Thursday, February 04, 2010

Perspective of the Theoretical Scientist

Most people think of "seeing" and "observing" directly with their senses. But for physicists, these words refer to much more indirect measurements involving a train of theoretical logic by which we can interpret what is "seen."- Lisa Randall

There are certain advantages to the theoretical perspective that can best portray the concepts of the world they live in with what appears, however abstract, with the minds value of image solicitor impressionism which helps the minds state of acceptance. So it had to be explained first.

Cubist art revolted against the restrictions that perspective imposed. Picasso's art shows a clear rejection of the perspective, with women's faces viewed simultaneously from several angles. Picasso's paintings show multiple perspectives, as though they were painted by someone from the 4th dimension, able to see all perspectives simultaneously.

Cubist Art: Picasso's painting 'Portrait of Dora Maar'

P. Picasso Portrait of Ambrose Vollard (1910)

 M. Duchamp Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (1912)

J. Metzinger Le Gouter/Teatime (1911)

The appearance of figures in cubist art --- which are often viewed from several direction simultaneously --- has been linked to ideas concerning extra dimensions:

As if, looking at it from a larger perspective. If you stand outside of the image and see that it is capable of illuminating many angles of perspective. This helped us to see that it is derived from a much larger understanding then what is solidified to the everyday we live in.

For the artist it was a bold move to understanding that perspective could help us see Mona Lisa's smile as moving with us as we move around. So that was the challenge then was to appreciate the value of this artistic push into how we see as to understanding the road non- euclidean took was meet by people as well to culminate in a geometrical transitional form

Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey

A look at the higher dimensionsBy Michio Kaku

"Why must art be clinically “realistic?” This Cubist “revolt against perspective” seized the fourth dimension because it touched the third dimension from all possible perspectives. Simply put, Cubist art embraced the fourth dimension. Picasso's paintings are a splendid example, showing a clear rejection of three dimensional perspective, with women's faces viewed simultaneously from several angles. Instead of a single point-of-view, Picasso's paintings show multiple perspectives, as if they were painted by a being from the fourth dimension, able to see all perspectives simultaneously. As art historian Linda Henderson has written, “the fourth dimension and non-Euclidean geometry emerge as among the most important themes unifying much of modern art and theory."

Then, it quickly comes home to mind that maybe what is given,  lets say in context of Lee Smolin's road to Quantum Gravity of the thing will help us quickly see the value of describing "the space of an interior" with what is happening on the screen/label.

Spacetime in String Theory

More then just a Bekenstein imagery to illustrate a conformal approach to describing what are the contends of the tomato soup can from it's label.

Campbell's Soup Can by Andy Warhol Exhibited in New York (USA), Leo Castelli Gallery

It was necessary to see that the geometric used here were helping to shape perspective around not only "time travel" but a means to an end to use mathematical perspective to actually mean something in relation to understanding our world. A way to describe abstract concepts that were correlated with the progression of those mathematics. Klein's ordering of geometries then take on a new meaning as we move deep into the world we all know and love.

In 1919, Kaluza sent Albert Einstein a preprint --- later published in 1921 --- that considered the extension of general relativity to five dimensions. He assumed that the 5-dimensional field equations were simply the higher-dimensional version of the vacuum Einstein equation, and that all the metric components were independent of the fifth coordinate. The later assumption came to be known as the cylinder condition. This resulted in something remarkable: the fifteen higher-dimension field equations naturally broke into a set of ten formulae governing a tensor field representing gravity, four describing a vector field representing electromagnetism, and one wave equation for a scalar field. Furthermore, if the scalar field was constant, the vector field equations were just Maxwell's equations in vacuo, and the tensor field equations were the 4-dimensional Einstein field equations sourced by an EM field. In one fell swoop, Kaluza had written down a single covariant field theory in five dimensions that yielded the four dimensional theories of general relativity and electromagnetism. Naturally, Einstein was very interested in this preprint .

I quickly divert the attention to the world of Thomas Banchoff because it is an extraordinary move from all that we know is safe. It is not lost to some computer animator world that one engages loses the self in the process? It is also to show that what Lee Smolin tried to distance himself from, was in fact seeking to find itself understood in this way. Concurrent agreement that theoretics was trying to arrive at a consensus of different approaches saying the same thing?

Monte Carlo methods are a class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to compute their results. Monte Carlo methods are often used in simulating physical and mathematical systems. Because of their reliance on repeated computation of random or pseudo-random numbers, these methods are most suited to calculation by a computer and tend to be used when it is unfeasible or impossible to compute an exact result with a deterministic algorithm.[1]

Monte Carlo simulation methods are especially useful in studying systems with a large number of coupled degrees of freedom, such as fluids, disordered materials, strongly coupled solids, and cellular structures (see cellular Potts model). More broadly, Monte Carlo methods are useful for modeling phenomena with significant uncertainty in inputs, such as the calculation of riskdefinite integrals, particularly multidimensional integrals with complicated boundary conditions. It is a widely successful method in risk analysis when compared with alternative methods or human intuition. When Monte Carlo simulations have been applied in space exploration and oil exploration, actual observations of failures, cost overruns and schedule overruns are routinely better predicted by the simulations than by human intuition or alternative "soft" methods.[2]
For me it had to make some sense such transference from that artistic impressionism help to direct the mind to the ways and means of understanding quantum gravity was being inspected in terms of Monte Carlo methods to understanding. These had a surface value in my mind to an accumulate acceptance of the geometry and methods used to model this understanding.

So you understand now how we arrived at an interpretation of the value of lets say Dyson's opinion about how we might view Riemann's Hypothesis?

Dyson, one of the most highly-regarded scientists of his time, poignantly informed the young man that his findings into the distribution of prime numbers corresponded with the spacing and distribution of energy levels of a higher-ordered quantum state. Mathematics Problem That Remains Elusive —And Beautiful By Raymond Petersen


DNA Computing

DNA computing is a form of computing which uses DNA, biochemistry and molecular biology, instead of the traditional silicon-based computer technologies. DNA computing, or, more generally, molecular computing, is a fast developing interdisciplinary area. Research and development in this area concerns theory, experiments and applications of DNA computing See:DNA computing


Clifford of Asymptotia is hosting a guest post by Len Adleman: Quantum Mechanics and Mathematical Logic.

Today I’m pleased to announce that we have a guest post from a very distinguished colleague of mine, Len Adleman. Len is best known as the “A” in RSA and the inventor of DNA-computing. He is a Turing Award laureate. However, he considers himself “a rank amateur” (his words!) as a physicist.

Len Adleman-For a long time, physicists have struggled with perplexing “meta-questions” (my phrase): Does God play dice with the universe? Does a theory of everything exist? Do parallel universes exist? As the physics community is acutely aware, these are extremely difficult questions and one may despair of ever finding meaningful answers. The mathematical community has had its own meta-questions that are no less daunting: What is “truth”? Do infinitesimals exist? Is there a single set of axioms from which all of mathematics can be derived? In what many consider to be on the short list of great intellectual achievements, Frege, Russell, Tarski, Turing, Godel, and other logicians were able to clear away the fog and sort these questions out. The framework they created, mathematical logic, has put a foundation under mathematics, provided great insights and profound results. After many years of consideration, I have come to believe that mathematical logic, suitably extended and modified (perhaps to include complexity theoretic ideas), has the potential to provide the same benefits to physics. In the following remarks, I will explore this possibility.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Different Approaches to a 5d world

Smolin: And there are published predictions for observable Planck scale deviations from energy momentum relations[22, 23] that imply predictions for experiments in progress such as AUGER and GLAST. [B]For those whose interest is more towards formal speculations concerning supersymmetry and higher dimensions than experiment, there are also results that show how the methods of loop quantum gravity may be extended to give background independent descriptions of quantum gravity in the higher and super realms[31]-[35][/B]. It thus seems like a good time for an introduction to the whole approach that may help to make the basic ideas, results and methods accessible to a wider range of physicists.

Dealing With a 5d World

I was trying to understand that once you get to see how the equation leads you too a understanding of that 5d world it allowed you to entertain all possibility based on this position.

Extra dimensions sound like science fiction, but they could be part of the real world. And if so, they might help explain mysteries like why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature.
Three dimensions are all we see -- how could there be any more? Einstein's general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. If one direction were to contract down to an extremely tiny size, much smaller than an atom, it would be hidden from our view. If we could see on small enough scales, that hidden dimension might become visible.

Here are some thoughts to consider?:)

Klein's Ordering of Geometries

A theorem which is valid for a geometry in this sequence is automatically valid for the ones that follow. The theorems of projective geometry are automatically valid theorems of Euclidean geometry. We say that topological geometry is more abstract than projective geometry which is turn is more abstract than Euclidean geometry.

Most mathematicians adopt a pragmatic attitude and see themselves as the explorers of this mathematical world" whose existence they don't have any wish to question, and whose structure they uncover by a mixture of intuition, not so foreign from poetical desire", and of a great deal of rationality requiring intense periods of concentration.

Each generation builds a mental picture" of their own understanding of this world and constructs more and more penetrating mental tools to explore previously hidden aspects of that reality.

Nature's Greastest Puzzle

This is a torus (like a doughnut) on which several circles are located. Unlike on a Euclidean plane, on this surface it is impossible to determine which circle is inside of which, since if you go from the black circle to the blue, to the red, and to the grey, you can continuously come back to the initial black, and likewise if you go from the black to the grey, to the red, and to the blue, you can also come back to the black.

Reichenbach then invites us to consider a 3-dimensional case (spheres instead of circles).

Figure 8 [replaced by our Figure 2] is to be conceived three-dimensionally, the circles being cross-sections of spherical shells in the plane of the drawing. A man is climbing about on the huge spherical surface 1; by measurements with rigid rods he recognizes it as a spherical shell, i.e. he finds the geometry of the surface of a sphere. Since the third dimension is at his disposal, he goes to spherical shell 2. Does the second shell lie inside the first one, or does it enclose the first shell? He can answer this question by measuring 2. Assume that he finds 2 to be the smaller surface; he will say that 2 is situated inside of 1. He goes now to 3 and finds that 3 is as large as 1.

How is this possible? Should 3 not be smaller than 2? ...

He goes on to the next shell and finds that 4 is larger than 3, and thus larger than 1. ... 5 he finds to be as large as 3 and 1.

But here he makes a strange observation. He finds that in 5 everything is familiar to him; he even recognizes his own room which was built into shell 1 at a certain point. This correspondence manifests itself in every detail; ... He is quite dumbfounded since he is certain that he is separated from surface 1 by the intervening shells. He must assume that two identical worlds exist, and that every event on surface 1 happens in an identical manner on surface 5. (Reichenbach 1958, 63-64)

THOMAS BANCHOFF has been a professor of mathematics at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, since 1967. He has written two books and fifty articles on geometric topics, frequently incorporating interactive computer graphics techniques in the study of phenomena in the fourth and higher dimensions

Today, however, we do have the opportunity not only to observe phenomena in four and higher dimensions, but we can also interact with them. The medium for such interaction is computer graphics. Computer graphic devices produce images on two-dimensional screens. Each point on the screen has two real numbers as coordinates, and the computer stores the locations of points and lists of pairs of points which are to be connected by line segments or more complicated curves. In this way a diagram of great complexity can be developed on the screen and saved for later viewing or further manipulation

Current research said something abut how the brain/mind can assume the reality in terms of randomness or end up realizing some chaotic function?  Well,  if such chaos is measured in the heat of thinking I am surprised we do not end up in some brain/mind heat death?:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Poincaré Hyperbolic Disk

"Poincaré Hyperbolic Disk" from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project

See also:Poincaré Hyperbolic Disk


Hyperbolic Geometry

Geometric models of hyperbolic geometry include the Klein-Beltrami model, which consists of an open disk in the Euclidean plane whose open chords correspond to hyperbolic lines. A two-dimensional model is the Poincaré hyperbolic disk.

Weisstein, Eric W. "Hyperbolic Geometry." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

A computer-generated image showing the pattern of a p-mode solar acoustic oscillation both in the interior and on the surface of the sun. (l=20, m=16 and n=14.) Note that the increase in the speed of sound as waves approach the center of the sun causes a corresponding increase in the acoustic wavelength.

Helioseismology is the study of the propagation of wave oscillations, particularly acoustic pressure waves, in the Sun.


SOHO Reads the Solar Flares

Measurements of the Sun's oscillations provide a window into the invisible interior of the Sun allowing scientists to infer the structure and composition as well as the rotation and dynamics of the solar interior.

(Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) images the solar atmosphere at several wavelengths, and therefore, shows solar material at different temperatures. In the images taken at 304 Angstroms the bright material is at 60,000 to 80,000 degrees Kelvin. In those taken at 171, at 1 million degrees. 195 Angstrom images correspond to about 1.5 million Kelvin. 284 Angstrom, to 2 million degrees. The hotter the temperature, the higher you look in the solar atmosphere.


