“Nature and Nature’s laws long lie hid in Night: God said ‘Let Newton be,’ and all was light.”Alexander Pope’s
There is a long chain of events that are revealed through our understandings of science. Some of these events are the stepping stones to admonish the very reality with which we deal everyday. These are things that are the underlying qualitative valuations of our recognition of the basis of that reality.
So within this forum, I highlight something about Sir Isaac Newton that is the negative to what is of value to Sheldon Glasgow.
Isaac Newton was my childhood hero. Along with Albert Einstein, he one of the greatest scientists ever, but Newton was no saint. He used his position to defame his competitors and rarely credited his colleagues.His arguments were sometimes false and contrived, his data were often fudged, and he exaggerated the accuracy of his calculations. Furthermore, his many religious works (mostly unpublished) were nonsensical or mystical, revealing him to be a creationist at heart. My talk offers a sampling of Newton’s many transgressions, social, scientific and religious.
So what is that I do here while holding Sir Isaac Newton to such a rising star, has become the curse of spreading the bad aspects of science through my awe for the ability and creativeness of such a man. To find, that his character and his methods cloud his accomplishments.
Everywhere I have been, and read, I seen the "nature of the scientist" in question while the pursuance of science is being clouded by our characterizations of the person.
I have tried not to be to judgemental about individuals as I have been reading through out my research. I felt that it was never my place to comment on their characters, all the while focusing on what they were producing for us in regards to what we see of science.
Well, I am as guilty as I describe "the Woitian experience" with regards to string theory and it's respective place within the hall's of theoretical leanings. I am guilty of speaking my mind about the misfortunes of racial and economic divide that, thathas become the misfortunes of the human experience. The things which perpetuate life further on, based on that history.
We do not even realize we do it while we set right the injustices based on our experiences.
The Disease of Sir Isaac Newton
I have gone on to long I think about characters. Lubos Motl, or Clifford's need to defend the female gender and racial misfortunes of a class system. I want to get back on track here with regards to Sir Isaac Newton talked about here.
I suspect that few of you are familiar with the darker side to Isaac Newton, the less savory aspects of his life that led Aldous Huxley to express the view that “as a man [Newton] was a failure, as a monster he was superb.”Pg. 1
So yes this is my having to deal with what I highlighted of Sir Isaac Newton. I must recognize his character too? It's much more comprehensive if I take you directly to what catches my attention. It was the sin of Sir Isaac Newton, and his suspected disease Sheldon refers too.
Newton was obsessively secretive, reluctant to publish, averse to public speaking, and sometimes hid his ideas as coded Latin anagrams. (Some contemporary psycho-historians argue that he suffered from an affect disorder known as Asberger’s syndrome.) His greatest accomplishment, the mathematical analysis of planetary motion in the Principia, uses ingenious and elaborate geometrical arguments rather than simpler ones based on calculus. Newton once said to a friend that he purposely made it difficult “to avoid being bated by little smatterers in mathematics.”Pg. 3
Newton the Alchemist
So the jest of where I am going is the highlighted topic of Newton as the Alchemist. So you all know now as you move through this blog. It is this, that I make one take notice of, while what was of value to Sheldon, was supposed to be my sin as well? Nonsense?
Isaac Newton was not only a physicist and a mathematician. He devoted at least as much of his time to alchemical experimentation, religious scholarship, and the study of mythology as history, especially biblical chronology. Wisely, Newton never published most of this nonsense.Pg. 9
So here I point to "the thing of science" that does not like such verbal analogies, while what was required here was the quantitativeness of our search for understanding of who we are. Faced with the productions and valuations of what we had done for and with science.
Who was Shakespeare?"

Plato Said,
"Sir Francis Bacon, disguised by "Shakespearean thought," was just an actor of "creativity," portraying a role of a political man? Yet, the thoughts extended, as if this man was in another place and time? Is it that easy? This story true?"
You have to understand that the "use of the language" can hide who we are. It is quite an artistic feature of speaking in one form, while hiding the reality of the real person.
So you see not only are there analogies about life, but in essence, there is quality to life, that is geometrical in nature. Should I be the one to tell Sheldon Glasgow, that even though Sir Isaac Newton practised alchemy, one may reconsider whether it is nonsense or not.
With the geometric way, one is thinking in terms of pictures; pictures which one imagines in space in some way, and one just tries to get a feeling for the relationships between the quantities occurring in those pictures. Now, a good mathematician has to be a master of both ways of those ways of thinking, but even so, he will have a preference for one or the other; I don't think he can avoid it. In my own case, my own preference is especially for the geometrical way.Paul Dirac
I have given two examples now, for you, yourself to judge, so that you will think twice about what Sheldon Glasgow had to say about Sir Isaac Newton. Yes character, and with this all the blemishes that go with the kind of human nature that people dislike in other people, but isn't this all our struggle? To become better persons. To understand that what was apparent on the alchemical side was really about becoming a better person too?
One cannot help but feel hurt when one prostates themself above another. Hurtles objectionable statements to another, regardless, of the feeling of empathy that must exchange hands before words are sent forth.
The "Feather of Truth"
Now you should know I do not have any disease, other then to think about life and colours as significant in terms of our emotive states. Of course I can't prove it right now. But I am showing you through out this site not only about the geometrical nature that Dirac talked about as being very real, but also my own interpretation alchemical based given below.:)

It reminded me of the Hall of Ma'at where the "feather of truth" was weighted against the heart. That before such judgement given by our own self while seated on the chair, this is "earthbound and square." All our dealing will have to be reconsidered.
In art, the feather was shown in scenes of the Hall of Ma'at. This hall is where the deceased was judged for his worthiness to enter the afterlife. The seat of the deceased's soul, his heart, was weighed on a balance against the feather of Ma'at. If the heart was free from the impurities of sin, and therefore lighter than the feather, then the dead person could enter the eternal afterlife. Other gods in the judgement hall who were part of the tribunal overseeing the weighing of the heart were also pictured holding a feather.
Some may call it, the "flashes of our life quickly assembled" in our mind for review. Having then satisfied ourself to the journey involved in assuming this life? Were we successful? What pain did we cause? We will see our own sins.
The "settled score then" is for you alone to judge. No God and redemption given by any God will satisfy what you alone will judge upon your own self. You will feel all the pains you have caused, and you will know for yourself, what this pain has done in the "eye of the beholder." This is the lesson of the Hall of Ma'at.
Least any of you judge what was thus given here, think about your own transgressions and think then of what you will give to science. Least you become the blemish of what appears to the eye of all to view.
We have to dig deeper within ourselves to understand that what is for appearance, holds a much deeper quality to our makeup and design. That creativeness lies within as we learn to seek the inner centre. It develops outward as well. It cannot but be helped that the dimensional boundaries are greatly enhanced with the colours of gravity.
why should we become disappointed when our heroes that we place on pedestals fall from grace.....
ReplyDelete.....well they were not conducting themselves in an appropriate manner in terms of decency and morality?
Why shouldn't they not be cast down to the "pits of hell" even if they give us some road to new methods and understandings. Are we not the better for it when invention supersedes how we shall treat another human being. Is this the cost of advancement?
How about "good scientists gone bad" in terms of finding themself interested beyond what science saids is a legitimate facet of investigation? No proof. How do you prove anything with out ever entertaining it?
Hi Plato,
ReplyDeleteIn the course of about to leave my own comment to your post, I noticed the one of who prefers to remain nameless. The heart and spirit of this fellow exemplify and thus best serves to have us understand that the shadows are still much more real to many then the light. I will of course then like to both congratulate you and agree with what you put forth in this post. One thing our friend may not realize is that if he/she serves to be nothing else, it is that others be able to better gauge ones true understanding.
Phil:One thing our friend may not realize is that if he/she serves to be nothing else, it is that others be able to better gauge ones true understanding.
ReplyDeleteIt is a struggle for us all Phil. Who is it that questions inside us?
While we may know a "truer light" exists, we are all the refractive indexes as the colours of that light?
While the colours may become murky there is a vital link too, that we can succeed in life after these struggles. While they may be deeply personal(who ever they are), how would/could we demean anyone else for what is the struggle for us all? That perfect society?:)
Hi Plato,
ReplyDeleteYou said: “While they may be deeply personal (who ever they are), how would/could we demean anyone else for what is the struggle for us all? That perfect society?:)”
I trust that you do not think that I feel ill of our friend. I realize as I continue to struggle to understand that the weaknesses are always greater then the strengths for the shadows are always easier to perceive then the source. However, I also ask that you be guarded when you show you good nature that you be aware of was said of those that are prisoner’s:
“Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if anyone tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death.”
So please, do me a favour when you stand in the presence of the prisoners to watch your back:-)
ReplyDeleteI trust that you do not think that I feel ill of our friend.
Not at all Phil. I understand you perfectly:)
That like Glaucon, you provide the opportunity to help me remind others of the characters of people and the ability of invention that can come to bear.
What shall we do, cancel the invention because of their character?:)
“Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if anyone tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death.”
Words to think about.