Until all are one! Primus to his children, "Trap"
Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. |
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Aristotle's ontology
In book 12 of his Metaphysics, Aristotle used the phrase τι ὃ οὐ κινούμενον κινεῖ ("something which moves [other things] without [itself] being moved [by anything]")[1] -- i.e., the unmoved mover. When applied in his physics, this led to the view that all natural motions are uncaused and therefore self-explanatory.[2] Causality is linear, so causality or motion must be finally attributed to a first cause, which logically cannot itself be moved, i.e. the unmoved mover. To Aristotle the first cause is energy or energeia (in Greek) or actus (in Latin): energy causes motion. This is the foundation for the theory of actualism, a non-idealist philosophy of nature, science, logic, and mathematics.[3] Aristotle's actualistic ontology is a denial of "potential ontology" - that Being is the first cause of the cosmos.***
In mathematics, ex nihilo can refer to an answer to a question provided with no working, thus appearing to have developed "out of nothing".
I set up this blog post "as to an extreme," the idea of Aristotle's ontology toward the question of science in it's math and science, as to where one should position them self from riding that slippery slope. I mean for what is to come next, we set up the point for information to enter?
At 9:54 AM, September 29, 2010, Plato said...
So as if one thing can lead to another, I wondered about that Infinite Regress.
In concert with the question of Bee's Poll on Discovery and Invention, it raised the question for me of where one educated as a "theorist or mathematician" may start from?
I mean, in order for Steinhardt or Turok to go further with the Universe, they had to consider the universe in some "previous form?" Veneziano, of what came before? So perspective about the universe has been pushed back to the microseconds? Ideas about the QGP, as to the timing of that look at the universe?
I mean "where do you go" to find the answers for what is to come next or what existed before?
My question to Len raised the place where "all is to begin," and whether such a "foundational perspective" can arise from nothing? Emergence cannot come from nothing?
The mind, leads the way neurologically?
Infinite regress in consciousness is the formation of an infinite series of "inner observers" as we ask the question of who is observing the output of the neural correlates of consciousness in the study of subjective consciousness.Infinite Regress
I do not think these questions to be, too alien?:)
The Elements
Plato assumes that the minute particle of each element had a special geometric shape: tetrahedron (fire), octahedron (air), icosahedron (water), and cube (earth).
The Timaeus conjectures on the composition of the four elements which the ancient GreeksPlatonic solid: the element of earth would be a cube, of air an octahedron, of water an icosahedron, and of fire a tetrahedron[3]. Each of these perfect polyhedra would be in turn composed of triangles. Only certain triangular shapes would be allowed, such as the 30-60-90 and the 45-45-90 triangles. Each element could be broken down into its component triangles, which could then be put back together to form the other elements. Thus, the elements would be interconvertible, so this idea was a precursor to alchemy. thought made up the universe: earth, water, air, and fire. Plato conjectured each of these elements to be made up of a certain
Tetrahedron (fire) Octahedron (air) Icosahedron (water) Cube (earth)
Further, Plato posits the existence of a fifth element (corresponding to the fifth remaining Platonic solid, the dodecahedron) called aether, of which the cosmos itself is made. Timaeusmusic theory: e.g. construction of the Pythagorean scale. The last part of the dialogue addresses the creation of humans, including the soul, anatomy, perception, and transmigration of the soul. also discusses
To move from the Myth of the Metals, to the understanding of "character and merit," the Noble Lie, was the understanding that Merit could exist "as a potential coming from all sorts of people in society." Not that any Oligarchy(chosen by the Guardians as to Merit) governed society could have ever been based on Merit, determined as the case in Myth of the Metals to be anything other then, those qualities that are measured according to a metallurgy of discovery about those "qualities" within ourselves?
See Also: