Showing posts with label Octave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Octave. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Calorimetric Equivalence Principle Test

With Stefan shutting down the blog temporary I thought to gather my thoughts here.


This approximate reformulation of gravitation as described by general relativity makes a "fictitious force" appear in a frame of reference different from a moving, gravitating body. By analogy with electromagnetism, this fictitious force is called the gravitomagnetic force, since it arises in the same way that a moving electric charge creates a magnetic field, the analogous "fictitious force" in special relativity. The main consequence of the gravitomagnetic force, or acceleration, is that a free-falling object near a massive rotating object will itself rotate. This prediction, often loosely referred to as a gravitomagnetic effect, is among the last basic predictions of general relativity yet to be directly tested.
Indirect validations of gravitomagnetic effects have been derived from analyses of relativistic jets. Roger Penrose had proposed a frame dragging mechanism for extracting energy and momentum from rotating black holes.[2] Reva Kay Williams, University of Florida, developed a rigorous proof that validated Penrose's mechanism.[3] Her model showed how the Lense-Thirring effect could account for the observed high energies and luminosities of quasars and active galactic nuclei; the collimated jets about their polar axis; and the asymmetrical jets (relative to the orbital plane).[4] All of those observed properties could be explained in terms of gravitomagnetic effects.[5] Williams’ application of Penrose's mechanism can be applied to black holes of any size.[6] Relativistic jets can serve as the largest and brightest form of validations for gravitomagnetism.
A group at Stanford University is currently analyzing data from the first direct test of GEM, the Gravity Probe B satellite experiment, to see if they are consistent with gravitomagnetism.

A group at Stanford University is currently analyzing data from the first direct test of GEM, the Gravity Probe B satellite experiment, to see if they are consistent with gravitomagnetism.

While I am not as progressed in terms of the organization of your thought process(inexperience in terms of the education) I am holding the ideas of Mendeleev in mind as I look at this topic you've gathered. And Newton as well, but not in the way one might have deferred to as the basis if gravity research.

It is more on the idea of what we can create in reality given all the elements at our disposal. This is also the same idea in mathematics that all the information is there and only has t be discovered. Such a hierarchy in thinking is also the idea of geometrical presence stretched to higher dimensions, as one would point to mater assmptins as t a higher order preset in the development of the material of earth as to the planet.


Uncle Al,

Overview:A parity calorimetry test offers a 33,000-fold improvement in EP anomaly sensitivity in only two days of measurements.

we are not so different....that this quest may not be apparent for many, yet it is a simple question about what is contracted to help understand "principals of formation" had been theoretically developed in terms of the genus figures(Stanley Mandelstam) that we understand that this progression mathematically has been slow.

So we scientifically build this experimental progression.

But indeed, it's a method in terms of moving from "the false vacuum to the true?" What is the momentum called toward materialization?

Such an emergent feature while discussing some building block model gives some indication of a "higher order principal" that is not clearly understood, while from a condense matter theorist point of view, this is a emergent feature?


Bordeaux, France is 44.83 N

According to general relativity, the gravitational field produced by a rotating object (or any rotating mass-energy) can, in a particular limiting case, be described by equations that have the same form as the magnetic field in classical electromagnetism. Starting from the basic equation of general relativity, the Einstein field equation, and assuming a weak gravitational field or reasonably flat spacetime, the gravitational analogs to Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism, called the "GEM equations", can be derived. GEM equations compared to Maxwell's equations in SI are:[7] [8][9][10]

GEM equations Maxwell's equations
 \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E}_\text{g} = -4 \pi G \rho \  \nabla \cdot \mathbf{E} =  \frac{\rho_\text{em}}{\epsilon_0} \
 \nabla \cdot \mathbf{B}_\text{g} = 0 \  \nabla \cdot \mathbf{B} = 0 \
 \nabla \times \mathbf{E}_\text{g} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}_\text{g} } {\partial t} \  \nabla \times \mathbf{E} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B} } {\partial t} \
 \nabla \times \mathbf{B}_\text{g} = -\frac{4 \pi G}{c^2} \mathbf{J} + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}_\text{g}} {\partial t}  \nabla \times \mathbf{B} = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0 c^2} \mathbf{J}_\text{em} + \frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial \mathbf{E}} {\partial t}


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Physical geodesy: A Condensative Result

The cave was discovered in 2000The 120m-deep Cueva de las Espadas (Cave of Swords), discovered in 1912, is named for its metre-long shafts of gypsum (a calcium sulphate mineral that incorporates water molecules into its chemical formula).

And although individually there are fewer crystals in the 290m-deep Cueva de los Cristales, its beams are considerably bigger.

Professor Garcia-Ruiz and colleagues believe they can now show how these differences emerged.

Clifford of Asymptotia wrote a post talking about Mexican Super lattices.

Plato Apr 7th, 2007 at 7:30 am

I tried to look for some comparative feature on a small scale that might be associated to the cave construction and immediately thought of the geoids and “the condition” that would have formed, while “the environment was trapped” in the earth, while cooling.

Finding these kinds of stones and cutting them in half reveals some amazing crystalline structures. This used to be part of our “family outing” going through gravel pits looking for agates, and other stones. We would use the “sunlight for discovery” to capture them.

Refractive indexes?

I’ll have to show picture on my blog of the collection in the future, as well as other crystals that I had acquired.

This does provide a further thoughts on Physical geodesy?

Well I wanted to expand on this a bit here.

Gems' color form from light - such as a ruby collects all the colors of the white light-(red, blue, green, etc) and reflects red back to the sun.

Color is the most obvious and attractive feature of gemstones. The color of any material is due to the nature of light itself. Sunlight, often called white light, is actually a mixture of different colors of light. When light passes through a material, some of the light may be absorbed, while the rest passes through. The part that isn't absorbed reaches our eyes as white light minus the absorbed colors. A ruby appears red because it absorbs all the other colors of white light - blue, yellow, green, etc. - and reflects the red light to the viewer. A colorless stone absorbs none of the light, and so it allows the white light to emerge unchanged.

A calcite crystal laid upon a paper with some letters showing birefringence

If you wanted to know something about gems, when I mentioned "refractive index" is what was used in terms of how we would walk through the gravel pit at a time of day(preferably evening). This would allow the sun to shine through the agates and capture our attention, as they sat amongst all the other stones in the gravel pit. We would make a game of it, and who ever got three agates first would be a winner that day.

Opticks is a book written by English physicist Isaac Newton that was released to the public in 1704. It is about optics and the refraction of light, and is considered one of the great works of science in history.

Opticks was Newton's second major book on physical science. Even if he had not made his better-known discoveries concerning gravity and the invention of the calculus, Opticks would have given him the reputation as one of the greatest scientists of his time.

This work represents a major contribution to science, different from—but in some ways rivaling—the Principia. The Opticks is largely a record of experiments and the deductions made from them, covering a wide range of topics in what was later to be known as physical optics. That is, this work is not a geometric discussion of catoptrics or dioptrics, the traditional subjects of reflection of light by mirrors of different shapes and the exploration of how light is "bent" as it passes from one medium, such as air, into another, such as water or glass. Rather, the Opticks is a study of the nature of light and colour and the various phenomena of diffraction, which Newton called the "inflexion" of light.

In this book Newton sets forth in full his experiments, first reported in 1672, on dispersion, or the separation of light into a spectrum of its component colours. He shows how colours arise from selective absorption, reflection, or transmission of the various component parts of the incident light. His experiments on these subjects and on the problems of diffraction (which he never fully mastered) set the subject of optics on a new level.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Neutrino Mixing Explained in 60 seconds

I added this post to demonstrate the connection to what is behind the investigation to "neutrino mixing" that needs further clarification. So I put this blog post together below.

It "allows the sources" to consider the question of how we see the existing universe. How perspective has been focused toward the reductionist understanding while we ponder the very nature of the universe.

For example, when neutrinos interact with matter they produce specific kinds of other particles. Catch the neutrino at one moment, and it will interact to produce an electron. A moment later, it might interact to produce a different particle. "Neutrino mixing" describes the original mixture of waves that produces this oscillation effect.

By my very nature, I have adopted the views of the Pythagoreans in that, what I see of the universe has it's counter part as some feature within our determinations "as the background" to the "nature of all matter." It's effect, from understanding the very basis of "particle creation" has this factor to be included in our determinations of that particle in question.

So, what views shall we assign to the Higg's Boson Field? The view of the cosmos at large? We needed to see that such events can and do happen within the universe. To see them at a level that had not been considered in terms of the microstate blackhole creation that is created from such particle collisions? One needed to identify where "these points" could exist not only in the collider, but in the cosmos at large. How else could you explain the division you have assigned the make up of the cosmos?

Usually all physicists see are the remnants of a new particle decaying into other types of particles. From that, they infer the existence of the new species and can determine some of its characteristics.

So we move from the limitations of the standard model?

This is a fixture of what has been accomplished, yet, how could we see things as so different to include gravity as a feature and new force carrier? If we are to consider the energy of all these matters, then how else could you have included gravity?

To slow them down, theorists proposed a mysterious, universe-filling, not-yet-seen "liquid" called the Higgs field. Also, physicists now understand that 96 percent of the universe is not made of matter as we know it, and thus it does not fit into the Standard Model. How to extend the Standard Model to account for these mysteries is an open question to be answered by current and future experiments.

While it is some what mysterious, the applications as ancient as they may seem, they are not apart from our constitutions as we have applied our understanding of the universe it seems:)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Democritus had Passion and Heat?

It seems "humour" is pervading the internet today, so I thought I would add my take.

Democritus Laughing, by Hendrick ter Brugghen, 1628, in Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
According to legend, Democritus was supposed to be mad because he laughed at everything, and so he was sent to Hippocrates to be cured. Hippocrates pointed out that he was not mad, but, instead, had a happy disposition. That is why Democritus is sometimes called the laughing philosopher

If one had never understood the entanglement process" might one have ever understood what could happen when you mix three circles/sphere of knowledge which overlap to become the "Venn logic of approach?"

Are men suppose to be "Illogical" and "Impassionate?" Maybe "that heat" can refer to the subjective analysis of all the things we might talk about in terms of "creativity?" Yet too, all the things that could involve the human being whilst it engages in the emotive memory induced entrapment of the world inside, which may disallow "clarity of the situation?"

The Art of Doodling

A graph induced analysis of the "boring lecture?" Whose point is the "climatic schedule of the hour," could have ripples following "all the power of that one moment?" While "witnessing this event" the deeper aspect of the student is engaged with things "rising from the unconscious."

Unbeknownst to them, having withdrawn into the dream world, they brought back with them, subjective desires of their soul? Impatience, and "being to the point" while all thing allowed them to journey a long distance from the classroom?

So having drawn this "three circles" or "introducing the "graph of boredom," the idea here is to explain what is "preoccupying the mind" when it should really be paying attention?:)

Democritus, known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the value of ‘cheerfulness,’ was one of the two founders of ancient atomist theory. He elaborated a system originated by his teacher Leucippus into a materialist account of the natural world. The atomists held that there are smallest indivisible bodies from which everything else is composed, and that these move about in an infinite void space. Of the ancient materialist accounts of the natural world which did not rely on some kind of teleology or purpose to account for the apparent order and regularity found in the world, atomism was the most influential. Even its chief critic, Aristotle, praised Democritus for arguing from sound considerations appropriate to natural philosophy.
In common with other early ancient theories of living things, Democritus seems to have used the term psychê to refer to that distinctive feature of living things that accounts for their ability to perform their life-functions. According to Aristotle, Democritus regarded the soul as composed of one kind of atom, in particular fire atoms. This seems to have been because of the association of life with heat, and because spherical fire atoms are readily mobile, and the soul is regarded as causing motion. Democritus seems to have considered thought to be caused by physical movements of atoms also. This is sometimes taken as evidence that Democritus denied the survival of a personal soul after death, although the reports are not univocal on this.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Revolutions of the Archetype

The concept of Tao is based upon the understanding that the only constant in the universe is change (see I Ching, the "Book of Changes") and that we must understand and be in harmony with this change. The change is a constant flow from non-being into being, potential into actual, yin into yang, female into male. The symbol of the Tao, called the Taijitu, is the yin yang confluently flowing into itself in a circle.

How many times, not only in your waking life, did you think you had attained a certain peace, that would over take you when it seemed all was right? That you realized in your dream time, that the male/female depending on your gender, would have "image signs" within the dynamics of that unconsciousness, to maintain this balance?

