Monday, August 06, 2012

Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity

 Sabine Hossenfelder "ESQG Summary and Outlook"

Talk on 16 July 2010 at the workshop "Experimental Search for Quantum Gravity", 12-16 July, 2010, at Nordita in Stockholm, Sweden.

See Also:
Bee Writes:I like this example of neutral Kaon oscillations because it demonstrates so clearly that quantum gravitational effects are not necessarily too small to be detected in experiments, and it is likely we'll hear more about this in the soon future.Neutral Kaons and Quantum Gravity Phenomenology

The KLOE detector on the DAFNE interaction region (INFN - Frascati National Laboratories)
DAFNE or DAΦNE, the Double Annular Φ Factory for Nice Experiments, is an electron-positron collider at the INFN Frascati National Laboratory in Frascati, Italy. Since 1999 it has been colliding electrons and positrons at a center of mass energy of 1.02 GeV to create phi (φ) mesons. 85% of these decay into kaons (K), whose physics is the subject of most of the experiments at DAFNE.
There are five experiments at DAFNE:
  • KLOE, or K LOng Experiment, which has been studying CP violation in kaon decays and rare kaon decays since 2000. This is the largest of DAFNE experiments.
  • FINUDA, or FIsica NUcleare a DAFNE, studies the spectra and nonmesonic decays of Lambda (Λ)-hypernuclei produced by negatively charged kaons (K) striking a thin target.
  • DEAR, or DAFNE Exotic Atoms Research experiment, determines scattering lengths in atoms made from a kaon and a proton or deuteron.
  • DAFNE Light Laboratory consists of 3 lines of synchrotron radiation emitted by DAFNE, a fourth is under construction.
  • SIDDHARTA, or SIlicon Drift Detectors for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Application, aims to improve the precision measurements of X-ray transitions in kaon atoms studied at DEAR.
 See: Neutral kaon interferometry at KLOE and KLOE-2

For You Men Out There

This post has been due in that one can learn so many things about ones perspective having been engaged with the realities. So it was with me that I was at a loss of how to deal with,  that my sweet wife gave me a book to read. It has been a source of comfort in that you get to understand the process that your own wife may be going through.

Men most certainly can come in all sizes that you quickly see how the differences between men and women shows itself as one reads. Men,  did you know you can get it too?  Ultimately, it is about listening to your wife.

Breast Cancer Husband

Marc Silver on Marc Silver:
I'm the author of BREAST CANCER HUSBAND: How to Help Your Wife (And Yourself) Through Diagnosis, Treatment, and Beyond, and a great believer in the motto of the breast cancer husband: "Shut up and listen." Really, it works for just about any husband.
 When Marsha was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001, I wished I had a book to guide me through the difficult months ahead, because I had no clue what to do. In the spring of 2002, after Marsha finished her treatments, I began working on the proposal for BREAST CANCER HUSBAND. Even though many publishers told me that "men don't buy self-help books," I was sure this was one book that guys would buy–and if they didn't, their wives would buy it for them.

This book has been a constant reference guide for me.When at a loss of focus it helped bring the focus back.

In hind sight when talking with my wife we came to some conclusions about the process itself in that when ever she had to make a decision it should have been from having all the information available. By having it at   her finger tips further decisions could have been made better.  So an additional resource that helped was something your surgeon may make inclusive in your package for what decisions you make about the choices given.

Intelligent Patient Guide to Breast Cancer
5th edition, 2011.

by Ivo Olivotto, Karen Gelmon, David McCready and Urve Kuusk.  This book is available free of charge in the kit.  It can also be borrowed from the BC Cancer Agency Library or can be purchased at your local bookstore.

This is very important information and a woman can be inundated with a lot considering her feelings and bombardment of what she has to face. Here I put of importance the help of your Cancer Coordinator as to the help in clarifications as vital. Even as I sit trying to scoop as much info as I can, being impacted emotional as well one tends to miss questions as my wife did or just could not process.

