Showing posts with label Heisenberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heisenberg. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Developing Character in Rhetoric and Composition

Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)
-----although not a rhetorician, contributed to the field in his writings. One of the concerns of the age was to find a suitable style for the discussion of scientific topics, which needed above all a clear exposition of facts and arguments, rather than the ornate style favored at the time. Bacon in his The Advancement of Learning criticized those who are preoccupied with style rather than "the weight of matter, worth of subject, soundness of argument, life of invention, or depth of judgment." On matters of style, he proposed that the style conform to the subject matter and to the audience, that simple words be employed whenever possible, and that the style should be agreeable.

Heck I am still learning. But if I only said what you wanted to hear, then would you have heard anything different? :) You try and incorporate the logic into the statement? Here in this case, there is no arguement, because the logic can not be further reduced?

Word Play

Word play is a literary technique in which the nature of the words used themselves become part of the subject of the work. Puns, obscure words and meanings, clever rhetorical excursions, oddly formed sentences, and telling character names are common examples of word play.

All writers engage in word play to some extent, but certain writers are particularly adept or committed to word play. Shakespeare was a noted punster. James Joyce, whose Ulysses, and even more so, his Finnegans Wake, are filled with brilliant writing and brilliant word play is another noted word-player. For example, Joyce's phrase "they were yung and easily freudened" clearly conveys the meaning "young and easily frightened", but it also makes puns on the names of two famous psychoanalysts, Jung and Freud.

But here is another context of character masking that was revealled? Thinking about Francis Bacon, that one wonders, who was Shakespeare?

THE SHAKESPEARE/BACON CONTROVERSYFAUSTIN BRAY: Do you think that academia will eventually recognize this?

Who Is Arthur Young

We know well that some writers take pen names before they become established? Or hide amidst the current dealings of society. To not call attention to their positions in life, while they strive to delve into the deeper meanings or hide a message for others?:)

I learnt this early, to not complicate life, while I could have free roam, to delve into all aspects of our human natures. Struggle for, the ideals that we develope in life. Rote systemic appearances constituted from our early histories, as well shape our perceptions of society. I knew well, that if we think a certain way, whether we like it or not, we desemminate thoses principals into society, how ever it materialized, might be perceived in different ways.

So can we be artistic about it? I am, in choosing my characters becuase I saw in rhetoric and dialogue, past performaces by independant scientific researchers, this incination to go back in time, and then move forward.

Plato's cave might have seem ole fashion and constantly wornout and used, but in the scientific mind of Gerard Hooft, and his explanation of Holographical design, he wanted to push other minds to consider?

And one in which I like to consider, that a three dimensional frame work, can be arrived at from higher perception abilities. In science, four dimensional characteristics here would have understood dynamcial feature to the nature of reality, yet pinning it down to coordinates, it becomes realizstic in our minds, as a object of perception.

Heisenberg made similar use of such inclination for historical reference. His uncertainty in movement became interesting references, once we assumed a position?:)

This logic has underpinnings in how we see what can be consittuted in life. How we choose to display our positions with clarity.

That we should then find ourselves engaged because of the inhernet dialogue and espressions between each other on the internet, then we know that progression and learning, the desire, and not flaws of character dispositon should reign.

But now onto some more references for consideration here to help people digest, what could have ever arrive in our coordinated frames of reference. That we saw, other means to arrive at this conclusion. One of these means, is a Calormetric view? I use this while I think about the space between the earth and the sun. While looking at insightful ways to generate more possiblities, in the minds, that are resistant to change.

Standard particle reductionist methods have detailed how we shall see these energy considerations. So to apply a global perspectve to energy valuations, we are left to consider simpler model reductionist figures here in our talks, about climate change? Visions of non-euclidean world that few will take hold of in our consverstions. etc.

Resistance to character, should be statistics or better information?

See also,
  • Rhetoric and Composition
  • Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    The Holographical Mapping of the Standard Model onto the Blackhole Horizon

    New paper that came out yesterday written by Gerard 't Hooft

    Interactions between outgoing Hawking particles and ingoing matter are determined by gravitational forces and Standard Model interactions. In particular the gravitational interactions are responsible for the unitarity of the scattering against the horizon, as dictated by the holographic principle, but the Standard Model interactions also contribute, and understanding their effects is an important first step towards a complete understanding of the horizon’s dynamics. The relation between in- and outgoing states is described in terms of an operator algebra. In this paper, the first of a series, we describe the algebra induced on the horizon by U(1) vector fields and scalar fields, including the case of an Englert-Brout-Higgs mechanism, and a more careful consideration of the transverse vector field components.

