Pierre Curie (1894): “Asymmetry is what creates a phenomenon.”
This has been of some interest to me as this issue is explained. I can see where such abstraction when not in some way connected
to the real world would to one seem as if it is a dry unimaginative world, just moving through qualitative functions. It has to
mean something more, doesn't it?
Pauli understood that physics necessarily gives an incomplete view of nature, and he was looking for an extended scientific framework. However, the fact that the often colloquial and speculative style of his letters is in striking contrast to his careful and refined publications should advise us to act with caution. His accounts are extremely stimulating, but they should be considered as first groping attempts rather than definitive proposals. See: Pauli’s ideas on mind and matter in the context of contemporary science
Held in context we trust that the philosophical basis is understood as it is being represented in today's world of science. This position with what is self evident must be correlated between theory and physics. So, I wanted to point to something quite significant for the dry and death forborne mathematician who finds no correlates in the real world. Just goading.
Many prediction-making abilities are low-level and innate. We might say that trees \predict" the arrival of winter and decide to shed their leaves, for example. But in discussing the sense of beauty we are dealing with something that is uniquely human, or nearly See: Whence the Beauty of Mathematics?
It has not past my attention that Beauty is described as not being significant by some of these mathematicians who find no value to it. It means nothing? But for a minute, think, that if supersymmetry is not established, then does this in some way reduce the effectiveness of math to explain the symmetrical nature of reality? Should we try to describe these abstract things as being less then beautiful? What use then "any language" that is established, from that math?
Professor Gates, what would happen with the beauty of the Adinkra?
See Also: