I have been thinking about things quite a bit in regards to information, and where I am getting it from lately. As well, what has occupied me the last couple of days. It has creatd a greater distant in time between blog entries. If you look, you will see it was April 30, so I want to explain that first, and then deal with the opening title of this blog entry.
You must understand that the picture up top is in concert with our understanding of what the early universe is saying of itself, while we look at "segments of time," in relation.
As well, our understanding of the relation string theory has and it's plce in relation to that time line. Sean Carroll refers to it as the arrow of time, and I am inlcined to agree, yet there has been some trouble in my thoughts about these things. About how the cyclical process, is possibly tied to the dynamics of this process.
Before the universe was created, may seem difficult to talk about, yet, if anyhting is to be incluisive in an "all" inclusive that model it had to be part of the picture somehow(standard model and beyond it)? So, I believe it should not be excluded? After, the initial universe created, it had to be geoemtrically tied together, to show this complete model of understanding, in relation not only to the standard model and it's extension with gravity, but the "whole geometrical picture?"
At a certain place ithe universe's evolution, this may not have any information to really describe it, but if contained, can we talk about the containment(?) and how it is trasnformed into the new universe? That is a general question but a scientist would know the deeper inclination.
Where I had Been in My Thinking
As I have said before the departments are not so far apart at Harvard, that the research in one area might be of benefit to the other in model and theoretcial design. I know some do not like the psychology. It's implcations as an affront to the objectivivity of science, yet, I would say, that constructs are very subjective first, and then materialize. Why, I might refer to the cognitive realization of the math most suitable for whatever construct we like to create.
Lubos Motl:
When Ari visited Harvard at the end of 2004, he showed a picture of Che Guevara on one of his transparencies. At that time, I did not know that particular communist bastard, so I asked Ari who was that - and Ari answered that it was a Czech dissident. Ari assumed that I was joking - because we certainly had to hear about Che all the time, he thought - but I was not joking and in fact the Czechoslovak communists did not tell us a single nice word about Che. He was never popular in Czechoslovakia and as far as I can tell, the Czechoslovak communists did not trust allies such as Che
As I said my mind has been extremely occupied these last couple of days but not without keeping in tune what what's being posted out there. Some blogs sites have been kinder to me then others in my thoughts manifest.
I have to tell you my journey has been a quite struggle to get to the beginning of thought in regards to the ideas about our universe and the constructs that we are using and developing in science, hence, the title of the blog entry above.
I gave indications to signal to you that I do understand the time line that has been so far constructed. The ways theoretical models are being used in relation to that developement.
I wanted to talk about the "cross cultural influence", we can garner from our youths to "color" our future. I wanted to say, that such "constructs" are as legitamate as the very science models we are using to describe our universe.
It took me a long time to get here. A long time, to realize the beginning of the universe is calling upon our "cognitive abilites," to come to the forefront of our minds, and see, that mind will and should engage the place, "where it all began," as I have been trying to do, with the limited tools that I have in my own arsenal.
Just so you know, that I had not been so will nilly all over the place not to understand the work I had been doing had a purpose and even though I had not followed the student's way in collegiate access, I should not be sigaled out as a non person in the understanding of the quest I have with my/our place in the universe.
I had all the access in the world to the information that the students do. Why, I was able to understand this "time line and the energy associations" given to the times zones, of the phase states of the universe's construction. What we have so far surmized.
Construct's of Our Youth
Given the circumstances of our youth, I wanted to speak to the "construct" that we do form from experience. The statements, as conclusions we will make in public. If we never understood that part of the individual has a past, what use would it be to understand that any state of "becoming," would indeed have a future?
So this evolving idea in mind is crucial, to what will predate the actual objectivity of the expressions we will make? Are you saying this is not you? :) Many scientist while human, might think themself set apart, no matter how hard they try to show this part of themself as being different. WE are involved in the process be it the Pizza Guy, the person sitting next to you on what ever transportation, that the "class struggle" is sort of defined now? Is it?:)
So I'll be getting back to the original thoughts on this post, shortly. I have an all night work process that has to be done first, to pay for that bus ride.