Monday, May 04, 2015

Distilliation, as Deductive Logic

I mean the deductive logic while being objective according to being logical, to get to that point of knowing, was a exploration into the way deductive logic was being used. I think deductive logic is before Aristotelian from what I understand and to get to that point is critical.

 As Plato tells it, the beautiful orderliness of the universe is not only the manifestation of Intellect; it is also the model for rational souls to understand and to emulate. Such understanding and emulation restores those souls to their original state of excellence, a state that was lost in their embodiment. There is, then, an explicit ethical and religious dimension to the discourse. Plato's Timaeus -Zeyl, Donald, "Plato's Timaeus", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.),

Belief and Intent are very important here as the person comes to a position of judgment. I do not need to talk about the person, their qualities as a human being other then to know that people in general what ever their profession make judgements, and these become the intent, even if they wish to connect in that moment. Why Judgement is so important as a finality to making a decision about things. This in that moment as to recognizing the intent, betrays the pursuit of what is wanted to be known, so there is this to consider.

The link to Ian I remember. Sort of brings up another point I wish to reveal in consideration of that moment. This I connected to synchronicity a long time ago, as I read Jung. As TC mentions intent is very important, and freewill in this life as the person "is" an able function while we are here. This moment is directly connected to logic and deja vu. The moment, is a parallel recognition of something forward in time, as to a recognition of the course you are following in that moment, and why you recognize it. It confirms, that you are following the correct path.

I mentioned the Park , to show that this has been with me for almost 50 years now so as to decipher the way in which I as individual could connect to the data as information from in the Larger Consciousness System( LCS.) That experience was located in the dream environment, so such a construct of images of people what ever their religion could call this philosopher a God, or, what ever their religion may be, was a time of respect in the encounter.

The point was this connection to the LCS was a method that I was able to recognize, and consequent information reveal an understanding of the point I had been referring too, after all these years. I had time then to perfect that method. While living I had no access to teachers, so I had to find the teacher in me to connect for the answers. Why I would profess that people have this ability in them to be the teacher and student at once. Why, I want to drive people to this point. It s a small moment of enlightenment if you will that had intrigue my life ever since.

Now people talk about magic, and I understand that there is this possibility that they will see something that will not follow all the rules we have come to know of in science, so this is why I engage science. Why I followed the development of quantum gravity. Go ahead quote and use any knowledgeable person you would like and you cannot change the experience( I am referring to an objective experience). A person of that ilk will know something about science that not everyone else knows. My perspective with regard to materialism was well formed before TC came along. The mystery of what is not know of consciousness, as we learn to recognize, will eventually become an ability of its use.

 Sir Isaac Newton studied Optics.

Newtonian science became a central issue in the assault waged by the philosophes in the Age of Enlightenment against a natural philosophy based on the authority of ancient Greek or Roman naturalists or on deductive reasoning from first principles (the method advocated by French philosopher René Descartes), rather than on the application of mathematical reasoning to experience or experiment. Voltaire popularised Newtonian science, including the content of the both the Principia and the Opticks, in his Elements de la philosophie de Newton (1738), and after about 1750 the combination of the experimental methods exemplified by the Opticks and the mathematical methods exemplified by the Principia were established as a unified and comprehensive model of Newtonian science. Some of the primary adepts in this new philosophy were such prominent figures as Benjamin Franklin, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier, and James Black. Reception

I find "incubation" a good term with regard to intent. Distillation, an apt term to decipher the context of one's life experience, and of the understanding emotion. Emotion, as if used in a olfactory sense, provide for the impetus for memory to be placed in existence as data. I associated the collective unconscious as a permeation of a fabric of reality as all that exists as data, as information. Water would not be understood without understand the emotive quality that one might assign to it. How fluid as a substance that flows through the body as a distillation as memory would leave nothing but the hard fact of ones experience..Ouspensky,  was good and finding that point in between the moments.

