendition, and thesis image, reveals a question mark of some significance?:) So how would we see the standard model in some "new context" once gravity is joined with some fifth dimensional view?

Matrix developement?

Like "matrix developement," we see where historical significance leads into the present day solutions? How did such ideas manifest, and we look for this in avenues of today's science.

In 1931 Dirac gave a solution of this problem in an application of quantum mechanics so original that it still astounds us to read it today. He combined electricity with magnetism, in a return to the 18th-century notion of a magnet being a combination of north and south magnetic poles (magnetic charges), in the same way that a charged body contains positive and negative electric charges.

How relevant is this? How important this history? How relevant is it, that we see how vision has been extended from plates(flat surfaces to drawings) to have been exemplified in sylvester surfaces and object understanding. This goes much further, and is only limited by the views of those who do not wish to deal with higher dimensional ventures?


  • Topo-sense

  • The Abstract World
  • Saturday, November 20, 2004

    Fool's Gold

    Ludwig Boltzmann

    In 1877 Boltzmann used statistical ideas to gain valuable insight into the meaning of entropy. He realized that entropy could be thought of as a measure of disorder, and that the second law of thermodynamics expressed the fact that disorder tends to increase. You have probably noticed this tendency in everyday life! However, you might also think that you have the power to step in, rearrange things a bit, and restore order. For example, you might decide to tidy up your wardrobe. Would this lead to a decrease in disorder, and hence a decrease in entropy? Actually, it would not. This is because there are inevitable side-effects: whilst sorting out your clothes, you will be breathing, metabolizing and warming your surroundings. When everything has been taken into account, the total disorder (as measured by the entropy) will have increased, in spite of the admirable state of order in your wardrobe. The second law of thermodynamics is relentless. The total entropy and the total disorder are overwhelmingly unlikely to decrease

    However, don't be fooled! The charm of the golden number tends to attract kooks and the gullible - hence the term "fool's gold". You have to be careful about anything you read about this number. In particular, if you think ancient Greeks ran around in togas philosophizing about the "golden ratio" and calling it "Phi", you're wrong. This number was named Phi after Phidias only in 1914, in a book called _The Curves of Life_ by the artist Theodore Cook. And, it was Cook who first started calling 1.618...the golden ratio. Before him, 0.618... was called the golden ratio! Cook dubbed this number "phi", the lower-case baby brother of Phi.

    How much wiser are we with the understanding that Curlies Gold told us much about what to look for in that One Thing?

    The result is that the pinball follows a random path, deflecting off one pin in each of the four rows of pins, and ending up in one of the cups at the bottom. The various possible paths are shown by the gray lines and one particular path is shown by the red line. We will describe this path using the notation "LRLL" meaning "deflection to the left around the first pin, then deflection right around the pin in the second row, then deflection left around the third and fourth pins".

    So, what is the value of PI, if a "point" on the brane holds previous information about the solid things we see in our universe now? Have we recognized the momentum states, represented by the KK Tower and the value of 1R as it arises from the planck epoch?

    The statistical sense of Maxwell distribution can be demonstrated with the aid of Galton board which consists of the wood board with many nails as shown in animation. Above the board the funnel is situated in which the particles of the sand or corns can be poured. If we drop one particle into this funnel, then it will fall colliding many nails and will deviate from the center of the board by chaotic way. If we pour the particles continuously, then the most of them will agglomerate in the center of the board and some amount will appear apart the center. After some period of time the certain statistical distribution of the number of particles on the width of the board will appear. This distribution is called normal Gauss distribution (1777-1855) and described by the following expression: