Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Image: Event display of candidate event for this ultra-rare decay observed in the LHCb experiment
Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, near Geneva, have spotted one of the rarest particle decays ever seen in nature. The result is very damaging to new theories like the extremely popular Supersymmetry (or SUSY for short).

Current knowledge about the most fundamental matter particles (quarks and leptons, such as an electron) and the forces between them is embedded in the so-called Standard Model. The particle masses are a consequence of their interactions with the Higgs field. Exciting the Higgs field in particle collisions at the LHC recently resulted in the discovery of the Higgs boson.

However, the Standard Model is not the ultimate theory; it does not include gravity nor explain 95% of the Universe, which is in the form of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.  See:

The worst thing about the BBC article is the headline, “Supersymmetry theory dealt a blow” (though that’s presumably the editor’s fault, as much as or more than the author’s) and the ensuing prose, “The finding deals a significant blow to the theory of physics known as supersymmetry.”  What’s wrong with it?  It’s certainly true that the measurement means that many variants of supersymmetry (of which there are a vast number) are now inconsistent with what we know about nature.  But what does it mean to say a theory has suffered a blow? and why supersymmetry? See: Supersymmetry Dealt a Blow”?

The graph showing evidence of the Bs0 → μ+ μ- decay. The result was presented Monday 12 November at the HCP Conference in Kyoto (photo courtesy of the LHCb Collaboration).

Today, at the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium in Kyoto, the LHCb collaboration has presented the evidence of a very rare B decay, the rarest ever seen. The result further shrinks the region in which scientists can still look for supersymmetry. See: A rare sight
A typical B0s →μμ decay candidate event is shown above. The two muon tracks from B0s decay are seen as a pair of purple tracks traversing the whole detector in the left image above.

See Also:


  1. http://youtu.be/V0KjXsGRvoA

  2. LHCB::

    Nevertheless, Supersymmetry also benefits from this measurement, as Dr Bettler explains “This result is important because it tells us what new
    physics is not.”

    Process of elimination at work. Only valuable to those who search for the truth. Not valuable who adhere to ideology.

    Good Luck to intrepid discoverers ?

  3. forum may have a better link.....you should check out homepage there.

  4. It is, at minimum, a process. There are cases where it goes beyond that, into ideology.

    I posted a INTJf thread on a SEED Magazine piece that exemplifies this distinction, titled, 'Do we create reality just by looking at it ?'

    In this specific example the experimenters did no like their results and explicitly stated they would not accept the results until their was replication in space. The point is, their lack of acceptance. A more reasonable choice, indicating no ideology, would have been tentative acceptance of the data.

    It seems in your OP, the process is at work which bodes well for material improvement in the status quo :-)
