Showing posts with label Entanglement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entanglement. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Quantum Entanglement: Do We Need a Radically New Spacetime/Quantum Worldview

I have been thinking hard and heavy about how such information could have been translated from the horizon of a blackhole.

IN post previous post this interaction and thinking has been directed in Gerard 't Hooft focus. In light of Penrose picture below we see where this focus can point our attention on principles of entanglement? Might we have said that there can be such a thing as the calorimetric view within context of the larger picture of relativity, as well as, incorporating this quantum view?

We needed to start from some place and all seem to be happy here as long as we slowly chart this progress, to describing this visual expression of the reality we are moving into. Now we are at the horizon? Particle production and it's inception?

What are the limitations of these views?

  • Penrose and Quanglement

  • Entanglement and the New Physics

  • In the past, teleportation has only been possible with particles of light Image: Rainer Blatt

    By taking advantage of quantum phenomena such as entanglement, teleportation and superposition, a quantum computer could, in principle, outperform a classical computer in certain computational tasks. Entanglement allows particles to have a much closer relationship than is possible in classical physics. For example, two photons can be entangled such that if one is horizontally polarized, the other is always vertically polarized, and vice versa, no matter how far apart they are. In quantum teleportation, complete information about the quantum state of a particle is instantaneously transferred by the sender, who is usually called Alice, to a receiver called Bob. Quantum superposition, meanwhile, allows a particle to be in two or more quantum states at the same time

    Whether such a "quantum computer" can realistically be built with a value of L that is large enough to be of practical use is a topic of much debate. However, the mere possibility has led to an explosive renaissance of interest in the host of curious

    Issues of Entanglement

    Tuesday, December 07, 2004

    Strings Change Quantum Mechanical Discription of the World?

    Often times harmonical oscillators can disguise themselves in dialogue, and opposition, and bring about a "signatured state" of recognition? Have they become entangled? Have they defined themselves in terms of new elemental features of existance?

    Has strings presented itself as a new issue in entanglement and the "new physics," it would represent?

    Physicists have succeeded in entangling five photons for the first time. Although four photons have been entangled before, five is the minimum number needed for universal error correction in quantum computation. Moreover, the same team has demonstrated a process called "open-destination teleportation" for the first time (Z Zhao et al. 2004 Nature 430 54). The results represent a major breakthrough in efforts to exploit the laws of quantum mechanics in quantum information processing.

    By taking advantage of quantum phenomena such as entanglement, teleportation and superposition, a quantum computer could, in principle, outperform a classical computer in certain computational tasks. Entanglement allows particles to have a much closer relationship than is possible in classical physics. For example, two photons can be entangled such that if one is horizontally polarized, the other is always vertically polarized, and vice versa, no matter how far apart they are. In quantum teleportation, complete information about the quantum state of a particle is instantaneously transferred by the sender, who is usually called Alice, to a receiver called Bob. Quantum superposition, meanwhile, allows a particle to be in two or more quantum states at the same time

    Tuesday, November 30, 2004

    Entanglement and the New Physics

    I have to go back and look at this subject carefully to get a sense of what is going on in Lubos Blog(will supply proper link later).

    It is possible to entangle two photons that have never interacted before by using two down-conversion sources and then subjecting one photon from each entangled pair to a Bell-state measurement. This causes the other two photons, which have never interacted, to become entangled.

    Further Links for Consideration

    The basics of two-party entanglement

    Basics of multiparty entanglement


    Basics of secret sharing


    We have engineered an entangled state made of two atoms and the cavity mode. The entanglement is produced in a succession of controlled steps addresssing the particles individually. The sequence is fully programmable and could be configured to produce any quantum state. We have chosen here to prepare a triplet of entangled particles of the GHZ type. The entanglement has been demonstrated by experiments performed in two orthogonal basis. The procedure can, in principle, operate on larger numbers of particles, opening the way to new fundamental tests of quantum theory.

    Test of the Quantenteleportation
    over long distances in the duct system of Vienna

    Working group
    Quantity of experiment and the Foundations OF Physics
    Professor Anton Zeilinger

    Quantum physics questions the classical physical conception of the world and also the everyday life understanding, which is based on our experiences, in principle. In addition, the experimental results lead to new future technologies, which a revolutionizing of communication and computer technologies, how we know them, promise.

    In order to exhaust this technical innovation potential, the project "Quantenteleportation was brought over long distances" in a co-operation between WKA and the working group by Professor Anton Zeilinger into being. In this experiment photons in the duct system "are teleportiert" of Vienna, i.e. transferred, the characteristics of a photon to another, removed far. First results are to be expected in the late summer 2002

    Sunday, November 14, 2004

    Universal Error Correction in Quantum Computation

    Physicists have succeeded in entangling five photons for the first time. Although four photons have been entangled before, five is the minimum number needed for universal error correction in quantum computation. Moreover, the same team has demonstrated a process called "open-destination teleportation" for the first time (Z Zhao et al. 2004 Nature 430 54). The results represent a major breakthrough in efforts to exploit the laws of quantum mechanics in quantum information processing.

    By taking advantage of quantum phenomena such as entanglement, teleportation and superposition, a quantum computer could, in principle, outperform a classical computer in certain computational tasks. Entanglement allows particles to have a much closer relationship than is possible in classical physics. For example, two photons can be entangled such that if one is horizontally polarized, the other is always vertically polarized, and vice versa, no matter how far apart they are. In quantum teleportation, complete information about the quantum state of a particle is instantaneously transferred by the sender, who is usually called Alice, to a receiver called Bob. Quantum superposition, meanwhile, allows a particle to be in two or more quantum states at the same time

    Do We Need a Radically New Spacetime/Quantum Worldview

    Whether such a "quantum computer" can realistically be built with a value of L that is large enough to be of practical use is a topic of much debate. However, the mere possibility has led to an explosive renaissance of interest in the host of curious and classically counterintuitive properties associated with entangled states. Other phenomena that rely on nonlocal entanglement, such as quantum teleportation and various forms of quantum cryptography, have also been demonstrated in the laboratory