Sir Isaac Newton studied Chymstry.
After purchasing and studying Newton's alchemical works in 1942, economist John Maynard Keynes, for example, opined that "Newton was not the first of the age of reason, he was the last of the magicians". Isaac Newton's occult studies

So in a sense, I may have given a glimpse of the man known as Sir Isaac Newton, as being in such a question as to understand his biology, to see that the use of distillation, was a form of deductive logic. I had come to recognize it did not lessen the ability of Sir Issac Newton to be shown as a suspected illogical side to him while he wrote his Optics, but a better understanding by him of the matters that course through him, and as matters in the earth.

Biology of Quantum Mechanics
Austrian-born physicist and theoretical biologist Erwin Schrödinger, one of the founders of quantum theory in physics, also became one of the first scientists to suggest a study of quantum biology in his 1944 book What Is Life?. Quantum biology

Before computers came along, we existed, and so did libraries as data banks of information, but still the cataloged data as that kind of information did not speak to what could be gained from using intent to find answers, so it had to be found somewhere.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Believing in Magic

Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A source of heat 2: Still pot 3: Still head 4: Thermometer/Boiling point temperature 5: Condenser 6: Cooling water in 7: Cooling water out 8: Distillate/receiving flask 9: Vacuum/gas inlet 10: Still receiver 11: Heat control 12: Stirrer speed control 13: Stirrer/heat plate 14: Heating (Oil/sand) bath 15: Stirring means e.g. (shown), boiling chips or mechanical stirrer 16: Cooling bath.[1]

Steam to ice, water, is a fundamental examination of states as matter? Water, can exist in varying states. Steam, is a more rarefied form of matter.

Thales of Miletus (/ˈθeɪliːz/; Greek: Θαλῆς (ὁ Μιλήσιος), Thalēs; c. 624 – c. 546 BC) was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher from Miletus in Asia Minor and one of the Seven Sages of Greece. Many, most notably Aristotle, regard him as the first philosopher in the Greek tradition.[1] Aristotle reported Thales' hypothesis about the [originating principle][further explanation needed] of nature and the nature of matter – that it was a single material substance: water.-
Water then, is the basis of information, and as Thales may have said, such a fundamental existence to such a state of reality. I believe information can be describe as a type of matter? Some information is much more fluid, or, some information quite rarefied. Some such information is quite solid in its consolidation.

"Flightless Dung Beetle Circellium Bachuss, Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa" by Kay-africa - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

One could believe that by association as an analogy of the [Dung beetle]could have relevance here, as to how its young are placed in the middle of a ball of elephant shit. The life of the dung beetle grows from the center outward. In this case intent, as well as the embryo for growth, has to have information around it in order to sustain its state of matter. But, in essence, the state of the information, was planted as a seed. Consolidated.

Magic by definition, as a to influencing a course of events supernaturally or mysteriously. If taken to mean that will by choice can be used to determine "change," then, what is so mysterious about the outcome?

 It is a mistaken notion to me to suggest that reason destroys this ability. This is to suggest, that such a pursuit as to access information in a fundamental way, that opens the path way to that information works, as if, intent is cast into the oceans of possibilities.

Fundamentally, one has to be able to believe, and by such a process understand that such intent, as a focus, can be sent somewhere so as to retrieve that information. Without doing this, or believing this there is no chance of setting up the intent to gather information. This because information needs to be able to be accessed.

So, where is this information?

I have come to believe that information is everywhere around us. That consciousness is quite able to access information. The difference is, that what enters awareness first is a subjective visualization of the information in its condition, so as to say that the data has been saved as in the information package. That such access to that data package is a linked by the very intent, as if to understand the focus of one's intent, has a direct connection. So you not only have to believe it is possible, but that you understand how it is you can use your intent to create that link.

By analogy, I had served this example as if to say, that if you go fishing, you cast a line into the ocean of possibilities, but on your hook you need the bait. This so as to suggest, the information is linked to the intent of your fishing. So you send your line deep into the waters of possibilities, to catch fish. Fish to the degree, as to suggest soul food, is quite different then accessing memory of a criminal case, but the idea is there that such a link in both cases can retrieve information.


