Showing posts with label Time Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time Travel. Show all posts

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Radius of the Universe


A Hubble Diagram is presented based on 172 distance measures involving 52 Gamma-Ray Bursts out to redshifts of 6.3. The observed shape of the Hubble Diagram is a measure of the expansion history of the Universe, which will include the effects of the 'Dark Energy' that dominates over matter. Gamma-Ray Bursts can be seen to high redshift, and this uniquely allows for tests as to whether the Dark Energy changes with time. If Einstein's Cosmological Constant is a good representation of cosmology, then the equation of state of the Dark Energy won't change in time over the age of the Universe. The observed Hubble Diagram can be compared with the shape predicted by various models, including the model where the Cosmological Constant is a constant. The result is that the Cosmological Constant is rejected at a moderate confidence level. That is, apparently, Dark Energy changes with time. As with all such results, a consensus final conclusion can only be reached after the result is duplicated by independent experiments. To this end, over the next two years, the satellites Swift and HETE will discover another ~50 bursts that can be placed on the Hubble Diagram and this will serve as an independent test of the claim. The result also highlights the Gamma-Ray Burst Hubble Diagram as a new front-line technique to measure Dark Energy and the high-redshift Universe.

As I relay in the earlier part of the thread containing responses to the Evolving Dark Enery of Sean Carroll's, certain insights that had been gained along the way raise the issue of how such a dark energy would have influenced, how we gain information from the luminousity of standard candles, and how we would gain from that information.

Lubos Motl:
The corresponding equation of state would give "w" (the pressure/energy_density ratio) smaller than "-1" (much like in models of phantom energy) which would violate the dominant energy condition - and potentially allow superluminal signals. This sounds highly suspicious. Gamma ray bursts had to be used for the analysis - and they are sufficiently poorly understood - and independent experimental astrophysical sources at Harvard also recommend you to ignore the news.

Of course we are going to want to know why Lubos.

This set the stage for me in wonder about gravitonic concentrations, and how these woudl have been indicators of the strengths and weakeness, which would influence this information gained. I guess, it is in understanding better how such information could be "skewed" that I am looking at the answers given as a further response by Brad is illucidated upon.

So what is "dark energy" in relation to what gravitonic considerations might have on how we see such expasnion process say to us, the unievrse is indeed expanding.

It is always interesting to me to see how the cosmological values contained in the universe could have ever held to "GR curvature indicators" and that such values if held in regard to Einsteins and Riemann's spherical relations, then how indeed could we have siad that the nature of the universe is

As mentioned earlier, the value of is a measurement for the density of the universe. The definition of is such that,

where is the critical density of the universe. A critical density is associated with an "Einstein de Sitter Universe" for which equals 1. It has the property that the curvature is zero, the universe is spatially flat. Light will travel in a straight line and the angles of a triangle add to 180 degrees (space is Euclidean). The other possibilities are an open universe ( ) in which space will expand forever, and a closed universe ( ) in which gravity will halt the expansion and force the universe to contract, eventually leading to a "big crunch". The consequence could possibly be an oscillating universe, which gives a kind of continuity to the model. Figure 2 illustrates the three cosmological models.

Figure 2: The three cosmological models of the universe: open (), closed ( ) and flat ( )

Part of my exercise is to see the underlying geoemtries that are evolving thriugh time as we keep our universe in perspective. Do we know where this center is? And if so can we see whwere such expansiotry calculations would have given some indication? Are we always looking to the furthest edge so that we can help understand this red shifting that is going on tohelp us determine this value of the open uinverse?

Well within context of all this, the move to a higher lensing implications is most puzzling becuase it will shape the nature and kinds of infomration that is needed in order to make these determinations about unibverse values. Thus being inclined to pass by such galaxies in the forming state, as influencing the viability of the information given to us. So to me "Luminousity" is very important here as to the ejection of infomration that may reach us, and information that will held in context of those galaxy formations. So it is as if we are giving, an image in mind of these holes geoemtrically induced, along side of matter formation from causes that would influence the very nature of the repsonses we get.

Critical density

Sean Carroll:
Last time we talked about dark energy and its equation-of-state parameter, w. This number tells you how quickly the dark energy density changes as the universe expands; if w=-1, the density is strictly constant, if w>-1, the density decreases, and if w<-1, the density actually increases with time. (In equations, if a is the scale factor describing the relative size of the universe as a function of time, then the density goes as a-3(1+w).) For comparison purposes, cosmological "matter" (slowly-moving massive particles) has w=0, and "radiation" (relativistic particles, including photons) has w=1/3

So if we are to look for this center how would we find the valuation of what began?

You would have needed to see a time when critical density would have said to you that the infomration that is being propelled from the center, and here, critical density would have partaken of this value, because gravity would have been very strong? Strong enough that for any infomration to be propelled from that center, to have continued on to this day as a expansitory consideration. So that we may still hold it in considertaion as to exactly what this universe is doing now.

Once you have then held the unierse in a certain way you have to ask these question based on what you understood by implicating Lagrange points in your assesment of how the univere became the way it is. YOur lensing has created these holes for light to travel, and in those spaces, satelittes have found easier ways to have manueverd without expending a lot of energy.

We can still tap the greater reserviors of energy and radiation, to help these vehicles continue their journeys. But it is more then that, that we might have sent this vehicle to collect the stardust to help shape our perspective on what constituted that beginning of the universe, as we sent our probes out for further material in which to judge?

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Aborigines went walkabout in Australia for thousands of years before the first Europeans set foot on the world's oldest continent. They continue to walk, keeping alive the traditions that connect them to the landscape through stories called the Dreamtime. Today, "going bush" is a term heard from hip bars in Sydney's Rocks district to outback pubs.

While Clifford of Cosmic Variance used this refeence in his latest trip to Taiwan, and the subsequent stories and images he is giving us, I seem to be attached strongly to "the word" above. It's like when you go fishing, you have these rods, lines with a hook on it.

What value this hook? Well, to me the deeper imlication is the civilization I am referring too as the oldest people on earth(?)But I am atache to them more then in the usual way. Sound is a very provaocative thing when it resonates with ones being.

So I do not have much time before the power outage so I will expand later on here.

There is another way that you can startup walkabout on Windows. Once you have the screen sizes, and the stereo mode and your user name set and saved, you will be able to double-click on scene files and have them automatically launch walkabout with those defaults. The first time you double-click on a scene file (with a .wbt extension) you will need to choose the walkabout application (probably in C:/Program Files/ GeoWall Consortium/Walkabout/ as the program to execute when a .wbt file is double-clicked. After that all programs with the .wbt extension will launch walkabout.

But for now consider technologies and there applicable usuages and how you might use this terminology in how to travel through different terrains. IN this Case I was thinking of Clifford's stories but I also am thinking about other things. I'll show that, and also the ideas of his questions taking statistical infomration from his students to asess alot times student might use over preference for this class or that.

Ths is unique feature of integration wit students I am sure as well as what methods used in the ideas of the Future of the Notebook gatherings that he had. This technolgoy applications not just in Walabout feature heres but in how we might use gogle maps to fly across this terrains and take in the cities that we've draw down to for inspection.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Information about LHC :So You Want to Play Games?


So of course such contributions to involvement the general public in a style response screen saver thought bend towards the increase of computation abilities to digest?

In January of 2004, Ben Segal and François Grey of the IT Department were asked to plan an outreach event for CERN’s 50th anniversary that would allow people around the world to get an impression of the computational challenges facing the LHC. Ben and François got in touch with Dave Anderson, the Director of SETI@home, who was just beginning to test the new BOINC platform his team had developed. At the same time, a couple of Danish students got in touch with François, eager to find an exciting project for their Masters thesis. This was the beginning of LHC@home. Christian Søttrup and Jakob Pedersen worked furiously all spring and summer to get SixTrack and BOINC to function together. You can read their thesis , which describes the opportunities for combining public resource computing, such as LHC@home, with Grid computing like the LHC Computing Grid.

The LHC is a synchrotron. A synchrotron accelerates particles by having them travel around and around in a vacuum tube. The LHC will have two such tubes placed side by side so that the same kind of particles - protons - can be accelerated in opposite directions and then smashed into each other.

As one read previously throughout this thread and leading through Pierre Auger experiments and related links, I had come to the conclusion that the evidence for microstate blackhole hole procduction was happening all around us, from cosmic interactions. IN the risk, this saids it is not of a concern or comparable?

A critical look at risk assessments for global catastrophesAdrian Kent
Speculative suggestions are occasionally made about ways in which new physics experiments could hypothetically bring about a catastrophe leading to the end of life on Earth. Some of these hypothetical catastrophes, including the “killer strangelet” scenario considered in this paper, would also lead to the destruction of the planet and wider catastrophic consequences. In any case, the proposed catastrophe mechanisms generally rely on speculation about hypothetical phenomena for which there is no evidence, but which at first sight do not contradict the known laws of physics. Sometimes, such pessimistic hypotheses can be countered by arguments which show that the existence of the catastrophe mechanism is highly improbable, either because closer analysis shows that the proposed mechanism does in fact contradict well established physical principles, or because its existence would imply effects which we should almost certainly have observed but have not.

Far be it that my visionary skills kick in, and from reading, I see such microstate as passing though all things around us, and yet, if such a gathering was to take such features and increase, what saids that such valuations might never have been collected at the core? What would be the trigger mechanism that would instigate gravitational collapse, has been a geometrical puzzle for me, as I move through this cyclical valuation of what began, and ends from such universes?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

KK Tower

Like many people who devote their time to understanding the nature of the cosmo and the micro perspective of the world around us, these things have their own motivational packages which move to further rquired comprehensions. In that, one needs to further educateas to what they are talking about.

It's definitiely not easy, but I am trying, and devote a lot of time to this regardless of what schooling is required, it is not my intent to send people down the wrong paths, or, no paths at all, before I have investigated the terrain as best I can.

Mountains can give persepctive where sitting in the valleys circumspect what the greater can be?

KK Tower

What is it?

Kaluza-Klein theory(Wiki 4 Jan 2006)

A splitting of five-dimensional spacetime into the Einstein equations and Maxwell equations in four dimensions was first discovered by Gunnar Nordström in 1914, in the context of his theory of gravity, but subsequently forgotten. In 1926, Oskar Klein proposed that the fourth spatial dimension is curled up in a circle of very small radius, so that a particle moving a short distance along that axis would return to where it began. The distance a particle can travel before reaching its initial position is said to be the size of the dimension. This extra dimension is a compact set, and the phenomenon of having a space-time with compact dimensions is referred to as compactification.

Kaluza-Klein theory is a model which unifies classical gravity and electromagnetism. It was discovered by the mathematician Theodor Kaluza that if general relativity is extended to a five-dimensional spacetime, the equations can be separated out into ordinary four-dimensional gravitation plus an extra set, which is equivalent to Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field, plus an extra scalar field known as the "dilaton". Oskar Klein proposed that the fourth spatial dimension is curled up with a very small radius, i.e. that a particle moving a short distance along that axis would return to where it began. The distance a particle can travel before reaching its initial position is said to be the size of the dimension. This, in fact, also gives rise to quantization of charge, as waves directed along a finite axis can only occupy discrete frequencies.

Kaluza-Klein theory can be extended to cover the other fundamental forces - namely, the weak and strong nuclear forces - but a straightforward approach, if done using an odd dimensional manifold runs into difficulties involving chirality. The problem is that all neutrinos appear to be left-handed, meaning that they are spinning in the direction of the fingers of the left hand when they are moving in the direction of the thumb. All anti-neutrinos appear to be right-handed. Somehow particle reactions are asymmetric when it comes to spin and it is not straightforward to build this into a Kaluza-Klein theory since the extra dimensions of physical space are symmetric with respect to left-hand spinning and r-hand spinning particles.

So in order to get to the summation, views of hidden dimenisons had to be mathematically described for us, so a generalization here would suffice in the following diagram.

Now, not having the room to explain, and having linked previous information on extension of KK theory, I wondered about the following. If we understood well, the leading perspective that lead us through to the dynamical realizations, then the road Gauss and Reimann lead us to would help us to understand the visualization materializing by the calorimeter disciptions of each energy placement harmonically describing each particle's value? Even in a empty space, there seems to be something of a harmonical consideration?

If one understood well enough about the direction of discernation of early universe consideration and microstates, then such questions would have been of value in the ideas of topological considerations?

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Acoustic Hawking Radiation

What did we learn from studying acoustic black holes? by Renaud Parentani

The study of acoustic black holes has been undertaken to provide new insights about the role of high frequencies in black hole evaporation. Because of the infinite gravitational redshift from the event horizon, Hawking quanta emerge from configurations which possessed ultra high (trans-Planckian) frequencies. Therefore Hawking radiation cannot be derived within the framework of a low energy effective theory; and in all derivations there are some assumptions concerning Planck scale physics. The analogy with condensed matter physics was thus introduced to see if the asymptotic properties of the Hawking phonons emitted by an acoustic black hole, namely stationarity and thermality, are sensitive to the high frequency physics which stems from the granular character of matter and which is governed by a non-linear dispersion relation. In 1995 Unruh showed that they are not sensitive in this respect, in spite of the fact that phonon propagation near the (acoustic) horizon drastically differs from that of photons. In 2000 the same analogy was used to establish the robustness of the spectrum of primordial density fluctuations in inflationary models. This analogy is currently stimulating research for experimenting Hawking radiation. Finally it could also be a useful guide for going beyond the semi-classical description of black hole evaporation.

I am held to a state of profound thinking when I thnk about Einstein in a dream I had. Where his satisfaction was raised, as a surpize, as I listen to the very sound of ice in a glass jug as I slowly turned it? From it, a certain recognition by Einstein held him in amazement as this sound seem to satisfy what he was so long search for in his answers. Yes it is a dream, but this set the stage from what I had been doing previous as I was thinking about the Webber bars and the way research was moving along this avenue to detect grvaiational waves. Movements to the giant Ligo inteferometers, to help us in our pursuate.

I know it is not always easy to understand the thinking here as it is piecemealed, while my minds works to weave a cohesive picture here. So, my apologies.

There is a special class of fluids that are called superfluids. Superfluids have the property that they can flow through narrow channels without viscosity. However, more fundamental than the absence of dissipation is the behavior of superfluids under rotation. In contrast to the example of a glass of water above, the rotation in superfluids is always inhomogeneous (figure). The fluid circulates around quantized vortex lines. The vortex lines are shown as yellow in the figure, and the circulating flow around them is indicated by arrows. There is no vorticity outside of the lines because the velocity near each line is larger than further away. (In mathematical terms curl v = 0, where v(r) is the velocity field.)

Early on the very idea of measuring discrete functions in relation to how we might percieve quark and gluonic natures which arose from the gold ion collisions, raises the very idea of how we may look at the analogies sought to help shape perspective from the horizon, to what is emitted? A Virtual Photon released in pair production at the horizon can become?

While I had come to recognize the differences in thermodynamic principals held in context of the blackhole, the very idea of He4raises some interesting scenario's in relation to sound values, while "extreme curvature" had been lead too as a singularity in the blackhole?? This singuarity thought to besimlar to the hawking no bondary proposal would not sit well with how the very nature of the blackhole actually becomes the superfluid that we hav come to recognize in the collider perspectives. This changes things somewhat. How fortunate is it in relation to how we see the supersymmetry that coudl arise inthe action fo symmetry break that signs could be lea dto the nature of the phton release and stretched under the aupsice of theis grvaiutional field?

Overlap of "quantum" and "classical" behaviour

Explanations of Hawking radiation around a black hole often use a description of quantum-mechanical pair production effects occurring on a curved spacetime background. Although this paradigm does not obviously lend itself to a "classical" reinterpretation, research on the black hole membrane paradigm has revealed some overlap between "classical" and "quantum" descriptions.

What conditions would have allowed such a scene to be developed in supersymmetrical view, that I had wondered, could such a perfect fluid be the example needed? What blackholes hole would allow such a view to be carried down to this level in gold ion collisions, that we might see the results of string theory, as a useful analogy in the discernation of what can now be brought forward for inspection.

So having recognized the two phases of superfluids that ha dbeen created how woud such analogies move th emind to coisder this other nature of of a helium whose viscosity woud have allowed the sound to travel under the same aupsice held in context of the photon whose naure would havebeen rvealled in redshifting? Would suchj a thing held in context of blue shifting be cancelled out in quark/gluonic phases. that the analogy no longer suits our purpose? While sound i analogy in helium may have revealled the very nature of the superfluid designs we woudl like to see in comparsion to how thephotons are looked at with such short distances? They are cancelled out here?

Thorne: Black holes and time warps…, chapter 11, "What is reality?"

The laws of black-hole physics, written in this membrane paradigm, are completely equivalent to the corresponding laws of the curved-spacetime paradigm – as long as one restricts attention to the hole's exterior. Consequently, the two paradigms give precisely the same predictions for the outcomes of all experiments or observations that anyone might make outside a black hole …"

What is a Phonon/Photon?

A particle of sound. The energy E of a phonon is given by the Einstein relation, E = hf. Here f is the frequency of the sound and h is Planck's constant. The momentum p of a photon is given by the de Broglie relation, p = h/λ. Here λ is the wavelength of the sound

A particle of light. The energy E of a photon is given by the Einstein relation, E = hf. Here f is the frequency of the light and h is Planck's constant. The momentum p of a photon is given by the de Broglie relation, p = h/λ. Here λ is the wavelength of the light.

As you look at the picture above, the very depths to which vision might have been imparted in recognition of this supefluid, what value would be assign something held in the context of the wave nature to have seen it described as a granulization and then thought of in terms of the langangrian perspective as cosmic strings which cross this universe? Make sure you click on the picutre.

Granularity of the Fluid?

Taken from the horizon, how would this fluid look if held in context of William Unruh's previously thought "continous nature" or as a discretium release of Hawking like phonons? It may be "by analogy" help physicists with respect to the nature of gravitational blackholes?

Friday, December 23, 2005

Collapse of the Blackhole

String theory grew out of attempts to find a simple and elegant way to account for the diversity of particles and forces observed in our universe. The starting point was to assume that there might be a way to account for that diversity in terms of a single fundamental physical entity (string) that can exist in many "vibrational" states. The various allowed vibrational states of string could theoretically account for all the observed particles and forces. Unfortunately, there are many potential string theories and no simple way of finding the one that accounts for the way things are in our universe.

One way to make progress is to assume that our universe arose through a process involving an initial hyperspace with supersymmetry that, upon cooling, underwent a unique process of symmetry breaking. The symmetry breaking process resulted in conventional 4 dimensional extended space-time AND some combination of additional compact dimensions. What can mathematics tell us about how many additional compact dimensions might exist?

One of the chief features that have caught my mind is the way in which extreme curvature might have been enlisted to take us a to a place where the infinities have been curtatiled to a way of thinking. You need a model in which to do this, if you are to think that the events in the unverse are to be considered out of what the pre big bang era might have entailed had ths action been defined properly?

So immediately one see's the benfit of cyclical unverses being developed as well as understanding that the particle reductionistic views were well within the range to consider superfluids as part of the working of this interior blackhole? How did one get there?

Kaluza-Klein theory
A splitting of five-dimensional spacetime into the Einstein equations and Maxwell equations in four dimensions was first discovered by Gunnar Nordström in 1914, in the context of his theory of gravity, but subsequently forgotten. In 1926, Oskar Klein proposed that the fourth spatial dimension is curled up in a circle of very small radius, so that a particle moving a short distance along that axis would return to where it began. The distance a particle can travel before reaching its initial position is said to be the size of the dimension. This extra dimension is a compact set, and the phenomenon of having a space-time with compact dimensions is referred to as compactification.

So first and formeost gathering a perpectve that could immediate take us into the understanding of how these circles could ahve gained value in conceptual models. Of course every one wants the truth and mathematics is saying okay where the heck do we find the matematics that is so pure that by the very means enlisted would take us from the states of superfluids and their capabilities?

That was the problem we had to solve. In order to count microstates, you need a microscopic theory. Boltzmann had one–the theory of molecules. We needed a microscopic theory for black holes that had to have three characteristics: One, it had to include quantum mechanics. Two, it obviously had to include gravity, because black holes are the quintessential gravitational objects. And three, it had to be a theory in which we would be able to do the hard computations of strong interactions. I say strong interactions because the forces inside a black hole are large, and whenever you have a system in which forces are large it becomes hard to do a calculation.

So it is very important that if such views are taken down to these extreme levels that some method be adopted to maintain what might have emerged from the basis of the reality where such pure states as superfluids, may have simplified, immmediate symmetry breaking as arisng from some geoemtrical method?

The general theory of relativity is as yet incomplete insofar as it has been able to apply the general principle of relativity satisfactorily only to grvaitational fields, but not to the total field. We do not yet know with certainty by what mathematical mechanism the total field in space is to be described and what the general invariant laws are to which this total field is subject. One thing, however, seems certain: namely, that the general principal of relativity will prove a necessary and effective tool for the solution of the problem for the toal field.
Out of My Later Years, Pg 48, Albert Einstein

Lubos reminds us in the "strominger linked statement" about the understanding that there is no physics, but I would like to work towards gathering perspective as I am to lead us to the theory in the thinking. What concepts made this thinking valuable might have arisen in the previous years might have found itself explained over and over again.

Where does the pure mathematics changes it's form?

If conceived as a series of ever-wider experiential contexts, nested one within the other like a set of Chinese boxes, consciousness can be thought of as wrapping back around on itself in such a way that the outermost 'context' is indistinguishable from the innermost 'content' - a structure for which we coined the term 'liminocentric'.

The drive to tke this down to such levels of perception and wipe away all the faces of our concepts seems a hard struggle yet I think it a very capable thing in any mind that would move to the forms of pure math? What are these?

Such a simple psychological thinking that would have maintained our views, and find that enlightenment is just a few short steps away. Some mathematics might emerge that will unfold into our everyday world that wil bring together so many things?

So from where in all the probabilstic states could such thinking reveal the smoothness of topological fucntions and relayed the working of all the states havng been reached in the blackhole? Travels of the circle measured in te radius of that same cicle gives inherent energy valution to the concept of the blackhole being multiplied to seeing the macroscopic view of the universe having been driven to it's current state?

The familiar extended dimensions, therefore, may very well also be in the shape of circles and hence subject to the R and 1/R physical identification of string theory. To put some rough numbers in, if the familiar dimensions are circular then their radii must be about as large as 15 billion light-years, which is about ten trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion (R= 1061) times the Planck length, and growing as the universe explands. If string theory is right, this is physically identical to the familiar dimensions being circular with incredibly tiny radii of about 1/R=1/1061=10-61 times the Planck length! There are our well-known familiar dimensions in an alternate description provided by string theory. [Greene's emphasis]. In fact, in the reciprocal language, these tiny circles are getting ever smaller as time goes by, since as R grows, 1/R shrinks. Now we seem to have really gone off the deep end. How can this possibly be true? How can a six-foot tall human being 'fit' inside such an unbelievably microscopic universe? How can a speck of a universe be physically identical to the great expanse we view in the heavens above?
(Greene, The Elegant Universe, pages 248-249)

So what particles will have emerged from such a process and we find ourselves facing the gluonic phases of sight, and what level should we assign these energy values in relation to the supersymmetrical state now recognized, and moved from in the symmetical breaking that is to be accomplished?

It is from these positions as I am making them clear, that even in face of the perspective shared by the Krausss's and Woit, that the continued efforts of LUbos and all the young minds might do as Peter Woit askes and bring the demands of the recognition of things, that emerge from this process, into full regalia.

For those who were skeptical, hopefully this sets up your minds as to what is being accomplished, and what is being said, is quite beautiful. I find this process very beautiful indeed.

Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Second of Five Lagrangian Equilibrium Points

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that one image we're getting, is quite different(lensing) from the image that is behind the brane? The idea of brane collision from steinhardt and turok perspective, created this space bewteen the branes, while the image behind this(the other image) is receding?

I am not sure exactly.

Dark matter in the high-redshift cluster CL 0152-1357. Gravitational lensing analysis with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) reveals the complicated dark matter distribution (purple) in unprecedented detail when the Universe was at half its present age. The yellowish galaxies are the visible cluster member galaxies forming a filamentary structure, possibly in the process of merging.
(Jee et al. 2005, Astrophysical Journal)

Not many can see in this abstract way, or have considered how a photon might have travelled? Sure they have understood satellites and the travel through space, but have they consider this in context of CSL lensing? Sean put up a link yesterday that had me seeing how such a travel over distance might have had some photonic strange journies in context of such lensings.

The second of five Lagrangian equilbrium points, approximately 1.5 million kilometers beyond Earth, where the gravitational forces of Earth and Sun balance to keep a satellite at a nearly fixed position relative to Earth.

This picture below really set the final stage for me. Thus simplification has been mounted in how we see such tubes formed within the greater context of the universe and here we have a way of seeing that is new? It helps one to view universe travel and paves the way for roads through such space?

Is it so hard to visualize? Is it so hard not to consider how one should make there way through such space?

Weak Lensing Distorts Universe?

IN order to extend the link to the information supplied in previous article presented by Sean Carroll, Fraser Cain here links us to the following conversation.

Feynman's Path Integrals

While this following comment might seem inappropriate to the content of this post, I place it because of what I see in determination of the langangian methods used to help us see how gravitatonal equilibrium points, speak to how such travels would have been initiated in sum over paths used as Feynman's distributes the actions according to set model held i a cosmological sense I am looking at the the picture above here and the path ways shown.

December 15th, 2005 at 2:35 pm
Tony Smith:

As to the time of Feynman soving the QED problem, in 1941 (according to Mehra’s Feynman biography The Beat of a Different Drum (Oxford 1994)) Feynman had the inspiration from Dirac’s paper of using the Lagrangian method, which led to Feynman’s 1942 Ph.D. thesis. As to that thesis, Mehra says “… Feynman mentioned that “the problem of the form that relativistic quantum mechanics, and the Dirac equation, take from this point of view, remains unsolved. …”. So, Feynman’s Shelter Island relativistic QED solution was developed after his 1942 Ph.D. thesis.

I had been looking for this relationship and how Feynman’s toys models came into being? Can this be the beginning as you relate?

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Clear Presence

Can one miscontstrue your words even more? :)

Lee Smolin said:
Of course if the theory is right-and we never assume so-we must show more. We must show that the ground state is semiclassical, by solving the dynamics. This is a hard problem, analogous to showing that the ground state of water is a solid. But as this is the focus of attention there are beginning to be significant, non-trivial results on how classical spacetime can emerge from a background independent quantum theory.

Jacques Distler:
But the mere possibility of such surprises should not reduce us to labelling every as-yet-not-experimentally-verified statement to the status of mere “opinion” or rank “speculation.”

While I am extreme with my "Angels and Demon" such comparative functions had not been limited too, the basics of such assumptions, but had indeed been dressed up by good science woman/man.

We all like a good story. Those, in regards to time travel or Contact like movie(science that is consulted as to the edge of what theoretcial positions had beem pushed).

Yet indeed even within the boundaries of work sciencetists bring here a division of what is hoped for, as a "reduced basis of assumption," could have been misleading as to the real science or not?

Is it illusion that we play with, that we would want the purity of thought manifested on the public scene, as warped mentalities of what many scientists would disgust them? This "clear presence?" An "open heart clear mind."

The story of Angel and demons has been misconstrued in science by very bright scientists, using the nature of right and wrong, as inherent features of negative and positive curvatures?

Taken to mean this theoretics and that, are indcative anomalies of the good and evil in society. Is it political? Or shall we play with the very concepts and misconstrue them for what they really are?

Raphael Rooms

The fog is immmense and greatly hides the idea of this clear presence. Opening good hearts and minds as to the attempts to get rid of the illusions that would take hold of society? Allow the greater vision of perspective, a picture, that had been piecemealed, to raise a reality of what the picutre is painted on, the room it sits in, and what each parts of it, are telling the story about the geometers of the world?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Oh My God Particle-Revisited

I just wanted to drop this link here for now.

The animation shows schematically the behavior of the gas molecules in the presence of a gravitational field. We can see in this figure that the concentration of molecules at the bottom of the vessel is higher than the one at the top of the vessel, and that the molecules being pushed upwards fall again under the action of the gravitational field.

Gerard "t Hooft:

The Holographical Mapping of the Standard Model onto the Blackhole Horizon

Interactions between outgoing Hawking particles and ingoing matter are determined by gravitational forces and Standard Model interactions. In particular the gravitational interactions are responsible for the unitarity of the scattering against the horizon, as dictated by the holographic principle, but the Standard Model interactions also contribute, and understanding their effects is an important first step towards a complete understanding of the horizon’s dynamics. The relation between in- and outgoing states is described in terms of an operator algebra. In this paper, the first of a series, we describe the algebra induced on the horizon by U(1) vector fields and scalar fields, including the case of an Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism, and a more careful consideration of the transverse vector field components.

So we are still looking at the horizon here.

In reference to the God Particle. This was first revealed in the 1991 Fly's eye experiment.

Oh-My-God particle

On the evening of October 15, 1991, an ultra-high energy cosmic particle was observed over Salt Lake City, Utah. Dubbed the "Oh-My-God particle" (a play on the nickname "God particle" for the Higgs boson), it was estimated to have an energy of approximately 3 × 1020 electronvolts, equivalent to about 50 joules—in other words, it was a subatomic particle with macroscopic kinetic energy, comparable to that of a fastball, or to the mass-energy of a microbe. It was most likely a proton travelling with almost the speed of light (in the case that it was a proton its speed was approximately (1 - 4.9 × 10-24)c – after traveling one light year the particle would be only 46 nanometres behind a photon that left at the same time) and its observation was a shock to astrophysicists.

Since the first observation, by the University of Utah's Fly's Eye 2, at least fifteen similar events have been recorded, confirming the phenomenon. The source of such high energy particles remains a mystery, especially since interactions with blue-shifted cosmic microwave background radiation limit the distance that these particles can travel before losing energy (the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin limit).

Because of its mass the Oh-My-God particle would have experienced very little influence from cosmic electromagnetic and gravitational fields, and so its trajectory should be easily calculable. However, nothing of note was found in the estimated direction of its origin.

Why was it necessary to invoke God here as you did Wolfgang? This was around for some time, and now, such references have found their way into particle collisions perspectives? :)

Quantum gravity is the field devoted to finding the microstructure of spacetime. Is space continuous? Does spacetime geometry make sense near the initial singularity? Deep inside a black hole? These are the sort of questions a theory of quantum gravity is expected to answer. The root of our search for the theory is a exploration of the quantum foundations of spacetime. At the very least, quantum gravity ought to describe physics on the smallest possible scales - expected to be 10-35 meters. (Easy to find with dimensional analysis: Build a quantity with the dimensions of length using the speed of light, Planck's constant, and Newton's constant.) Whether quantum gravity will yield a revolutionary shift in quantum theory, general relativity, or both remains to be seen

One needs to keep perspective on what is happening here, and as a layman, it is extremely difficult. Yet, do I seem to understand what these season vets are doing? More then just reading the NYT times for sure :)

  • The Fly's Eye and the Oh My God Particle John Ellis was instrumental in opening up perspective here. What is happening outside of collision reductionist processes of the colliders
  • Thursday, November 10, 2005

    Timaeus:Laying the Ground rules on Genesis

    You all know that you each have a respective hand on the elephant, and thsoe who would contribute their qunatum mathematics are new comers to what had already existed. As the craftsman Plato, I created the elephant in the thought of the man for this time:)

    Genesis Timaeus 27c-34a

    Sometimes as you read my dialogues you discover the flavour of individuals who had passed through these readings, and in selected words, highlighted the logic with which they would highlight my approach, and speak about science and the way of it?

    Had I known that when I wrote this dialogue that minds like Einstein, or a Hooft would travel through these sections, I might then of assigned the "Craftsman" to different people here, as they developed the models of the world, with which this process speaks too.

    Let me pick an example then for you and say that this perspectve I select holds one accountable, and recognizes that in this case it is becoming and perishable. A I highlight a section for you and you read you will understand.

    Now some of you know that early on in this blog John Baez's view about the soccer ball was most appealing one for consideration, but indeed, the sphere as the closet example could all of a sudden become the ideas for triangulations never crossed my mind. Nor that Max Tegmark would tell us, about the nature of these things.

    Is not, as John would like us to have believed? The "soccer ball" is dead, but not my Platomic form. It will remain, and live in the hall of the infamous, as a model of the way the world is created? It's underlying nature? It's "to be," as a Shakespearean thought would also have it's "infliction" on my very own words.

    But let me first clarify some things here before I loose myself amongst all mmy writings, as it is difficult to retain the mind of individuals in the characters of these dialogues so that the discourse is found relevant in ways of a future, as I have first shown thus.

    First then, in my judgment, we must make a distinction and ask, What is that which always is and has no becoming; and what is that which is always becoming and never is? That which is apprehended by intelligence and reason is always in the same state; but that which is conceived by opinion with the help of sensation and without reason, is always in a process of becoming and perishing and never really is. Now everything that becomes or is created must of necessity be created by some cause, for without a cause nothing can be created.

    Now let me say that if you are to define the rules of the game, then it will be that each would come from their corner, and from these distinctive positions, bias themselves to what I had always laid first before you.

    So the ground rules had been laid long before any of you would speak on the ideas of emergence or not, first principle or not, and the defined shapes or not?

    So by these implications you have to then known the logic with which you would approach this discourse with science and all who have used my dialogues :)

    Lee Smolin:
    -Stick to the issues raised. If someone raises a criticism, whether its done according to your standards of rhetoric or not, just answer the substantial science issue. Don’t waste our time with discussion about anything else. Don’t respond to a criticism on a specific point by changing the subject.

    -No personal attacks, absolutely none. If someone has a Ph.D., then they are credentialed. Discuss with them in good faith and with respect.

    -Let’s strive to agree on facts before discussing interpretation. Insist on precision and honesty, don’t allow exaggeration, and admit it gracefully when you are wrong or when the evidence does not support something you would like to be true. If someone questions the status of a claim, don’t say “everyone I respect believes X is true.” Say, X is in fact unproven, but there is evidence for it, which is exactly the following….

    -Listen carefully to those professional colleagues who read the evidence differently from you, and try to understand sympathetically and in good faith, why they do so.

    -Restrain your own communities. Make it clear that it is not acceptable to you when those in your committee insult others or publish or post things that are exaggerated or false. If someone insists on behaving badly, it is up to their community to restrain them. Make it clear that repeatedly treating colleagues disrespectfully in a public forum amounts to professional misconduct. The same is true for repeated cases of knowingly exaggerated or misleading statements in a public forum.

    If we can all agree to some basic rules like this I am optimistic that we-and science- will come out better from the debates ahead.

    While Lubos has some ideas of his own here, then it seems fair that we should work on these "ground rules" so that each understands that when they step on stage, they had both agreed to the plot that would take hold of science for all to see.

    Lubos Motl:
    These rules are, first of all, a proposal for a complete and thorough politicization of all of science. The first point is that personal integrity (or scientific integrity) is a very subjective thing that a person simply has or has not. And people will never agree whether certain things have been honest or not.

    So if Lee Smolin, sets the "ground rules" while Lubos seeks to develope clarity from position and Clifford the stage, then we would know that your bias's would have to be put aside, in order to proceed. Previous conversations failed, Lubos and Lee:)I have watched your respective positions and felt Lee's feelings on trying, but never really succeeding, to adventure respective positions as one would have put it on stage. The Krauss issue timing is impecabble not for book publicity gain but for how one were to develope the scripts of science in dicussion.

    At these meetings of mind, the idealization had been first spelt out in my story of Timaeus, now it is your turn as "to be" the Shakespeare, Einstein or t"hooft would be.

    Sunday, November 06, 2005

    So Let's have some Fun

    Now of course, the time travel issues are always quite endearing, because good thinking minds can come up with a imaginative way to travel. What stories are these, that are created?

    Back to the Future




    So maybe you have some "ole or new," that you would like to add to the list?

    So we know too, that these versions were based on some "historical view" that came from the basis of math? Who is this, that derived and made room for such issues to materialize so imaginatively?

    Welcome to the companion Web site to the NOVA program "Time Travel," originally broadcast on October 12, 1999. In the program, leading physicists delve into the mystery of whether time travel is possible, and if so, how one might go about building a time machine. Here's what you'll find online:

    So let's go back in time a bit.

    Ronald L. Mallett
    Department of Physics, 2152 Hillside Road and UniÍersity of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269, USA
    Received 19 January 2000; accepted 3 April 2000
    Communicated by P.R. Holland

    The gravitational field due to the circulating flow of electromagnetic radiation of a unidirectional ring laser is found by solving the linearized Einstein field equations at any interior point of the laser ring. The general relativistic spin equations are then used to study the behavior of a massive spinning neutral particle at the center of the ring laser. It is found that the particle exhibits the phenomenon known as inertial frame-dragging. q2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Van Stokum cylinder by David Darling
    A time machine based on an immense cylinder spinning at near-light speed. The physicist W. J. van Stokum realized in 1937 that such an object would effectively stir spacetime as if it were treacle, dragging it along as the cylinder turned. What van Stokum didn't realize is that circumnavigating such a cylinder can lead to closed time-like paths. Anyone orbiting the cylinder in the direction of the spin would be caught in the current and, from the perspective of a distant observer, exceed the speed of light and thus travel back in time. Circling the cylinder in the other direction with just the right trajectory would project the subject into the future. The van Stokum time machine is based on the Lense-Thiring effect and uses ordinary matter but of enormous density - many orders of magnitude greater than that of nuclear matter.

    And some general comments:

    The century-old dream of time travel remains one of our greatest control fantasies—irrational and irresistible, supremely conducive to megalomania, born of morbid curiosity and mortal dread. Barring the odd literary anachronism (Rip Van Winkle's big-sleep displacement, the Connecticut Yankee's Camelot stopover), it wasn't until 1895, when H.G. Wells unveiled The Time Machine, that the concept crystallized in the public consciousness, spanning nuts-and-bolts mechanics to abstruse metaphysics.

    Saturday, November 05, 2005

    Gott Time?

    Okay Clifford, enough's enough. Some of like to be genuine and eloquent in our speech as well. So I'll try my best.

    You had to understand that without this inductive/deductive topological sense, this would not help one to identify what Greene is saying. You had to know what this represent in our valuations of time as we look throughout the universe? Etc, etc, etc:)

    Brian Greene:
    it turns out that within string theory ... there is actually an identification, we believe, between the very tiny and the very huge. So it turns out that if you, for instance, take a dimension - imagine its in a circle, imagine its really huge - and then you make it smaller and smaller and smaller, the equations tell us that if you make it smaller than a certain length (its about 10-33 centimeters, the so called 'Planck Length') ... its exactly identical, from the point of view of physical properties, as making the circle larger. So you're trying to squeeze it smaller, but actually in reality your efforts are being turned around by the theory and you're actually making the dimension larger. So in some sense, if you try to squeeze it all the way down to zero size, it would be the same as making it infinitely big. ...

    I notice this comment previous about Richard Gott. I returned to my archives in the internet world for information that I had already cataloged. How and why, I will not say right now, but it is about the prospect of the "future" and about where we had been in our "past."

    Imagine then--and put aside the engineering problems for a moment--a machine big enough to walk into. As you would walk forward within the confines of the light beam, (see diagram below) you'd have the impression of moving forward, but because of the space-time vortex, you'd actually be moving backward. You could walk back through time--maybe even passing yourself as you entered the ring.
    (does this sound familiar Steven?)

    So who is Richard Gott, but first, some of you good readers might recogize what Sean has to say about time travel?

    Time Travel in Einstein's Universe: The Physical Possibilities of Travel through Time

    The notion of closed timelike curves in the real world is hard to reconcile with our intuitive understanding of causality. Perhaps one can find global solutions to general relativity incorporating closed timelike curves. These, in effect, would be time machines. But it may be impossible to construct such a system in a local region of space. Theorems along these lines were proved by Frank Tipler in the 1970s. Tipler assumed that the energy density was never negative and showed that closed timelike curves could never arise in a local region without also creating a singularity. This was reassuring, as we could hope that both the singularity and the closed timelike curves were hidden behind an event horizon (although this was not part of the proof).

    Now I spoke in regards to the name of Ronald Mallet for a reason, other then to insight hope into people, and tell them to disregard the color of skin. That the mind still works in all it's wonders whether in a male or female, black, white, yellow or green. Okay, so I went to far in the color dynamics, but you get my jest, eh?

    Of how disadvantaged views, will create color in our world perceptions. We just have to rise above this(step back from the experience)and put it into perspective. The sameness with which all of us have in this humanistic valuation of character and such, arising from a historical past. Are your words your own in the makeup of advice you give, or is it from the mother and fathers, as parents who speak through you?

    Will We Travel Back (Or Forward) in Time? by RICHARD GOTT III

    Einstein proved we can travel forward by moving near light speed. Backward requires a wormhole, cosmic string and a lot of luck
    Do the laws of physics permit time travel, even in principle? They may in the subatomic world. A positron (the antiparticle associated with the electron) can be considered to be an electron going backward in time. Thus, if we create an electron-positron pair and the positron later annihilates in a collision with another, different electron, we could view this as a single electron executing a zigzag, N-shaped path through time: forward in time as an electron, then backward in time as a positron, then forward in time again as an electron.

    So no, it is not just about going back in time and finding out where we reiterate the views embedded within our own consciousness, but show, what has happened to the individual as a inductive/deductive feature progresses forward in time.

    Do such loops work in our makeup? Trust me when I say it is extremely difficult to change what has already happened in terms of our historical experiences. Yet, the advancement of views in that future when meeting that historical past, is the new mode of experimental basis. Which we will in this case refer to as scientific sensibility? How many reminders do we actually need on what is "reality" and what is fictional?

    So lets say for instance, that in Young's experimental travel of the photon, having going into the nether world, what path had it taken, to become the backdrop on that screen? It had to incorporate signatures and we all understand the Hydrogen spectrum do we not? The Electromagnetic Spectrum?

    Ah so we understand do we about leaving signatures? Yes this is part of the history I am talking about. Have I extended it metaphorically? Yes, you betcha.

    You have to embed this kind of thinking in order for foundational perspectives to change the way you perceive life on a grander scale. Not egotistical evolution, but of one that model consumption does to you about how we open new doorways to insightfulness and change in what we had always perceived?

    Saturday, October 01, 2005

    The Succession of thinking

    How far indeed the the imagination can be taken to see such processes enveloped in how we percieve these changes all around us. Why is gravity so weak, here and now. I have jumped ahead but will lead into it from the other end of this article.

    Never before had I encountered the reasoning of imaging behind the work of "conceptual frameworks" now in evidence. In how a mathmatician, or a scientist, like Einstein or Dirac, had some basis at which the design, of all that we endure, would have its's counterpart in this reality as substantial recognition of what must be done.

    I don't think anyone now in the scientific arena needs to be reminded about what it takes to bring theory into the framework of cultural and societal developement, to see how it all actually is working. On and on now, I see this reverberating from Lisa Randall to all scientists that we encounter from one blog to the next, a recognition and developement of this visualization ability.

    That Famous Equation and You , By BRIAN GREENE Op-Ed Contributor in New York Times, Published: September 30, 2005

    Brian Greene:
    After E = mc², scientists realized that this reasoning, however sensible it once seemed, was deeply flawed. Mass and energy are not distinct. They are the same basic stuff packaged in forms that make them appear different. Just as solid ice can melt into liquid water, Einstein showed, mass is a frozen form of energy that can be converted into the more familiar energy of motion. The amount of energy (E) produced by the conversion is given by his formula: multiply the amount of mass converted (m) by the speed of light squared (c²). Since the speed of light is a few hundred million meters per second (fast enough to travel around the earth seven times in a single second), c² , in these familiar units, is a huge number, about 100,000,000,000,000,000.

    There are two links here.One by Peter Woit with reference to article and one toSean Carroll who further illucidates the article by Brian Greene.

    So here I am at the other end of this referenced article, that other thoughts make their way into my mind. Previous discussison ongoing and halted. To todays references continued from all that we had encountered in what General Relativity surmizes.

    That this issue about gravity is very real. So that's our journey then, is to understand how we would percieve the strength and weakness through out the spacetime and unification of a 3 dimension space and one of time, to some tangible reality within this coordinated frame Euclidean defined.

    The Succession of Thinking

    Mark helps us see in a way we might not of considered before.

    Dark Matter and Extra-dimensional Modifications of Gravity

    But the issue is much more complicated then first realized if we take this succension of thinking beyond the carefuly plotted course Einstein gave us all to consider.

    Plato on Sep 27th, 2005 at 10:23 pm We were given some indications on this site about the state of affairs with Adelberger. Do you think this time span of proposed validation processes, were constructively and experimentally handled appropriately through it’s inception? As scientists would like to have seen all such processes handled in this respect?

    So indeed I began to see this space as very much alive with energy that had be extended from it's original design to events that pass through all of creation, then how indeed could two views be established in our thiniking, to have Greene explain to us, that the world holds a much more percpetable view about what is not so understood in reality.

    An Energy of Empty Space?

    Einstein was the first person to realize that empty space is not nothingness. Space has amazing properties, many of which are just beginning to be understood. The first property of space that Einstein discovered is that more space can actually come into existence. Einstein's gravity theory makes a second prediction: "empty space" can have its own energy. This energy would not be diluted as space expands, because it is a property of space itself; as more space came into existence, more of this energy-of-space would come into existence as well. As a result, this form of energy would cause the universe to expand faster and faster as time passes. Unfortunately, no one understands why space should contain the observed amount of energy and not, say, much more or much less.

    All the while the ideas that would leave gravity without explanation in a flat euclidean space, gravity would have been left to that solid response without further expalnatin in a weak field manifestation. But it was always much more then this I think.

    While being caution once on what the quantum harmonic oscillator is not, Smolin did not remove my thinking of what was all pervasive from what this "empty space" might have implied, that heretofor "it's strength" was a measure then of a bulk, and what better way in which to see this measure?

    Taken in context of this succession, this place where such conceptual framework had been taken too, it was very difficult not to encounter new ways in which to understand how gravity could changed our perceptions.

    Thalean views were much more then just issues about water and all her dynamical explanations. It presented a new world in which to percieve dynamical issues about which, straight line thinking could no longer endure. A new image of earth in all it's wander, no less then Greene's analysis to how this famous equation becomes evident in our everyday world. It presented a case for new geometries to emerge. Viable and strengthened resolve to work in abstract spaces that before were never the vsion of men and women who left earth. Yet it all had it's place to endure in this succession that we now have adbvanced our culture in ways that one would not have thought possible from just scientific leanings.

    So now I return myself to Einstein's allegorical talk on what concept had taken, when a scientist had wondered on the valuation of time.

    Thursday, May 12, 2005

    A recipe for making strings in the lab

    All you educated people must forgive me here. I do not have the benefit, of the student and teacher relationship, yet I rely heavily on my intuitive processes. I cannot say whether for sure these are always right. IN this sense, I would not have been liked to call a Liar, or one who had ventured forth to spread illusionary tactics to screw up society.

    On the contrary, my ideal is set in front of my mind, and all things seem to gather around it most appropriately. A place and time, where good educators have watched out for the spread and disemmination, that could lead society away from, good science? I will give credit to Peter Woit in this sense. Lubos Motl for staying the course. As to those who excell these views for us as well. We are your distant cousins in need of education and for those, in the backwoods of isolation.

    Fixations on Objective Design

    This is far from the truth of my goal, and "fixations on objective design" of reality, are not what I was hoping to reveal. More, the understandng, that to get there, there are some considerations to think about.

    The idealization in theoretcial developement should show this. The physics must accompany the development of this lineage of mathematics, as well as the lineage of physics must lead mathematics? What is the true lineage? Could any mathematican tell me or are they limited to the branches they deal with in physics?

    Now back to the topic of this thread.

    When I was a kid, I liked to take buttons and place a thread through them. Watching Mom, while I prep the button, she got ready to sew. I would take both ends of the thread and pull it tightly. I liked the way the button could spin/thread depending on how hard I pull the thread.

    Now for some of you who don't know, the pythagorean string tension was arrived at by placing gourds of water on strings, to dictated the harmonical value, "according to weight?"

    It is said that the Greek philosopher and religious teacher Pythagoras (c. 550 BC) created a seven-tone scale from a series of consecutive 3:2 perfect fifths. The Pythagorean cult's preference for proportions involving whole numbers is evident in this scale's construction, as all of its tones may be derived from interval frequency ratios based on the first three counting numbers: 1, 2, and 3. This scale has historically been referred to as the Pythagorean scale, however, from the point of view of modern tuning theory, it is perhaps convenient to think of it as an alternative tuning system for our modern diatonic scale.

    So we see the nature spoken too, in a much different way?

    KakuIf strings are to be the harmony then what music do such laws of chemistry sing? What is the mind of God? Kaku saids,"According to this picture, the mind of God is Music resonanting through ten- or eleven dimensional hyperspace which of course begs the question, If the Universe is a symphony, then is there a composer to the symphony."

    Simply put, superstring theory says all particles amf forces are manifestations of different resonances of tiny one dimenisonal strings(or possibly membranes) vibrating in ten dimensions.

    Artist's impression of the setup.

    The disks represent the bosonic condensate density and the blue balls in the vortex core represent the fermionic density. The black line is a guide to the eye to see the wiggling of the vortex line that corresponds to a so-called Kelvin mode, which provides the bosonic part of the superstring
    (image and text: )

    Now I will tell you why this elementary experiment is very good for fixing the mind around some potential idea? Now, when I look at it, and look at the ball placings on each disk ( are they in the same spot....hmmm yes this could be a problem), each disk will automatically spin according to the placement of the ball, in relation to it's edge. Now when you place this in line, like a one dimensional string, as if you see this string vibrate, imagine how you would get these waves to exemplify themself and the disk placement acccordingly.

    Now it is most important that you see the tension of this string vibrate, in relation to how we see the disks spin. Pull tightly on the string and you get a wonderful view of a oscillatory nature, that is dictated by the respective placement of the balls on the disk. Good stuff!

    In brackets above, the exploration of artistic rendition is very good, because it allows you to further play with this model and exhaust it's potential. Would it be incorrect to say, that ball placement and vibratory placement can be related to string harmonics? In this case, how would KK tower and circle allocation to disk identify this string, but to have some signature in the way these disks spin,,individually and as a whole(one string)

    The link below was 2000 but it is effective in orientating thoughts?

    To find extra dimensions of the type studied by the CERN group, experimenters are on the alert for what they call Kaluza-Klein towers, which are associated with carriers of the nongravitational forces, such as the photon of electromagnetism and the Z boson of the weak force. Excitations of energy within the extra dimensions would turn each of these carriers into a family of increasingly massive clones of the original particle—analogous to the harmonics of a musical note.

    For me, nodal impressions at spots, serve me well to see the vibratory nature of the reality that we live in. Balloons with dyes spread around it, and sound application help us see where such nodal point considerations would settle themself to these distinctive notes. You take the sum(it harmical value, in order to distinctively classify the partcle/object?

    Maybe we can have experts describe this in a most genaral way, where I might have complicated the picture:?) What I did want to say about artistic rendition, is like the work of Penrose. It is very important it culminates the vision, to real things? As I showed in Monte Carlo effect. Or, John Baez's view of Plato's God?

    Ultracold Superstrings byMichiel Snoek, Masudul Haque, S. Vandoren, H.T.C. Stoof

    Supersymmetric string theory is widely believed to be the most promising candidate for a "theory of everything", i.e., a unified theory describing all existing particles and their interactions. Physically, superstring theory describes all particles as excitations of a single line-like object. Moreover, the bosonic and fermionic excitations are related by supersymmetry. A persistent problem of string theories is the lack of opportunity to study them experimentally. In this Letter, we propose and analyze a realistic condensed-matter system in which we can create a non-relativistic Green-Schwarz superstring in four space-time dimensions. To achieve this, we make use of the amazing tunability that is now possible with ultracold trapped atomic gases. In particular, for the creation of the superstring we consider a fermionic atomic gas that is trapped in the core of a vortex in a Bose-Einstein condensate. We explain the tuning of experimental parameters that is required to achieve supersymmetry between the fermionic atoms and the bosonic modes describing the oscillations in the vortex position.

    Now what is very interesting to me is the way such harmonical value can be seen in in relation to particle identification. It is not always easy to see how such disks and toys could exemplify this for us, but I am trying. If we wanted to see the new toy and the relations that I will show how would this all relate to the disk and the ball on it?

    I wanted to look at what you were saying to "try," and understand.

    One of the most exciting predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity is the existence of a new type of wave, known as a gravitational wave. Just as in electromagnetism, where accelerating charged particles emit electromagnetic radiation, so in general relativity accelerating masses can emit gravitational radiation. General relativity regards gravity as a curvature of spacetime, rather than as a force, so that these gravitational waves are sometimes described as `ripples in the curvature of spacetime'.

    This mode is characteristic of a spin-2 massless graviton (the particle that mediates the force of gravity). This is one of the most attractive features of string theory. It naturally and inevitably includes gravity as one of the fundamental interactions.

    By looking at the quantum mechanics of the relativistic string normal modes, one can deduce that the quantum modes of the string look just like the particles we see in spacetime, with mass that depends on the spin according to the formula

    Remember that boundary conditions are important for string behavior. Strings can be open, with ends that travel at the speed of light, or closed, with their ends joined in a ring.


  • Quantum Harmonic Oscillators

  • Distinctions of Holographical Sound
  • Sunday, March 27, 2005

    Searching for Extra Dimensions

    Sometimes you have to venture further into the logic of strings to see where these applications are revealling themselves for consideration first and then work from the idea of compacted states and the relevance of dimensial attributes for consideration? Here the question points to bulk information in relation to the blackhole, three brane wrap to gravitational collapse. How is this clcical nature revealling itself and not limiting time to a end, but to the recognition of the value of "time" in those dimensions.

    The idea of taffy seems like a very tactile experience for me, becuase of how I see entropic issues relevant to unsynmmetrical views of symmetry breaking, and this relation not only to the blackhole expansion that takes place but the recognition of previous states of existed at high energy scale.

    Did Picasso know about Einstein?
    Was it a coincidence that Picasso developed Cubism at about the same time that Einstein published his theory of relativity? Arthur I Miller thinks not, as he explains to Ciara Muldoon

    You have to understand, that artist rendition must be implored sometimes to help good scientists extend their visions of things most appropriately. I found evidence of this, when reading about Arthur Miller, and looking at what Penrose did when he implored the skills of Escher?

    Basic intuition tells us that there are three spatial dimensions in our universe. In more normal terms, this means that we are able to move along three different axes (basic directions) of motion, back/forth, left/right, and up/down. Einstein, in his theory of relativity, proposes that time is also a dimension, similar to the three spatial dimensions, except for the fact that we do not control our motion through it. We almost never consider the idea that there could be more than these dimensions, because we have never experienced anything that suggests this.

    In context of this information what would degrees of freedom have to do with how we see these extra spatial dimensions signify. What rules tell us what actions will take place there?

    What extra dimensions, you probably think, having just read the title. We know very well that the world around us is three-dimensional. We know East from West, North from South, up from down – what extra dimensions could there possibly be if we never see them?

    Well, it turns out that we do not really know yet how many dimensions our world has. All that our current observations tell us is that the world around us is at least 3+1-dimensional. (The fourth dimension is time. While time is very different from the familiar spatial dimensions, Lorentz and Einstein showed at the beginning of the 20th century that space and time are intrinsically related.) The idea of additional spatial dimensions comes from string theory, the only self-consistent quantum theory of gravity so far. It turns out that for a consistent description of gravity, one needs more than 3+1 dimensions, and the world around us could have up to 11 spatial dimensions!

    For those who do not understand the issues in regards to the compactified dimensions you have to understand the implications that this topic speaks too. I have listened to well intentioned indivduals reject this notion outright, without further explanation. To me ,logical discourse must speak to this.

    If you think about Plato's cave you soon learn what is encouraged here again? From not the usual framework the cave offered us, as we look out from inside and explain the shadow figures on the wall. It is a paradoxial twist on human comprehension?

    Science fiction characters make travel through extra dimensions look as easy as getting on the subway, but physicists have never taken them seriously. Now in the 6 December PRL a team proposes a radical idea: We may indeed live in a world with more than three spatially infinite dimensions, yet the extra dimensions might be essentially imperceptible. For years researchers have discussed extra dimensions that might be "compactified"--curled up to a very small size--but no one thought that non-compact dimensions could exist without obvious effects on experiments.

    Many physicists hope that string theory will ultimately unify quantum mechanics, the theory of small-scale interactions, with general relativity, the theory of gravity. String theory requires at least nine spatial dimensions, so proponents normally claim that all but three of them are compactified and only accessible in extremely high-energy particle collisions. As an alternative to compactified dimensions, Lisa Randall of Princeton University and Raman Sundrum, now of Stanford University, describe a scenario in which an extra, infinite dimension could have remained undetected so far.