Friday, November 18, 2016

The Flow In our Lives

In positive psychology, flow, also known as the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. Named by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields (and has an especially big recognition in occupational therapy), though the concept has existed for thousands of years under other guises, notably in some Eastern religions.[1] Achieving flow is often colloquially referred to as being in the zone.
Flow shares many characteristics with hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in a positive light. Some examples include spending "too much" time playing video games or getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the overall assignment. In some cases, hyperfocus can "capture" a person, perhaps causing them to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few.  Flow (psychology)

The standard definition seems to be lacking for me in terms of the experience as that flow had come to me with meaning. At its most deepest levels the experience had an alignment with all aspects of my experiences in life, as if lead to it. These pathways,  as if by laying all these lines over top one another according to an arrow of time.  It is where all these lines crossed.

While on the larger scale of experience, an objectification of actions, at the same time a subjective interpretation, becomes a pathway of expression of experiencing. This to me was like seeing qualitative equations underlying our expression of the words and experiences according too. An geometrical expression of the human experience. That, if one goes backward to a source, it would be like becoming in touch with this stream.....the flow that one touches, as if dipping a finger into the current described as the flow of life....the energy of our life expression. Once connected,  totally immersed.

I talked about this with regard to a fighting aspect in hand to hand, as a momentum felt in a circular motion, as if one used to propel this momentum through a continued force of expression. I saw this in light of Lagrangian understanding as using this to propel satellites further onward to other planets.

 In terms of Lagrangian, one is looking for the least see that life expression always finds the fastest route and as fleeting as Deja Vu human perception is capable of perceiving that time frame.

 One has to find this subjective location in life as toward one understanding where these lines cross.  You would understand that it allows for such a pathway to have expressed itself as the life experience.

 In another form of expression I see this flow, as a connection to the arrow of time, as one would regard confirmation of life according to its enforcement as  in the deja Vu experience. One would think a predetermination as a loss in will, but this is contrary to not living our life plan as we had choose it. So one can see, how a choice was made to enter here into this life experience.....and that we choose other routes willingly

 Psychology(flow) had quite a list, and one of those stood out was the if to be consumed by the rise and fall of the rhythms inherent in the words of expression.  Again at the most deepest levels of these are as a subjective experience, that becomes a undifferentiated of any other.

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