See Also:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Truth, as it Descends from Heaven

Well most know I am a layman looking at the methods of your arguments and understanding the Traditional versus the Modern, is a understanding of the move from Aristotelian to Boole,  as a historical sense of use of mechanics.

I had come to know about Plato's recognition of the pyramids in Egypt, as a pattern used in the Aristotelian Square of Opposition......Aristotle had to have learn this method, as an opposition too, Plato's point of views about God in Heaven, without suggesting that the way in which things flow downward.

The Inductive-Deductive Method of Aristotelian Science
Aristotelian intuition supplies the first principles (archai) of human knowledge: concepts, universal propositions, definitions, the laws of logic, the primary principles of the specialized science, and even moral concepts such as the various virtues.  This is why, according to Aristotle, intuition must be viewed as infallible.  We cannot claim that the first principles of human intelligence are dubious and then turn around and use those principles to make authoritative claims about the possibility (or impossibility) of knowledge.  If we begin to doubt intuition, that is, human intelligence at its most fundamental level of operation, we will have to doubt everything else that is built upon this universal foundation: science, philosophy, knowledge, logic, inference, and so forth.  Aristotle never tries to prove first principles.  He acknowledges that when it comes to the origins of human thought, there is a point when one must simply stop asking questions.  As he points out, any attempt at absolute proof would lead to an infinite regress.  In his own words: “It is impossible that there should be demonstration of absolutely everything; there would be an infinite regress, so that there would still be no demonstration.” (Metaphysics, 1006a6ff, Ross.)  Aristotle does make arguments, for example, that meaningful speech presupposes a logical axiom like the principle of non-contradiction, but that is not, strictly speaking, a proof of the principle. See: Aristotle: Logic

I will  assign image symbology, as logica, grammatical, and rhetorica, to a triangle, the Square represents Earth. It is thoughts which fill my head that the liberal arts is defined when you look at the pattern, as the square of opposition, and that the peak is man's pinnacle and reach for God, and as modeled in the pyramid under this ancient schooling method.

 The pyramid was a scheme for which those things which will become self evident, that after seeing infinite regress, allows views of Gods heaven to descend into the mind of man.

The Quadrivium is made up of the four triangles together with the trivium, seeks man as to perfecting. Each of the four triangles, represents aspects of perfecting when it comes to the understanding of the proponents of the Quadrivium.

The Quadrivium is made up of the four triangles together with the trivium, seeks man as to perfecting. The Quadrivium speak to a cyclical process as well as the developing the student toward logic, grammatical, and rhetoric.

This all belongs to Plato's Academy, but Aristotle took that pattern to the logic application, as the square of opposition, this, when Aristotle formed his own school.

Parsons, Terence, "The Traditional Square of Opposition", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = .

All S are P, No S is P
All s is P is contrary to the claim NO S is P.
A contrary can be true as well as false.
Contraries can both be false. Contraries can't both be true.

The A and E forms entail each other's negations


Some S are P, Some S are not P

Sub contraries can't both be false. Sub contraries can both be true.

The negation of the I form entails the (unnegated) E form, and vice versa.


All S are P, Some S are not P,
Some S are P, No S are P
For contradictions -Two propositions are contradictory if they cannot both be true and they cannot both be false.

Contradictory means there is exactly one truth value and if one proposition is true the other MUST be false. If one is false the other MUST be true. The propositions can't both be true and the propositions can't both be false.

The A and O forms entail each other's negations, as do the E and I forms. The negation of the A form entails the (unnegated) O form, and vice versa; likewise for the E and I forms.

Super alteration-

Every S is P, implies Some S are P
No S is P, implies Some S are not P
The two propositions can be true.

Sub alteration-

All S are P, Some S are P
No S are P, Some S are not P
A proposition is a subaltern of another if it must be true

The A form entails the I form, and the E form entails the O form.


 Yes....I tried to get some clarity here regard such a start, and as a Universal. I have come to recognize, that such an association as may be given as to the statement of I am, of God, as something "inside the square of opposition" as it arose from the early understandings in relation to Aristotle and Plato. This, I have come to know of them, as expressions of the School run by Plato, and Raphael's setting of Aristotle and Plato together under the arch in that painting called Plato's Academy.