The mysterious source of these oscillations was identified by way of theoretical arguments in 1970 and confirmed by observations in 1975. The oscillations we see on the surface are due to sound waves generated and trapped inside the sun. Sound waves are produced by pressure fluctuations in the turbulent convective motions of the sun's interior. As the waves move outward they reflect off of the sun's surface (the photosphere) where the density and pressure decrease rapidly..

It's Effect on Earth

The plots on this page show the current extent and position of the auroral oval at each pole, extrapolated from measurements taken during the most recent polar pass of the NOAA POES satellite. "Center time" is the calculated time halfway through the satellite's pass over the pole.

Today's Space Weather

Any threat to communications is always seriously assessed. What we want to see on the other side of the Sun is whether any outburst is coming, that could seriously affect those same communications.

See Also:Backreaction: Reflections on the Sun

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Interplanetary Transport Network

This stylized depiction of the ITN is designed to show its (often convoluted) path through the solar system. The green ribbon represents one path from among the many that are mathematically possible along the surface of the darker green bounding tube. Locations where the ribbon changes direction abruptly represent trajectory changes at Lagrange points, while constricted areas represent locations where objects linger in temporary orbit around a point before continuing on

This book describes a revolutionary new approach to determining low energy routes for spacecraft and comets by exploiting regions in space where motion is very sensitive (or chaotic). It also represents an ideal introductory text to celestial mechanics, dynamical systems, and dynamical astronomy. Bringing together wide-ranging research by others with his own original work, much of it new or previously unpublished, Edward Belbruno argues that regions supporting chaotic motions, termed weak stability boundaries, can be estimated. Although controversial until quite recently, this method was in fact first applied in 1991, when Belbruno used a new route developed from this theory to get a stray Japanese satellite back on course to the moon. This application provided a major verification of his theory, representing the first application of chaos to space travel.

Since that time, the theory has been used in other space missions, and NASA is implementing new applications under Belbruno's direction. The use of invariant manifolds to find low energy orbits is another method here addressed. Recent work on estimating weak stability boundaries and related regions has also given mathematical insight into chaotic motion in the three-body problem. Belbruno further considers different capture and escape mechanisms, and resonance transitions.

Providing a rigorous theoretical framework that incorporates both recent developments such as Aubrey-Mather theory and established fundamentals like Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory, this book represents an indispensable resource for graduate students and researchers in the disciplines concerned as well as practitioners in fields such as aerospace engineering.

See:Interplanetary Superhighway Makes Space Travel Simpler
July 17 2002

Sound Shaping our Views of the Universe?

The Sound of Gravitational Waves

We can't actually hear gravitational waves, even with the most sophisticated equipment, because the sounds they make are the wrong frequency for our ears to hear. This is similar in principle to the frequency of dog whistles that canines can hear, but that are too high for humans. The sounds of gravitational waves are probably too low for us to actually hear. However, the signals that scientists hope to measure with LISA and other gravitational wave detectors are best described as "sounds." If we could hear them, here are some of the possible sounds of a gravitational wave generated by the movement of a small body inspiralling into a black hole.

If it's Not a Soccer Ball, What is it?

See, if you do not understand how one can arrive at how one is to bring the truth out of a geometrical propensity of the vibrational nature of the universe then how is it one can hope to view the universe in a new and a very dynamical way? Understand it's mathematics?

Gravitational wave sources for LISA from Michele Vallisneri on Vimeo.

An overview of gravitational-wave sources for the planned NASA-ESA mission LISA (, including visualizations of black-hole binary mergers and extreme-mass-ratio inspirals. Video shown at the 215th American Astronomical Society Meeting (Washington, D.C., Jan 3-7 2010). For a video introduction to the LISA mission

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gravitons and Topoi if an illusion, then Where's the Truth?

Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists “out there” independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld. There is a strange sense in which this is a “participating universe” Wheeler (1983).
Taken from-Valuations in the language of Topos theory

It is always that the representative language current, as it's written, requires some deeper look behind the obvious, a look behind the illusion, to have it contend with the objectification of,  how one can see the truth.

It’s a bit like a romantic relationship,” says Christopher Isham, describing his collaboration with Andreas Döring. Certainly the two physicists can claim to share their own unique understanding of the world, as many in love do. Together they are proposing a radical new way to view reality—one that takes you into a new "mathematical universe" where notions of "truth" and "falsehood" no longer apply, but where the paradoxes of quantum mechanics suddenly make sense. True Lies: Why Mathematics is an Illusion

Such a graduation which leads one to understand the structure of a 5d world only makes more sense when you combine what you see exists behind the geometric revelations of the real world, to see it apply to some underlying feature of the way the world works in those valleys. How "time variable measures" can be used to describe the landscape of the earth/moonscape's elements in a way not considered before.

Location of the reflector landing sites

Hubble Reveals Potential Titanium Oxide Deposits at Aristarchus and Schroter's Valley Rille

Further to this understanding of pathways through space,  require a firm understanding of how one can perceive the fabric of spacetime and the impression the earth leaves in it(just for demonstrative purposes to understand how indentation can be used in the understanding of the fabric).  To have satellites travel by the planets, to be propelled onto different routes of travel, or, to be held in stationary orbits around. L1 to L5 positions of the three body problem relation help again to orientate how we see the nature of space-time as it structurally allows us to see in these abstract ways . Its as if you look at the space provide and understand that variation in gravity can be understood in a "three dimensional space" given by the universe.

Georgi Dvali

"This is the crucial difference between the dark energy and modified gravity hypothesis, since, by the former, no observable deviation is predicted at short distances," Dvali says. "Virtual gravitons exploit every possible route between the objects, and the leakage opens up a huge number of multidimensional detours, which bring about a change in the law of gravity."
Dvali adds that the impact of modified gravity is able to be tested by experiments other than the large distance cosmological observations. One example is the Lunar Laser Ranging experiment that monitors the lunar orbit with an extraordinary precision by shooting the lasers to the moon and detecting the reflected beam. The beam is reflected by retro-reflecting mirrors originally placed on the lunar surface by the astronauts of the Apollo 11 mission.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Historical Figures Lead Us to the Topic of Entanglement

The Solvay Congress of 1927

We regard quantum mechanics as a complete theory for which the fundamental physical and mathematical hypotheses are no longer susceptible of modification.

--Heisenberg and Max Born, paper delivered to Solvay Congress of 1927

You know I have watched the long drawn out conversation on Backreaction about what was once already debated, to have advanced to current status in the world represented as a logic orientated process with regard to entanglement.

What are it's current status in terms of its expression experimentally to know what it is we are doing with something that had been debated long ago?

Solvay Physics Conference 1927 02:55 - 2 years ago

The most known people who participated in the conference were Ervin Schrodinger, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Auguste Piccard, Paul Dirac, Max Born, Wolfgang Pauli, Louis de Broglie, Marie Curie, Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein and others. The film opens with quick shots of Erwin Schrodinger and Niels Bohr. Auguste Piccard of the University of Brussels follows and then the camera re-focuses on Schrodinger and Bohr. Schrodinger who developed wave mechanics never agreed with Bohr on quantum mechanics. Solvay gave Heisenberg an opportunity to discuss his new uncertainty principle theory. Max Born's statistical interpretation of the wave function ended determinism in atomic world. These men - Bohr, Heisenberg, Kramers, Dirac and Born together with Born represent the founding fathers of quantum mechanics. Louis de Broglie wrote his dissertation on the wave nature of matter which Schrodinger used as basis for wave mechanics. Albert Einstein whose famous response to Born's statistical interpretation of wave function was "God does not play dice." Twenty-nine physicists, the main quantum theorists of the day, came together to discuss the topic "Electrons and Photons". Seventeen of the 29 attendees were or became Nobel Prize winners. Following is a "home movie" shot by Irving Langmuir, (the 1932 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry). It captures 2 minutes of an intermission in the proceedings. Twenty-one of the 29 attendees are on the film. --- It's Never too Late to Study: --- Notice: This video is copyright by its respectful owners. The website address on the video does not mean anything. ---


The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory

First published Mon May 10, 2004; substantive revision Wed Aug 5, 2009

In the May 15, 1935 issue of Physical Review Albert Einstein co-authored a paper with his two postdoctoral research associates at the Institute for Advanced Study, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. The article was entitled “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?” (Einstein et al. 1935). Generally referred to as “EPR”, this paper quickly became a centerpiece in the debate over the interpretation of the quantum theory, a debate that continues today. The paper features a striking case where two quantum systems interact in such a way as to link both their spatial coordinates in a certain direction and also their linear momenta (in the same direction). As a result of this “entanglement”, determining either position or momentum for one system would fix (respectively) the position or the momentum of the other. EPR use this case to argue that one cannot maintain both an intuitive condition of local action and the completeness of the quantum description by means of the wave function. This entry describes the argument of that 1935 paper, considers several different versions and reactions, and explores the ongoing significance of the issues they raise.