The Dance of Colors

Courtesy Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection, Department of Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania Library

As if "the octave" has a place within expression. That such harmony allowed more vibration "to enter" then at any other time? Resonating with nature? So, if the arrow of time is expressed one way, which way was "the energy" ever the strongest? Which way have the matters encased?

Something "to strong" one way, having something in "reaction" to "soften it," or "change it" from what it could be projected? There is the "artful way" of such consideration's as one studies the I CHING, and this interplay of "probable outcomes?"

Encased within the "uncertainty of action in unconsciousness" might we have dismissed it as some wishful thinking, that such order rests within all of us, even as we dream and walk a path from the future to the world's past?

Who would have thought such characteristics to the structure of the family, arranged as Mothers, Fathers, sons and daughters "in the lines and there arrangements?" Only 64 possible moves? If the lines were changing, then even more so? Which ones?

The Energy Manifests

The contents of the collective unconscious are called archetypes. Jung also called them dominants, imagos, mythological or primordial images, and a few other names, but archetypes seems to have won out over these. An archetype is an unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way.

The archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an "organizing principle" on the things we see or do. It works the way that instincts work in Freud's theory: At first, the baby just wants something to eat, without knowing what it wants. It has a rather indefinite yearning which, nevertheless, can be satisfied by some things and not by others. Later, with experience, the child begins to yearn for something more specific when it is hungry -- a bottle, a cookie, a broiled lobster, a slice of New York style pizza.

The archetype is like a black hole in space: You only know its there by how it draws matter and light to itself.

Some may say I offer a "tainted verison" of what is happening with the science, by relating it to the "psychological domains?" Yet, I find it necessary to understand what is driving this quest for "banging" the Big Toe Theory of Everything and it's relations? How something can be "liminocentrically" occupying the mind in it's quest for understanding wholeness?

If it is thus then, whether you think it right as a prerequisite or not, I would have to say, that it would have to include our "psychological states" as well. Why, some lean toward identifying this aspect within the very "nature of the self" as part of the science? Not only in the cosmology at large, but in the micro perspective of what is enhanced through the constituent building blocks of matter as we exchange what this energy would look like at it's core, at a distant. We delve ever deeper into the nature, then why not into our selves as we look at this compaction of the individual process?

Not to exploit the ego into self gratification as it think it's the centre of the universe?:) But to help it understand "the laws of nature" are hidden amongst our words, dreams, and possibly have geometrical inclinations of there own, on a level that has not been understood before.

ON "Visualization and changing perspective," the domains that we reside in, make it difficult to see this "wider perspective" about our involvement within the dynamics of discovery?

Lest you understand the "emotive forces" the world has, which can colour our views, how would you know, that the world works on the physical level, has it's counterpart, in the world inside, is revealed on the outside?

So while this energy relation has been brought to view, the dynamics of "this circle" had to have a relation in the reductionist world of science, least we not understand the effect of the energy as we assign each particle it's place as an "oscillatory one?"

  • Carl Jung's Symbolical Nature
  • Sunday, October 22, 2006

    The Radius of the Little Circle

    Where a dictionary proceeds in a circular manner, defining a word by reference to another, the basic concepts of mathematics are infinitely closer to an indecomposable element", a kind of elementary particle" of thought with a minimal amount of ambiguity in their definition. Alain Connes

    With such a statement, the "purity of thought," is speaking to a much more schematic understanding as we discuss the sociological thinking of mathematicians and the worlds they fantasize about? While deeper in reality the thought process(meditative) was engaged at a very subtle level, associated with the energy all pervasive.

    Lee Smolin :
    Another wonderful spin-off is that it turns out that the charge of the electron is related to the radius of the little circle. This should not be surprizing: If the electric field is just a manifestation of geometry, the electric charge should be, too.
    THE TROUBLE WITH PHYSICS-Published by Houghton-Mifflin, Sep. 2006/Penguin (UK), Feb. 2007, Page 46

    In "Star Shine," we start from a very large circle, but there is much to see from this circle, when we consider it's radius. We think "continuity" is somehow not involved, if we freeze this circle, and call it a discrete measure of the universe's age? Yet we know to well that the motivation of this universe from a "distant point" measure today entropically lives in the multitude of complexities?

    Model apprehension is part of the convergence that Lee Smolin and Brian Greene talk about, and without it, how could we look at nature and never consider that Einstein's world is a much more dynamical one then we had first learned from the lessons GR supplied, about gravity in our world?

    On page 47 of the Trouble with Physics Lee goes on to say further down the page:

    Lee Smolin:
    Unfortunately, Einstein and the other enthusiasts were wrong. As with Nordstrom's theory, the idea of unification by adding a hidden dimension failed. It is important to understand why.

    If all one had was the "cosmological view" one could be very happy about the way in which his observations have been deduced from the measures of our mechanical means, that we say that GR is very well suited.

    Yet it has been through th efforts of reductionism that we have said, "hey there is indeed more depth to the views we have, that the mechanical measures are being tuned accordingly?"

    Juan Maldacena:
    The strings move in a five-dimensional curved space-time with a boundary. The boundary corresponds to the usual four dimensions, and the fifth dimension describes the motion away from this boundary into the interior of the curved space-time. In this five-dimensional space-time, there is a strong gravitational field pulling objects away from the boundary, and as a result time flows more slowly far away from the boundary than close to it. This also implies that an object that has a fixed proper size in the interior can appear to have a different size when viewed from the boundary (Fig. 1). Strings existing in the five-dimensional space-time can even look point-like when they are close to the boundary. Polchinski and Strassler1 show that when an energetic four-dimensional particle (such as an electron) is scattered from these strings (describing protons), the main contribution comes from a string that is close to the boundary and it is therefore seen as a point-like object. So a string-like interpretation of a proton is not at odds with the observation that there are point-like objects inside it.

    While energy is being exemplified according to the nature of the particles we see in calorimetric design, what said that the energy here is not topologically smooth in it's orientations? Even we we move our views to the quantum regime.

    Maybe having solved the "Continuum Hypothesis," we learned much about Einstein's inclinations?

    The surface of a marble table is spread out in front of me. I can get from any one point on this table to any other point by passing continuously from one point to a "neighboring" one, and repeating this process a (large) number of times, or, in other words, by going from point to point without executing "jumps." I am sure the reader will appreciate with sufficient clearness what I mean here by "neighbouring" and by "jumps" (if he is not too pedantic). We express this property of the surface by describing the latter as a continuum.Albert Einstein p. 83 of his Relativity: The Special and the General Theory

    Even Einstein had to add the "extra dimension" so we understood what non-euclidean views meant in a geometrical sense. I again refer here to Klein's Ordering of Geometries so one understands the schematics and evolution of that geometry.

    Thursday, October 19, 2006

    The Continuing Saga?

    It was Socrates' turn to look puzzled. Oh, wake up. You know what chaos is. Simple deterministic dynamics leading to irregular, random-looking behavior. Butterfly effect. That stuff. Of course, I know that, Socrates said in irritation. No, it was the idea of dynamic logic that was puzzling me. How can logic be dynamic

    So in the post before this one, I left "the thought" about the continuing Saga.

    Is it so hard that we may not understand what "reductionistic physics" has done for us that we may not look ahead to how this physics will outlay itself in the future?

    While I know in my own head how the end of science is not really the end, it is why the continuing saga has yet to be written. That's where I come in? :)

    This has been my lesson after spending time with those involved in string theory, that my generalizations may have a deeper insight then what those who live at the same fundamental level, and look at the cosmo in a very ordinary way.

    Bee 's thought about the direction of science is not a new one, and having spent considerable time letting those who look at the cosmo, must include, "reductionism," it is not without understanding this "particle shower in nature," that we learnt to appreciate the things of nature as they have been extoll to us from the forbears of research and developement.

    How ancient these notions on the "ray of creation that you might add other views here. It must be the one of physics developing. Even though I hold such "ancient views" I am reminded, that the things of nature already exist out there. We just had to recognize them.

    On the most fundamental level, I showed the rainbow, yet as mankind moved into space we now see where the space shuttle has an enormous advantage to see these interactions from the sun on our bio-sphere.

    So back to the continuing Saga.

    I gave some indicaton of this in posts delivered at cosmic variance in terms of how we look to the very nature of the sun/star and what it has sent to us for examination.

    All of these effects "unified" helps us to understand somethng very profound about our dealings with nature, and that Is where I am headed in terms of the continung saga.

    Can I call it "the prediction," that every step I outlay from this point on is the culmination of science and physics developing an attitude and comprehension about how nature has embued us with more insights/ideas/concepts/theoretics, that we just did not recognize it?? It was always there, and that we just had to recognize it?

    So if you think this too "generalized," then think about what happens at the very core of the sun/star, and then you tell me if the examples I have given are not worth thinking about, that science indeed has more to offer?

    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    Hydrogen, and the Law of Octaves

    Alex Vilenkin - Many Worlds in One article by Mark of Cosmic Variance drew my interest again after reading with a new perspective gained from understandng some implications about the "anthropic principle."

    Sometimes I even still hold to the idea it is better not to touch this topic because of the greeness with which insight has now taken over. This greeness resides against the reason with which such logic is necessary in regards ot the debate between Susskind and Smolin.

    I do not want to be blinded by the razzle dazzle either of men leading this debate, so as to the layman's pursuite of understanding, I hope to show what I am seeing?

    While I have not read the book either I am still "drawn to the debate" about what the "anthropic reasoning" is talking about at a fundamental level? Scared yes, and on wobbly legs so I continue.

    So as a layman I am curious too ,about views here and what the basis could lead too, in terms of what our universe had become?

    If "carbon" wasn't present at the beginning, then how would you explain our universe?

    Because the triple-alpha process is unlikely, it requires a long period of time to produce carbon. One consequence of this is that no carbon was produced in the Big Bang because within minutes after the Big Bang, the temperature fell below that necessary for nuclear fusion.

    Ordinarily, the probability of the triple alpha process would be extremely small. However, the beryllium-8 ground state has almost exactly the energy of two alpha particles. In the second step, 8Be + 4He has almost exactly the energy of an excited state of 12C. These resonances greatly increase the probability that an incoming alpha particle will combine with beryllium-8 to form carbon. The existence of this resonance was predicted by Fred Hoyle before its actual observation based on its necessity for carbon to be formed.

    I too hate the idea of the "law of crackpostism," yet research back to mendeleev table in regards to Newland, raised interesting ideas about the future of testbility?

    A "harmonical disseration" about the ways we will in the fuure be able to map the elements in "photonic imagery" devised to work within carbon processes?

    What were the ground rules for this universe?

    He is best known for discovering the element plutonium, with Edwin McMillan. He led the team that devised the chemical process for extraction of plutonium.

    Seaborg served as chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission from 1961 until 1971.

    He and McMillan shared the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research into transuranic elements.

    Having a framework here in which to establish the elemental nature of our universe, how is it that such principals inherent in "string theory" should not direct our attention to what is a viable indicator of what will fill the spaces between, as Mendeleev was able to do in prediction?

    While one has been introduce to the "allotopes of Coxeter," it is not without some thought that "planck length," along with the understanding of what "geometrical inhernetness?" qunatum geometry, would also spew forth from the very basis of the beginning of that big bang?

    So while I have shown the allotrope here, and dimensional perspective developed, what degrees of freedom say that the space would allow all constants of nature to be described here, and allowed such geometrical principals to form in the bucky ball of carbon, carbon nanotubes?

    It was not wihtout directing our attention to the immediacy of that big bang in the microsecond of "planck time" that we are at a loss then?

    The last major changes to the periodic table was done in the middle of the 20th Century. Glenn Seaborg is given the credit for it. Starting with his discovery of plutonium in 1940, he discovered all the transuranic elements from 94 to 102. He reconfigured the periodic table by placing the actinide series below the lanthanide series. In 1951, Seaborg was awarded the Noble prize in chemistry for his work. Element 106 has been named seaborgium (Sg) in his honor.


  • CNO and the Law of Octaves

  • Allotropes and the Ray of Creation
  • Wednesday, September 20, 2006

    CNO and the Law of Octaves

    "String theory—the hot topic in physics for the past 20 years—is a dead-end, says Smolin, one of the founders of Canada's Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics and himself a lapsed string theorist. In fact, he (and others) argue convincingly, string theory isn't even a fully formed theory—it's just a "conjecture."Publisher's Weekly

    As we keep going here let's remeber to keep our eyes open, eh?:)

    Okay just so you know Harmonics "do" color my world.