We have reflected on this as wondering if we could have taped or recorded the conversation so as to get the full scope of the process your surgeon may reveal to you. So we saw this as a possible avenue you might want to take so you can go back an see exactly what was said. This might be useful.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Mars Rover: Curiosity

'Greeley Panorama' from Opportunity's Fifth Martian Winter
This full-circle scene combines 817 images taken by the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity. It shows the terrain that surrounded the rover while it was stationary for four months of work during its most recent Martian winter.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell/Arizona State Univ.

Looking for Curiosity? Watch NASA TV Show Online

 This blog post is not written to undermine what has already happened with regards to our research and development toward reaching beyond the planet we live on. Beyond the known world we all participate in.

It is most interesting for sure then. We here on earth emulating the robot's sensory parameters in order to gather data on our "measured experience" here on Earth as applied to Mars?

Can a theorist postulate possible conditions on Mars outside of the "earth frame of reference" given the parameters manufactured into our robots?

To be fair in theoretical question, I am correlating "physics beyond the standard model" as contained in the calorimeters as backdrops to our particle search.

Spacecraft: Surface Operations: Rover

Universes of Max Tegmark

I mean there are thoughts about Tegmark's Mathematical universe here as to whether there is reasonable suspicion as to its basis. It may have been on other people's minds. I cannot believe I am the same person writing this. What has changed?

 There is great resistance on my part to believe that such mathematical basis could have ever been seated at the root of all our societies ventures when we know that such algorithms are manufactured and placed to see if the outcome is a constraint towards the outcome? So that is indeed the question in my mind?

We will only manufacture to confirm our suspicions and that it is hard to see outside of the parameters of our existence? How do you provide for finding new physics if the parameters will constraint your data and outcome?

Door of Florence's Baptistery called Gates of Paradise

To be fair again. I have always postulated that mathematics exists at the very basis of our experiences yet I have found myself asking how can this be so? In my previous speculations my own research had me wondering about what lies at the basis of our experience as measured in outward  manifestation expressed in our living in the world.

You are looking for the basis of the qualitative valuations of that experience as identifying the very pattern of that reality. Is this not so? What is in emergence then?

 Similarly, doors and doorways frequently appear in metaphorical or allegorical situations, literature and the arts, often as a portent of change.

So I am are standing at the doorway of all the constraints ever applied to your thinking and that such evolution of our mind and brain is to consider the framework with which you shall move forward?

 You are constraint to the data, that has ever been measured as long as it it written, thought about within the confines of those constraints. Shall I compare it to looking for my keys, keys under the lamplight? The outer edges of that light have somehow defined how far we shall see?

You can see my problem now can't you?  Below "Planck length" you have no measure?

See Also:

Physicists show strengthened signals of Higgs-like particle in publications

Protons collide in the CMS detector at 8 TeV, forming Z bosons which decay into electrons (green lines) and muons (red). Such an event is compatible with the decay of a Standard Model Higgs boson. Image: CMS

The CMS and ATLAS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider released papers Tuesday confirming their earlier simultaneous, independent discovery of a particle that resembles the Standard Model Higgs boson.

The ATLAS paper reports the observance of a Higgs-like particle with a 5.9 sigma confidence level, up from the 5.0 sigma reported on July 4.

The CMS paper likewise reports a Higgs-like particle, with a 5-sigma level of confidence.
“We believe that what we have observed will be shown to be an elementary spinless particle,” CMS Spokesperson Joe Incandela said. “This is something we have never seen before and really important to study in detail. We are going to see a lot of creativity in trying to get at a better understanding of its properties. It’s a great achievement for the field and an important milestone in human intellectual history.” See: Symmetry Breaking Magazine

See Also:

New Ways of Looking at Things

I am having some  problems defining the way in which some concepts have been presented for consideration. So it may seem a little frazzled but it's one of those things that sits just below the surface waiting to be explained clearly and concisely.

As a scientist you may not care.

 I had thought then how interesting it may seem that such an example could have compared the brain to a black hole whose boundary conditions may have been the minds attempt at conscious awareness? Something that has been contained,  and contains all of what we are.  As an experimental pursuit then, a  thought to push our conscious mind to look deep within the parameters of that black hole?:) So people create thought experiments? That would be fun wouldn't it?

Human brain showing the four major lobes of the cerebrum. Beneath the cerebral cortex are the cerebellum, pons, olive, and medulla oblongata  

Okay so here's the thing I am considering. The Frontal Lobe is a recent addition to the development and evolution of the brain? I am of course open to corrections here. If we relegate the conscious awareness to everything going on around us too, consciousness is then is being correlated to that frontal lobe.

Okay so you got this so far, right? I want you to be a Polymath here for a moment. I want you to cross pollinate your trade with the idea of the brain, as consciousness and subconsciousness. Look into the black hole and tell me what you see?

  But for the first time, quantum physicist Seth Lloyd of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests that memories of entanglement can survive its destruction. He compares the effect to Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights: “the spectral Catherine communicates with her quantum Heathcliff as a flash of light from beyond the grave.”

You can't because no information can leave the confines of the black hole? So how can I be told? Theoretically you being consciously aware,  you try to tell me? It's a description of the THing? So as a scientist you try to describe it for me by describing the surface/horizon.

As a scientist can such variables be introduced by shaking the foundations of the tree with which you have formulated your views. You are in your own mind then as you read and you see yourself trying to describe it.

If you are aware of what is happening with your subconscious mind you are in the moment of reliving everything that existed from the very beginning time you were born up to this moment. You have in essence  this moment recognized the parameters of all that life lived can be constrained within the confines of the rest of the brain. We would call that the subconscious. So your frontal Lobe and consciousness sits at the door way to a vast reservoir of all that has been contained.

I sense Kurzwellian thoughts intruding here.  I am trying to develop my own thoughts here. I have heard of his singularity though.

Now I would like this to be very scientifically recognized but know well the reticence of scientists who would like to see the matter states defined as to its substance, yet how can a scientist account for their whole life they have lived is retained in a place called the brain? Upon reflection,  see that such memory is contained?

So the thoughts formulating in my head are indeed about what manifests through any moment where we do not consciously observe but let ourselves be lost within the parameters of the subconscious.

As an example I might react without maintaining my conscious awareness and let the memory of the past dictate my responses as I have learn and lived the experiences. We may have inherited them within this library of experience as a deeper level of understanding. Such experiences are not ours in terms of the lived responses but those of our own parents. We may say that the subconscious gave way to a reaction by way of that in which we have lived?

Now since the frontal lobe and conscious awareness has the capability of predicting the future and looking at the past, we may say that the full scope of the subconscious needs the frontal lobe with which to observe the rest of the brain? As an observer and participator of the future actions other then what has been lived is the ability of your conscious awareness to change all that we have lived, to a new and set possibility of our future life?

This is not possible then to consider that the evolution of the black hole could have contained within in itself all that was remembered in the life of the universe? How then could there have ever been a before to have constituent familiarity  that such substance would have been displayed in the the life we live now?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ruminations on Alchemy of Sir Isaac Newton

Newton's Translation of the Emerald Tablet

It is true without lying, certain and most true. That which is Below is like that which is Above and that which is Above is like that which is Below to do the miracles of the Only Thing. And as all things have been and arose from One by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father; the Moon its mother; the Wind hath carried it in its belly; the Earth is its nurse. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into Earth. Separate the Earth from the Fire, the subtle from the gross, sweetly with great industry. It ascends from the Earth to the Heavens and again it descends to the Earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world and thereby all obscurity shall fly from you. Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing. So was the world created. From this are and do come admirable adaptations, whereof the process is here in this. Hence am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished and ended.

