Friday, February 04, 2005

Symmetry and Symmetry Breaking

Harmonices Mundi

Symmetry considerations dominate modern fundamental physics, both in quantum theory and in relativity. Philosophers are now beginning to devote increasing attention to such issues as the significance of gauge symmetry, quantum particle identity in the light of permutation symmetry, how to make sense of parity violation, the role of symmetry breaking, the empirical status of symmetry principles, and so forth. These issues relate directly to traditional problems in the philosophy of science, including the status of the laws of nature, the relationships between mathematics, physical theory, and the world, and the extent to which mathematics dictates physics.

This is cosmological question about what the universe has become? At earlier time in the Planck era, the symmetry theoretically speaking from a string perspective, is much different then it is in today's matter orientated world?

High Energy particle identification, brings us much closer to the earlier views of the cosmo. Glast determinations, with Compton scattering help us to identify early photon interaction. These views are limited, although they give us a better window on the universe?

Complexity changes these views, from a reductionistic view, as in particle identification, to one of a expansitory nature, when looking at our universe now?

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Time and Gravity

Einstein wrote
>"...for us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one."

After being changed by assuming the views of string theory, something happened in my perspective about understanding the dimensional significance of the history of our existance? Reading and working the GR evolution and seeing what Wheeler and Kip Thorne had done, I was not going to be to easily dismissed by those who do not want to find relevance in this association.

Previously, I have show some detection methods that are being implored to understand what GR has lead us too. What happens when a quantum mechanical view wants to merge as a form of quantum geometry, in these short distances.

The Beginning of Time, by Stephen Hawking

The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. Nevertheless, the way the universe began would have been determined by the laws of physics, if the universe satisfied the no boundary condition. This says that in the imaginary time direction, space-time is finite in extent, but doesn't have any boundary or edge. The predictions of the no boundary proposal seem to agree with observation. The no boundary hypothesis also predicts that the universe will eventually collapse again. However, the contracting phase, will not have the opposite arrow of time, to the expanding phase. So we will keep on getting older, and we won't return to our youth. Because time is not going to go backwards, I think I better stop now.

It was well evident that we had minds who are engaging thes econcepts and helping us along, it became clear, that the distance from the events of gamma ray burts will have released information at one end of the spectrum that ha sbeen adjust for a finer view of the times in terms of these billions of years?

The measure of this distance has left information for us to consider? Has left traces of these events for us to consider in these detection systems. How much closer has "particle identification," taken us to the source of these events?

Not to shabby with the thinking minds, that we could have gained in perspective with thinking and intelligent beings, who slowly moved us forward in the evolution of our understanding.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Mathematics Meets the Mind's Eye

Mathematics is not the rigid and rigidity-producing schema that the layman thinks it is; rather, in it we find ourselves at that meeting point of constraint and freedom that is the very essence of human nature.
- Hermann Weyl

If you have all these mathematics which lie at the heart of creation, what was this mathematics describing? The initial conditions would have to been a "natural phenomena" in order for any mathematics to be derived?

Arthur Miller
Einstein and Schrödinger never fully accepted the highly abstract nature of Heisenberg's quantum mechanics, says Miller. They agreed with Galileo's assertion that "the book of nature is written in mathematics", but they also realized the power of using visual imagery to represent mathematical symbols.

There is a greater potential once the mathematical realm meets a cohesive visualization? A culmination of sorts. The move to higher visualization would requires consistent mathematical descriptions of what could have arisen from what might be thought of theoretically? Is the vision leading the theoretics or is the theoretics leading the vision?

Iconic images

Once upon a time the illustrations in physics and astronomy papers were mostly line diagrams, plus the occasional black and white photograph, but advances in imaging technology and computer power mean that some results now resemble works of art. Here we examine three images that have been so widely used on the covers of books and magazines - and on posters, calendars, mouse-mats and elsewhere - that they qualify for some sort of iconic status

Left or Right Brain Doesn't Matter, When your In The Dimenisons?

Einstein in response tyo Minkowski's Space World: Since there exist in this four dimensional structure [space-time] no longer any sections which represent "now" objectively, the concepts of happening and becoming are indeed not completely suspended, but yet complicated. It appears therefore more natural to think of physical reality as a four dimensional existence, instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three dimensional existence

If we recognize the valuation of what exists regardless of the things that would hold the photon for consideration, the realization is, that the inetrplay would have revealled the Halo in definition of that gravitational radiation?

A natural or acquired predilection towards geometric or algebraic thinking and respective mental objects is often expressed in strong pronouncements, like Hermann Weyl’s exorcising “the devil of abstract algebra” who allegedly struggles with “the angel of geometry” for the soul of each mathematical theory. (One is reminded of an even more sweeping truth:

This goes back to the origins of the math, as to whether it is manufactured or is natural? Some of these distinctions are self evident as we look at Pascal's triangle for a selection of what may arize out of what might be called quantum geometry. We had to understand it's origins and the distant functions that would have been revealled? We also understood where such a view would have become realizaed in the detrminations of the nergy that was produced and the curvatures that would be inherent in this scalable feature relegated to dimension.

If the brain resonates, then it may become aware of the undercurrents that would subjectively be realized in the subconscious, to have understood that it too was capable of determining the outcome to a pressupposed course of action taken in life? Chaldni plates, but much subtler in the brain's organization?

The subconcious was able to predict the outcome of the actions that have been set, by the actualization of consensus. Ramanujan moduli forms may have, from what I understood found such expressions and spoken to the predictabiltiy of outcome, in relations to what I have just said above.

Einstein's usage:
We can distinguish various kinds of theories
in physics. Most of them are constructive.
They attempt to build up a picture of the more
complex phenomena out of the materials of a
relatively simple formal scheme from which
they start out. Thus the kinetic theory of gases
seeks to reduce mechanical, thermal, and
diffusional processes to movements of molecules
-- i.e., to build them up out of the hypothesis of
molecular motion. When we say that we have
succeeded in understanding a group of natural
processes we invariably mean that a constructive
theory has been found which covers the
processes in question.
Along with this most important class of
theories there exists a second, which I will
call 'principle-theories'; These employ the
analytic, not the synthetic, method. The elements
which form their bases and starting-point are not
hypothetically constructed but empirically
discovered ones, general characteristics of
natural processes, principles that give rise to
mathematically formulated criteria which these
separate processes or the theoretical
representations of them have to satisfy. Thus
the science of thermodynamics seeks by
analytical means to deduce necessary conditions,
which separate events have to satisfy, from the
universally experienced fact that perpetual
motion is impossible.
The advantages of the constructive theory
are completeness, adaptability, and clearness,
those of the principle theory are logical
perfection and security of the foundations.
The theory of relativity belongs to the latter
class. In order to grasp its nature, one needs
first of all to become acquainted with the
principles on which it is based. Before I go
into these, however, I must observe that the
theory of relativity resembles a building
consisting of two separate stories, the special
theory and the general theory. The special
theory, on which the general theory rests,
applies to all physical phenomena with the
exception of gravitation; the general theory
provides the law of gravitation and its relations
to the other forces of nature.

Found in: "What is the Theory of Relativity?",
Einstein, Ideas and Opinions, Three Rivers
Press, p. 228-9.

Part of the difficulty in understanding the analogies to scientific pursuite is the relationship what might be drawn to the "idea"? Like sound, consolidation in nodal points lines of the Chaldni plate. Such predictive features of the marble drop of course ask us to question what outcome waould be a viable model to what might be demonstrated in the Bell curve?

Quantum gravity models in the membranes show nodal point flips as in the monte carlo model for comprehesnion. Demonstrates the triangular function of this energy, and becomes quite pronouced, the greater the energy?

We do not know for sure how particles get their mass. The current best idea is that they acquire it by interacting with a field (like a gravitational field), known as the Higgs field. The more strongly a particle interacts with this field, the greater its
mass. The field is expected to produce a new particle called the Higgs particle.

INherent in the quest for the appropriate visaulization of course depends greatly on where these abstractions exist? Without this ocean in which we are immersed, it would make no sense to speak about maths which do not arise into fractorialized states of existance. Not arisng from states of nothinness, but from states of possibile outcomes?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

How many Possibilities Exist in the Now?

What is leading our perspective in regard to what has been left in the bulk for us to consider? It is this, that roams freely and leaves for us a detailed impression about information from another time and place.

Quickly one realizes that to trace a event that happen back in time, this information had to travel? That it could penetrate all existence and not be held to it, leads one to see the earth as a place where the information will resonate for us in our conceived views of measure in those Bars, and LIGO?

What should human thought do, but limit the realization that such dimensional perspective does not resonate through all things? That math, of higher dimensional realization must also follow a geometrical pathway that I have commented on before in Klein's ordering of geometries?

How could we move this idealization to topology, as some point of Hinton's circle touching the brane and leading to some idealization of a positive view of Riemann's sphere and lead too boson production, as a graviton descriptor of those same gravitational waves?

I never thought such concepts could have ever come to some fruition, that I would have argued against the established views of one who would engage superstringtheory(Peter Woit?) and having become acquainted, would reject any hint of this flavor, as a possible definition of the reality that exists around us, and through us?