My distinction of intuition may be at odds with the classical description of the Aristotelian view, as to being infallible, while my own views were an assumption under the idea that such regressive moments, were when we had come to a point where infinite regress can no longer be applied, that such a step was necessary as to receiving the idea.

With regard to the advancement of science then, and under boole, the square of opposition changed as to being the undermined logic, as a product of the Aristotelian school. Mathematics then underwent a change in the modern sense as to giving up, the Platonism understanding of the Academy of the times.

While setting up for the idea, here I was seeking to have an idea as to descend into mind, was to me like inserting into an open space between the neurological function, as a gap. I was pushing discreteness to find that place in consciousness. Consciousness as a Derivative of Reductionism?

Can animals reason, yes they can, but do "ideas" settle into the neurological gaps as they do in humans? One would have to say yes as to the expressive state of animals as being part of God's creatures? Then, only to the degrees with which reason can be applied to animals, that such an idea may or may not be, evidential in the evolution of that animal? One may then understand "the idea of a stick being used"  by a monkey in the termite hill, as to arriving from somewhere?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Beautiful Gardens

This Garden is located in Victoria, British Columbia. You ever get the chance when visiting Victoria, this is a worth while visit.

While this is in April, the colors of spring seem to come alive in the different locations on the map above.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Roadmap Epigenomics Project

The Roadmap Epigenomics Project presents a wealth of epigenomes, a resource that provides a plethora of new hypotheses to be tested in relation to human health and disease. The current papers use innovative analytical approaches to uncover new mechanisms and pathways, to deepen and extend previous groundbreaking observations. 

While the Roadmap Epigenomics Project has reached a major milestone, the epigenomes of 127 cell types are just the beginning of the road to a comprehensive epigenome encyclopaedia. The International Human Epigenome Consortium plans to determine the epigenomes of every cell type in the human body — estimated to be several hundred to a thousand. 

Dr Henk Stunnenberg, Chair of the International Scientific Steering Committee of IHEC

See: IHEC 

Friday, March 27, 2015


Behavioral epigenetics is the field of study examining the role of epigenetics in shaping animal (including human) behaviour.[1] It is an experimental science that seeks to explain how nurture shapes nature,[2] where nature refers to biological heredity[3] and nurture refers to virtually everything that occurs during the life-span (e.g., social-experience, diet and nutrition, and exposure to toxins).[2] Behavioral epigenetics attempts to provide a framework for understanding how the expression of genes is influenced by experiences and the environment[4] to produce individual differences in behaviour,[5] cognition[2] personality,[6] and mental health.[7][8]
Epigenetic gene regulation involves changes other than to the sequence of DNA and includes changes to histones (proteins around which DNA is wrapped) and DNA methylation.[9] These epigenetic changes can influence the growth of neurons in the developing brain[10] as well as modify activity of the neurons in the adult brain.[11][12] Together, these epigenetic changes on neuron structure and function can have a marked influence on an organism's behavior.[1]

By the time Szyf arrived at McGill in the late 1980s, he had become an expert in the mechanics of epigenetic change. But until meeting Meaney, he had never heard anyone suggest that such changes could occur in the brain, simply due to maternal care.
“It sounded like voodoo at first,” Szyf admits. “For a molecular biologist, anything that didn’t have a clear molecular pathway was not serious science. But the longer we talked, the more I realized that maternal care just might be capable of causing changes in DNA methylation, as crazy as that sounded. So Michael and I decided we’d have to do the experiment to find out.” See:
Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes
We have seen ]experimentation with regard to mice, where in experiment # 3, they are able to affect the pups with an injection in order to release the pups from an absence of what nurturing does, by what a mother can produce in the pups. So we may come to believe the neurological manufacture can be used to help change the way people perceive?

 Epigenetics has a strong influence on the development of an organism and can alter the expression of individual traits.[9] Epigenetic changes occur not only in the developing fetus, but also in individuals throughout the human life-span.[19] Because some epigenetic modifications can be passed from one generation to the next,[20] subsequent generations may be affected by the epigenetic changes that took place in the parents.[20]

 So here's the question.

How could society as a culture change, if it did not believe that consciousness could be capable of, while changing on a biological level? Do you not have to assume that the mind/body has a deep interrelationship with how one perceives, and that only after such a realization,  with regard to biology,  is it understood,  that we must take embodied mind into consideration? That we are more then a slave to our senses.

Darwin and Freud walk into a bar. Two alcoholic mice — a mother and her son — sit on two bar stools, lapping gin from two thimbles.

The mother mouse looks up and says, “Hey, geniuses, tell me how my son got into this sorry state.”

“Bad inheritance,” says Darwin.

“Bad mothering,” says Freud.
Grandma's Experiences Leave a Mark on Your Genes

 I think in one respect, if we think about an alternative to the example I am going to give, what is assumed?

Philosophers, psychologists, cognitive scientists, and artificial intelligence researchers who study embodied cognition and the embodied mind argue that all aspects of cognition are shaped by aspects of the body. The aspects of cognition include high level mental constructs (such as concepts and categories) and human performance on various cognitive tasks (such as reasoning or judgment). The aspects of the body include the motor system, the perceptual system, the body's interactions with the environment (situatedness) and the ontological assumptions about the world that are built into the body and the brain.Embodied Cognition
By inference, can I suggest an outcome, as that alternative? Do you feel, this is a valid assumption? The counter, to the embodied mind and cognition would be?

So, I look at the subject of epigentics in as psycho-expressive state, to mean that we are limited by our biology so as to assume limitations in our thinking?

So, lets just assume I have you where I want you to be, and look at what is possibly being said. Your body limits the amount of reasoning and judgement that is possible? That your body/brain matter limits aspects of your higher mental constructs(such as concepts and categories.)

Are these valid assumptions of the embodied mind thesis if you are still thinking about the alternative?

 So, the alternative possibly is this, that there is possibly 2% of the population that is awake, and that is enough to begin to set the descendants free? So it is not just being a slave to the mind as in some dichotomy, but realizing that this alternative, is connection to the true source( where is your antenna tuned) to that of the data stream?

What is consciousness doing if it is to say that it is experiencing life as a worm? Maybe exploring its possibilities? Would you deny the ability of consciousness to experience or help consciousness to realize, that your descendants can learn to become free?

So there is that part of the population of the planet, as a group, that will help set the planet free? I do not know.

What is the current rate of thinking "that is established to believe" that exploration outside of the realms of our planet are the extensions of the beliefs that our senses are being extended as is our understanding of the universe, as we let our robots out into the universe? So, we have covered so much of the spectrum to see?

So the question is, is it possible to kick consciousness of the animal to the curb, or, if we believe consciousness is able "to experience," more, beyond the confines of the senses as, i, you, or we, is more then of the "mind being used" as too, eco me, eco you, eco we?

Now considering the topic here of Behavioral Epigenetics,  how do you see this following presentation?

Now some of you think this is a grandiose view here while when dealing up front and center with a question and answer, for what a lot have women made. I won't go into the procedure of how decisions are being made, or, will be made. What I will say is, that woman have made them.

So to get beyond the idea of the new field of study,  as some attribute to all the witch doctoring one might come to believe,  I think we should go beyond this point of view by Dr. Bruce Lipton, to investigate, how "profound change in belief"  can upset the very foundation of our biological system.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Is Epigenetics Science?

Epigenetic mechanisms are affected by several factors and processes including development in utero and in childhood, environmental chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, aging, and diet. DNA methylation is what occurs when methyl groups, an epigenetic factor found in some dietary sources, can tag DNA and activate or repress genes. Histones are proteins around which DNA can wind for compaction and gene regulation. Histone modification occurs when the binding of epigenetic factors to histone “tails” alters the extent to which DNA is wrapped around histones and the availability of genes in the DNA to be activated. All of these factors and processes can have an effect on people’s health and influence their health possibly resulting in cancer, autoimmune disease, mental disorders, or diabetes among other illnesses. National Institutes of Health  


Behavioral epigenetics is the field of study examining the role of epigenetics in shaping animal (including human) behaviour.[1] It is an experimental science that seeks to explain how nurture shapes nature,[2] where nature refers to biological heredity[3] and nurture refers to virtually everything that occurs during the life-span (e.g., social-experience, diet and nutrition, and exposure to toxins).[2] Behavioral epigenetics attempts to provide a framework for understanding how the expression of genes is influenced by experiences and the environment[4] to produce individual differences in behaviour,[5] cognition[2] personality,[6] and mental health.[7][8]


Epigenetic gene regulation involves changes other than to the sequence of DNA and includes changes to histones (proteins around which DNA is wrapped) and DNA methylation.[9] These epigenetic changes can influence the growth of neurons in the developing brain[10] as well as modify activity of the neurons in the adult brain.[11][12] Together, these epigenetic changes on neuron structure and function can have a marked influence on an organism's behavior.[1]

Thalamocortical oscillations can be Affective?

Delta wave
Theta wave
Alpha wave
Mu wave
Beta wave
Gamma wave

Current interest in a presentation given through Stanford in a series of 6 videos had brought up for me the question of what consciousness is. A fundamental recognition of what consciousness is, as it is measured. So we speak about the different frequency ranges that are examined as "attributes of that consciousness."

Thalamocortical oscillation involves the synchronous firing of thalamic and cortical neurons at specific frequencies; in the thalamocortical system, the exact frequencies depend on current brain state and mental activity
The understanding I have in regard to this question is whether we could induce those frequency ranges as an "affect" directly through the thalamus to the whole brain. This so as to bring the whole brain toward coherence.

The human visual pathway. The lateral geniculate nucleus, a region of the thalamus, exhibits thalamocortical oscillation with the visual cortex.[7]
 Thalamocortical oscillation is thought to be responsible for the synchronization of neural activity between different regions of the cortex and is associated with the appearance of specific mental states depending on the frequency range of the most prominent oscillatory activity, gamma most associated with conscious, selective concentration on tasks,[8] learning (perceptual and associative),[9] and short-term memory.[10] Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has been used to show that during conscious perception, gamma-band frequency electrical activity and thalamocortical resonance prominently occurs in the human brain.[2] Absence of these gamma-band patterns correlates with nonconscious states and is characterized by the presence of lower-frequency oscillations instead.Relation to brain activity -Recurrent thalamo-cortical resonance -

 The answering of this question through experimental validation had come through in a couple of what I am regarding as those, which could reach these measured brain states, as in TM, or in use as a binaural method. As listed through the lectures such evidence while directly not attributed to sound, was revealed in a question by a audience member in the last video , We Create Our Reality.

Psychoacoustics is the scientific study of sound perception. More specifically, it is the branch of science studying the psychological and physiological responses associated with sound (including speech and music). It can be further categorized as a branch of psychophysics.



Cymatics (from Greek: κῦμα "wave") is the study of visible sound and vibration, a subset of modal phenomena. Typically the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane is vibrated, and regions of maximum and minimum displacement are made visible in a thin coating of particles, paste, or liquid.[1] Different patterns emerge in the exitatory medium depending on the geometry of the plate and the driving frequency.

A thought had occurred to me a long time ago with regard idea of using  polymerization substances as a technique in order to bring concrete into a orderly and fast solid state process.

This was an answer to how through such a dream period, I observed I had used such a process so as to create designs to incorporate into a lattice screen with which to divide a room.

In the absence of gravity looking to space above  earth,  such molecular arrangements were significant to me about how pureness could have been attained regarding a "crystallization process."

So the thoughts had occurred to me that in a three dimensional context of the chaldni plate(2 dimensional expression) what may be adhering inside any boxed frame of reference to say that it would be "coherent" so as to be brought into a pattern matching this particular sound. How far a leap then too, lets say bring brain coherence into a EEG state of consciousness.