Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mapping the Pathway Inside

Although [God] did make use of the relevant auxiliary causes, it was he himself who gave their fair design to all that comes to be. That is why we must distinguish two forms of cause, the divine and the necessary. First, the divine, for which we must search in all things if we are to gain a life of happiness to the extent that our nature allows, and second, the necessary, for which we must search for the sake of the divine. Our reason is that without the necessary, those other objects, about which we are serious, cannot on their own be discerned, and hence cannot be comprehended or partaken of in any other way.

I am not in any way here to argue the historical context that the image above has taken in all that we see in National Geographic or in the articles of archaeological significance. I am using this image in another way that you might not of considered before.

I have given concepts with which one can entertain ideas in relation to what happens from a mandalic, Liminocentric and Mind Mapping sequence of events that will allow certain things to unfold within one's own life? A foundational approach to see the circumstance of life beyond what is just found in the physical reality of the body. Beyond the workings of the physiological sequences of emotive and mental happenings, that "these could have amounted to beyond the realm of the understood."

Imagine for one moment, that the very surface of this sphere, is the sudsy oil based colourations, shimmering from one place to the next, is our mental and emotive states. Our mind (The brain), and it trappings hold the colouration of our reality in way that is not understood. But that colouration is beyond the matters that define the mind itself. Beyond the matters of the brain itself.

So I will "paint the colours of my reasoning for you" to understand the concepts I am putting forth. The conceptual valuations are a culmination of the person trying to organize all that they know in a pictorial sense, that we could see the mind of a Feynman or Dirac, whose skill had come forth? Can come forth in any of you.

It is important then that what you had always seen of earth from space, is more the truth of it, that the gravity now takes hold of this vision and helps you to understand it's place in the universe? While we focus on it's matters we see Grace has been mapped according to the measures used in that sense. I find this correlation of significance when we learn to see the emotive and mental states as such. I still recognize the matter the brain as I do the earth as a matter of fact too.

Is it organizational then that we might reveal aspects within one's own self that we learn to discover certain things about our very own nature. It does not exult us in any way to realize that when you had decided to become comfortable with who you are, that you get the thread that runs through all things for you. That you learn to see who you are in face of all the circumstances that unfold within the span of years from one place to the next? Life continues as it always has. We are just trying to perfect our understanding of who we are in face of all that has to take place for our living in this world.

Where is my home? Why all this travelling from one place to the next, and not finding who it is that speaks through all the information and meetings that take Place. What value all of this and we see we are the accumulation of time spent here and there.

So I gave a structure of a kind to help you understand something about the way I have learnt to see life. It is only a map given that saids what you have to do may have been found useful to help continue your own journey. Something that awakens something in you to say I am happy now that I have found who it is through those times. How I am through all the adversities of living that at the end of that day, who is it that sums all that had taken place?

That is your last judgement of things, that the weight of the feather and heart become symbolized in the scale weighting the feather of truth to your very own heart. Truth then becomes something of a clarifier to what you hold most dear at the same time, put in front of you the ideal with which you shall live. If you can honestly say you have lived your life to your expectations, then what had you accomplished?

Removing the Veil

"Death, so called, is but older matter dressed
In some new form. And in a varied vest,
From tenement to tenement though tossed,
The soul is still the same, the figure only lost.
" Poem on Pythagoras, Dryden's Ovid.

Benjamin Franklin in his epitaph call it an overcoat we put on, and the summation of this is the accumulation of life and all it trappings and wondering. How simple of any of us to think it is the "actual overcoat" when we know the deeper resonance such epitaph can make of one's entire life. As if, the life were a "book of a kind." With death to come the realization of an worn out cover.

"As to you, Life, I reckon you are the leavings of many deaths, No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before." "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman

So while the understanding prevails us, what use this metaphorical language for any of us but to see that what starts off as the matter and order of things, had some geometrical presence before it become the model it did.

So you see the brain in the sphere. You see the "gravitational model of the earth" within the confines of of the sphere of development. No where had I yet explained the triangle and face of the pyramid. Should one use it as vertical line of reasoning, that the top of that line should direct the mind to a heaven, or for those of lore to the stars above?

Listen careful then as to the face of the pyramid shown. The foundational aspect is it's base, and, is earth. The face of this pyramid is used to colour the valuations of gravity in it's strength and weaknesses. Is used, to describe the mental and emotive states of being, from a matter orientated understanding of the matter( that based) to the every colouration of the mental and emotive states themself.

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