    But before I entertain this idea, I wanted to gain some perspective. I was immediately struck by something here that changes the way we have been doing things? Recognizing the blackhole evaporation and standard model production, we are saying that indeed these things already existed in the horizon?

    Would M theory have then found it's experimental counterpart? The Bose Nova and Jet idea from collapsing bubbles has been part of the vision I speculated in what Heisenberg saw in the geometrodynamics of a nuclear explosion. See, not only were we detonating a nuclear reaction(gravitational collapse), but we were doing something beyond the perception, by going to the heart of these particle collisions.

    What makes it diffuclt for me is that having seen the blackhole dynamics in relation to bubble technlogies, that I like to use as analogies, relate too, and contain the elements of the standard model without ever entering the blackhole? How is this possible and still see the three blane collapse of the blackhole here?

    Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity by Gerard 't Hooft

    The requirement that physical phenomena associated with gravitational collapse should be duly reconciled with the postulates of quantum mechanics implies that at a Planckian scale our world is not 3+1 dimensional. Rather, the observable degrees of freedom can best be described as if they were Boolean variables defined on a two-dimensional lattice, evolving with time. This observation, deduced from not much more than unitarity, entropy and counting arguments, implies severe restrictions on possible models of quantum gravity. Using cellular automata as an example it is argued that this dimensional reduction implies more constraints than the freedom we have in constructing models. This is the main reason why so-far no completely consistent mathematical models of quantum black holes have been found.

    Essay dedicated to Abdus Salam.

    Gerard "t Hooft:No 'Quantum Computer' will ever be able to out perform a 'scaled up classical computer.'

    Holding onto the sanity of why such computerization program will run into difficulties, has not undermined the position to included and create opportunities for seeing what is happening at such reductionistic levels? To have wondered, will we gain a dynamcial visulaization of what is happening within the context of the universe as it came into being?

    With more computer power, scientists can also include more elements of the Earth's climate system, such as the oceans, the atmosphere, their chemistry and the carbon cycle.

    This should make forecasts of future temperature rises more reliable. Keiko Takahashi, who works at the Earth Simulator Centre, says they have already carried out several experiments that look 50 years ahead.

    There is difficulties with doing this, and like LIGO or a SEti work in progress, how shall this information allows us to see the interactions in a consistent model? So dealing with these difficulties has been part of Gerard 't Hoofts analysis to see that others too, work hard to deal with issues of information paradox?

    Part of this difficulty in computerized model application, would have been transfer rates of information from such quantum levels. Lubos gives some insight here. Although it has been very nice that such visualization techiques could be applied to this data transfer, from what we understand of particle reductionsism. Within context of the larger universe, how detailed shall has our observations become of the world around us?

    These images contrast the degree of interaction and collective motion, or "flow," among quarks in the predicted gaseous quark-gluon plasma state (Figure A, see mpeg animation) vs. the liquid state that has been observed in gold-gold collisions at RHIC (Figure B, see mpeg animation). The green "force lines" and collective motion (visible on the animated version only) show the much higher degree of interaction and flow among the quarks in what is now being described as a nearly "perfect" liquid. (Courtesy of Brookhaven National Laboratory)

    The goal of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is to link roughly 6,000 scientists so they can perform large-scale experiments and simulations to help the world better understand subatomic particles. The grid will ultimately link more than 200 research institutions.

    "This service challenge is a key step on the way to managing the torrents of data anticipated from the LHC," Jamie Shiers, manager of the service challenges at CERN, said in a statement. "When the LHC starts operating in 2007, it will be the most data-intensive physics instrument on the planet, producing more than 1,500 megabytes of data every second for over a decade."

    Gerard 't Hooft recognized this problem and when we see such scattering ideas from blackhole standard model production particles, how shall we see this event in terms of what is sent back for examination? It would mean considering the context of Gerard's paper there is no information loss? No missing energy events?

    Thus the consistent model frame, from blackhole production underlying framework would disavow any ideas relating to energy in and energy out imbalance held in context of gravitonic production as part of the standard model production? The horizon area would become a balanced view?

    Using the ideas of Clementine and the graduation to Grace, it seemed that I was leading to a good comprehensive view of the bubble technicalities as they contained the missing energy, but moving too "this view of Gerard's" might endanger how we approximate the whole view of this missing energy, with the easy removal of that missing energy scenario? Would this be consistent with the overall encompassed view that the grvaiton has emerged from the extension of this standard model to say oh, it's okay we can remove this and fnd comfort with the existing framework without other contentions issues like missing energy to deal with this?

    Do we have Proof of this Missing Energy? If the answer is yes, then the issue has not been resolved?

    Thursday, March 03, 2005

    Brane New World

    If some thought is beyond comprehensible to engage string theory and come away with some simple statement about it, imagine if we are taken to the new heights that Brane New World might implicate.

    But first, having understood something about the matrix involved I tried to educate myself and look for the thread that would bring feynman to dirac for his toy model production.

    P.A.M. Dirac was a gifted mathematical inventor who saw how quantum mechanics rises from classical mechanics, yet transcends it. Dirac did not know of the Bohr atom when he arrived at Cambridge in 1923; yet he quickly began contributing to the mathematical structure demanded by quantum phenomena, discovering the connection between the Poisson bracket and the commutator of Heisenberg”s matrix representation of observables. Then, with careful attention to its classical antecedent, Dirac found the equation governing the evolution of the matrix elements which had eluded Heisenberg in the operator ihdA/dt = [A,H]. He then went on to discover spinors in describing the relativistic electron and antimatter implied by the quantum in relativistic space-time. Dirac conceived the many-time formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics and laid the foundations of the Feynman path integral thereby opening the way to quantum electrodynamics. Newton synthesized the foundations of classical mechanics. In fitting kinship, Dirac, who did the equivalent for quantum mechanics, filled the chair at Cambridge held by Newton.

    Well when I moved to the higher dimensions it became extremely difficult to understand that if in Brane New World antics as revealled by Dvali, these concepts are simply discussed, but have far reaching implications.

    Dvali uses the analogy of a metallic sheet submerged in water to illustrate the principle. If one hits the sheet with a hammer, shock waves will carry away the energy in all directions. "Most of the energy will travel along the two-dimensional surface. Only at a substantial distance away from the source will the energy loss to water be appreciable," he said. "According to our picture, we are in a very similar situation. We think gravity is 'normal' because we only measure it directly at relatively short distances, but cosmic acceleration indicates leakage.

    This simple visualization does more to ask, how we could look at what is being held to this brane, to understand that the way that vibration moves across his example, would have some correpsondance somewhwere else for consideration.

    It is always easy to visualize the three coordinated universe as a box, and if using loop amplitudes within context of Greg" Egan's example, you are going to meet the faces that these loops reflect. This pointed to something beyond the faces of these coordinates for me, to realize, that beyond the four dimensinal views there was a world that we were missing in consideration. Those missing energy events speak to this, for me.

    So the following picture I hope clarifies what I have been saying for sometime from a M Theory perspective.

    Unfortunately the image I had on file is no longer connected to it's source so the site gone takes the image with it. This logic was part of the developement I see in the interenet that would reveal the source and not compromize it's auhtor's rights?

    So of course I had to go look at how I would see Dvali's statements about the hammer heating the metal sheet.

    Wednesday, February 09, 2005

    Blackhole Production and Sonluminence

    John Ellis:The quark-gluon plasma - if it exists and is being produced at RHIC - is considerably more complicated than was thought a few years ago. It seems to be an almost perfect, strongl-interacting fluid with very low viscosity. Theoretically, there have been some very interesting developments relating the plasma to string theory, as well as strongly-coupled supersymmetric gauge theory and ideas from condensed-matter physics, e.g., in nano-Kelvin Bose-Einstein condensates.

    I have been interested in finding a consistent geometrical/topological system to undertanding our universe. When we look to the reductionistic principles, I couldn't help but be attracted to the idealization of bubble nucleation, and if such was the case, then such an idea had to emerge from a very hot time.

    Can we entertain such bubble nucleations within the context of these experiments?

    Would M theory have then found it's experimental counterpart? The Bose Nova and Jet idea from collapsing bubbles has been part of the vision I speculated in what Heisenberg saw in the geometrodynamics of a nuclear explosion. See, not only were we detonating a nuclear reaction(gravitational collapse), but we were doing something beyond the perception, by going to the heart of these particle collisions.

    Part of this process for me, was looking for a situable framework in which the gravitational collpase could induce the geometrics /topological explanations that would go hand in hand with these processes. So as theoretical this may sound, before such plasmatic states of existance are developed, what would we see at this level in relations to such bubble nucleations?

    The second plume of antimatter was unexpected and has yet to be explained. "The origin of this new and unexpected source of antimatter is a mystery," said Northwestern University physics professor William Purcell.

    In the Bose NOva such jets would seem beyond the approach of the micrososmic idealization but if such consistancies could exist, how would we describe the relationship between the very large to the very small? The geoemtrics/topological would have to be compatible?

    So in looking for this way in which such energy could go through a increase to generate the needed energy, the collapse of the blackhole would initiate this energy production by tapping the source?

    Such Gravitonic condensation would have initiated the booms by contracting the blackhole. Such allegorical relations were developing in my mind about how such gravitons could amassed from such intiated responses, that I looked to sonoluminece as to how such nuclear reaction could have been initiated for energy creation?

    I then saw such relations on how grvatons would have been move within the balckhole in comparative sounds vibration being moved witin t ebubbles for reaction. All highly speculative on my part and of course needing correction.

    Tuesday, November 30, 2004

    A Classical Discription of the Quantum World?

    D Orbital

    Orbitals are probability diagrams. Specifically, an orbital describes a region in space where there is a 90% change of finding an electron. The electron is never restricted to an orbital as in travels around a nucleus, but it seems to keep returning to this particular region even though its behavior is random. The concept of the orbital differs from Bohr's concept of the orbit. Bohr considered an orbit to be a path that the electron always followed much like a train stays on a track. The concept of the orbital was developed in Schrodinger's work to avoid violating the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In the Modern Theory of Atomic Structures a picture of an orbital is also called a Probability Diagram. By agreement among chemists, the orbital is a 90% Probability Diag ram. This idea allows the electron to be found anywhere and still indicates where the electron spends most of its time.

    How would one remove the uncertainty principals from the small world but to have considered the probability density distributions? Below is a link that I saw early in my investigations that I had wondered, forced me to look at what could have been happening within the cosmo with events, that would release information into the bulk?

    Electron’s probability density distribution for an atom in the state; n=4, l=4, m=0.

    The star Eta Carina is ejecting a pair of huge lobes that form a "propeller" shape. Jet-like structures are emanating from the center (or "waist"), where the star (quite small on this scale) is located.

    If string theory, in the Kaluza Klein tower energy determinations could have discriptively spoken to the particle natures, why was it not possible to map the nature of these particles, in gravitational information released from these cosmological events?

    If information in the bulk has been released, then this information has been geometrically defined in the gravity waves that we would percieve here on earth? Ligo would have performed its ability to then map the configurations that we see happening in that same cosmos. What made this visualization interesting is if photon release was specific to electromagnetic events held to the brane, then our perception of this energy, would have been left for us to consider in those same gravitational waves?

    Wednesday, November 03, 2004

    Quantum Harmonic Oscillator

    Let us see how these great physicists used harmonic oscillators to establish beachheads to new physics.

    Albert Einstein used harmonic oscillators to understand specific heats of solids and found that energy levels are quantized. This formed one of the key bridges between classical and quantum mechanics.

    Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrödinger formulated quantum mechanics. The role of harmonic oscillators in this process is well known.

    Paul A. M. Dirac was quite fond of harmonic oscillators. He used oscillator states to construct Fock space. He was the first one to consider harmonic oscillator wave functions normalizable in the time variable. In 1963, Dirac used coupled harmonic oscillators to construct a representation of the O(3,2) de Sitter group which is the basic scientific language for two-mode squeezed states.

    Hediki Yukawa was the first one to consider a Lorentz-invariant differential equation, with momentum-dependent solutions which are Lorentz-covariant but not Lorentz-invariant. He proposed harmonic oscillators for relativistic extended particles five years before Hofstadter observed that protons are not point particles in 1955. Some people say he invented a string-model approach to particle physics.

    Richard Feynman was also fond of harmonic oscillators. When he gave a talk at the 1970 Washington meeting of the American Physical Society, he stunned the audience by telling us not to use Feynman diagrams, but harmonic oscillators for quantum bound states. This figure illustrates what he said in 1970.

    We are still allowed to use Feynman diagrams for running waves. Feynman diagrams applicable to running waves in Einstein's Lorentz-covariant world. Are Feynman's oscillators Lorentz-covariant? Yes in spirit, but there are many technical problems. Then can those problems be fixed. This is the question. You may be interested in reading about this subject: Lorentz group in Feynman's world.

    Can harmonic oscillators serve as a bridge between quantum mechanics and special relativity

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004

    Plato's Cave and Heisenberg, 21st Century with Witten

    Breaking Symmetry

    Here I sit in Brane world and the idea of "Pants" reaching different dimenisons seems intrigueing to me. Far beyond the views that one see from the light shining, from the open mouth of the cave, some far reaching ideas are manfesting into the world we see today. How weak then, the gravity in a world that has become solidly defined? Who entropic disorder has spoken to this solid and that solid, and from the light it all began?

    Entropic Systems and Black Holes
    The laws of thermodynamics, including the fact that heat energy will never flow from a colder to a hotter location, support the belief in entropy: in a closed system, energy will eventually wind down to zero

    But wait by its very action, it's collapse, the supersymmetrical reality is envisioned as heat begins to generate. So we have within this universe, a method by which moments that had been defined in our beginnings, might now find itself expressed agin in the cosmo(a closed system?)


    And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: --Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.

    Plato's Republic

    [Glaucon]True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

    [Socrates]And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the shadows?

    [Glaucon]Yes, he said.