Friday, November 03, 2023
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Thursday, August 17, 2023
- Working memory is the ability of the brain to maintain a temporary representation of information about the task that an animal is currently engaged in. This sort of dynamic memory is thought to be mediated by the formation of cell assemblies—groups of activated neurons that maintain their activity by constantly stimulating one another.[104]
- Episodic memory is the ability to remember the details of specific events. This sort of memory can last for a lifetime. Much evidence implicates the hippocampus in playing a crucial role: people with severe damage to the hippocampus sometimes show amnesia, that is, inability to form new long-lasting episodic memories.[105]
- Semantic memory is the ability to learn facts and relationships. This sort of memory is probably stored largely in the cerebral cortex, mediated by changes in connections between cells that represent specific types of information.[106]
- Instrumental learning is the ability for rewards and punishments to modify behavior. It is implemented by a network of brain areas centered on the basal ganglia.[107]
- Motor learning is the ability to refine patterns of body movement by practicing, or more generally by repetition. A number of brain areas are involved, including the premotor cortex, basal ganglia, and especially the cerebellum, which functions as a large memory bank for microadjustments of the parameters of movement.[108]
Tuesday, August 08, 2023
I am Alive and Always Watching
I just wanted to say that to prevent cancellation of this blog and account I am showing that I am alive and well.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Black hole Annoucements on May 12th
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Monday, December 14, 2020
Saturday, December 05, 2020
Perfect Fluid
Perfect fluid
In physics, a perfect fluid is a fluid that can be completely characterized by its rest frame mass density and isotropic pressure p.
Real fluids are "sticky" and contain (and conduct) heat. Perfect fluids are idealized models in which these possibilities are neglected. Specifically, perfect fluids have no shear stresses, viscosity, or heat conduction.
In space-positive metric signature tensor notation, the stress–energy tensor of a perfect fluid can be written in the form
where U is the 4-velocity vector field of the fluid and where is the metric tensor of Minkowski spacetime.
In time-positive metric signature tensor notation, the stress–energy tensor of a perfect fluid can be written in the form
where U is the 4-velocity of the fluid and where is the metric tensor of Minkowski spacetime.
This takes on a particularly simple form in the rest frame
where is the energy density and
is the pressure of the fluid.
Perfect fluids admit a Lagrangian formulation, which allows the techniques used in field theory, in particular, quantization,
to be applied to fluids. This formulation can be generalized, but
unfortunately, heat conduction and anisotropic stresses cannot be
treated in these generalized formulations.[why?]
Perfect fluids are used in general relativity to model idealized distributions of matter, such as the interior of a star or an isotropic universe. In the latter case, the equation of state of the perfect fluid may be used in Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker equations to describe the evolution of the universe.
In general relativity, the expression for the stress–energy tensor of a perfect fluid is written as
where U is the 4-velocity vector field of the fluid and where is the metric,
written with a space-positive signature.
See also
- The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time, by S.W.Hawking and G.F.R.Ellis, Cambridge University Press, 1973. ISBN 0-521-20016-4, ISBN 0-521-09906-4 (pbk.)
External links
- Mark D. Roberts, [A Fluid Generalization of Membranes hep-th/0406164].