Might I confuse you then to see that their is nothing mystical about what our emotive states implore, that we might not also consider the purpose of Venn Logic, or, a correlation to Fuzzy logic to prepare the way for how we can become emotive entangled in our psychology, are ways "biologically mixed with our multilevel perspective" about how photons interact, to see that such a color of debate could have amounted to a distinction that arises from within. Which can manifest itself on a real world stage that is psychological forced out of the confines of human emotion, to be presented as a real world force "bridle or unbridled" with regard to the human condition?

See :

  • Entanglement Interpretation of Black Hole Entropy 

  • See Also:Backreaction: Testing the foundations of quantum mechanics

    Monday, January 04, 2010

    The Dance to Truth

    While searching for familiarity on the terminology of Phenomenology, the greater question settled on my mind as to what Nature itself means.
    Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable. We must trust the perfection of the creation so far, as to believe that whatever curiosity the order of things has awakened in our minds, the order of things can satisfy. Every man's condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put. He acts it as life, before he apprehends it as truth. In like manner, nature is already, in its forms and tendencies, describing its own design. Let us interrogate the great apparition, that shines so peacefully around us. Let us inquire, to what end is nature  NATURE---Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882

    I would of course direct one's attention to the question of what Nature can mean here then. How we live with it and how it is applied to our circumstance for it to be "a truth for which we live and breathe."  "Walk the Talk" and live according too, is a measure of our judicial process  as to the finality of the road travelled with regards to our own life.

    So what is the way in which you would perceive the road too, and how would you draw such a picture to best describe what you are seeing "as the way leading"  to a common front regarding predictions of science?

    Dr. Roger Penrose, Oxford University

    The idea of the predictions of science have to have a course in which to follow that accurately describes the process to which such predictions are made. Now, this kind of abstraction is correlated in my mind as to the way in which one could map the mind and the road toward such prediction,  and in following such a road, lead all to imagine that after such a journey, a verse can be expounded upon as to to what can possibly materialize out of such a "cloud gathering, " or a, "Light bulb" moment.

    While giving this consideration,  such experimental processes were telling to me of where and what we were doing by focusing our attention directionally to a time in the fractions of second,  as to detail the very understanding of how the Universe came to be,  and how such correlation could have been spotted in the neural connection,  as if a space,  to which all information could enter.

    But we know relatively little about how the circuitry of the brain represents the consonants and vowels. The chasm between the neurosciences today and understanding representations like language is very wide. It's a delusion that we are going to get close to that any time soon. We've gotten almost nowhere in how the bee's brain represents the simplicity of the dance language. Although any good biologist, after several hours of observation, can predict accurately where the bee is going, we currently have no understanding of how the brain actually performs that computation.

    The thing was,  you had to provide that space in order to raise the question of what could have arisen out of it. What that space actually means. Now,  are these things real or imagined facets of the natural world,  or,  are they measurable things that we have been lead too, to direct our attention, and not call it some fictional representative of a wild Bumble bee Dance?

    Tuesday, December 29, 2009

    A Yearning for Truth

    Beauty, Plato wrote, is not easy to define, but something that "slips through and evades us". For this reason, many logic-oriented philosophical approaches tend to divorce and even oppose truth and beauty. "The question of truth", wrote logician Gottlob Frege in one of his most influential works, "would cause us to abandon aesthetic delight for an attitude of scientific investigation."

     For some who do not see the very questions of what motivates one to distinguish what it is that attracts our search for meaning it is not lost on me that the push toward experimentation is a validation of sorts to the thought or idea of what can exist in another state(aesthetic delight) can arrive for our discriminative facet of clarification as if demonstrated in some prism of light.

    “Nature and Nature’s laws long lie hid in Night: God said ‘Let Newton be,’ and all was light.”Alexander Pope’s
    As crazy  as Sheldon Glasgow would have us "seen of the character of Newton," it should not be lost that the diversity of opinion coming from such a man,  was to gather and understand all he could about who we are as human beings.

    'Tis yours a Bacon or a Locke to blame,
    A Newton's genius, or a Milton's flame:
    But oh! with One, immortal one dispense;
    The source of Newton's Light, of Bacon's Sense.

    (Dunciad, III, 215-18)

    The Alchemy search for understanding was more then the aesthetic delight that would appear so off offhandedly as a sign of the ignorance,  was a constant search throughout the times for our  humanity,  that it was not without a sense of purpose that such persons would come to want to know about what materialization would be solidified in human experience.


    Opticks is a book written by English physicist Isaac Newton that was released to the public in 1704. It is about optics and the refraction of light, and is considered one of the great works of science in history.

    Opticks was Newton's second major book on physical science. Even if he had not made his better-known discoveries concerning gravity and the invention of the calculus, Opticks would have given him the reputation as one of the greatest scientists of his time.

    This work represents a major contribution to science, different from—but in some ways rivaling—the Principia. The Opticks is largely a record of experiments and the deductions made from them, covering a wide range of topics in what was later to be known as physical optics. That is, this work is not a geometric discussion of catoptrics or dioptrics, the traditional subjects of reflection of light by mirrors of different shapes and the exploration of how light is "bent" as it passes from one medium, such as air, into another, such as water or glass. Rather, the Opticks is a study of the nature of light and colour and the various phenomena of diffraction, which Newton called the "inflexion" of light.

    In this book Newton sets forth in full his experiments, first reported in 1672, on dispersion, or the separation of light into a spectrum of its component colours. He shows how colours arise from selective absorption, reflection, or transmission of the various component parts of the incident light. His experiments on these subjects and on the problems of diffraction (which he never fully mastered) set the subject of optics on a new level.

    The search for the understanding of the "refraction of light" was such an effort to see this aspect developed through our cultural understanding as to see the ultimate source as something that could descend here to earth from above, and that what was above, could be brought from the earth.

    A final aspect of beauty that was often cited by readers might be called "deep play". This is the sense that we are actively engaged with something outside ourselves that is responding to us - rather than watching a game of our own construction or watching nature from a detached distance.


    Thomas Young, English scientist 1773-1829

    Vision and colour theory: Young has also been called the founder of physiological optics. In 1793 he explained the mode in which the eye accommodates itself to vision at different distances as depending on change of the curvature of the crystalline lens; in 1801 he was the first to describe astigmatism; and in his Lectures he presented the hypothesis, afterwards developed by Hermann von Helmholtz, that colour perception depends on the presence in the retina of three kinds of nerve fibres which respond respectively to red, green and violet light. This theory was experimentally proven in 1959.

    So we see where we can move forward in time as to the perfect of experimentation as to something that seem quite beautiful as evidence of the color of light could have been cast through a rain drop, or sifted through some glass object, as to reflect something equally beautiful,  as a part of the white light as a recognition of the source. 

    See:Backreaction: 350 years Royal Society

    See Also:Plato's Nightlight Mining Company is claiming Aristarchus Crater and Surrounding Region

    Monday, December 28, 2009

    A Correlation in Perception

    This post will indeed seem quite odd. But as I told Phil I wanted to explain a principal behind all the language I used here as if it would appear to another if we assume another perspective.

    Now we know how some of us who go the the extreme in science  like to think the basis of what we explain as a fictional story is correlative in the context of what we relay,  knows there is science that is factually represented to unfold.

    Hathor , (Hwt Hr Egyptian for Horus's enclosure)[1], was an Ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of love, motherhood and joy.[2] She was one of the most important and popular deities throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Hathor was worshiped by Royalty and common people alike in whose tombs she is depicted as “Mistress of the West” welcoming the dead into the next life.[3]. In other roles she was a goddess of music, dance, foreign lands and fertility who helped women in childbirth.[3]

    So I have to present something in story like form as was presented in the latest movie Avatar. This is to spark a historical look back in our own history, so as to know that we existed in cohabitation with beings that hold the basis of a thought pattern,  that is the basis of this blog. See how quickly one can move?

    Temple of Hathor, Dendera
    (click on image and take note of columns)

    You have to look very carefully now throughout these artifacts in architectural design as to understand something quite unique about the the times and what some of these statue faces actually represented. See how these images are denoted amongst the Gods and Goddesses to understand that images reveal something unique about what the Sun and Moon mean in relation to each other and who was the Mother of them.


    So as far back as I could see in our ancient minds, their was this attempt to define aspects of our characters in terms of the way we see color and sound that the crude attempts were signs of the wanting to understand something about our early history. This was with the likes of Newton who saw alchemy as a function descriptive of the world, was a must to perfecting the elements of  character toward the element of Gold as a quality of our characters. How the earth based on mineralogy formed according to some structure apparent,was to think that such an outward manifestation as to solidification in materiality could see such comparatives was not lost on those who saw a beginning inside.

    Rimimgton's Colour Organ

    Prof Rimington

    A Wagnerian trumpet blast, he suggested, might be accompanied by intense orange effects, "which palpitates with the harmonic colours corresponding to a subordinate passage on some of the other orchestral instruments. The blast ceases; there is a faint echo of it upon the violins, while the screen pulsates with pale lemon and saffron hardly discernable. Again comes the blast of trumpets, and once more the screen flames with orange modulations".

    Professor Rimington's home demonstrations must have been unforgettable. The Colour Organ was some ten feet high, with a five octave keyboard which was similar to that of a church organ, being controlled by stops. A line of "colour keys" was situated above the conventional (sound) keyboard, and connected to a lens-and-filters system, so that "colour" was "played". Best effects were secured when the sound and colour were played from separate keyboards.

    So this became a exercise in understanding how such thought processes could be correlative to something that has existed before in our own histories to now how alien and how foreign such a perception could be housed that it could take the modeled sculptures of that past to reawaken what we had already known once.

    So it is as if we take or current eyes that we see with and look at the world in a different way. In this sense, measure defined according to the methods of experimentation prepared the way for others ot solidify their experience, that while in this dramatic effort, I would like to say holds an image in mind. This is an "arch of the kind" that is depicted with Plato and Aristotle standing together, is the understanding of a self evidential examination of an inductive/deductive method to progressing our views according too.

    Although Aristotle in general had a more empirical and experimental attitude than Plato, modern science did not come into its own until Plato's Pythagorean confidence in the mathematical nature of the world returned with Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. For instance, Aristotle, relying on a theory of opposites that is now only of historical interest, rejected Plato's attempt to match the Platonic Solids with the elements -- while Plato's expectations are realized in mineralogy and crystallography, where the Platonic Solids occur naturally.Plato and Aristotle, Up and Down-Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D.

       School of Athens by Raphael


    PURPOSE: To show the two-dimensional standing waves on the surface of a square or circular plate.

    Now what I want you to do is see this action only in color and sound, so as to depict the relationship with the world as a dance of sorts. Color depicted as a solidification of a sound. All the while we are thinking our usual thoughts to demonstrate that what goes on inside our very minds is demonstrated in a way that is not usual in the world around us.

    A Chladni plate consist of a flat sheet of metal, usually circular or square, mounted on a central stalk to a sturdy base. When the plate is oscillating in a particular mode of vibration, the nodes and antinodes set up form a complex but symmetrical pattern over its surface. The positions of these nodes and antinodes can be seen by sprinkling sand upon the plates;

    This new perspective look to the reality is one I am always speaking about. One that is very foreign to those that did not understand that this alien civilization exemplified as to the way it always existed. It's is just that we had forgotten about it's methods, until this story was demonstrated here today.

    If you sprinkle fine sand uniformly over a drumhead and then make it vibrate, the grains of sand will collect in characteristic spots and figures, called Chladni patterns. These patterns reveal much information about the size and the shape of the drum and the elasticity of its membrane. In particular, the distribution of spots depends not only on the way the drum vibrated initially but also on the global shape of the drum, because the waves will be reflected differently according to whether the edge of the drumhead is a circle, an ellipse, a square, or some other shape.

    In cosmology, the early Universe was crossed by real acoustic waves generated soon after Big Bang. Such vibrations left their imprints 300 000 years later as tiny density fluctuations in the primordial plasma. Hot and cold spots in the present-day 2.7 K CMB radiation reveal those density fluctuations. Thus the CMB temperature fluctuations look like Chaldni patterns resulting from a complicated three-dimensional drumhead that

    So you see the correlations,  you begin to understand this strange story as one now seeks to apply it's principals according to methods sought after in experimentation and the sorts,  to preview our cosmological frontier in a new and inventive way.

    It's as if you've now put on glasses that extend the spectrum of association far beyond anything that is imagined today. It's as if we know the possibilities in the three body problem and the numbered locations that are denoted serve to allow stationary orbits according too, and so all are placed in position to allow information gathering for satellites and space station.. But imagine that such locations can exist other then that holding allows equilibrium non sequestered to one direction or another.

    So too then such conclusions can remain open and without such signs as to gravitate toward or relinquish of that we can say that the method has not been crystallized or materialized according to a view. Such colouration then are indeed signs of the colours to which such association in seeking truth has settled within the scope of the human being,  that all is not as it seems without understanding that all things will gravitate toward this principal.

    See :

    Black and White and Blue All Over

    Avatar: the Movie

    See Also:Poll: Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?