Don't you think it odd that given the times that while contribution from Sir Isaac Newton lead the way in terms of Optics and Gravitation that one could have been so mislead as to the study of an ancient enterprise.

The Alchemists attempted to perfect the One Thing of Hermes, what they called the First Matter, by using specific physical, psychological, and spiritual techniques that they describe in chemical terms and demonstrated in laboratory experiements. However, while the alchemists spoke in terms of chemcials, furaces , flasks, and beakers, they were really talking about the changes taking place within their own bodies, minds, and souls.2The Emerald Tablet, Dennis William Hauck, Chapter 10, Page 151

It is not to far a leap to see that intelligence could have been made up of other attributes that we might say Emotional Intelligence is worth a look. How would this compare to Silica Garden Illustrating Mineral "Vegetation" but to see it as growth in one form but analogically attributed to one owns neurological process inside? While this is matter constitution raised it has very fluid attributes to a intelligence system?

As a man I cannot say I can have ever overcome my emotions but I can be more aware of what is going on inside. How my views of the world can be circumspect, from a much higher realization.

How much more important my emotions play then in staying to the high road of decency and respect. How my emotions may be elevated to be inspired by others. How childish I can become by loosing my awareness of my responses.

The language of Alchemy is learning to see as if you are a POlymath about your life. It does not mean you do not suffer the emotional turmoils just that you realize it is okay to feel. To feel deeply.

What matter based realization can exist as we conjure up the mind to the responses we have experienced that we do not see the mixtures of the elements that go on inside? Shall all our responses be matter based in distinction, based on the lower realization of what can arise in human beings? The baser emotions of an ancient human being primal in nature while evolution shall see the rise of the machine?

So by definition and understanding of the Ruminations how is it a defeated man could have excelled so boldly as to have found "no hero" in front of him? No hero, but his determination to be  but "goal oriented." Not to have been overcome by this negative state, so as to loose his self in his understanding of life and his quest to be better?

People have had it wrong for a long time now, and hopefully this sheds a new light on one of our forefathers who gave us more then his science to consider. He was still a scientist in face of the problems he may of encountered psychologically.  He entered the cave and saw the shadows, but he knew there was so much more to his confinement of perspective that pushed himself to excel.

Rumination is usually defined as repetitively focusing on the symptoms of distress, and on its possible causes and consequences.[1]. Extensive research on the effects of rumination, or the tendency to self-reflect, shows that the negative form of rumination interferes with people’s abilities to focus on problem-solving and results in dwelling on negative thoughts about past failures.[2] Evidence from previous studies suggest that the negative implications of rumination are due to cognitive biases, such as memory and attentional biases, which predispose ruminators to selectively devote attention to negative stimuli [3] However, three forms of rumination were proposed by Mikulincer (1996): state rumination, action rumination, and task-irrelevant rumination. State Rumination involves dwelling on the consequences and feelings associated with the failure. Action rumination consists of task-oriented thought processes focused on goal-achievement and correction of mistakes. Task-irrelevant rumination utilizes events or people unassociated with the blocked goal to distract a person from the failure.[4]

It is of great consequence that we can see the reasons why being in such a negative world does more harm by our engaging what may have been the realities of those who have seen  and experienced a Hell on Earth.  Soldiers who return home, Peace Officers who have no way to deal with the tragedies, or Fireman who saw the outcome of death by Fire?

What about you as an individual? How great the wall that can be set up that the view cannot let us see what is on the other side? It is of consequence that each of us will experience these things. The question is  will you accept that the emotions do exist within you that they have to be made aware of. That we cannot gloss over what is real inside to have have it accumulate?

So maybe in those times of Sir Isaac Newton they did not have psychology people to help you surmise the matter states of our convictions and realization as stepping off  points to the future?

The Flammarion woodcut. Flammarion's caption translates to "A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet..." "We all are of the citizens of the Sky" Camille Flammarion

The Melting Pot?

On the question of our societies then what value can be seen when it is not seen as part of the individual  developmental graces in conjuring up the humanistic values of our decency and respect of others?

"Plato made clear that merit and not heredity defined the gold man and that gold could be found in all parts of society."

Plato prove that justice does not depend upon a chance, convention or upon external force. It is the right condition of the human soul by the very nature of man when seen in the fullness of his environment. It is in this way that Plato condemned the position taken by Glaucon that justice is something which is external. According to Plato, it is internal as it resides in the human soul. "It is now regarded as an inward grace and its understanding is shown to involve a study of the inner man." It is, therefore, natural and no artificial. It is therefore, not born of fear of the weak but of the longing of the human soul to do a duty according to its nature.

A just society must be governed by men of reason.Inventing a new social myth to replace the old. Socrates calls those who rule for the benefit of the whole society and not to it's detriment golden men: in his myth they rightfully govern the men of silver and bronze.
This is the myth of metals(415a ff.) the centrepiece of a second accusation that has dogged Plato through the centuries. Plato made clear that merit and not heredity defined the gold man and that gold could be found in all parts of society. Nonetheless, Plato has never escaped the charge that he imposes upon society an elitist and authoritarian rule. The charge is pressed even though in Book IV Plato makes justice in the individual the condition of justice in society.--Pg 16, Para 2 and 3, of Plato the Republic Introduction by Richard W. Sterling and William C. Scott.

“ Man is the most composite of all creatures.... Well, as in the old burning of the Temple at Corinth, by the melting and intermixture of silver and gold and other metals a new compound more precious than any, called Corinthian brass, was formed; so in this continent,--asylum of all nations,--the energy of Irish, Germans, Swedes, Poles, and Cossacks, and all the European tribes,--of the Africans, and of the Polynesians,--will construct a new race, a new religion, a new state, a new literature, which will be as vigorous as the new Europe which came out of the smelting-pot of the Dark Ages, or that which earlier emerged from the Pelasgic and Etruscan barbarism.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson, describing American Culture as a melting pot in a journal entry, 1845

Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable . We must trust the perfection of the creation so far, as to believe that whatever curiosity the order of things has awakened in our minds, the order of things can satisfy. Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put. He acts it as life, before he apprehends it as truth. In like manner, nature is already, in its forms and tendencies, describing its own design. Let us interrogate the great apparition, that shines so peacefully around us. Let us inquire, to what end is nature? See: Nature by Emerson

In response to the trivial statements of what you might have heard and repeat without looking.Here's some support for the limited view you may share of the subject that carry's some weight. Of course even given the perspective of a scientist he did not have a full understanding of the subject?

The Errors & Animadversions of Honest Isaac Newton

by Sheldon Lee Glashow


Isaac Newton was my childhood hero. Along with Albert Einstein, he one of the greatest scientists ever, but Newton was no saint. He used his position to defame his competitors and rarely credited his colleagues.His arguments were sometimes false and contrived, his data were often fudged, and he exaggerated the accuracy of his calculations. Furthermore, his many religious works (mostly unpublished) were nonsensical or mystical, revealing him to be a creationist at heart. My talk offers a sampling of Newton’s many transgressions, social, scientific and religious.
The new book I am reading Gravity by Brian Clegg currently sheds more light on Newton youth and the life he lead.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Silica Garden Illustrating Mineral "Vegetation"

Large flask of white liquid with ribbons of red.

In Newton's day, a silica garden was usually made by placing ferric chloride lumps in a solution of potassium silicate, as in the following demonstration. See: Multimedia Lab

Isaac Newton is known today as one of the most profound scientists to have ever lived. Newton's discoveries in physics, optics, and mathematics overturned a variety of fundamental beliefs about nature and reshaped science in ways that are still powerfully with us. But this is only part of Newton's fascinating story. Research over the last generation has revealed that the famous scientist spent over thirty years composing, transcribing, and expounding alchemical texts, resulting in a mass of papers totaling about a million manuscript words. In fact, Newton seems to have considered himself one of an elite alchemical brotherhood, even going so far as to coin private anagrams of his name in the secretive custom of the sons of art. Despite our growing knowledge of Newton's deep involvement in alchemy, one basic question remains to be answered Why did the founder of Newtonian physics believe in alchemy, a discipline long viewed as discredited in the modern scientific world? William R. Newman's lecture will attempt to arrive at an answer to that question by providing the evidence that led seventeenth-century thinkers to an acceptance of alchemical transmutation. Why did Isaac Newton Believe in Alchemy?

 You may be familiar with Isaac Newton from such inventions as calculus and the law of universal gravitation. What you may not know is that he was also an avid "chymist," or alchemist. In fact, Newton actually wrote roughly a million words about alchemy and his experiments with it — as Indiana University science historian William Newman has noted, Newton probably spent more time doing alchemy than he did on any of his other scientific pursuits. See: Incredible videos recreate Isaac Newton’s experiments with alchemy

About Knowledge

"As to you, Life, I reckon you are the leavings of many deaths, No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before." "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman

Justified true belief.....does it matter what knowledge could exist in or about knowing that all knowledge exists out there somewhere and that you only have to access it? How do you do that?

Our attempt to justify our beliefs logically by giving reasons results in the "regress of reasons." Since any reason can be further challenged, the regress of reasons threatens to be an infinite regress. However, since this is impossible, there must be reasons for which there do not need to be further reasons: reasons which do not need to be proven. By definition, these are "first principles." The "Problem of First Principles" arises when we ask Why such reasons would not need to be proven. Aristotle's answer was that first principles do not need to be proven because they are self-evident, i.e. they are known to be true simply by understanding them. See:The Arch of Aristotelian Logic

What is self evident for you at the time......your accumulating experiencing with an inductive/deductive relationship at the time and what arises at that moment. It is a conclusion about and is what connects you to the answer?

Betrayal of Images" by Rene Magritte
                 (The Fifth Dimension)
                  Idea of the pipe
                        / \
                       /   \
                      /     \
                 Picture of the pipe
                    /         \
                   /           \
                  /             \
               The real pipe and form  
It may not mean something to someone else but it is an opportune time for you then and now. You provide the "access point" when you ask the question. That's why you see the "?" mark.

Awareness of the development of the constitution as it applies to all human beings in a free and democratic society was thought to imply that the deduction of its principles should arise in what can be gained from it? What is arrived at and about what is being "self evident" too and for all people? So "the draft" in language was very important to one's constitution. Not just to a country, but in a person too. You see?

Knowledge then is about what you learn at this time.....could be the measure of the whole life...or could be a measure of the moment in time. This is of value to you. This is about that which is of measure when it is weighted against something of great meaning to you? How do you value that knowledge?

This is what will be remembered.


The diversity of one's knowledge can overlap many areas. Such trends in the sciences are seeing such benefits from cross pollination of the trades(aspect of the different areas of the sciences) as applied to those different sciences.

 For example it is known that condense matter physics is of importance to theoretical approaches as a sign of the process toward identifying first principles? One may use string theory to push back perspective to the beginning time?

 Can one use philosophy to better manufacture the question? Sean Carroll thought it might be of use to coordinate the developmental positions with regard to science and philosophy to produce a clarity in developing the question?

When you see in many ways you see where many things connect?

 Sir Isaac Newton was very proficient at doing this. You may not have liked his alchemy and thought it an ancient way, but he cared about the way he related to people.

 He wanted to improve his condition so he knew that with his diversity of knowledge with and about the structure of the planet,  that the structure of himself,  lead to something very philosophical about his being. "To combine things" to make himself a better person.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vacationing On Vancouver Island

 Along the beach in Parksville there was a sand sculpture contest going on. Here is a video of the sculptures and how they were being made. They all  looked pretty neat. Here are some pictures I took of the finished product  below.

My wife and I are vacationing right now and are staying not to far from the event.

We meet here on Vancouver Island about 36 years ago and this is kind of a homecoming for us. The ferry ride over brought back a lot of good memories traveling from the mainland.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Process Fractal vs Geometry Fractals

Let proportion be found not only in numbers, but also in sounds, weights, times and positions, and whatever force there is.Leonardo Da Vinci
The Mandelbrot set, seen here in an image generated by NOVA, epitomizes the fractal. Photo credit: © WGBH Educational Foundation

 "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line." So writes acclaimed mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in his path-breaking book The Fractal Geometry of Nature. Instead, such natural forms, and many man-made creations as well, are "rough," he says. To study and learn from such roughness, for which he invented the term fractal, Mandelbrot devised a new kind of visual mathematics based on such irregular shapes. Fractal geometry, as he called this new math, is worlds apart from the Euclidean variety we all learn in school, and it has sparked discoveries in myriad fields, from finance to metallurgy, cosmology to medicine. In this interview, hear from the father of fractals about why he disdains rules, why he considers himself a philosopher, and why he abandons work on any given advance in fractals as soon as it becomes popular. A Radical Mind

As I watch the dialogue between Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell here, there were many things that helped my perspective understand the virtual world in relation to how the biology subject was presented. It is obvious then why Bruce Lipton likes the analogies Tom Campbell has to offer. The epiphanies Bruce is having along the road to his developing biological work is very important. It is how each time a person makes the leap that one must understand how individuals change, how societies change.

Okay so for one,  the subject of fractals presents itself and the idea of process fractals and Geometry Fractals were presented in relation to each other. Now the talk moved onto the very thought of geometry presented in context sort of raised by ire even though I couldn't distinguish the differences. The virtual world analogy is still very unsettling to me.

So ya I have something to learn here.

I think my problem was with how such iteration may be schematically driven so as toidentify the pattern. Is to see this process reveal itself on a much larger scale. So when I looked at the Euclidean basis as a Newtonian expression the evolution toward relativity had to include the idea of Non Euclidean geometries. This was the natural evolution of the math that lies at the basis of graduating from a Euclidean world. It is the natural expression of understanding how this geometry can move into  a dynamical world.

So yes the developing perspective for me is that even though we are talking abut mathematical structures here we see some correspondence in nature . This has been my thing so as to discover the starting point?

A schematic of a transmembrane receptor

It the truest sense I had already these questions in my mind as  I was going through the talk. The starting point for Bruce is his biology and the cell. For Tom, he has not been explicit here other then to say that it is his studies with Monroe that he developed his thoughts around the virtual world as it relates to the idea of what he found working with Monroe.

So it is an exploration I feel of the work he encountered and has not so far as I seen made a public statement to that effect. It needs to be said and he needs to go back and look over how he had his epiphanies. For me this is about the process of discovery and creativity that I have found in my own life. Can one feel so full as to have found ones wealth in being that you can look everywhere and see the beginnings of many things?

This wealth is not monetary for me although I recognized we had to take care of or families and made sure they were ready to be off on their own. To be productive.

The Blind Men and the Elephant
John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)
 So for me the quest for that starting point is to identify the pattern that exists in nature as much as many have tried various perspective in terms of quantum gravity. Yes, we are all sort of like blind men trying to explain the reality of the world in our own way and in the process we may come up with our epiphanies.

These epiphanies help us to the next level of understanding as if we moved outside of our skeletal frame to allow the membrane of the cell to allow receptivity of what exist in the world around as information. We are not limited then to the frame of the skeleton hardened too, that we cannot progress further. The surface area of the membrane then becomes a request to open the channels toward expansion of the limitations we had applied to ourselves maintaining a frame of reference.