    The CNO (carbon-nitrogen-oxygen) cycle is one of two fusion reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium, the other being the proton-proton chain. While the proton-proton chain is more important in stars the mass of the sun or less, theoretical models show that the CNO cycle is the dominant source of energy in heavier stars. The CNO process was proposed in 1938 by Hans Bethe.

    Whilst I struggle, it is with the recent post it has become clear that the roles of choice in the expression of our universe has met up with the logic of "Anthropic reasoning?"


    I found the email debate between Smolin and Susskind to be quite interesting. Unfortunately, it mixes several issues. The Anthropic Principle (AP) gets mixed up with their other agendas. Smolin advocates his CNS, and less explicitly loop quantum gravity. Susskind is an advocate of eternal inflation and string theory. These biases are completely natural, but in the process the purported question of the value of the AP gets somewhat lost in the shuffle. I would have liked more discussion of the AP directly

    Up to this point this distance was kept because I really did not understand the full scope of what is being implied here, from either of Susskind or Smolin. I do not want to cloud the issue, but by association with either point of view, it seems I am destined to be called archetyphically, one or the other?

    The triple alpha process is highly dependent on carbon-12 having a resonance with the same energy as helium-4 and beryllium-8 and before 1952 no such energy level was known. It was astrophysicist Fred Hoyle who used the fact that carbon-12 is so abundant in the universe (and that our existence depends upon it - the Anthropic Principle), as evidence for the existence of the carbon-12 resonance. Fred suggested the idea to nuclear physicist Willy Fowler, who conceded that it was possible that this energy level had been missed in previous work on carbon-12. After a brief undertaking by his research group, they discovered a resonance near to 7.65 Mev.

    I had always remained at a distance with this topic only to find that I had been expressing parts of it in one way or another by assuming model implications by association. Either with Susskind or Smolin with the debate ongoing.

    Well as Plato ,I am a little different in my assumption based on a model that sees developmental attitiude towards music in ways that we had never considered before? Sound? Or, had thought arose in minds from other sources, whose philsophical based was always hidden in the mysterium of some secret given to mankind on it's journey to remembering who we are.

    So I left stories of the deluge of mankind and the secrets to be maintained in model symbologies, that would remain with us for many a day, without ever lossing it's structure.

    Okay. I've gotten a litlle extreme with PLato's name use, but in developing a heirarcheal thinking of that "ray of creation," I was always more impressed with how one may see the "elemental discernation of reality" in such photonic expressions and spectrum analysis, that matter based defintions were somehow holding the mind to matter based thinking. I did not want to be constricted by this. By emotions either. By mental impediments to clear mind and thinking.

    So by association I have been cast to the archetypal forms and shapes of thinking minds, either on one side or the other? By speaking my mind on the nature of music, that I would quickly be dispelled to crackpottery, by oneside or the other?

    “Superstring theory forms a vast and impressive mathematical framework and makes enormous claims. But where is the experimental evidence? What if your intuition tells you that this elaborate construction, shrouded by the sweet vagueness of quantum mechanics, cannot represent the complete truth? Lee Smolin is keeping his eyes open, asks sharp questions, and offers his delightful insights as a critical insider.” Gerard ‘t Hooft, Nobel Laureate, University of Utrecht

    Casting Stones

    Hey! If you can apply it to each other, then why not I, or any other, to all of the society of scientists like Peter Woit or a Sean Carroll who belong, that they could on the substance of who drives/speak about the "philosophy of life?" Speak about each other or others that would speak in regards to the concepts(pulled all the way back from "a theory")justifing the new views.

    Baby Universes

    Looking at Smolin's "baby universes" it became evident then that my views on blackholes would indeed serve as the repository of "events," that it would follow in my line of reasoning, to present "new physics." Whilst I did not know, supporting the road taken by Smolin.

    INdeed, I have always had a soft spot for his views, because of the clarity of the reasoning behind Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.

    So, where am I now in my thinking, that I should be held accountable to Susskind's views, and find that such views speak towards the photonic expressions I have about spiritual life? The roads that go beyond the basis of "Carbon based reasoning" as the predominant value of this universe? Maybe it is a "cycle in time" of this universe that the "laws in the octave of creation" wait for new energy to be put into, "raising" the octave our thinking?

    So by where, and how, such injections in the realization, that the balance of these two thinking minds shall we be elevated to a "real value" in society? One that moves towards a spiritual development, whilst breaking the shackles of a "carbon based society?"

    Whose Societal value is now aninflationary rate which has been set by the "blackgold" of human kind's dependancies.

    MIT researchers have discovered that certain molecules can attach themselves to metallic carbon nanotubes without interfering with the nanotubes' exceptional ability to conduct electricity. At left, the high conductance state has two molecular orbitals, shown in green. Some molecules even let the nanotube switch between highly conductive, left, and poorly conductive (right, with one red molecular orbital), creating the potential for new applications. (Image courtesy of Marzari Lab)

    Shall it be freedom in computerization first, or just another means to hold society to the machinations of our dependancies, and the forever "sleeping state" we like to lay back down in, afer such "revelations" have become use too?

    So the process of discovery is precendent/predictive on the developing what we need in terms of the "information age" that we will all awaken to the truth about what?


  • BigFoot: The Anomalistic Reality?
  • Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    Allotropes and the Ray of Creation

    Just thinking here about "life" in general and dreaming.

    As well, this takes us back to the article from Backreaction. This post was generated in response to Q's comment and my subsequent statements that I supplied in turn.

    Take "full note of Fermion" discription here, as well as, theoretical understanding implied.

    Just to note now that the widget on right called Dialogue of Ideas(Dialogos of Eide)supplies the ability to "rightclick" on name and then copy/paste to box ability. This enhances location and response, that you may have further to any topic.

    In this regard, Paul's thoughts on the "Reimann Hypothesis" enters here and the undertsanding that this gave to computerized processes the ability to see ULam as the developemental attitude/geometry of the Carbon, which takes on new allotropic forms.

    This illustration depicts eight of the allotropes (different molecular configurations) that pure carbon can take:

    a) Diamond
    b) Graphite
    c) Lonsdaleite
    d) Buckminsterfullerene (C60)
    e) C540
    f) C70
    g) Amorphous carbon
    h) single-walled carbon nanotube

    Review of experiments

    Graphite exhibits elastic behaviour and even improves its mechanical strength up to the temperature of about 2500 K. Measured changes in ultrasonic velocity in graphite after high temperature creep shows marked plasticity at temperatures above 2200 K [16]. From the standpoint of thermodynamics, melting is a phase transition of the first kind, with an abrupt enthalpy change constituting the heat of melting. Therefore, any experimental proof of melting is associated with direct recording of the temperature dependence of enthalpy in the neighbourhood of a melting point. Pulsed heating of carbon materials was studied experimentally by transient electrical resistance and arc discharge techniques, in millisecond and microsecond time regime (see, e.g., [17, 18]), and by pulsed laser heating, in microsecond, nanosecond and picosecond time regime (see, e.g., [11, 19, 20]). Both kind of experiments recorded significant changes in the material properties (density, electrical and thermal conductivity, reflectivity, etc. ) within the range 4000-5000 K, interpreted as a phase change to a liquid state. The results of graphite irradiation by lasers suggest [11] that there is at least a small range of temperatures for which liquid carbon can exist at pressure as low as 0.01 GPa. The phase boundaries between graphite and liquid were investigated experimentally and defined fairly well.

    Ray of Creation

    Concept image of a future integrated terabit silicon optical transmitter containing 25 hybrid silicon lasers, each emitting at a different wavelength, coupled into 25 silicon modulators, all multiplexed together into one output fiber.

    It is the "archetectual building" that goes on that we may discern the inherent nature of our pursuites? "Ray of creation," is explicit here, in terms of how such building will go on with photonic formation technologies. While imnde th weight of ole structure the sarches hold up an extreme beauty of the churches design? Gravity weight's down with it's burden?:)

    Courtesy Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection, Department of Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania Library

    Mendeleev's world come true, as we think about the "Rainbow of possibilites" in our spectrum, as well as develope the "basis of perception" that grew from "thematic realizations" from our brightest minds?? Carbon based societies, or further geometrics that remain elusive to us??

    So what about the geometrics of all this processing? Our pursuites to Gluonic perceptions where such high energy photons will deliver us informative stylizations to the early events in the cosmo? Angle of perpeptions exist, and what does it say about the photon?

    Carbon forms the backbone of biology for all life on Earth. Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. It is these elements that living organisms need, among others, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Since no life has been observed that is not carbon-based, it is sometimes assumed in astrobiology that life elsewhere in the universe will also be carbon-based. This assumption is referred to by critics as carbon chauvinism, as it may be possible for life to form that is not based on carbon, even though it has never been observed.

    "Carbon" at the very beginning of the birthing process? Maybe, just in this universe of ours?:)While, moving to the "photonic base" we delve into the spiritual implications of the "observer's choice" of materiality as a "mass enhancement" of our reasoning?

    Carbon was not created during the Big Bang due to the fact that it needs a triple collision of alpha particles (helium nuclei) to be produced. The universe initially expanded and cooled too fast for that to be possible. It is produced, however, in the interior of stars in the horizontal branch, where stars transform a helium core into carbon by means of the triple-alpha process. It was also created in a multi-atomic state

    So some will not like the "tunes we play," "the concepts" or the "model enhancements" that are less then "the Theory" that Hooft tells us about in his comments in Lee Smolin's book.

    So, we are left with the artistically inclined and those whose "thematic" realizations require them to explain to us this anomalistical nature that apparently is waiting out there for us. It is that we just have to discover/remember it?

    But until then, we are supposed to be doing science? Ahem! Apparently, we had be doing naught?:)

    I then dream.....:)

    Saturday, May 20, 2006

    Intuitive Self and Structure: My Past

    One qubit at a time by the Economist

    COMPUTING is about to hit a problem. In each new generation the components are smaller than they were in its predecessor, and the speed at which this miniaturisation is happening means that within 15 years or so a fundamental limit will be reached. At that point, not only will the strange effects of quantum mechanics hold sway, the components themselves will be on the scale of atoms and no further size-reduction will be possible. Which is why scientists and engineers are seeking new ways of building computers.

    One route they are exploring, which was discussed at a meeting held recently at the Royal Society in London, is called quantum computing. Instead of trying to overcome quantum weirdness, this technique embraces and exploits it. The thing that distinguishes a quantum computer from the sort in use today is the number of calculations it can do in parallel. Both sorts of computer use binary arithmetic, but they do so in rather different ways. A classical computer employs bits—binary digits, either zero or one—to process and store information. But a bit must be one or the other; it cannot be both at the same time. A quantum computer does not suffer from this restriction.

    Tabula rasa >(Latin: "scraped tablet", though often translated "blank slate") is the notion that individual human beings are born "blank" (with no built-in mental content), and that their identity is defined entirely by events after birth.

    Yet it is in every moment that such information should have the ability to make it's way? The past allowable in what is created in that "one moment" has the potential to become the possibility of that future. They are inevitably liinked in you, as a receptacle of possibilites?

    Quantum Phase Gate

    The basic entanglement process of two quantum systems can be considered as an elementary function for quantum information processing, a "quantum gate". A lot of attention has been devoted in the last years to the realization and characterization of quantum gates, either in NMR, ion traps or cavity QED experiments.

    Let's say we wanted to bring perspective to quantum processes in terms of computerization? There's this image in mind and the logic forming apparatus that issues from a Quantum Phase Gate.

    While I see the historical past, I also see it's application in how information processing might be philsophical endowed within mind? Is it right, I am not sure, but looking at such spaces if we can call it that, while there seems to be "no separation between the two photons of Alice and BOb" and spooky is being interpreted here what value, if such interjections of information could appeal in that "space" of the quantum phase gate?

    INteresting perspective on the term "mandorlas."

    So a historical look then, and other research, that I am doing.

    Vesica piscis(wikipedia 20 May 2006)

    The symbol is formed from the almond-shaped area in the overlap between the circles, as shown in black in the diagram — for certain purposes also including the upper arcs as far as the edges of a rectangle whose sides coincide with the widest points of the almond (as shown in light blue in the diagram). The resulting figure looks like a stylized fish, or in the extended version like a flattened Greek letter alpha.

    Seeing the earlier contribution made on Venn Logic and TA I couldn't help but see some similarities.

    In regards to mandalas as well in terms of Liminocentric structures. A historical perspective and one I gained from understanding Jung.

    While this terminology may seem foreign, it is well within context of this information, that such similarites were deduced in my own research. So, by producing these maps, it became interesting to know that if they arose from the deeper realms of the subconscious these will make themself known as emerging principals(bubbles of thought) from the waters, what said that such things could not have been part of the history of the soul, to have regained what it had once done by finding that wholenesss of being once before?

    Such research and developement if followed, leads one to the deeper understanding of what emerges from the very source of one's being. Details, the schematic drawings of lines and circles as such, to have them become modern day models, while they were once part of our history as human beings. Once, represented the complete and gathering of all the native tribes.

    So as ancient as these things are to the mind for consumption in today's world, the thought process is not tainted by that historical past, but leads one forward, from past accomplishements. Pave the way for new models to emerge in society? New models to emerge in science?

    How could information enter the synapse, as it does in the gate? It's computational significance in "backreaction?" One would have to recognize the work of Josephson and what tunneling could do? RHIC investigation ain regards to Laval analogies?

    Spintronics and implying channelling would have spin orientated possibilties? What signature would have revealled the nature of any elemental if the energy transferred through that tunnelling effect, came from the very beginnings of the universe?

    Elements and Atoms: Chapter 11
    An Unsystematic Foreshadowing: J. A. R. Newlands

    Having revealed where I stand, I invite you to examine and assess Newlands' work on the subject. This selection includes four short papers of Newlands and a report of another paper which show him struggling toward and eventually formulating the system he dubbed the "law of octaves

    Sunday, April 30, 2006

    Is the door open to the eruption of the sociology of knowledge?

    Nobody really thinks about the subtle perceptions that can make their way into the scientist's mind? Do they?

    While, I had talked about the quiet places we like to go to find that peace of mind, it might be different for each of us? Maybe for Clifford, it is the stream. Maybe for a Witten and his walks, the stream, as well?

    I spent a lot of years watching the subtle language that one can draw from the subconscious in dream time and to me such suttle obsersvation while fleeting, it always is a good idea to have a pen and paper alongside of you. Because, it happens that quick sometimes, that if you don't catch it, it sort of leaves the focal front to the tip of the tongue, as a puzzling thought about?

    This enlightenment experience is a realization about the nature of the mind which entails recognizing it (in a direct, experiential way) as liminocentrically organized. The overall structure is paradoxical, and so the articulation of this realization will 'transcend' logic - insofar as logic itself is based on the presumption that nested sets are not permitted to loop back on themselves in a non-heirarchical manner. 11

    Piercing the veil perhaps?

    Some of the things that seem to influence creativity, is the very idea of flow, and sitting by a river, "to think" might be one, or sitting high up on a mountain looking over the landscape, perhaps? Looking deep into "the space of the starry universe" above?

    Observation is really important I believe. If I were to say the "space between the heartbeat," it would not have been to unlikely, that the points between something, could ever be reduced to have it seem that our "quantum perception" has revealled a dynamical reality?

    Yes it's true. Energy calculations revealled information about the space we are living in? Nothing confusing about that. How silly then, that such a suttle perception as to the cards below would have passed our attention unsignificant?

    Anomaly and the Emergence of Scientific Discoveries[/b] Kuhn now moves past his initial topic of paradigm to scientific discovery saying that in order for there to be a discovery, an anomaly must be detected within the field of study. He discusses several different studies and points out the anomaly that invoked the scientific discovery. Later in the chapter he begins to discuss how the anomaly can be incorporated into the discovery to satisfy the scientific community.

    There are three different characteristics of all discoveries from which new sorts of phenomena emerge. These three characteristics are proven through an experiment dealing with a deck of cards. The deck consisted of anomalous cards (e.g. the red six of spades shown on the previous page) mixed in with regular cards. These cards were held up in front of students who were asked to call out the card they saw, and in most cases the anomaly was not detected.

    Attention and awareness is sometimes like listening "between the heartbeats?" Also if you look at that space what is it then filled with? I had a hard time of it trying to understand what nothing meant. It just does not make sense. Nothing is Nothing, and something out of Nothing is really a hard one to ponder for me so I had to see these dynamics working in ways that would tax the mind visually.

    So what did I do?

    Why is sound so important in the analogies of science now? Acoustically, what would the science of sound mean in our discriptions of the landscape? How does it change the way we thnk and do, and leads our thinking minds into some kind of entrainment that is rhythmetically enhanced? What does it do for the brain waves? Functional use, done in MRI study, along with the process of thinking?

    So I thought I should build a world that leads us to realize the reality we create. You think I did not think of the color of these situations? Look carefully at the ephemeral qualities of mind.

    You have to understand that the geometrical realization at the basis of my own experiences were derived from understanding the work of Carl Jung, and the mandalas he talked about.

    The way in which he might have divided up the circle according to the way our minds work. Having the anima and animus respectvely in both male and female, what really made me think of the topological function of the mind, are up top, on the enlightenment plate. Balance was needed to be struck and this is done automatically depending on our genders the balance would have been injected accordingly?

    If you think for one moment our past history is not important, what use to understand that we continue evolve within our consciousness?

    There are such designs from our expierence, to learn? You might have read my views on emotions and experience, and how we cannot change what has already happened, but we can meet the expeirence and change the attitude? That is within our power and ths is what sets up the future.

    Proceedings of Societies [Report on the Law of Octaves]
    Mr. JOHN A. R. NEWLANDS read a paper entitled "The Law of Octaves, and the Causes of Numerical Relations among the Atomic Weights."[41] The author claims the discovery of a law according to which the elements analogous in their properties exhibit peculiar relationships, similar to those subsisting in music between a note and its octave. Starting from the atomic weights on Cannizzarro's [sic] system, the author arranges the known elements in order of succession, beginning with the lowest atomic weight (hydrogen) and ending with thorium (=231.5); placing, however, nickel and cobalt, platinum and iridium, cerium and lanthanum, &c., in positions of absolute equality or in the same line. The fifty-six elements[42] so arranged are said to form the compass of eight octaves, and the author finds that chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine are thus brought into the same line, or occupy corresponding places in his scale. Nitrogen and phosphorus, oxygen and sulphur, &c., are also considered as forming true octaves. The author's supposition will be exemplified in Table II., shown to the meeting, and here subjoined:--

    In this way I sort of felt that a calm mind and a calm heart, would allow one to see the discrepancies better. I do not know if that is the truth of it, but imagine our perception going deeper then it had ever gone before? There had to be some results, from listening?