Joseph Weber 1919 - 2000
In the late 1950s, Weber became intrigued by the relationship between gravitational theory and laboratory experiments. His book, General Relativity and Gravitational Radiation, was published in 1961, and his paper describing how to build a gravitational wave detector first appeared in 1969. Weber's first detector consisted of a freely suspended aluminum cylinder weighing a few tonnes. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Weber announced that he had recorded simultaneous oscillations in detectors 1000 km apart, waves he believed originated from an astrophysical event. Many physicists were skeptical about the results, but these early experiments initiated research into gravitational waves that is still ongoing. Current gravitational wave experiments, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), are descendants of Weber's original work.

Maybe, I should be careful here, as to the realization of gravitatinal waves having not been proven to exist? It has become well known, what GR stands for?:)

Gravitational Radiation

Gravitational waves have a polarization pattern that causes objects to expand in one direction, while contracting in the perpendicular direction. That is, they have spin two. This is because gravity waves are fluctuations in the tensorial metric of space-time.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Civilizations Within the Cosmo

In the recent article ‘Conflict between anthropic reasoning and observation’ (gr-qc/0303070) Ken D. Olum, using some inflation-based ideas and the anthropic premise that we should be typical among all intelligent observers in the Universe, arrives at the puzzling conclusion that ‘we should find ourselves in a large civilization (of galactic size) where most observers should be, while in fact we do not’. In this note we discuss the intriguing possibility whether we could be in fact immersed in a large civilization without being aware of it. Our conclusion is that this possibility cannot be ruled out provided two conditions are met, that we call the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture. The Subanthropic Principle states that we are not typical among the intelligent observers from the Universe. Typical civilizations of typical galaxies would be hundreds of thousands, or millions, of years more evolved than ours and, consequently, typical intelligent observers would be orders of magnitude more intelligent than us. The Undetectability Conjecture states that, generically, all advanced civilizations camouflage their planets for security reasons, so that no signal of civilization can be detected by external observers, who would only obtain distorted data for disuasion purposes. These conditions predict also a low probability of success for the SETI project. We also argue that it is brane worlds, and not inflation, what dramatically could aggravate the ‘missing-alien’ problem pointed out first in the fifties by Enrico Fermi. August 2003

I know some people have to contend with the racial slurs of Martian ancestory, but really:)We are not alone?

In such a delightful mood, what has string theory spawned of itself? IMagine, the mathematics that could arise?

So lets say we are in the moment.:)Lets say, that the very existance of the dimenisonal attributes from our early universe arises from the planck epoch to now, are right here as of this moment. This would mean, that time, as measured, would speak to this dimensional significance, and would reveal that the minds capabilities are far removed from such emotive sufferings of a emotive being from Mars. The intellect is a finer color of yellow:)

String Theory, Universal Mind, and the Paranormal *

Brian D. Josephson
Department of Physics, University of Cambridge

A model consistent with string theory is proposed for so-called paranormal phenomena such as extra-sensory perception (ESP). Our mathematical skills are assumed to derive from a special ‘mental vacuum state’, whose origin is explained on the basis of anthropic and biological arguments, taking into account the need for the informational processes associated with such a state to be of a life-supporting character. ESP is then explained in terms of shared ‘thought bubbles’ generated by the participants out of the mental vacuum state. The paper concludes with a critique of arguments sometimes made claiming to ‘rule out’ the possible existence of paranormal phenomena.

So do you See how the math of this geometry/topology must arise?

So you thought backtracking and th eissues therein were finished?. Well I could help but find that those who were disseting about Josephson, were also complaining about the same thing? You just can't win.


  • ArchveFreedom
  • Topology and Early History

    Part of the effort here is to outlay the idealization of what Genus figures means and the relationship to string amplitutdes.

    A diagram of the Königsberg bridges
    Topological ideas are present in almost all areas of today's mathematics. The subject of topology itself consists of several different branches, such as point set topology, algebraic topology and differential topology, which have relatively little in common. We shall trace the rise of topological concepts in a number of different situations.

    Part of the difficulties here for me, is understanding exactly what is going on in these higher dimensional places, that string theorists and mathematicians like to venture.

    Throughout, I have shown the processes with which a smooth topological feature would have endowed movements like the donut into the coffee cup and wondered, about this idea of Genus figures and how they to become part of the fixtures of the terrain with which mathematicians like to enjoy themselves over coffee?:)

    The idealization of string amplitutdes raised cosmological correlations in my mind as well as understanding these harmonics, so the String Amplitutde search was initiated within my blog, to lead one through other idealizationas that become evident for me.

    Wednesday, January 26, 2005

    Shadows in Plato's Cave

    Earlier I referred to the work of Thomas Banchoff for consideration in how he interprets the computer screen and the graphics that he works with. I also brought forward the question of illusions and Miracles in the following article .

    Through mathematical analogy, Abbott sought to show that establishing scientific truth requires a leap of faith and that, conversely, miracles can be explained in terms that don't violate physical laws. Like early scientific theories, miracles could be merely shadows of phenomena beyond everyday experience or intrusions from higher dimensions. Flatland raises the fundamental question of how to deal with something transcendental, especially when recognizing that one will never be able to grasp its full nature and meaning. It's the kind of challenge that pure mathematicians face when they venture into higher dimensions. How do mathematicians organize their insights? How do they see and understand multidimensional worlds? How do they communicate their insights? Flatland is a novel approach toward answering those questions.---Shadows from Higher Dimensions by Ivars Peterson

    Tuesday, January 25, 2005

    Initial Condition Determinations allow Predictability?

    The Lorenz Attractor

    One of the basis of using string theory to me, was to identify, the initial conditions? It would be like talking about the weather to me that we could engage such a topic as strings and then ask, how could a quantum mechanical system ever have any certainty?

    HUP makes this clear I think and needs no introduction.

    If you do not have some conception of the idealization that this principle is built upon, then how would you arrive at such bubble terminologies that would have raised the circumstances of those bubbles, from a home seething?

    In the diagram above we can see both stable and unstable orbits as exhibited in a discrete dynamical system; the so-called standard map also known as the Cirikov-Taylor map. The closed loops correspond to stable regions with fixed points or fixed periodic points at their centers. The hazy regions are unstable and chaotic.

    Sample Orbits of the Standard Map
    (x, y) --> (x + y, y - 0.971635 sin (2px)/2p)
    Different orbits are assigned different colors.

    Such oceans, would have been a warm place for the new born to arise, and from such conditions, the idealization of new ideas becoming ever more amazing, that they could indeed have arisen from one's own subconcious?

    This would mean that a theory of everything, would have to have a common language at it's basis of existance. Such predictabiltiy if ever used, would have found such small discrepancies in the initail conditions, might become very large in the macroworld?

    From the first four lessons, you have learned that in a chaotic system, using the laws of physics to make precise long-term predictions is impossible, even in theory. Making long-term predictions to any degree of precision at all would require giving the initial conditions to infinite precision.

    It was Socrates' turn to look puzzled.
    "Oh, wake up. You know what chaos is. Simple deterministic dynamics leading to irregular, random-looking behavior. Butterfly effect. That stuff."
    Of course, I know that," Socrates said in irritation. "No, it was the idea of dynamic logic that was puzzling me. How can logic be dynamic

    Monday, January 24, 2005

    Numbers at the Heart of Creation?

    Peter Woit pasted a small thread on the question of the new show that is to begin on television soon.

    Peter said:There's a new TV show called "NUMB3RS" starting tonight, whose main character is a mathematican named "Charlie", who solves crimes using mathematics. His motto is "Everything is Numbers".

    This has intrigued me greatly this question of mathematics, that I wanted to understand how such a thing could originate in any mind and supposed to describe processes in nature. How would it ever explain something that was chaotic, and still come out with some thing, that we could figure would explain the very nature of reality?

    Earlier in Peter's Blog Chris W. gave the interestng link that follows here for cosideration.

    Number theory is the type of math that describes the swirl in the head of a sunflower and the curve of a chambered nautilus. Bhargava says it's also hidden in the rhythms of classical Indian music, which is both mathematical and improvisational. He sees close links between his two loves -- both create beauty and elegance by weaving together seemingly unconnected ideas.

    As part of a Morning Edition series exploring the intersection of art and science, NPR's Richard Harris reports on the beauty of mathematics, its ties to art -- and the man who straddles both worlds.

    One of the things I found interesting about string theory was this quest to me, that some method would speak to this rythymn in numbers, that would have spoken to the chaotic world and found some relevance to how we may interpret the nature of this reality through this math.

    I ponder this idea here in relation to the very idea that math could have originated from someplace, and arrived in the thinking mind for consideration?

    Looking at Pascal's triangle it made sense to me that such derivation of the math in which we choose to describe, would have arisen from some probabilistic determination, so if such views were orientated in regards to number theory, then how would the basis of reality really descirbe what we are seeing?

    Steve Hsu mentions here the idea of AI and the SmartChild program. He refers too, as a possible advancement based on the Turing test, as to the question of what could be voiced from an probabilistic question of QM? The suttle dialogue of weather?

    From such a chaotic event we would have to derive information processing:) from many sources to give a qualified answer? Yet smartchild gave many tidbits for a location?:) Here lies a greater question of what could have been derived from a lot(no diffeent then gravitatinal waves and LIGO, stei users modified by users to help deciminate that information?

    What if we percieved the nature of this reality in a different way, where number theory would have based itself on the rhythmns as denoted within this article?

    I think we are looking for some system that woud help orientate the new possibilties in ways that might have sparked the ideals of Smolins work, in computer construction, that had made its divergence away from the mainstream based on this new ideology?

    I am just pondering here.