    A Chladni plate consist of a flat sheet of metal, usually circular or square, mounted on a central stalk to a sturdy base. When the plate is oscillating in a particular mode of vibration, the nodes and antinodes set up form a complex but symmetrical pattern over its surface. The positions of these nodes and antinodes can be seen by sprinkling sand upon the plates;

    If one moment you thought of the Law of Octaves above, what place "the heart" to serve for our evolving consicousness?

    The Revolution that Didn't Happen by Steven Weinberg

    I first read Thomas Kuhn's famous book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions1 a quarter-century ago, soon after the publication of the second edition. I had known Kuhn only slightly when we had been together on the faculty at Berkeley in the early 1960s, but I came to like and admire him later, when he came to MIT. His book I found exciting.

    Evidently others felt the same. Structure has had a wider influence than any other book on the history of science. Soon after Kuhn's death in 1996, the sociologist Clifford Geertz remarked that Kuhn's book had "opened the door to the eruption of the sociology of knowledge" into the study of the sciences. Kuhn's ideas have been invoked again and again in the recent conflict over the relation of science and culture known as the science wars.


  • Revolutions for Change

  • Path With a Heart
  • Sunday, November 13, 2005

    Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev: The Law of Octaves

    Dmitri Mendeleev in 1897

    Courtesy Edgar Fahs Smith Memorial Collection, Department of Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania Library

    Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev (Russian: Дми́трий Ива́нович Менделе́ев listen ▶(?)) (8 February (O.S. 27 January) 1834 in Tobolsk – 2 February (O.S. 20 January) 1907 in Saint Petersburg), was a Russian chemist. He is renowned for being one of the two scientists who created the first version of the periodic table of elements. Unlike other contributors to the table, Mendeleyev managed to predict the properties of elements yet to be discovered. In several cases he even ventured to question the accuracy of the accepted atomic weights, arguing that they did not correspond to those predicted by the Periodic Law, and here too subsequent research proved him correct.

    Now of course I have made some inferences here and who hasn't when it came to sound and it's values? I've explained this here.

    But by exploring the value of the geometric forms, of the square, and the triangle these were simplistic analogies to earth(matter) and the triangle (energy) By simple addition of both these forms, and by looking at the value of Octave=do, re, mi, fa sol la ti do, etc. There had to be a injection point for this octave to ascend?

    Now just take this as a story of the plot and look at what this plot is producing, not where science is, but of the easily converted analogies to the thinking of that sound in our universe can make to the elemental structure Mendeleev first sought out to map.

    So by joining the square and the triangle, we see where "four triangles" are produced inthe form of the pyramid.

    It also asks how can this idea of matter and energy have been sent to another octave, and hence an idealization of the Law of Octaves. So between mi and Fa, such injection would have lead any thinking to have wondered this associative function to what could transpire, if such a completion could have been modelled in the pyramid shape.

    Four primary triangles that reprsent the basis of the transmutation of energy from the four lowers states of matter considerations to the triangles, and the ascension of vibrations readily asseted to be in the most rarified of "matter forms (particle reductionism)" associative with energy at this peak?

    Proceedings of Societies [Report on the Law of Octaves]

    Mr. JOHN A. R. NEWLANDS read a paper entitled "The Law of Octaves, and the Causes of Numerical Relations among the Atomic Weights."[41] The author claims the discovery of a law according to which the elements analogous in their properties exhibit peculiar relationships, similar to those subsisting in music between a note and its octave. Starting from the atomic weights on Cannizzarro's [sic] system, the author arranges the known elements in order of succession, beginning with the lowest atomic weight (hydrogen) and ending with thorium (=231.5); placing, however, nickel and cobalt, platinum and iridium, cerium and lanthanum, &c., in positions of absolute equality or in the same line. The fifty-six elements[42] so arranged are said to form the compass of eight octaves, and the author finds that chlorine, bromine, iodine, and fluorine are thus brought into the same line, or occupy corresponding places in his scale. Nitrogen and phosphorus, oxygen and sulphur, &c., are also considered as forming true octaves. The author's supposition will be exemplified in Table II., shown to the meeting, and here subjoined:--

    Now such a colorful model of the pyramid to me in such oscillations mode seemed to reveall a dynamic form of color and it's variations. Is this what sound values of had left for us in our hydrogen spectrum mapped to see what energy valuation had occurred? The blacklines.

    So it was not long, that such idealization about the value of sound might reveal it's consolidational effect, as we compared low and high sounds of value, to this spectrum. That low sounds were very matter orientated(consolidated), while high sound were very revealing of the vibratory function of energy valuations seen at the peak of that pyramid? The height of enrgy valuations in relation to particle reductionism. So what would this pyramid reveal in the thoughts of all humanity then? Simple deduction form from model participation is all. It gave insight into the outward expression of these matters(body) fluid emotive forces, to mental states of energy valuations?

    I am not saying this is the way of it either, just that such a platform and model developememnt could have sparked other ideas, as Smolin so hopes might be revealled for further explorations into the new theoretical idea developement, to help us look at the way nature is.

    Mendeleev example is a case in point where such ideas and sound valuation seem to penetrate the mind as to the essence and nature of matter. How strange then I might be, to say, that in our very own hearts is the transition point between the lower centers of man(his earth nature), that such ascension of this vibratory thought formsanaogy of the triangle to energy) would be, held in the clear mind?

    But let's not forget some real science here.

    The beam of positively-charged ions generates a slight magnetic field that interacts with an externally-applied magnetic field. The net result is that the trajectory of a charged particle is curved to an extent that depends on its speed (determined by its mass). When the beam of a mixture of isotopes of different masses falls on a photographic plate, the different isotopes converge at different points, corresponding to the different radii of their semicircular paths.

    The mathematical equation that describes this phenomenon is: m/e = H2 r2 /2V, where m is the mass of the ion, e is the charge of the ion, H is the magnetic field strength, r is the radius of the semicircle, and V is the accelerating potential.